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View Full Version : Delta Waterfowl or Ducks Unlimited?

01-20-2008, 03:06 PM
Which organization will help me and ducks more for my dollar? Who has more projects in BC and which organization is more tailored to hunters. I was getting ready to donate to ducks unlimited then I checked out the delta waterfowl site. If I had to pick one to support which would it be and why?

Ian F.
01-20-2008, 04:02 PM
Pretty contentious issue this one

DU has the bragging rights over ALL CHARITIES of turning the highest proportion of donations into action. There focus is habitat creation and maintenance and preservation. The do so quietly and do it much better then anyone else including our governments and the same south of the border.

DU does not directly and openly support hunters, and did not weigh in on any gun issues in Canada in the last few years choosing to be neutral and non-commentary. Many folks have taken task at this, and "left" DU, but I think their actions are knee jerk. DU has always been apolitical, it's how they have been able to get so much done, they are on no one's side.

Delta focuses on research mainly with habitat second, they are vocal and more "militant" (using that word in it's lightest form) then DU. They openly support hunters.

I don't agree with some of Delta's programs and tactics, particularly it's focus on predator management which to me is just an attention grab and has little basis in science, a ploy to get more $$ if you will.

Both do good for ducks, both do most of their good in areas where they have the greatest bang for the buck, which means the prairies. But DU does have quite a number of project in BC including a hand in the Pitt/Addington complex.

Many folks choose not to choose and simply split their donation between the two organisations.

At the end of the day we each choose for our own reasons the groups we support.

Very best,


01-20-2008, 04:24 PM
There's a few guys from Delta Waterfowl that are members here that I'm sure can tell ya what they think. Here's yer chance boys. I do know that they were instrumental in the fight against Langley, nuff said. I personally think too much DU money goes south instead of staying in Canada K

01-20-2008, 07:13 PM
No doubt it is Ducks Unlimited

01-20-2008, 07:15 PM
When I was working for DU I was told that 90 cents of every dollar go to protection and managment of wetlands.


01-20-2008, 07:17 PM
Ian summed it up pretty well.

DU = waterfowl

Delta = waterfowl and waterfowling

01-20-2008, 07:33 PM
Last year I went the delta route, my brother did the DU route, then we've got a california waterfowl sticker on the trailer, I also recieved a chrome DU emblem for a tailgate, I guess I'm trying to say we donate to both of them, and can only hope they are both using the money wisely.

A question for those who know, Is there not a difference between Ducks Unlimited and Ducks Unlimited Canada? Does our money go towards projects here or is it all put together under the DU banner?

01-20-2008, 09:07 PM
mo ducks=mo ducks!
I support both:smile:

01-20-2008, 10:57 PM
DU gets some cash from me every year, but Delta gets 3x what I donate to the other guy....

DU is all about saving wetlands. Delta looks a little closer at the problem with more bird research...

We have some awesome pothole country out here...some of the best in NA...but nest success is less then 1% in many areas. So you can save all the wetlands you want , but if you don't look deeper into the problem little will change. This is where predator management comes in.

Delta is also the ringleader for recruiting new bird hunters for our country. I'm not sure how many youth hunts go on in BC, but here in Manitoba the youth hunts have grown all over the province.

Delta will not hesitate to lobby the government for the good of hunters and wildlife.

They each have a different agenda, But I would like to see them agree on issues some of the time....:oops:

Marsh Hawk
01-21-2008, 01:50 AM
As a member of the Lower mainland chapter commitee for the Delta Waterfowl chapter here, I can only tell you what I have experienced. I help run the Delta-Ladner Rod & Gun Club's Junior program and for the past few years, we have been putting on a youth hunt during Waterfowlers Heritage Days. Our partner for this venture is Delta Waterfowl and they have been amazing.

They have sent out a biologist to talk to our youths during our orientation night before we head out. They have also footed the bill for all of the shells the kids shoot and each kid goes away with an armload of stuff including a call, a shirt , a hat and more. We have had great success with the youth hunt with lots of big smiles at the end of the day. Talk about a way to get a kid hooked on hunting.

If our youth are "the future of ducks and duck hunting" as Delta Waterfowls motto is for the youth hunt is, they more than put their money where it can do a lot of good.

Ducks Unlimited, though they have done a lot of good work over the years seems to have turned into a large fundraising machine. Every page of their glossy magazine seems to extol how much money they have raised.
When was the last time they promoted the future of hunting by helping kids get out in the field?

My 2 cents.

Marsh Hawk

01-21-2008, 01:44 PM
I've spent many years working on DU fundraisers in 3 different chapters,and lately I'm leaning more towards Delta Waterfowl because of their support for hunting.I usually contribute to both,as they are both doing good work,but as waterfowl hunters we need all the support we can get,just to keep our sport alive.I would like to see DU provide more of that support if for no other reason than the fact that hunters started DU in the first place. Gunner

01-21-2008, 05:19 PM
Good to hear Mark, I knew one of ya would pipe up. I totally agree on the DU money machine aspect, things have really changed over the years. Plus, DU doesn't do a crab feed. K

Malley Whacker
01-22-2008, 10:55 PM
Delta gets my money. Delta's vission say's it all To sercure the future of waterfowl and waterfowl hunting. Delta provides knowldge,leaders and science-based solutions that efficiently conserve waterfowl. Some of Delta's Objectives are to Conduct high-quality research,Influence public policy and to preserve and promote hunting as an integeral part of waterfowl management.Delta has been around since 1938 they have some great programs like Adopt a pothole,Henhouse,predator management and the mentor/youth hunt program just nane a few of the many.For you B.C. hunters Delta was very happy to help it's Lower Mainland chapter in helping to keep hunting open in the Langley area. Most people do not know how close we came to losing more hunting area. If it was not for the committee members hard work Langley would have been closed and rest assured that would have been the start to the close of the surounding citys. I am not saying that DU does not do good work they just don't look out for the hunter eg.(when the local committee asked DU for a letter of support to keep hunting open in Langley DU declined :-()Currently we are fighting another battle we are trying to help the province get hunting reinstated in the Squamish estuary and I don't see DU helping. Keep up the good work Delta Waterfowl and local chapter.:lol:

Check out the Website www.deltawaterfowl.org (http://www.deltawaterfowl.org)

PS. to join the Lower Mainland Delta Waterfowl chapter call

fowl language
02-09-2008, 03:46 PM
i have to echo malley whackers comments.recently delta waterfowl went to bat to keep the duck stamp and its funding in place as the govt was going to cut the program.long for short with their support they were successful in keeping this program in place.they are involved in a hen house program for the lower mainland this year. i understand there is to be a weekend seninar on how to deal with the public, politicians, and anything to do with having to deal with outside forces when it comes to hunting and how to conduct ones self in all respects,they have done research from coast to coast on this matter. i hope this helps with a du vs dw, decision.....fowl