View Full Version : Barnett crossbows

01-11-2008, 05:25 PM
Anybody have any opinions on Barnett crossbows??

01-11-2008, 08:04 PM
I had one years and years ago..It was okay....

If I was buying crossbow today, I'd look at Excalibur, and only Excalibur...Slicker than goose sheet...

01-11-2008, 08:14 PM
I just bought a Horton legend 175lbs pull nice bow, I didn't bother to even look at a Barnett as they have always been lower end bows,, But after further investigation (too late) I see now they are building some nice stuff.. I can't imagine them still being in biz if they sold crap..

01-11-2008, 11:08 PM
I was just looking at the Horton Legacy 175. How do you like your Horton?

01-12-2008, 01:16 AM
Barnetts are crap, go with Excalibur

01-12-2008, 09:56 AM
I was just looking at the Horton Legacy 175. How do you like your Horton?

The Horton is rated as one if not the best crossbow going, don't get me wrong Excalibur is great product as well.

I've never tried to pull a 175-225lbs excalibur but I like the let off on my horton. Horton designed the graduated scope for crossbows, they have the dial a range on the side which increases the crosshair 10 yards per click. The silencing system make the bow nice and quiet, limbs look to be a composite and are garrantied for life. The horton automatically safes when you draw the string back. Very respectfull 320fps. One down fall would be you need someone to change out your string or need a press, in my book no biggy.

01-12-2008, 10:24 AM
I have a Horton Hunter Elite 175 lber and love it.....Took down a bull elk at almost 50 yards 2 years ago...

01-13-2008, 02:47 PM
I have a Horton Hunter Elite 175 lber and love it.....Took down a bull elk at almost 50 yards 2 years ago...

I'm glad that you made this shot and had success.

However I feel I should point out for any new cross bow hunters that this is outside of the accepted range until you're comfortable with the bow. Sure the bow can make it, but now you're dealing with a lot of room for error at that range. The noise of the bow can cause the animal to string jump, wind sheer at that range can move the bolt in wierd directions, and the kill zone looks like a little dot at that range.

Needless to say it's not the easiest shot to make, and an inexperienced crossbow shooter stands more of a chance of wounding then killing at that range.

My $2.50

01-13-2008, 08:38 PM
I'm glad that you made this shot and had success.

However I feel I should point out for any new cross bow hunters that this is outside of the accepted range until you're comfortable with the bow. Sure the bow can make it, but now you're dealing with a lot of room for error at that range. The noise of the bow can cause the animal to string jump, wind sheer at that range can move the bolt in wierd directions, and the kill zone looks like a little dot at that range.

Needless to say it's not the easiest shot to make, and an inexperienced crossbow shooter stands more of a chance of wounding then killing at that range.

My $2.50

Huh??? It was only 50 yards... Many would take the shot with a compound bow. I don't see what the problem and lecture are for...


01-13-2008, 09:27 PM
Huh??? It was only 50 yards... Many would take the shot with a compound bow. I don't see what the problem and lecture are for...

Now I'm no expert but having some interest in extending my hunting season a bit ' I've done a bit of looking into the whole bow thing. accepted wisdom is that it is unethical to take a shot if you don't think it will be a kill shot, a lot can happen over the course of 50 yrds, especially at under 500 fps.

01-14-2008, 02:56 AM
50 yards is not a long shot for a crossbow. A bull Elk's vitals at 50 yards are a big target. I love hearing of ethics on the Internet... Obviously the fellow felt he would make the shot. So, "Accepted wisdom is that it is unethical to take a shot if you don't think it will be a kill shot", where in the fellow's post did he say he felt it was not going to be a kill shot? If he is like me evert shot I take I feel will be a kill shot, otherwise I dont take it... Sound's to me he knew his bow, shot a straight bolt and killed an Elk. Good for him.

01-14-2008, 05:39 AM
Huh??? It was only 50 yards... Many would take the shot with a compound bow. I don't see what the problem and lecture are for...


It wasn't a lecture.

