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View Full Version : Electric fence

05-18-2008, 10:14 AM
My 7 mos old lab is now digging under my fencing and eating My neighbors dog food:frown:. Im looking at the Guardian Pet Training system. This is an electric containment fence that gives her a zap if she gets to close.Canadian tire has then for $179. Anyone have expierence with this unit? Any info is appreciated.Rob

05-18-2008, 10:41 AM
i trained my boxer cross with an electric fence, didnt take too long before i unplugged it and just left the wire to define areas of avoidance , eventually we just took down the wire and our dog just kind of " got it "

05-18-2008, 11:30 AM
My 7 mos old lab is now digging under my fencing and eating My neighbors dog food:frown:. Im looking at the Guardian Pet Training system. This is an electric containment fence that gives her a zap if she gets to close.Canadian tire has then for $179. Anyone have expierence with this unit? Any info is appreciated.Rob

perhaps you should try buying the same dog food as your neighbour for your pooch

I am sorry Rob - I couldn't resist being a smart tushy heheheheheh

I know electric fences stop horses from jumping fences etc. so giving the fence a try may be a solution - and if it isn't successful I am certain there is a money back kind of guarantee


05-18-2008, 11:41 AM
Bought that system for my doberman. Upgraded the wire though. I needed about 1000 ft and the wire it came with was a little undersized I thought to carry the required voltage. Now it works perfectly. My buddy gave me an "invisible fence" brand but I found the replacement batteries to be difficult to locate and they were quite expensive. With the gaurdian it takes batteries similiar to a camera battery( a short version of a "AA") and if you buy them at a battery supply, like interstate, they are very reasonable. Lasts for 8-10 months before having to replace them.
Have had the system for over a year now and no problems.
Only thing though, a dog will at times go through them if the desire is stong enough. Like if a squirrel were to get to close.. chase is on! Other than that I find it to be a great system.
Was easy to train her too. Just had her cross it once. She got quite a scare out of it and ran for the house. Couldn't even drag her back to it. She gave me a look that I'm not playing this fool game with ya and I left it at that. She has kept her distance from it since. Hope it helps.

Slime green cat
05-19-2008, 08:10 PM
Spend a little more and get this one http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/templates/pod/horizontal-pod.jsp?_DARGS=/cabelas/en/common/catalog/pod-link.jsp_A&_DAV=MainCatcat603205-cat20871_TGP&rid=&indexId=cat20871&navAction=push&masterpathid=&navCount=1&parentType=index&parentId=cat20871&id=0005408

A friend of mine has this one and it works great, its wireless so you can take it anywhere ... he brings it over to my place and just leaves his dog outside unfenced, he sets it so the dog can only go to the end of my front yard and thats it ... works great .
He also brought it up to a cabin we stayed in last summer .... plugged it in, set it to a 100 yards or so and then the dog could still run around a bit, but couldn't go far enough to get in trouble or bother any of the other people up there .
I would think you could even run it off your truck battery while camping with an inverter :idea: I dont think it uses much power .