View Full Version : Camera Shy

03-02-2008, 09:18 AM
Many years ago I shot the largest moose of my life near Germansen Landing.I spent about 45 minutes rolling him over to gut him, and stopped. Exhausted. If only I had a picture of this, I thought. When digging out my knives from my backpack, I found my wife had packed a small 35 mm.camera in my pack. With great joy I took a picture of me sitting on that upside down moose, and one of my partner. There were only 2 pictures left on that roll of film!They are treasured photos. I now have a small digital camera, which is pitifully slow even when adjusted. I carry a pack, a rifle, and binocs around my neck. Just never seem to get a camera going. So you guys on the site, tell me about your cameras. Any suggestions on buying one? I've seen awesome photos here---it's time I got into the act.

03-02-2008, 09:37 AM
If you're not the SLR-toting kind of guy, I strongly recommend the T-line of Sony. I have the DSC T-100 (8m.p.) and it takes wonderful pictures and the stability function is heads and shoulders above all the other brands. I have used Fuji, Kodak, Canon etc. and none of these brands can stabilize like the Sony, and this can be of the utmost importance when you've got the shakes after shooting an animal (digicams of the smaller variety tend to produce blurry pics because of various reasons)! The newest model is the T-200 (10m.p. I think), probably more than you'll ever need. Sony is pricier but worth every cent. I can send you some full sized pics if you PM me your email address.

As for SLRs, I think the others will have more experience but personally I think you can't go wrong with the Nikon D40x package. Good for starters, loads of goodies to buy for it.

03-02-2008, 10:46 AM
i might be a bit overboard with my setup but i pack more than just a gun when i go out,,,my other hobby is photograpy,,, i use a nikon D300 with two lenses ,,either my 80-400vr or my 35-70 wide angle let's just say i've shot more game with the camera than with the gun but if you're wanting to just take close ups of your game any small digital will do,,but pick one that has more than 5mp's for quality

03-02-2008, 11:23 AM
If you want a simple point and shoot camera with 4x optical zoom, then I suggest getting something like this. Canon cameras are good cameras and you can buy this model for $150-200 now. There's other good brands, but my daughter and I both have this one and it's a good "throw in your pack" camera. And with 4.0 megs it will take good pictures. If you want to go higher end camera then the skies the limit.

This site has good camera reviews.


03-02-2008, 11:28 AM
for packing with on a trip for trophy photo shot, I would just pick up a 4.0 megapixel compact camera without too many bells and whistles

03-02-2008, 03:02 PM
Thanks for the help! I'm looking at camera sales as we speak(read?).

Bow Walker
03-02-2008, 03:18 PM
Go for a "point and shoot" digital. Get a faily large memory card, a few spare batteries and you're good for the whole trip.

03-02-2008, 05:17 PM
I'm currently running an Olympus SP550-UZ. It is a point and shoot with an 18x optical zoom. It is an ideal bush camera. I like to carry it in a Lowepro case attached to my backpack belt, so I have quick access. Always fun to take pics of the critters you encounter while hunting, whether it is bucks you pass on or critters like martins that are curious enough to let you take some sweet pics. In wet conditions, I put the camera inside a ziplock and then in the camera case, just to make sure the moisture doesn't get at the camera.

03-02-2008, 05:27 PM
I use a Pentax WP camera. It fits in a shirt pocket, takes GREAT pictures, is waterfproof and can be used to take pictures under water to a depth of 12 feet, is dust proof, takes videos and sound recordings too. Perfect for all the crudy weather conditions a hunter or angler gets into.
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03-02-2008, 05:33 PM
Iuse the olympus 550-uz also . not to hard on the pocket book ,simple to use and takes decent pics.The sheep pics i recently put in the gallery ,most of them were roughy taken at 100 yrds. The 18x optical zoom is great for taking wildlife shots.

03-03-2008, 12:47 PM
Thanks for the replies guys! I'm getting great info and ideas. It all helps. Picking a camera is a tough job. Only people who have used them in the bush can judge the performance re;-wildlife.

03-03-2008, 09:37 PM
you,re biggest question to answer is do you want a small lightweight point and shoot or do you want something slightly bigger that gives you the ability to zoom in on the critters your liable to see? there are plenty of nice cameras made by the big names in both categories. i bought a lumix with 18 power zoom,powered by lightweight lithium battery,i love it. olympus,canon nikon lumix,all good manufacturers.

03-09-2008, 09:41 PM
I've got the Nikon D40 6.1mp and I absolutley love it. Takes awesome photos right out of the box. Unless you're planning on enlarging your photos beyond 11x14 then 6mp is enough. The reason I went with SLR is shutter lag and camera capabiliy. Typical point and shoots can only do so much where as SLR's are capable of doing so much more. The down side is they're a little bigger but they definitely take a better picture.

03-09-2008, 10:22 PM
I have a little Sony Cybershot with a 3X zoom. Nothing fancy but its small, light and works pretty good.


Bow Walker
03-10-2008, 12:07 AM
I'm right there with you on the Nikon D40. Great camera - and it's not that bulky that I worry about packing it with me.

03-10-2008, 10:26 AM
I'm starting to lean toward the SLR. I'll have to get to a good store and test them out.

Tarp Man
03-10-2008, 10:42 AM
One thing to think about with the SLR is the weather. It deends how you see yourself using it. I have both a digital SLR and a digital point and shoot. I have a Canon Rebel TXi and a Pentax W30. The W30 is waterproof and dustproof. I have shot video footage underwater and taken many pictures with it. I really like it for in the pack quick pictures. for stuff where the weather it co-operating. Digital SLR's will be better for composing shots whereas the point and shoot is just that... point and shoot. It all boils down to your primary use.

03-10-2008, 11:00 AM
I have a Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ30 SLR camera and a Canon Powershot PowerShot A430 point and shoot camera. The Panasonic has 12X-18X optical zoom and up to 60X digital zoom. The Canon has 4X optical zoom.

If I want to take a pictures around the campfire or of my family and my dog I use the Canon.

If I feel artsy-fartsy and want to take fancy pictures and especially tele-photo pictures, then I take my Panasonic. Both cameras take good pictures.

I noticed the prices were coming down on all digital cameras lately so check out places like Future shop for deals.

03-10-2008, 03:50 PM
Thanks Johnes---I'll be looking around the Victoria area.

03-10-2008, 04:36 PM
Another vote for the Panasonic Lumix FZ18. It takes great pictures and also gives the ability to take "RAW" photos and have fun "developing" at home. I did a fair amount of research also before buying mine. dpreview.com is a good site for comparisons. These Superzoom's (Panasonic, Olympus, Canon) are just a step below the SLR's but give you point and shoot options. For a true compact, I've seen lots great pictures from the Canon Powershots.

Blk Arrow
03-10-2008, 05:22 PM
I am learning to use an Olympus E-510. Great camera for the money if you're looking for a SLR type. It has with image stabilization in the body and can take pictures up to 10 meg.

We got my son a Sony DSC-700 with airmiles. It can take an image up to 7.2 meg. It is a really compact little camera and fires up a lot quick than my daughter's 2 year old Nikon Coolpix. I will probably pick one up for my pack but now I have to check out the Olympus 550 uz previously mentioned.

03-11-2008, 11:18 AM
Here's a list of "The Best" cameras in different categories from Steve's Digicams website.
