View Full Version : My biggest Rainbow

06-18-2008, 12:02 AM
I went fishing today again. I wasn't planning to go, but I had some spare time this morning. I caught this rainbow on my first cast. I closed the bail on my spinning rod after I made the cast and I felt a big tug and this fellow was on the end of my line! He's the biggest rainbow I ever caught, but of course the ones I lost were way bigger.:grin:


One Shot
06-18-2008, 12:16 AM
That's a respectable size fish. Good catch.

06-18-2008, 06:17 AM
Yes that is a nice fish. I think I know just how far off that little island you were when you caught it too. I was there last Tues. Caught 29 of his kin. Some smaller some bigger but the majority about the same size. Kept 4, lost 3. Boated and released the rest. Stopped because I ran out of bait. First time ever. Had to be the best days fishing on the southern Island ever. Heading out hopefully this week-end with a 7 yr old to get her first fish. With any luck they'll be biting as hard again and she will have a hoot. At least I hope so.
Ate them the next day. They were pretty tasty too. Was pleasantly suprised with that as they can be a little muddy tasting this time of the year from that lake. Must be the cool spring I guess.

06-18-2008, 07:12 AM
Wow, is that ever small! Oh, it was caught on the Island! Wow, is that ever big!

06-18-2008, 08:48 AM
Thanks One Shot.

Statler, I think your wife told me about it already at the bank. No kidding. Does Pacific Coast ring a bell? I've never seen the fishing this good either. I think it has something to do with the cold and rainy weather we've been having. Do you fish out of a beige colored canoe?

johnk, Yea it's small for the Interior, but it's big for me and good size for the Victoria area. A friend has been catching bigger ones and I'll keep trying.:grin:

06-18-2008, 10:18 AM
Yes sir. Tis a small world. She actually mentioned talking to you. Too funny. Nope don't have a canoe but I did paint my harbourcraft flyfisher in a biege, fern and grass, camo pattern. Trying to hide from the ducks not the fish. What are you fishing out of? Maybe we'll bump into each other on the water. Will have to say hello. Always enjoy meeting other HBC people.

06-18-2008, 01:02 PM

Island trout are going nuts too.
Just caught my best 4lb 20 inch trout on a dry fly.


06-18-2008, 03:35 PM
Statler, yea small world. I fish from shore and I won't be taking my canoe out fishing until I rig up some pontoons. I'll keep my eyes open for you next time I'm out fishing.

358Win, nice fish! All my fishing has been on the South Island lately, I did some fishing at Cowichan Lake whae I was camping a couple of weeks ago, but only caught a couple of small ones after a lot of fishing. A friend said they were doing very well at Lizard Lake last week.

06-18-2008, 04:16 PM
Nice fish wherever you are at. Sure has a square tail.