View Full Version : Road-hog or Tail-gator

07-11-2008, 02:19 AM
Just to stir the pot let's hear your opinions on this scenario:

1. Your driving along hunting at a slow pace when someone pulls up behind you, there no room to pass unless you pull over. What do you do, how does it make you feel?

2. Reverse the scenario: you have to get home because your wife has to work an evening shift, you start to head home not racing, but not hunting speed either. You come around the bend and there is a truck infront no room to pass.

07-11-2008, 03:45 AM
to me a road is meant to be driven on. if someone is hunting on it then they should expect vehicles to be on it as well, and just because a truck or car goes past doesn't meant that all the game ahead is going to be spooked off. if someone is going to be mad because someone is going to pass them road hunting then maybe they should choose a different area/strategy. my 2 cents

07-11-2008, 06:07 AM
1. I simply pull over. We have connected on game even after being passed by a yahoo.
2. I would make the move to pass. (or perform the PITT manouver JK) Seriously I would get close to the other vehicle and signal that I need to pass.

07-11-2008, 08:14 AM
Pointandshoot is right on the money. I can't imagine a roadhunter not trying to find somewhere to pull off when another vehicles pulls up behind.

07-11-2008, 08:22 AM
Pull over, you might see something better for the time your stopped!!!

07-11-2008, 09:23 AM
I don't get the question, why wouldn't you pull over?

07-11-2008, 09:32 AM
Pull over, wait 10 minutes, drive a little, shoot the animal they missed!

07-11-2008, 09:52 AM
Pull over for sure. This happened to me when I was younger. Driving home, got stuck behind a guy road hunting, he was going 10-15km/h tops. We motioned several times for him to pull over, he had lots of places to pull over, he didn't. After few minites or so of this we see a buck jump out onto the road ahead of this moron, VERY CLOSE, he stops, brings out his rifle, that looked like it had a telscope strapped to it, and proceeds to miss the buck.......twice! My uncle and I at this time were only using iron sights so needless to say a little frustrated. I must say it did make us feel a little better to make our smart ass comments when he let us pass after this.

07-11-2008, 12:23 PM
I have had speed demons come up on my tail when I was heading into a hunting spot, pulled over let them pass, continue on when the dust has settled only to have a critter pop out to see what all the fuss was about. Years ago when I was much younger I was hunting with a friend of my dads who was a speed demon road hunter (never got anything) kept asking him to slow down. We passed these guys like a bat out of hell, I watched in my rear view as they stopped and shot a moose we just drove by. I say let them pass.

07-11-2008, 12:27 PM
Pull over, let the faster vehicle pass. Get lazy arse off the seat and quit road hunting (diclaimer- unless physically handicapped) :)

07-11-2008, 03:51 PM
I always let people pass,game hides just off the road when they hear a vehicle coming and after it passes they think it`s safe and step out.I`ve spotted a lot of game this way.
AND roadhunting is perfectly legit if you get off work and you only have an hour or so of light.I`m lucky I can do it on my way home.:-D

07-11-2008, 05:34 PM
Pull over, let the faster vehicle pass. Get lazy arse off the seat and quit road hunting (diclaimer- unless physically handicapped) :)

I can't walk to my hunting areas and yes I road hunt till I get to the area I want to hunt that day.

I have always let guys pass, however I won't try to pass someone or ride their bumper if they let me pass great but I followed one guy for close to an hour one day.

07-11-2008, 05:50 PM
road hunting is not hunting! There is absouletley no skill involved.

07-14-2008, 10:04 AM
road hunting is not hunting! There is absouletley no skill involved.

Some folks are very talented at bailing out of a truck (or rolling down the window) and loading their rifle quickly.

I will always tailgate and highbeam those that insist on driving well below what road conditions dictate if they don't pull over when safe to do so.

07-14-2008, 10:41 AM
Hey Dino, there is a lot of skill required to road hunt, have you ever tried to drive with a cold beer between your legs and a loaded rifle in your lap while driveing with one hand while the other is holding a spotlight.:lol: :D

07-14-2008, 11:20 AM
I would pull over .Or drive faster .One morning while heading out to hunt goats I took a backroad( in case I might see a buck on the way ),instead of a 20 mile ride on the highway.Just as it is getting light out I get behind a pickup on the dirt road .I am not really hunting as I still have a 40 mile ride on the logging road .Well this pickup sees me behind but will not pull over .
So for 12 miles I dog his a$$ . When we reach a major intersection he finally lets me pass .As I drive by I recognize this guy and his partner . They wave as I go by .I just gave them a blank stare .

Later I hear from one of my buddies that the guy told him that when he is the first truck up the road, that he OWNS the road .

We all own the road so if someone gets behind you pull over and let them pass .If they get in front and then proceed to drive slow and road hunt then that is just as bad .

BiG Boar
07-14-2008, 11:30 AM
Jack your truck up higher, they will let you by when your tires touch their bumper. mu hahaha

07-14-2008, 11:53 AM
First, I am not going to stand on a soap box and say I don't or have never road hunted. When we are heading to or from hunting areas during daylight hours, or driving new roads looking for hunting areas, we go slow because you see more game that way. And yes, I'd be the first one to bail out with my bow and take a shot a deer if I could. But having said that, I think the only reason "DEDICATED ROAD HUNTERS" would not pull over and let people pass is because they figure the guy they let by will see and shoot the deer that may be standing on the road before they get to it. If that was the case, I am not going to crawl at a snails pace if I am heading somewhere just to give some guy a chance to kill a deer road hunting. Whenever we see someone that is obviously road hunting or see the tell tail truck at the side of the road, doors flung open with no one in sight, we just slow down, give them their space and keep going. And all I've encountered let you pass with and usually with a friendly wave.

07-14-2008, 12:18 PM
I get this all the time. I catch up to some hunters driving slowly down the road thinking they are the first ones up the road in the morning. They won't let me pass fearing that I'm going to shoot their bullwinkle. But really I'm just trying to get to work, so I tailgate until either they let me go by or I know of a good wide straight stretch to pass. The really funny part is I'll often pass 3 or 4 of these guys who think they're the first on the road. Then when I get to the jobsite some of the other guys have been there for hours already. :lol:
So if you're cruising down a bush road and a big red Dodge comes flying up behind you please get out of the way. Cause it's probably me, and I'm late for work.:roll:

07-15-2008, 12:59 AM
Just to stir the pot let's hear your opinions on this scenario:

1. Your driving along hunting at a slow pace when someone pulls up behind you, there no room to pass unless you pull over. What do you do, how does it make you feel?

2. Reverse the scenario: you have to get home because your wife has to work an evening shift, you start to head home not racing, but not hunting speed either. You come around the bend and there is a truck infront no room to pass.
Both scenarios- never had a problem. We always pull over when someone is behind us. (usually we wait a few minutes before moving on)
Catching up to a vehicle- people always pull off to let us pass(probably because of the car lights, driving a diesel & probably because we look so mean:evil:)

07-15-2008, 03:58 AM
First of all I would not put myself into that spot.

I would always give myself lots of time in order to get there to hunt and get home well before the time I should be home.

I always get to my hunting spot 1hr befor shooting light ,sometimes earlier.

As far as someone not pulling over ,I would give them a few horn calls then if they did not pull over I would wait till i could pass them ,then do so.

Reversing the table I would pull over if I was the road hunter and let the person go buy ,thats the gentleman thing to do for anyone if your not going the speed limit.