View Full Version : hunt sabs, what to do?

04-16-2008, 02:48 PM
last year some hunt sabs ruined my bear hunt. when they saw the bear corpse one of our party was prepping they went into our camp and let off stink bombs so there was no way we could sneak up on a bear they also threw my tent in the lake!http://www.canadiangunnutz.com/forum/images/smilies/mad.gif our party member was oblivious because we were prepping the bear further down the road where a pre existing game pole was erected.
the rest of us where out hunting.

a threatening letter was left on the picnic table,(you murdering... scum... what if we hunted you?) and so on.

how do we deal with these people?http://www.canadiangunnutz.com/forum/images/smilies/frown.gif

and now a week ago i was out with some friends and a chick i did not know was there. i was talking about my plans for may 10 and this chick was just sitting with us and listening. then all of a sudden she pipes up and says"my boyfriend and i will go up there that weekend and stand in front of you every time you try to murder those poor bears!" then she gets up and walks off. wierd eh?:confused:

04-16-2008, 02:54 PM
just so everyone knows , it is unlawfol to interfere with a lawful hunter / hunt. it used to be in the regs but now check intoit with a co. you may have recourse as she threatened you with harrasement.:shock:

mainland hunter
04-16-2008, 03:15 PM
pepper spray. not just for bears

04-16-2008, 03:28 PM
leave a couple of bull mastifs at the camp, hahahaha
Jaguar XJ (http://www.ford-wiki.com/wiki/Jaguar_XJ)

04-16-2008, 03:56 PM
The sad thing is if, say you called the cops, they came, witnessed the damage to your gear etc. Reality of it is they wouldnt get charged in the end, definitely not for obstructing your right to hunt and if they did it'd probably take 2 years, then put off for a third, you'd never get compensated and they'd get stuck with a weird fine towards some charge nobody has ever heard of before that benefits the government.

For that reason you're better of kicking the crap out of them, stripping them nude, taking them to the furthest end of whatever mainline you're on and dropping them off to walk back.
You'll be long gone before they can phone in "their version" of the story :)
In the U.S all you'd have to do is shoot them and say they threatened you (which it sounds like they did in the first story and there was a note to support it)
Evidence of the ruined camp would be enough to prove "activists gone wild."

04-16-2008, 04:11 PM
in the us all id have to do was say animal rights "terrorists":razz::-P:-o hehe problem solved

04-16-2008, 04:14 PM
It is ilegal to interfere with lawful hunting, so the best you can do is get thier info and call the CO's if possible.

Other options include making thier life miserable in some fashion.:smile:

04-16-2008, 04:38 PM
A good old fashion Beating sounds fun!!!!! Or better yet, (I know you can't bait bears) But some peanut Butter and genetal areas may bring Yogi in. Oh ya, and of coarse, tie the Tree Huggers to the tree!!!!!!!!

04-16-2008, 04:48 PM
Sounds like your gonna have some more run ins....Better know your rights and what you can do and believe me you can do something and it's legal.

You should have called the police. Taken note, pics and insisted on something being done.

Where was this ?

04-16-2008, 05:47 PM
when we got back they where gone. it happened last year around grizzly falls.
we did not have a camera or the spare fuel to go find them. pretty much we took our bear and went home. but now as that time comes again i am planing some prevention and seeing what a can/can not do.
and as a rookie hunter i did not know better

04-16-2008, 06:18 PM
pull your camera out take their pictures, and pictures of there vehicles and then inform them that it is illegal to interfere in a lawful hunt and the pictures and a report will be handed over to police and the co.

04-16-2008, 06:32 PM
Id sure love to catch someone doing that to my camp!!! They trash my tent, I trash their vehicle.... real simple justice! :smile:

04-16-2008, 06:51 PM
Call the RCMP and press charges. They will come and will do something. These tree huggers called the cops on us when we were waterfowl hunting and they were harrassing us (noise, screaming, etc). Turns out the cop knew the rules, and went and told them if they bothered us or made noise anymore they would be charged with harassment. Gave us his card and told us to call him if we had anymore problems. If it was to this degree I am sure he would have been happy with charging them.

04-16-2008, 07:27 PM
Item 18, Page 18 under the "it is unlawfull to" spells it out

18. to interfere with or obstruct a person
licensed or permitted to hunt, guide or
trap while that person is lawfully so

When you lay your complaint make sure all involved (CO, RCMP, BCWF, Ministry of environment representative and local MLA) get copies of the complaint. It is amazing how quickly some individuals work when they know they are being watched by their peers.

