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03-07-2008, 07:31 PM
Does anybody have any links to hunting in Hawaii or better yet, friends that live there. I just got back from Maui, and the whole time I was there all I could think of was fishing and hunting. I can't afford to be guided, but it would be great to go out with some locals, even if it is just for the ride.
While there I saw a few Axis deer and tons of partridge. Dove and pheasant are common too. Local rednecks hung a pig hide next to the highway to bug the tourists out on West Maui. That really got me going. We saw a group of native hunters, but they didn't look too friendly. I belive they call the look we got "Stink-eye".:shock:

Apparently speer fishing can be done without a license too, but I have not verified it. I could have fed an army every day on fish if I knew that.

Even the wife thinks I should look into this. I would be happy to reciprocate with fishing for springs or taking someone hunting if the law permit it.

03-07-2008, 07:41 PM
you were probably diving in a protected marine park if you saw that many fish, otherwise the locals would have it cleaned out! Thats how it works in most tropical places ive been diving!
Seeing as its another country youll probably need to be guided to hunt there!

03-07-2008, 07:45 PM
I know that they used to have some feral species there, like hogs and goats.
Heres a link to their F&G dept website


Stone Sheep Steve
03-07-2008, 10:24 PM
There used to be a guide on the Big Island of Hawaii (Eugene Yak IIRC?) for Mouflon sheep but the US park service bought out the ranch back in 2003 and hunting was stopped. Since they were an introduced species, the part service is now in the process of extirpating them.


03-08-2008, 12:39 PM

I was on Kauai for the first couple of weeks of December and I think the hunting season was in full swing. We did a few hikes in different areas and saw a couple of signs up for deer hunters to make sure to report to checkstations. We were hiking down into a canyon and saw a few feral pigs/boars. They were pretty good sized, and I started asking some of locals about them. (first question was "can they be dangerous", which I got a very quick reply "yes":eek:) They are hunted and there were a few outfits that were advertising the opportunity to hunt them. Seeing as they were signs advertising this on the street I don't know how expensive it would be but mentioning "daily outings" I can see it being fairly reasonable.

I also asked around about the "deer" and what species. Apparently Columbian Blacktails were introduced to Kauai from Oregon and have done very well on the island. Also saw some pheasants over there and I was quite surprised at the first one I saw as it flew across the road. I was scratching my head making sure that was what I had just seen as I wasn't expecting it.

Here are a few pics of the area and type of country where we were hiking that had "hunting management area" signs up and also signs about both pig and deer hunting.

These are in Waimea Canyon on the west side of Kauai. We hiked down into the bottom and it is very dry and arid on this side of the island as opposed to the east side which is much more lush. We stayed in Kappa on the east side of the island and that is where I saw a couple of places advertising hunting excursions.




03-08-2008, 12:46 PM
Just for comparison this is from the east side of the island where things are much more lush and "wet".





03-08-2008, 12:59 PM
Here is the link to the Hawaii DNR (Department of Natural Resources) (http://hawaii.gov/dlnr/)
This is another source (http://www.state.hi.us/dlnr/IdxHunting.htm) with lots of hunting info in Hawaii

Lots of feral hogs and feral goats. The government wants them eradicated.

03-08-2008, 01:17 PM
Here is a good article I just found about hunting the "traditional" way in Kauai. Maybe a holiday idea for Gatehouse and his spear??


A few excerpts from the column.

(07-07) 04:00 PST Wailua, Kauai -- Machete in hand, Paka Ornellas sliced through the jungle on the trail of a wild pig, hunting as his Hawaiian ancestors have done for thousands of years.
Paka hacked his way to a clearing, then stopped abruptly and kneeled.
"A big male," he said, pointing at the faint outline of a large tusk of a boar in uprooted mud, "and he's close."
Light rain peppered the forest canopy, and drops of moisture streaked across Paka's face. The jungle air tasted thick, with the heavy scent of detritus and dense vegetation. Paka's passion is to track a wild pig for miles into wilderness thickets, then jump on its back and kill it with his machete as the ancient natives did. For emergencies, he wears a .357 handgun in a shoulder holster.


