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03-08-2008, 08:15 PM
I joined a hunting club this year and one of the perks is they have a pheasant preserve where we can release pheasants until the end of march. It's a small club with fields for duck and geese as well as the preserve. I was fortunate to get asked to join by a member of the trap club!
Today was our last release, it's been well worth the investment and I've really enjoyed watching Maddy work pheasants as we've never happened on a wild bird around home. I usually hunt ducks in the morning at the Pitt and go home for a short rest before we hit the fields in the afternoon. Most of the guys show up at the 10am shoot and there's only 2 of us who consistantly show up in the afternoon to try and find what is left scattered around the property (400 acres or so). It makes for a longer hunt and I really need the exercise anyways...
Next year I hope to try the Okanogan in October for some Pheasant and Quail.
Going for geese in the morning and then that's it for hunting, nothing more to do than clean all the guns well, get the house in shape, and hit the trap/skeet ranges!


03-08-2008, 08:21 PM
That's a beauty lookin' dog you got there.


03-09-2008, 01:17 PM
Thanks for the comment. She's by far the best dog I've had, I feel sorry for my next dog as she will have a lot to live up to!
Maddy loves to chase the pheasants, if there's one in the biggest blackberry bramble on the farm she goes right in. Lots of scratches on the belly, sides and inside of the ears. She's caught quite a few this year too because they can't flush in the heavy cover and she nails them when they get hung up in the bramble (I'm sure wild birds would run and not hold so tight when she enters).
I'm looking forward to next fall.....

03-09-2008, 01:35 PM
thats a good idea, I knew of a fellow who was in a club like that in Abbotsford. I actually came across some ring neck pheasants while working on a farm in the flats.

03-09-2008, 03:14 PM
There used to be quite a few pheasants around Victoria, but with all the housing projects going in I don't see many anymore.