I was making a point for new crossbow hunters that would read this and think it's a common shot. It's outside of the accepted range of an inexperienced crossbow user. Too many variables until one knows their bow, and it's shots like this that can go bad and makes a bad name for the crossbow community. Obviously because of his previous experience with the bow Rocksteady felt he knew he could make the shot, and had success.

So get your panties out of that bunch... I was just helping the newbs.

01-14-2008, 09:16 AM
Just to clarify some of the issues here.... I have had the bow for 5 years now.

Prior to the hunting season where I got my bull, I had practiced almost every day for a month prior, at various ranges from 30 to 60 yards....

On the day in question, it was just getting to be first light and the heard was coming across a cutblock towards me. They were unaware that I was there. The whole herd started to turn at about 50 yards, with the bull bringing up the rear. I hit my hoochie mama twice and the bull stopped broadside. He was not scared or wary. I had crouched down behind some long grass in full camo, including facemask. When I took the shot he was still broadside and calm. The bolt hit him and he jumped on impact and went no more than 20 yards where his footing gave out in a mess of logging debris in a small ravine..

This distance is a little more than I wanted but with all of the practicing I had been doing, I was confident or I would not have taken the shot.....

01-14-2008, 11:16 AM
Man, I tried my buddies Excalibur Crossbow a few years ago and found hits in deer killzone targets at 60 yards, from offhand -to not be too challenging.

IIRC I moved out to 70 and still was doing fine.

This is after not picking up a crossbow in years, but I do shoot rifles alot.

A guy with a bit of practice shoudln't have any issue wiht a 50 yard shot on an elk if the angle is correct.:cool:

01-15-2008, 09:22 PM
good advice loki , i as a hopefull new bow hunter next season need to hear that stuff . geeze whats up that marty guys a--? mr feaking know it all over there. yeah thats right, im callin you out.!.

01-16-2008, 12:29 AM
call away dave, just my opinion that not everyone would feel that a 50 yrd shot is a gimme with a string and stick, there are some who would say it makes perfect sense to hunt ducks roadside with a slingshot , I guess if you've got the time to practice anything is possible but i hope you like tracking

01-19-2008, 07:03 PM
Ahemmmm. Back to the subject of crossbows. I have a inexpensive 165 lb compound Viper rattler that I can hand cock easily and off hand shooting put a bolt into a pie plate up to 60 yds anytime with the 3 dot scope. Barely used price with 10 arrows was 375. It's fun & easy to shoot.

01-20-2008, 04:04 PM
Rocksteady, gave his reasons, expertise and thoughts on the subject of HIM shooting out to 50 Yards, and it all sounds reasonable for HIS situation. CASE SHOULD BE CLOSED. Practise makes perfect and it sounds like he paid his dues for his nice elk.

01-20-2008, 04:33 PM
50 yards is doable if you practice enough and only under the right circumstances(ie no wind ,broadside animal). ANYWAYS... I have had a horton legend xl 175 for a few years and ive been pretty happy with it, on the other hand i have recently upgraded to a Excalibur equinox and the accuracy is exceptionally better.

01-20-2008, 05:44 PM
I guess the concern is that by making statements that it's good out to 50 yards or further makes some users think those are shots that can be taken.

I met a guy that took a mule deer at over 100 yards. Killed it dead. Didn't make it wrong or unethical, but it was a marginal shot no matter how you want to talk about it.

These crossbows that advertise 350 fps are likely not shooting that fast off the bow. Crossbows and compounds have IBO rating for speed which is using a standard arrow/bolt.

I applaud those that kill with a bow/crossbow, don't get me wrong. Do we know how much the bolt weighs? Is it 450 gr? Probably around that. Do we know how fast it is traveling when it is out 50 yards?

It isn't about "hitting the mark" it's about penetrating it and killing it. Why don't we use a 22 cal rifle for deer?

Bottom line. Compounds/crossbows should not be taking animals out beyond 40 yards. There are too many factors outside of our influence.

If you want to debate it, take an IBEP course.