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05-21-2008, 11:32 AM
His father left us a year and a half ago to much to lose in such a short period of time. Conner’s illness hit fast, one morning he was playing hard with our other dog then an hour later he could hardly stand up. He was strong and healthy but when all the x-rays, ultrasounds, and blood work were done we could not escape the inevitable; my big strong boy was dying. A malicious tumor on his spleen had ruptured, he was bleeding to death. Our vet is one in a million, instead of sitting on the fence with cold percentages and unjustified hope she told us our options but finished by saying “if this was my companion I would only do one thing end his pain”…and that we did.
He was in good enough shape to spend his last night at home, although are vet had prepared us for the worst, labored breathing leading to death, or the best we could hope for was he would pass in his sleep. But the intravenous fluids did there job when we left the vet hospital Conner was surprisingly well. A quick trip to Burger King for some double bacon cheese burgers then home for an all night movie marathon with a pizza delivery at 3am, extra meat. My boy meet his end they way he lived it, strong, happy, and on his feet. He met the vet at the door tail wagging.
His life ended how it began twelve and a half years ago, on the couch wrapped in his favorite blanket surrounded by the ones who loved him and who he loved.
His final resting place will be in a hand carved mallard decoy done by world class decoy carver Ian Feir, a fitting tribute to a world class dog.
Safe Journeys!

Conner pheasant hunting

Conner and his father Zack in their "field blinds"


Conner at 12 years old with his first Chuckar


05-21-2008, 11:39 AM
Sorry for the crappy time your going through . The last night sounded like a good one .

05-21-2008, 11:43 AM
I am truly sorry for your loss Zaconb. It sounds like he lived a great life.

It always saddens me to read posts about dogs leaving us, I know the hurt the owners are feeling. There are no words to heal that pain.

But, it does help when I realize how many great dog owners there are out there, particularly in the hunting community
You are certainly one of them.

05-21-2008, 11:59 AM
Rick....sorry to hear about Conner. I am sure you have many great memories of time spent with him and take solace in that he lived a long happy life.

05-21-2008, 01:26 PM
Sorry to read this Ric. You will miss him for sure.
Wish I had had the opportunity to hunt over him. Had the privilage to hunt with GSP's before and they are awesome dogs. That point in the picture is what it's all about.
Looks like you have some great pictures to go along with the memories.
Take care,

05-21-2008, 01:41 PM
Broke my heart to hear this story. I still have nightmares about my last dog--she was sick too, and a parting at home with family beats some horrible death in the woods or from a car. Count yourself lucky to be near him.

05-21-2008, 02:25 PM
Sorry for your loss zaconb, its been just over a year since I had to put my lab down. I would like to tell you it gets easier with time....:sad:.....I guess eventually it will.


05-21-2008, 09:54 PM
Sorry for your loss of your buddy, it's never easy.

05-21-2008, 11:03 PM
so sorry to hear. I know that pain all too well

05-22-2008, 08:15 PM
Once again a story that hurts the heart.
Sad to hear of your loss.

05-22-2008, 08:52 PM
Sorry for your loss zaconb.
I know your pain, it is about the only downside of gundogs.

05-22-2008, 09:35 PM
Sorry to see anyone lose a good dog, but it sounds like you had the good sense to send him off with a smile on his face. I just hope that when it comes my buddy's time I'll have the ability to do the same for him.
As Will Rogers said so appropriatly, "If there are no dogs in heaven then I want to go where they went."

1/2 slam
05-29-2008, 06:17 PM

Sorry to hear of your loss. I got a English Pointer pup last year and we're so attached to each other that I can't imagine loosing her.

05-29-2008, 09:25 PM
My Dad was a lutheran minister and a hunter. when my springer passed I was 15. many days together teaching each other to hunt. Dad told me the Lord knows how much these animals mean to us and I would most likely see him in heaven. I believed it then and I believe it now. take heart!