In state forests where rifles are permitted, hunters are required to wear blaze orange for high visibility. In areas where all hunting is by dog and knife, the hunters instead wear camouflage.


"How do you kill the pig?" "I like to run and jump on the pig's back, then stab them right through the back of the shoulder blades, and it goes right through the heart. You can bruise a lot of meat and I try to avoid that. You can try to get it under their throat but that's dangerous because your dogs can bite you in the hand and the boars can gore you."

At least he is concerned with "knife-shot" :cool:


03-08-2008, 04:28 PM
Kauai is a very neat place, I spent close to a month there about 15 years ago. It would be a gas to do some hunting. I can't remember the name of it but the water fall that use to appear on the opening of the fatasy Island TV show is on Kauai (yes I'm date myself here) The area surrounding and getting to the falls would be perfect for hunting. If I remember correct lots of farms and sugar cane fields also.. Thanks for the picture of Waimea Canyon I have almost an identical set, unfortunately photos don't do it justice. If you didn't know Kauai has the highest rain fall anywhere on earth.

Stone Sheep Steve
03-08-2008, 06:11 PM
Kauai is a very neat place, I spent close to a month there about 15 years ago. It would be a gas to do some hunting. I can't remember the name of it but the water fall that use to appear on the opening of the fatasy Island TV show is on Kauai (yes I'm date myself here) The area surrounding and getting to the falls would be perfect for hunting. If I remember correct lots of farms and sugar cane fields also.. Thanks for the picture of Waimea Canyon I have almost an identical set, unfortunately photos don't do it justice. If you didn't know Kauai has the highest rain fall anywhere on earth.

My sister got married in Kauai back in 1984. I was only 16 so had to tag along where ever the parents went:sad:. Would love to take my wife and kids there one day. Beautiful place for sure!


03-08-2008, 10:55 PM
I have done a quick browse of the DNR site and can't tell if a non-resident needs a guide. I see they do allow hunting assistants there. Even that would be fun.

HUNTWRITER - Thanks for the excellent links!

Stone Sheep Steve
03-09-2008, 05:43 AM
Lots of Feral cats on Mauii eating the crap out of the local bird population. I'm sure no would mind;-).

You could do a nice mount like one of those like BHB posted.:lol:


03-13-2008, 12:53 PM
Here is a link to the Parker Ranch http://www.parkerranch.com/Activities-Public/165/hawaii-hunting I know Eugene Yap did hunts for Black Buck also, but that was way back in the early 90's when I guided him for Dall's that he told me this. If I remember right it was by a Lepper Colony. I'm sure that has all changed by now.

Stone Sheep Steve
03-13-2008, 02:51 PM
Here is a link to the Parker Ranch http://www.parkerranch.com/Activities-Public/165/hawaii-hunting I know Eugene Yap did hunts for Black Buck also, but that was way back in the early 90's when I guided him for Dall's that he told me this. If I remember right it was by a Lepper Colony. I'm sure that has all changed by now.

I believe the US Parks Service bought out Yap's ranch back in 2003, at least according to the GS/Ovis website. They're trying to decimate the remaining introduced species.


Sikanni Stalker
03-13-2008, 10:08 PM
In Kuai I chartered a guided fishing trip with a guy named Tony. He runs a boat and outfit called Hawaiin Style Fishingin out of Kaapa Town. First class outfit, awesome fishermman and not crazy$$$$$$$$$$.140.00 for the trip, up to 4 ppl on the boat. PM me if you want details. When I was in Kona I talked to the locals and you can definitely go hog hunting, and the price varies depending on what you want, but while driving through the center of the Island coming back from VOlcano, we came into some farmlands and saw those axis deer and lots of wild turkeys. I never checked into them but I am pretty sure you could hunt them too with a guide.