View Full Version : Wolf Cull

02-14-2008, 12:02 PM
Try this again, it's messy but I'm a computer illiterate
Ban the atrocity of bowhunting

Times Colonist

Published: Thursday, February 14, 2008
Re: "Bowhunting proposed to cull Prince Rupert wolf population," Feb. 10.
"Cull?" How about "atrocity?" If the human population has unbalanced the natural ecology of the area, the answer is not killing wolves, particularly not with bows. Modern bowhunting is a high-tech enterprise. The bows used are sometimes high-powered crossbows, but all hunting bows are revolting in their intended use.
Check the Bowhunting Canada site. It's full of pictures of smiling men posing with the bodies of dead animals.There's even a lobby group, the United Bowhunters of B.C.: "One objective, bowhunting opportunity").

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Bowhunting is an atrocity and should be banned. For those who want to kill a being that society still sees as expendable, at least do it quickly and in a humane manner. No, I don't eat any animal products and I don't think abattoirs are humane either. It's well past time to ban bowhunting in B.C.
Diane McNally

02-14-2008, 12:56 PM
Yo, Bullmoose.

Pretty scary article eh?

I think the ATROCITY is that people like that actually might have some say in taking away the rights and privileges of others. They somehow think they have the *right* to take away the *rights* of others -and our weakened, PC society empowers them in their ridiculous capering.

Like most people here I bet, I have veterans in my family that went out and spilled blood and did their duty time and time again so that we could live in a country where the folk were FREE citizens.

I hate to say it, but I almost think we need another war to wake people up. Terrible as that is, I recall hearing from my Grandfather time and time again that wars really shake people up and weed out these anti- idiots who have no @^%$#!! idea about reality.

All they do is try to infect the rest of us with their ignorance and lies.

Sorry 'bout the wee rant there, but these weaselly little tight-arsed veggie-antis really get the 'ol Wolfman going.

They got NO right to impose their pathetic world-view on us.

'nuff said.


02-14-2008, 03:50 PM
Bowhunting is an atrocity and should be banned. For those who want to kill a being that society still sees as expendable, at least do it quickly and in a humane manner. No, I don't eat any animal products and I don't think abattoirs are humane either. It's well past time to ban bowhunting in B.C.
Diane McNally
Idiot........nuff said.

02-16-2008, 09:30 AM
If these clowns would have actually read the article the gist was that the UBBC would like the opportunity to hunt deer inside the closed area. Reduce the food and the wolves will shop somewhere else. If a guys has the opportunity to arrow a wolf well... bonus. :)

But it probably wouldn't make any difference to the dimwit that wrote the letter.


Bow Walker
02-16-2008, 10:54 AM
There is a person who has seen some pics of hunters with their kills - formed an erroneous opinion based on those pictures and has gone on a rant generalizing about a sport which she obviously has very, very little knowledge of.

Indicates a level of ignorance that begs for enlightenment. Sad, very sad. But it's the type of gibberish that the newspapers just love. They love it for one thing only - it is provocative, confrontational, and is sensationalized enough to raise their readership.

02-16-2008, 11:44 AM
Well, not being able to leave well enough alone, here's my letter to the editor.

Re: Bowhunting should be banned (Letter to editor Feb 14)

Apparently not eating “any animal products” somehow endows a moral superiority to the letter writer and, by extension, credence to her biased opinions even though her statements display a gross ignorance of bowhunting.

Death is never pretty. But the lethality of a properly placed arrow (seconds) is considerably quicker than the bone and organ shattering impact of a vehicle (possibly days) or even the drawn out agony of a wolf pack pulling down it’s prey and consuming it as the animal still struggles (possibly hours).

Humans have always been a part of the natural environment and if the letter writer dislikes bowhunting then I suggest she refrain from it. But, I'd wager that a lack of facts never stands in the way of good, self righteous indignation.

As the smoke from obliterated forests (temperate and tropical) wafts above the machinery preparing the land for yet more soy cultivation, and petro-chemical packaging protects non-animal food stuffs (to keep it fresh!), women and men will be taking to the forests with “stick and string” to obtain their own version of renewable, one hundred percent organic food, leaving the environment intact and available for the next generation.

Banning that would be the real “atrocity”.


02-16-2008, 12:09 PM
Well, not being able to leave well enough alone, here's my letter to the editor.

Re: Bowhunting should be banned (Letter to editor Feb 14)

Apparently not eating “any animal products” somehow endows a moral superiority to the letter writer and, by extension, credence to her biased opinions even though her statements display a gross ignorance of bowhunting.

