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View Full Version : Farwell Canyon area

02-20-2008, 04:49 PM
Last year I hunted the Fletcher Lake east to Farwell Canyon area and was really disapointed by the lack of winter, and the lack of game.
I saw 2 cow moose, seperate locations. and Muley Does and not many of those. (no rhyme intended)
I was there the 2nd week of Nov, rainy and warm YUCK!
I think I want to go earlier this year, maybe 1st week of October?
I have heard there is alot of Deer moving around then? Is this true?
Does anyone have more experience about this time of the year and the amount of Deer in this area?
Looking forward to your post.

02-20-2008, 05:31 PM
EXELLENT area for moose and BIG deer..hunted and flown over this area plenty with work..and moose numbers are way up..more snow this year than in past 10-15 years..
