View Full Version : Tame White Tail

04-16-2008, 08:12 PM
Evening everyone,
So I was out at my inlaws last night and there were 2 white tail does in the back yard. One lady there looked at me and said that one of those does was tame enough I could pet it. I said bullshit and strapped on my shoes. Well.... Sure enough the deer let me come right up to it. One of the does went running but the other just stayed right there. I walked right up and was rubbing her all down and she wasn't scared at all. Didn't have a cam or I would have got pics. Anyone else had this happen?


04-17-2008, 07:05 PM
You rubbed her where??? Stop harrassing the wildlife.

04-17-2008, 07:24 PM
I did that to a cougar the other night ;) one drove off the other stayed ;)

04-17-2008, 07:36 PM
we had a deer that would come and kick the door. He wanted to be fed. On Chrismas someone tyed red bows on his antlers. We called him george. When he knocked on the door I would go outside and shake the crab apple tree then all the deer would run over to eat. He loved to have his head scratched.

04-17-2008, 07:41 PM
there used to be one like that just west of town .... My Dads friends Daughter found it as a 2 day old with a busted leg on the river bank on their property ...nursed it back to health etc... eventully she brought her fawns up to the house ... evidently that went on for years ...

Eventully my Dads friend sold their property and I lost touch with the rest of the story ...This would have been just about 20 years ago

04-17-2008, 07:57 PM
A family friend found an orphaned fawn and brought her home with him. She slept on his couch until she got too big for the house. She was house trained like a dog. When she go to big for the house, she was put in the barn with the cows. She had her fawns in the barn and they were raised the same way as she was. Then he bought an island (yes an island) just across from Saltry Bay Ferry Terminal and he moved there so the deer ended up being given to a game farm because our freinds were American and could not transport deer over the border to the island :(. I know my mom has photos of "Squeeky" the deer on his couch. Funny too because our freind was an avid hunter and had every type of firearm you could think of and his game room was amazing yet here he raised these deer as pets as well as he had a bear cub for a while too until the neighbours complained and he gave to a zoo.

04-17-2008, 09:09 PM
Im not sure I believe in all this "tame deer " stuff...;) I DO know I send Susan..MY dear... out every spring to do interviews for fall hunting season and where the deer are ...her interviews with the deer are usually very successful...lol :eek:



04-18-2008, 10:31 PM

Get ur mind outta the gutter and go hang some board, ok?! :biggrin:


You rubbed her where??? Stop harrassing the wildlife.

The Hermit
04-20-2008, 10:37 AM
Im not sure I believe in all this "tame deer " stuff...;) I DO know I send Susan..MY dear... out every spring to do interviews for fall hunting season and where the deer are ...her interviews with the deer are usually very successful...lol :eek:



THAT is a GREAT picture!

04-20-2008, 10:47 AM
not so great a photo NEITHER deer(dear) was smiling...:tongue:..

lol.....ya I like it too...

Rest of the story..2 hours AFTER this photo Susan ended up in the EMERGENCY DEPT...on Ivs' ..epinepheren...etc etc etc..ends up she is ALLERGIC to deer hair..and had a anaphylactic reaction..:eek:..on the way home m itchy..scratchy throat satrted getting tight..difficulty swallowing..and then wheezing ... so straight to hospital...beinga Paramedic you dont want to be overreacting and treating everything as an EMERGENCY..however this time it WAS ..Susan responded well to TX..and now I carry an ana kit.....and during deer hunting Susan doesnt help while the hide is on...she can and does enjoy a good deer steak...retaliation???:tongue:


04-20-2008, 11:26 AM
I did that to a cougar the other night ;) one drove off the other stayed ;)

Cougars are pretty hard to get rid of once you call them in...