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View Full Version : Garmin GPS 60Csx question.

03-18-2008, 04:17 PM
This question is specific to you folks that own a Garmin 60Csx. I've been doing my homework and decided that this is the unit I'm going to get, BUT. I need to know how much use, if any, do you guys get out of the magnetic compass and the barometric altimeter feature??

I found a site that has both the 60csx and the older 60cx with the latter being almost $100 cheaper. So the tight wad in me thinks I already own good compass and so long as my feet are on the ground who cares about the altitude??

So is the "S" feature worth the moola??

Thanks Steeleco

03-18-2008, 04:28 PM
I have the 60Csx. I do find the altimeter useful and it's quite accurate it's always within a few feet of what a topo map says. The compass feature works fine. It is my understanding the S also comes with a bigger memory card?

I bought mine from GPSCentral in Calgary. Best prices.


03-18-2008, 04:29 PM
Short answer, no.

Use a gps on a daily basis, and no. Not if you have a compass that you actually carry and use. And the gps will give you elevation anyway, if you are in 3d mode.....

03-18-2008, 04:29 PM
I can't speak to the 60Csx but I use a Garmin Legend. The Legend is a very basic gps that has Mapsource capability. It doesn't have a compass or altimeter and I don't miss either. I pack a Silva Ranger compass and, as you said, 'who cares about altitude '. Anyway, a guy can get his elevation off the installed maps.

03-18-2008, 04:42 PM
I used the 60cs for 4 years which had a built in memory, this was before the 60csx and I used the compass and the altimeter about the same and was surprized how much I used it when I had it. We hunt in the mountains all the time so the altimeter may be more usefull there than some places but I would get the 60csx or even look at the Rino's which gives you both radio's and GPS but only if you hunt with friends that use radio's all the time. We have gone to the Rino's which eliminated one unit to carry lighting up our day packs.

03-18-2008, 04:53 PM
I was going to buy the csx but ended up with the cs because that is all Valhalla had left at their clearance price.

The barometric altimeter isn't much more accurate than the altitude calculated by the GPS using satellite signals. Barometric pressure changes.

A real compass is faster to use, and should be carried anyways as a backup to a dead GPS.

03-18-2008, 05:43 PM
I own the cx... not worth the extra $$ for the csx....

I got a 1 gig card for mine and put all of bc topo on it and its great!!

03-18-2008, 05:54 PM
Thanks guys, perfect. I'm going to get a package deal from GPSCentral.
I found a site in the states that has the unit cheaper but when you factor in the mapping software discount at GPSCentral it better to shop at home!!!

03-18-2008, 06:47 PM
I just bought a Map60csx from GPS Central,but I waited until they had refurb model in stock. Was brand new and I saved $70 over new list. Paid for the case and cig lighter charger. Have loaded topo BC/Alta onto a 2gb card and have 1 1/2 gb left.

Mr. Dean
03-18-2008, 11:35 PM

I own the CS. It has BOTH of those features. It's only lacking is a memory card.

The electo compass is nice but it does eat up the batteries and needs to be recalibrated each time the unit is turned on.

If ya want, I could come over and show you how the whole set-up works on the weekend... If you keep your maps in order on the computron, the GPS (CS) has tons of storage for field entries/marks.

Unless you work with it every day in different areas, I can't see the need for the extra memory (save the $$$).


I have 3 primary hunting destinations in Reg's 1, 2, and 3. I also have 2 primary fishing areas (local and N.Island). When I go off for one of these places I only load up the data thats pertinent, the rest stays stored on the computer.

My unit is now ready for our Bear hunt on the Isle. Its loaded with all the maps from Woss - Pt. Hardy, expanding all the way east and west. It also has ALL of my history from last year, loaded as well. All the other info stays out.

With all this info, it's only 14% full (aprox).

The BEST advice I could offer is to save for a lap-top. Being able to browse maps at night while on a hunt, on a large screen, is where these units shine IMHO.

03-18-2008, 11:40 PM
I owned and used the 60CSX and I've found the only item I haven't utilized to it's full extent is the altimeter. However, the compass has to be the most used feature on my unit. Waypoints, routes, sight n' go routes, all utilizes the compass.

I unfortunately have left the old compass and maps to a wayside, and aways need a refresher on how to use on. With a GPS I always carry enough batteries to last me 3 days away from camp. I understand that the extra $$ but for me its a great feature to have. Mem cards could always be picked up for $ savings at a local computer store like NCIX.