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View Full Version : Moose winter kill-08 huting opportunities

02-14-2008, 11:30 PM
Well, we all know that there was some heavy winter kill in many areas last year. It's looking like another heavy snowpack in some areas. Wondering if anybody has any insight on what the 08 hunting opportunities will be? Reductions in LEH? For those of you living in moose country, how's this winter looking compared to last year? It seems to me that some of the hardest hit areas also have bumper wolf populations. Please share your thoughts ect......

02-14-2008, 11:36 PM
I havent seen anywhere where moose are having any trouble. LEH should be the same or similar except possibly in areas where moose and caribou habitat overlap. There could be an increase in moose tags in these areas, but i havent heard of anything yet.

02-14-2008, 11:40 PM
So were all the stories of unsuccesfull hunts last season just bad luck? All I heard everywhere was winter kill.

02-15-2008, 12:07 AM
There was a blurb on CBC radio about Feb. 10 or so, not certain of course, and I only caught a bit of the end of it.
Estimating moose killed on railbed for this winter to exceed one thousand animals between McBride and Prince Rupert.
Anyone else have more and accurate info?
Geez...that sounds like a lotta meat!

02-15-2008, 06:52 AM
Up here in the Serengeti of North America there is not anywhere near as much snow on the ground as last year......in my opinion. So hopefully this bodes well for my meat gathering....if I am still here that is!

02-15-2008, 07:18 AM
I've been working out near the west edge of 5-13 and haven't seen any sign of winter kill yet. There's lots of snow this year but so far the moose seem to be doing alright. I've seen more moose this winter than I have in a long time.

Of course, the number of wolves also seems to be climbing, (at least anecdotally; lots of people have been seeing them).

Bighorn hunter
02-15-2008, 07:54 AM
the peace country doesn't have near the snow as last year.Hopefully this will help the numbers.Not seeing many moose out in the fields like there was before last years hard winter.Last fall hunting deer and elk definatly noticed alot more wolf sign.


02-15-2008, 07:58 AM
No sign of winter kill around here, but the natives are killing them as they please! :mad:

02-15-2008, 09:38 AM
As far as reg. 3 and 8 goes nothing will change. No matter how hard or easy the winter I STILL WILL NOT SEE/GET A SPIKE/FORK MOOSE.

I guess "bad luck" is still "luck". Just not the kind I want !

02-15-2008, 09:44 AM
Spent 3 days last week in Region 5 saw 25 moose in those 3 days.:wink:

02-15-2008, 10:36 AM
There will be more LEH opportunity in some areas and a bit less in a couple.

Overall it looks good.

02-15-2008, 11:10 AM
There was a blurb on CBC radio about Feb. 10 or so, not certain of course, and I only caught a bit of the end of it.
Estimating moose killed on railbed for this winter to exceed one thousand animals between McBride and Prince Rupert.
Anyone else have more and accurate info?
Geez...that sounds like a lotta meat!

I went for a drive out towards North Fraser and saw 2 dead moose on the tracks in just a short stretch of track...

02-15-2008, 11:40 AM
A friend of mine who owns a ranch north of FSJ said that the moose in his neck of the woods seemed to do pretty well during the winter up there last year. It wasn't until the snow melted and the ticks came out that they all dropped dead. So it may be a hard to judge the severity of the winter kill this year until ticks do their thing in the spring again.

02-15-2008, 12:34 PM
Spent 3 days last week in Region 5 saw 25 moose in those 3 days.:wink:

The winter kill seemed to be in pockets all over the province. Wheather it be heavy snow/wolves or ticks. I hunted in region 5 for a week and saw 1 bull the day before our draw opened. We didn't really see much sign either. We've been hunting the area for some time and usually get our moose and see many cows/calfs ect...And yes I'm not a road hunter & walked nearly every swamp in the area. The weather was also in our favour. They had a very heavy snow pack the winter previous. The area also holds lots of wolves.

02-15-2008, 06:48 PM
I really believe that due to last year's kill in the northern regions, this will be enough of a reason for MOE to make the rest of the province go LEH. If it does, I doubt that any GOS or 10 point rule moose in the north will come about again.

02-15-2008, 07:26 PM
If you pay attention to the snowpack reports, most of the province is at or near normal. Only a few areas that are well above normal, with the majority of that heavy snowpack being at high elevations where moose don't live.

02-15-2008, 07:33 PM
For GG's info, there are moose coming into Fernie and not leaving and CO's are warning that they will not leave because they have feed and mobility in town.. Keep your dogs and kids on a leash and try to avoid close contact.. It's still snowing!!! Not winter kill but a tough one..Elk are stuggling as well.