View Full Version : Surprising Trail Cam Picture

01-09-2008, 05:35 PM
Not sure if this is legit or not, but a cool trail cam pic if it is. Just received this by email with the story below. Anyone know anything about it?


This picture is from Montana, where someone set out a motion sensor camera to see if any big bucks were passing in the area where he was thinking about bow hunting. When he downloaded the pictures, this was one of them. It's wild to see that cougar sneak up so close. It doesn't look like the deer knows he's there yet.

01-09-2008, 05:36 PM
I guess he won't be after that buck now.

01-09-2008, 05:38 PM
Sure looks real, but i just can't see a deer not sensing something that close. Pretty amazing if it is real.It would be interesting to know if he found a carcass.

01-09-2008, 05:46 PM
This pic has been around for several years now. Amazing how these things have a life of their own and resurface again and again and again. Story on the pic is it is a hoax. It is 2 pics blended into one. The trail cam took a pic of the deer and the trail cam took a pic of the lion and then some internet geek along the way merged the 2 pics together and low and behold, a internet legend is born.

01-09-2008, 05:47 PM
Another one of those sets of pictures that have been circulating for a few years now with "locations" etc varying every time they are e-mailed or posted.

01-09-2008, 05:55 PM
This one was around a few months ago.
Pretty cool.
I wish I had a camera with me a couple weeks ago...
I was out for the last day of the deer season around here and one doe bounds past me in a BIG hurry. Too fast to get a shot off, but about 10 seconds behind her there's another one heading straight towards me. She spots me, stops about 30' away for 1/2 a second, makes a hard right and is gone.
5 seconds behind her, a wolf comes over a rock outcropping and is right on her trail. He's also heading straight towards me and I have to whistle softly to get his attention. He stops, but doesn't see me so I whistle again. Sees me, decides he'd have better chances with the doe rather than my 12g and takes off after her.

Nice way to end the season. Watching Ma nature doing what she does.

01-09-2008, 08:26 PM
And you didn't stroke the wolf?:?

01-09-2008, 11:08 PM
This pic has been around for several years now. Amazing how these things have a life of their own and resurface again and again and again. Story on the pic is it is a hoax. It is 2 pics blended into one. The trail cam took a pic of the deer and the trail cam took a pic of the lion and then some internet geek along the way merged the 2 pics together and low and behold, a internet legend is born.

sorry for the repeat boys. i didn't see it before. i thought that possibly it was 2 life-like full mounts placed in the woods...hey i should do that sometime...then i could start the circulation and be a legend...hmmmm:lol:

01-10-2008, 01:31 AM
Doesn't look right! Cats don' stroll along with prey. At this distance the cat would be running at full-bore to get maximum momentum for the final pounce.

6 K
01-10-2008, 06:31 AM
My 2c. the cat looks way too close, he does not need to get that close to prey before pouncing. He'd have done it by now. Cool pic though made me think for a little:smile:

01-10-2008, 09:55 AM
Like Dana said, this one is an old hoax. I read some stuff on another site a few years ago, someone with a lot of digital photo manipulation experience analysed the photo and found definite signs that the image had been monkeyed with.