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View Full Version : Great Weekend in Smithers 3D as well

04-24-2005, 08:18 PM
Just back from the Smithers 3D shoot, my first 3D and for any who havent tried it, its an excellant experience. From those around me who have been to a lot the Smithers was a top notch event. So a tip of the hat to the Smithers archery group, (Bulkey Valley Archers I think) for putting on a great event.

Now it time to get ready for the Terrace shoot in two weeks (may 7 & 8), gota win that african safari, or custom made Algoma Bow or perhaps a free shoulder mount taxidermy cupon.

04-25-2005, 09:18 AM

I'll be practicing...not that that seems helps me none, but I'll race ya to the next scoring benchmark.

04-25-2005, 07:46 PM
It was good to meet you there. You keep on practicing, but I must say you are doing very well for someone only a month or so into it. As far as that Algoma at the Terrace shoot goes, you can forget about it as it will be mine I assure you!!!!!!!!!!!:D

My goal this weekend was to break 300 for the 3 32-target rounds (I am only about a realistic 2 week recurve newbie afer leaving my compound) and I was at 299 after 2 rounds. 476 was my end total. In Terrace my goal will be to break 500, but if I don't it won't spoil one bit of my fun.
Shooting with Rick Newnham (spelling?) was an absolute treat, and with Lorrie as well actually! Both are very excellent and easy going guys. Ed was very good to shoot with as well.

Anyway, keep practicing and we will see you in 10 days.