View Full Version : 2024 Spring Bear - General Thread

04-20-2024, 01:43 PM
Figured I would try to get some spring bear chatter going. Here's a general thread on the subject. Still hoping to see individual threads pop up of peoples hunts and harvests.

I was poking around last weekend. Yep definitely bears out mowing the grass. Fresh hits everywhere and was seeing new hits throughout the weekend.

Didn't see any bears but honestly didn't try too much. I was being super picky about where and when I'd take a bear if the opportunity presented itself. It was too hot during the day and I didn't want to deal with dressing and packing out a bear in the dark. The area is also really grown in, so it was basically "Alright. I'm going to sit on this log from 5PM until 7PM. IF the bear comes into X area from Y direction and I get a good look at it, I might take it. If t comes from A or B direction I'm going to just yell HEY BEAR and shut it down"

We did (presumably) hear one bear in the proximity. Loud snapping, causing a few rocks to slide, but it never came into where I wanted it to be.

Normally I like to poke in and out of these feeding pockets just like the bears do versus sitting and waiting, but with all the dry maple leaves that wasn't going to happen.

I'm sitting it out this weekend because I have other things that need doing but maybe next weekend. I'd wager there are bears already dropping, especially in R2, so looking forward to reading about it. Beauty time to be out there!



04-22-2024, 01:17 PM
Has anyone on the sit

04-22-2024, 02:38 PM
I bumped one a week ago in my area walking the dog. Not much green around there so I was a little surprised. Been travelling so no chance to get out and explore. I'm hoping to give it my first shot this coming weekend. This time of year is just so busy with work and kid's baseball.

I took a peek in the freezer and it's time to stock back up! :-)

04-22-2024, 03:18 PM
Only been out one day so far, saw no sign until I glassed up one at almost last light, snuck in and cut the first tag April 13th. Hoping to get back out this weekend.

04-22-2024, 03:51 PM
Wow that's early; region 3 I assume? My buddy was scouting in region 2 a couple days ago, no sign / no new grass.

Only been out one day so far, saw no sign until I glassed up one at almost last light, snuck in and cut the first tag April 13th. Hoping to get back out this weekend.

04-22-2024, 04:00 PM
Been out a couple times, haven’t seen a bear yet. Went to a known “bear area” in region 3 on Saturday and was surprised and frustrated at the amount of other people out and about, road hunting ect. Didn’t think it would be that busy this early but oh well! Gonna wait another week and half or so before I get out again.

04-22-2024, 04:41 PM
Rumour has it lots bears are out in the Tunkwa lake area.

04-22-2024, 05:26 PM
I was out in region 3 a week or so back. Hardly any grass, and no bears.

04-22-2024, 08:57 PM
Rumour has it lots bears are out in the Tunkwa lake area.

Tunkwa continues to produce, don't know if theres a better place to hunt in this province.

Wow that's early; region 3 I assume? My buddy was scouting in region 2 a couple days ago, no sign / no new grass.

Yes, region 3. Killed them as early as April 2nd in there, but this year with as mild of a winter as we had, seems to be later.

04-22-2024, 10:19 PM
Wow nice, April 2nd is really early for Region 3. My person earliest was Apr 25 in Region 3 (also my earliest in all regions); my dad had done April 1st but it was on Vancouver Island.

Tunkwa continues to produce, don't know if theres a better place to hunt in this province.

Yes, region 3. Killed them as early as April 2nd in there, but this year with as mild of a winter as we had, seems to be later.

04-24-2024, 08:51 PM
Personal record -April 14 5:30 pm 6 ft bear down ...region 2. It was feeding on grass at the edge of the forest. 2" of fat on his hind qs.

04-24-2024, 09:56 PM
Personal record -April 14 5:30 pm 6 ft bear down ...region 2. It was feeding on grass at the edge of the forest. 2" of fat on his hind qs.

Nice! Well done!! Would love to hear the story. Much of a pack out? Sounds like he was well fed before hibernation plus the mild winter. Congrats!

04-25-2024, 06:47 AM
Personal record -April 14 5:30 pm 6 ft bear down ...region 2. It was feeding on grass at the edge of the forest. 2" of fat on his hind qs.

That's a beaut!

04-25-2024, 03:32 PM


Nice bear naud!

04-25-2024, 10:01 PM
Nice work guys!

high horse Hal
04-26-2024, 09:05 AM
Nice noggin on that one for sure, good going

04-26-2024, 09:27 AM
Has anyone on the site been diagnosed with trichinosis and if so how did you get it and how long to recover. My understanding is that around the world trichinosis affects only about 10,000 cases total and in the united states apprx 400 cases a year. AS well if im not mistaken many of the cases in the usa occur from black bear and wild hog. Apparently if you have the worms the longer you wait for treatment the outcome is less favorable and in some cases will cause death. Ofcourse avoiding the worms is easy cook the meat as per guidelines and you should be fine. Btw the worm is not visible by the naked eye it is defiantly microscopic

Don't let this rob you of a hunting opportunity and loads of great meat. The last time the province studied the occurrence of trich in bear populations was in the late 90s. Then only about 15% of meat collected from hunters contained trich.

Parasites are everywhere, salmon is a good example, often having cool life cycles. I respect them, and maybe at times, eat them.

04-26-2024, 09:49 AM
Parasites are everywhere.

They sure are lol

04-26-2024, 10:34 AM
Don't let this rob you of a hunting opportunity and loads of great meat. The last time the province studied the occurrence of trich in bear populations was in the late 90s. Then only about 15% of meat collected from hunters contained trich.

Parasites are everywhere, salmon is a good example, often having cool life cycles. I respect them, and maybe at times, eat them.

Not worried or ro

04-26-2024, 01:43 PM
Just assume trich is present in all bear meat and cook it accordingly. I think here in the Fraser Valley, the rate is 15-25%. It gets higher as you go north. If I recall northern BC was over 50%.

I've taken 8 or so (losing count) bears in the fraser valley, so the odds are that at least one had trich.

Cook to an internal temperature of 165F and there is zero risk. Even 145F is fine. I just like 165F to not leave room for error.

You're more likely to get e-coli or salmonella from undercooked ground beef or chicken at the grocery store.

Anyone ever get toxoplasmosis from deer? :D

04-26-2024, 03:25 PM
Nice! Well done!! Would love to hear the story. Much of a pack out? Sounds like he was well fed before hibernation plus the mild winter. Congrats!
Saturday afternoon I took my son to look for bears. Drove the quad to many spots but did not see anything ; couple of scats here and there. Sunday morning we went on a boat to set a crab trap and fish for flounders . Around noon or so I spotted that bear at the shore feeding on grass; watched him for a long while...looked very nice :) did not mind me calling at him and whistling etc ...gave me confidence its a mature boar. I went back to the cabin and informed my neighbour (new hunter) who wanted to get a bear. She packed up with her husband and went on a dinghy to the shore. After not very long snicking around we found him and she go to around 60 yards...He was still munching around in the same vicinity. First shot went little high - took his spine out and his back legs were paralyzed ...he kept puling himself into the forest - second, she put right in his neck - and that was over. She was tickled pink! That was her first big game animal. Bear had thick beautiful coat / no rubs . Meat with plenty of fat. Pack out was a breeze-close to shore...by 10 pm all meat and bones were in the coolers.

How do you get the pictures on the page?