Death is never pretty. But the lethality of a properly placed arrow (seconds) is considerably quicker than the bone and organ shattering impact of a vehicle (possibly days) or even the drawn out agony of a wolf pack pulling down it’s prey and consuming it as the animal still struggles (possibly hours).

Humans have always been a part of the natural environment and if the letter writer dislikes bowhunting then I suggest she refrain from it. But, I'd wager that a lack of facts never stands in the way of good, self righteous indignation.

As the smoke from obliterated forests (temperate and tropical) wafts above the machinery preparing the land for yet more soy cultivation, and petro-chemical packaging protects non-animal food stuffs (to keep it fresh!), women and men will be taking to the forests with “stick and string” to obtain their own version of renewable, one hundred percent organic food, leaving the environment intact and available for the next generation.

Banning that would be the real “atrocity”.


Very well said!

02-16-2008, 02:57 PM
Very well said, RC.

Our society has lost touch with the definition of true conservation and has replaced it with preservation. Today, hunters are chastised for harvesting any type of animal, regardless of justification and explanation. In fact, people don't even want to think about it and the killing of any animal is becoming completely unacceptable.

People today just want to go to the grocery store (not even a butcher shop anymore) and by their prepackaged, clean protein. You can't hardly call it meat because there is no association between what you buy and what the animal actually was. There is absolutely no blood or fluids, skin or even pictures to identify that this was even an animal at one point. The big grocery stores used to do all of their cutting on site, and now it all comes in vacuum sealed bags so that the customer doesn't have to relate their T-bones with the spine of a side of beef.

I have had many discussions with people that disagree with hunting but consume meat everyday of their lives. I cannot understand how someone can argue that it is ok to buy meat, but not to hunt it yourself. To me, buying meat is just paying blood money to a grocer to do your dirty work for you. Ignorance is bliss, right??


02-17-2008, 12:07 AM
my reply to people like that, and I'm not shy about using it is that they may not have blood on their hands but they have blood on their money. They brain usually goes into lock up about that time as they look for the escape route they can't find.


02-17-2008, 01:03 AM
The first thing I always ask an anti-hunter is if they eat meat. If they do, I explain that my meat lived a good life in it's natural habitat eating nothing but natural organic feed. I always make the absolute best effort to ensure a clean 1 shot kill, and promptly finish the job if it isn't quick enough. While thier meat is herded in unnatural conditions, fed questionable food, loaded with antibiotics & growth hormones..piled into feed lots and sent to a slaughterhouse. Or, how about a chicken factory where the birds are sent live down conveyor belts in some cases scalded alive...ect...ect...ect...
Often they change their tune. It seems most anti hunters just don't have a clue of what we do. I've also had a buddy who agreed with my point, and I cooked him a true west coast game feed. Island blacktail backstraps cooked to perfection covered by westcoast prawns with chantrelle mushrooms & garlic. Next thing I knew, I was sending him home with a pack of steak!!! Funny how peoples minds change! I love Moose, Elk, Mule Deer, & Caribou, but IMO their's no better eating than V.I. blacktail back strap! MMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!My Precious!!!!!

02-17-2008, 01:46 PM
Well said RC. Very eloquent. :lol:

I float through various stages of my life in dealing with non-hunters and anti-hunters. At present I'm probably more beligerant than I have been in the past.

I often cite the fact that hunting has less to do with the killing than it is a good process by which to mentor our young men. Western society is frought with youth that don't have appreciation for life, themselves or each other. Close to nature, our youth do appreciate the significance of death and more so, they value life.

Western culture is falling apart, because we are taking away the maturation process by which boys become men.

02-17-2008, 02:38 PM
it is a good process by which to mentor our young men

My sister, my wife and my daughter might take you to task on that statement :lol: but, ya, I hear you. Especially on the "respect for life" statement.

One thing that I do tell people who ask how I can let my kids handle firearms or go hunting is that they (my kids) know what "dead" is. They know the effect of bullets and broadheads, and they are fully aware that the tools and processes are not movie or video game and that life/death does not have a "reset" button.


02-17-2008, 09:33 PM
[They know the effect of bullets and broadheads, and they are fully aware that the tools and processes are not movie or video game and that life/death does not have a "reset" button.


Good on ya. I have taught my son and daughter from day one as my dad taught me. Bullets you can't take back. Not like a school yard fight and punches you can later say sorry. You can't take a bullet back period!

It's the lost the touch of nature society that we live in now. So many generations of people have grown up now with out the hunting and fishing heritage. It is a continuous uphill battle for us to uphold this heritage because of the masses that are living in cities and the media.