Remember the CO's paycheck comes from your purchasing the crown's permsion to legally harvest game animals.

04-16-2008, 08:29 PM
Man, I'm not sure what I'd do if I caught someone doing that, but it wouldn't be pretty. Between vandals like this and thieves, it makes me want to only set up camps that can be easily broken down and set up every day. I'm always leery about leaving anything unattended (I guess in this case your buddy was nearby, but obviously not close enough to catch the a$$holes). Sorry to hear that story. Hopefully we can all learn something from it, as far as our rights, etc.

04-16-2008, 08:36 PM
I guess the only sure way is to go with a bigger group and always have someone left behind to mind the camp, sucks to be the guy though!

04-16-2008, 08:41 PM
think I will let Peter read this thread and then give him food for thought - take me on all hunting trips and I will stay back at camp and cook and clean and guard hehehehehe oh on second thought ignore that I already do that at home :)

sorry there are so many small minded people in this land that just don't get it :(

04-16-2008, 09:30 PM
Wow thats up around my stomping grounds, I think I would honestly ****ing snap. Probably the same group of losers who got shit kicked by the loggers up that way a couple of years back for blocking the road. Any clue what they drove chances are they are regulars.

04-16-2008, 09:55 PM
not a dam clue man, we found no car tracks by our camp we did find them about 150 yards away, headed toward the hurley

04-16-2008, 10:01 PM
Oh well, everyone is right you gotta charge em, first time throwing fists and then under the wildlife act, most COs are hunters and usually happy to help in this kind of situation.

04-16-2008, 11:56 PM
i wish i had a trail cam! thats a sweet piece of gear. too fancy for my wallet:?

04-17-2008, 04:56 AM
I would report this chick to the CO ,I would tell the CO what she said and also what had happened to your camp previous. Some people have all the nerve doing things like this ,things like this could trigger an ugly scene if you and your other hunting partners came into your camp and saw what was taking place. Just one word for people like this as*h*les. http://www.huntingbc.ca/forum/images/icons/icon13.gif

04-17-2008, 05:49 AM
Wonder if the boyfriend knows he's gonna take one for the "team"... as in volunteered..
Gather as much info as you can. If the girls name is known, then write it down and write down what she said. Anything happens then she is automatic suspect.. She has fettered herself in the conversation. If you can get witnesses to the verbal comments that aren't part of the hunting party to sign the statement sheet, even better.

BiG Boar
04-17-2008, 07:13 AM
Maybe just get your trappers licence and set a few leg holds around camp? Just a thought....Anyone here a trapper and have any thoughts?

04-17-2008, 08:24 AM
catching these idiots would be a great thing ,beating them would be the best thing.The whole trouble with that would be getting the hero police officer that charges you with assault and takes all your guns away .THen the tree huggers idiots wins as you spend a couple years working on getting guns back.

04-17-2008, 01:03 PM
Maybe just get your trappers licence and set a few leg holds around camp? Just a thought....Anyone here a trapper and have any thoughts?Yes. And that is a stupid idea.

04-17-2008, 01:40 PM
SAB? Does that stand for something? Never heard that term before.

04-17-2008, 01:55 PM
Wondering if these people understand why people always are polite in the bush?

04-17-2008, 01:56 PM
SAB? Does that stand for something? Never heard that term before.

I think it meant sabotage saboteurs or a typo for S.O.B'S

04-17-2008, 01:58 PM
I think sabotage is what he meant.

04-17-2008, 03:45 PM
TAZER 'em :evil:

04-17-2008, 04:07 PM
this is what the peta people call there sabatours "sab's"

04-17-2008, 06:49 PM
video tape them and include you reminding them what they are doing is ILLEGAL..and once they are charged and convicted you will be seeking compensation in court for costs of a ruined hunt...

DO NOT TOUCH OR THREATEN THEM IN ANY WAY..however do video tape their actions and them doing some type of damage..

oh ya..pick better frineds..


04-18-2008, 09:13 AM
leave a couple of bull mastifs at the camp, hahahaha

HA HA ... food for the dogs. On second thought, some might find that as animal cruelty as some of those leaf linkers (I still get a kick out of that one:lol:) can be a little thin, for a good meal. :lol::lol::lol:

04-18-2008, 11:08 AM
Cut your losses and move on..........there's more bears around, and no bear hunt is worth a criminal conviction for assault or worse! Yes, I know the charges would prolly be only directed at you in the event of an altercation....cause you'd be viewed as the "bad guy" in the eyes of the puplic and the prosecuter, shitty, but likely.......

