View Full Version : Joining the bowhunter ranks

03-10-2008, 11:33 PM
I entered the arrow brotherhood today.Bought an Excalibur phoenix bow well equipped.It should be here early next week{coming from Ont} I can't wait to start practicing with my new toy.Really looking forward to the challenge of getting close and personal with game animals.Appreciate any other crossbow owners speaking up as I am sure I will have lots of questions.Thanks in advance RB.

The Hermit
03-11-2008, 08:57 AM
Excellent! I would recommend talking to Ted Kennedy of the BCAA about when and where the next International Bowhunter Education Program course is being held near you. Its a good course and highly recommended for new bow hunters.

Curious why you chose a crossbow instead of a compound or traditional bow? BTW that would be the "bolt brotherhood" in your case! ;-) Enjoy

Bow Walker
03-11-2008, 11:30 AM
Good show! Crossbows are a great investment and also a fast, easy way to introduce yourself to the sport of archery. When (and IF) you're ready to move to a different style of archery, your Excalibur will still carry a healthy resale value - should you choose to part with it.

Welcome to the 'fraternity'.

03-11-2008, 04:45 PM
I entered the arrow brotherhood today.Bought an Excalibur phoenix bow well equipped.It should be here early next week{coming from Ont} I can't wait to start practicing with my new toy.Really looking forward to the challenge of getting close and personal with game animals.Appreciate any other crossbow owners speaking up as I am sure I will have lots of questions.Thanks in advance RB.

there ya go jumpin in with both feet

Congrats on the new toy ...

03-11-2008, 04:59 PM
ruttinbuck welcome to the not so dark side. Excalibur has awsome crossbows an are very easy to use and very user friendly. Get practising soon as the bear season is just around the corner. I'll be heading out in search of a blackie with my compound along with my brother. Let the questions fly as we have owned 3 Excalibur X-bows and so have many others on this site. Cheers and good luck.

03-11-2008, 06:49 PM
Curious why you chose a crossbow instead of a compound or traditional bow? BTW that would be the "bolt brotherhood" in your case! ;-) Enjoy

He's flinging long sticks with sharp things on the end, works for me... Welcome:tongue:

03-11-2008, 10:51 PM
Thanks for the comments guys.
I should come clean...technically I shot a compound PSE bow for about a year quite some time ago,never did hunt big game with it.Still consider myself a noob archer but do have some arrow time behind me.
Why did I go crossbow?
Don't really know why.Crossbows have always intrigued me.
I have been reading posts at excalibur.com forums and it looks like there is a bit to tuning the string and keeping it tuned.Anybody else use the Boo flemish strings?
Do they really last and stay tuned that much longer than the factory string?
How long should a factory string last?
Thanks for any responses.RB

03-12-2008, 07:33 AM
Welcome back to the wonderful world of archery!! Not sure where you live but there will be an IBEP course here in Quesnel on the may 10th week-end. PM me if you're interested!