Now, having said that, there's nothing wrong with a good tongue lashing on your part, as long as it doesn't escalate into violence...... Expressing one's opinion is a good way to vent, get over it or whatever you wish to call it as opposed to letting it build inside. Just don't give into violence, as it's just the ammo that the huggers want, will film, and use to further their cause.

I too would call a CO, [ after I had given them a good ass-kicking in my thoughts ] Of all of the law enforcement, they're most likely to be on your side, the RCMP would prolly be more interested in diffusing a potential violent situation as opposed to picking sides....I wouldn't expect charges to be laid, unless of course it were you for the reason/s stated earlier.

As hunters, we will never win a one-on-one encounter in the eyes of the public, with a *hugger*.

A couple of guys can hunt bear discreetly without advertizing to other prying eyes of our intentions. Keep your guns out of sight, keep the camo wear down, and make camp out of the way off of the beaten track. It's worked for me in the past!

04-18-2008, 12:04 PM
There was a case , last year if I remember correctly where a property owner didnt like the hunters shooting geese in an adjacent property .
he was an orchardist and I think the noise and occaisonal buckshot shower bothered him so he parked his truck in his orchard with the radio turned way up to scare to geese from landing . Anyway the CO was called in and gave him a fine for obstructing a legal hunt . This was on the news ... maybe Summerland or Oysooyos?

04-18-2008, 12:08 PM
I found the whole story .....

Hunters and orchardist clash over legal hunting

By Laurena Weninger

Ian Mounsey was trying to stop hunters from shooting near his rural Oliver home on Saturday – but instead, he was given a ticket and a fine, for obstructing legal hunting activity.
Hunter Dale Vidulich, from the Lower Mainland, was part of the group of five hunters who called the conservation officer for help in dealing with Mounsey’s interference.
"He had these bangers, and every time a flock of geese would approach us, he would use these things," Vidulich said. He claims the group had permission to be on the property – which is private, and just outside of town limits – as well as the legal right to hunt the geese. In fact, Vidulich said he had spoken with locals about the goose overpopulation, and the weekend hunt was intended to help.
"I think the people of Oliver should understand we are trying to get rid of these geese. We were on private property, with permission," he said, adding the group was out with local guide Jim Wiens. "We can help you with the goose problem, all we need is cooperation from the local public."
But at 7 a.m. on Saturday morning, when shot peppered the ground around Mounsey, he realized there was no way he and his three teenaged kids could play hockey on the pond behind his home – and he also had to abandon his plan to prune in his 10-acre orchard.
"Saturday morning, I went down to check the ice, because the kids wanted to go skating," Mounsey said. He was prying the hockey net out of the ice when hunters – who were totally hidden on the other side of the small pond -- began shooting at geese.
"I got shot coming down all around me. It hits the reeds, and sounds like hail," he said. Afraid he was going to be hit by a stray bullet, he tried to make himself known.
"I yelled at them, to make it obvious I was here," he said. But the group of hunters kept on shooting. Then, Mounsey drove his truck to the edge of the pond, and turned his stereo up. For the next hour, the hunting continued, so he brought out his bird bangers.
"I wanted them to stop. This is my damned property," said Mounsey. He was concerned primarily about safety, considering the close proximity of the neighbours. The small pond sits just east of the airport, outside of the town boundaries. From the shore, you can see the Southwind Inn, and a few local houses.
But Vidulich said they were within hunting regulations and had every right to be there. They drove around the pond to Mounsey, and told him to stop the interference. The RCMP were called, and conservation officer Bob Hamilton came out and gave Mounsey the ticket – along with a $345 fine.
"That’s just the money part of it. The bad part is I can’t use my land," he said. First of all, there’s the safety issue – he and his kids can’t go out on the property while hunters are shooting.
"The regulation is you can’t hunt within 100 m of a dwelling," said Vidulich, who added they were 342 m away from Mounsey’s home. As for safety, Vidulich said it’s common sense not to shoot where anyone is going to be hurt.
Secondly, since this issue also happened to Mounsey last year, he knows it is affecting his fruit.
"I sold some apples to IGA (in Vancouver) and they were returned, with shot in the apples," he said.
He’s also concerned about the fair use of his property. He said using the bird scares, running his truck, and listening to his music is all standard noise on his property, and now it appears he is not allowed to make this noise for fear of repercussions.
But he admits the noise he was making on Saturday was more of a protest. He’s not anti-hunting – in fact, if anyone sought his permission to hunt on his property he would strongly consider allowing it – he is against the way this kill was handled. He said the hunters were driving around to other locations where they weren’t allowed to shoot, and scaring the geese in hopes they would move to the pond.
"I understand the (goose control) program. I understand there is a goose overpopulation, just like there are too many starlings – but there are better ways, within a municipality," he said. "This was a big kill program. It was completely arrogant."

04-18-2008, 12:14 PM
Ask them if they know who Timothy Treadwell was and what their precious bears did to him when he wanted to help.

04-18-2008, 12:25 PM
Ask them if they know who Timothy Treadwell was and what their precious bears did to him when he wanted to help.

wasn't he the one who used to get withing 10 meters of bears despite the warning of conservation? and then eventualy got mauled?:?

04-18-2008, 01:45 PM
A couple of guys can hunt bear discreetly without advertizing to other prying eyes of our intentions. Keep your guns out of sight, keep the camo wear down, and make camp out of the way off of the beaten track. It's worked for me in the past

this one I have a bit of a problem with. It makes it sound like were ashamed to be hunting. As long as you respect the area your hunting (cleaning up after yourself, keeping noise down at night, ect..) you shouldn't have to hide your a hunter

04-18-2008, 01:47 PM
i agree ^ i dont want to hide who or what i am!

04-18-2008, 02:09 PM
what you might want to do is find out where they're camped. shoot a skunk and throw it in their camp

04-18-2008, 10:20 PM
Poo in their Granola and unleash moths in their (wool) underoos.

04-19-2008, 04:29 AM
video tape them and include you reminding them what they are doing is ILLEGAL..and once they are charged and convicted you will be seeking compensation in court for costs of a ruined hunt...

DO NOT TOUCH OR THREATEN THEM IN ANY WAY..however do video tape their actions and them doing some type of damage..

oh ya..pick better frineds..


I agree with the videotaping and recording of any evidence of the harrassment that any one uses to prevent a hunt but if they are doing some type of damage, that brings everything to a different level. If you catch someone damaging your property and I mean catching them redhanded, you are allowed to stop that and to use as much force as is necessary to prevent them from continuing the damage. As a citizen you can arrest them to stop them from continuing the illegal act and then turn them over to the police. Of course this would probably involve some level of violence as the sab would more than likely resist. Its not something that we relish, we go into the outdoors to enjoy ourselves and not deal with these idiots. If it does happen though you have to be prepared mentally/physically with how to deal with it.

04-19-2008, 05:59 AM
I agree with the videotaping and recording of any evidence of the harrassment that any one uses to prevent a hunt but if they are doing some type of damage, that brings everything to a different level. If you catch someone damaging your property and I mean catching them redhanded, you are allowed to stop that and to use as much force as is necessary to prevent them from continuing the damage. As a citizen you can arrest them to stop them from continuing the illegal act and then turn them over to the police. Of course this would probably involve some level of violence as the sab would more than likely resist. Its not something that we relish, we go into the outdoors to enjoy ourselves and not deal with these idiots. If it does happen though you have to be prepared mentally/physically with how to deal with it.
Ya ,like some idiots saying that you are in there camping spot http://www.huntingbc.ca/forum/images/icons/icon8.gif. They ask you to pack up and get the hell out http://www.huntingbc.ca/forum/images/icons/icon13.gif ,or there will be trouble.

fowl language
04-19-2008, 08:13 AM
video cam. and the co. on speed dial if in the appropiate area. we had a guy charged and convicted 2 years ago of impedeing in a lawfull hunt. the co. were very cooperative. and his next charge is jail time....fowl

04-19-2008, 12:00 PM
this one I have a bit of a problem with. It makes it sound like were ashamed to be hunting. As long as you respect the area your hunting (cleaning up after yourself, keeping noise down at night, ect..) you shouldn't have to hide your a hunter

I agree.I`ll be damned if I`ll hide my rifle under my coat and sneak around like a crimanal.Where do those sonsabitches get off trying to make me feel like one?I`m a proud ,ethical man who picks up more garbage than they ever have on my hunting roads and I actually give a shit about how the winter affects the game pop.and I pay out of my pocket to enhance habitat and help mantain healthy herds.And I love a good deer chop.Let them eat vegie`s,that ain`t food,thats what food eats.

04-19-2008, 12:06 PM
I think if I had someone constantly in my face, it wouldn't last long, screw the taping, I would just disable their car/truck and move camp down the road or simply just give them a beating as giving some tape to the police will not stop them! I can honestly say I wouldn't even second guess my decision about giving it to them, but our camp has some prettty big dudes that grew up in Whalley, so fighting used to be second nature!