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03-23-2024, 03:52 PM
Just a big thanks to BCWF and Jesse Zeman for the hard work they do. Great presentation about the mule deer study at the outdoor show in Chilliwack today….cheers

03-24-2024, 12:49 AM
For those of us who weren't there -- what'd they have to say about the mule deer study?

Stone Sheep Steve
03-24-2024, 04:34 AM
Good to hear it went well.
Was chatting with JZ just before he had to leave to his presentation.
Been quite a while since we talked.


03-24-2024, 07:41 AM
The big take-aways for me are:1. that there is now scientific evidence that hunters are not the reason for mule deer mortality….predators (primarily bears and cougars) are responsible for a large percentage of new-born md deaths. 2. The increase of resource based roads through md habitat have given predators, not hunters, easier access to md populations 3. BC Government spending over the past many years….all governments, not just the current government, have failed to make wildlife conservation and study a priority. We are significantly behind and rely on public opinion rather than scientific data.
All of this information is anecdotally known by many of us, however, now we have scientific evidence to support these theories

There was a lot more content in his presentation that was based on PHD studies of three people supported by BCWF and many others…

03-24-2024, 09:40 AM
The big take-aways for me are:1. that there is now scientific evidence that hunters are not the reason for mule deer mortality….predators (primarily bears and cougars) are responsible for a large percentage of new-born md deaths. 2. The increase of resource based roads through md habitat have given predators, not hunters, easier access to md populations 3. BC Government spending over the past many years….all governments, not just the current government, have failed to make wildlife conservation and study a priority. We are significantly behind and rely on public opinion rather than scientific data.
All of this information is anecdotally known by many of us, however, now we have scientific evidence to support these theories

There was a lot more content in his presentation that was based on PHD studies of three people supported by BCWF and many others…

Did money need to be spent to have this conclusion? No knew this years ago. As well now that they already know what was already known..??? Has anything changed?

03-24-2024, 10:57 AM
Did money need to be spent to have this conclusion? No knew this years ago. As well now that they already know what was already known..??? Has anything changed?

What has changed is that there is some good solid science to help sway the political gods. Politicians and bureaucrats like having something finite to base decisions on. Not that I’m holding out much hope but at least there is more ammunition to further the cause.

Sadly, Wildlife is at the absolute bottom of the list of government priorities.

03-24-2024, 11:04 AM
Exactly right labguy….your and my anecdotal “evidence” means nothing to politicians….but hopefully this kind of study will. We gotta learn how to play the game and beat them at it����

Stone Sheep Steve
03-24-2024, 11:26 AM
What has changed is that there is some good solid science to help sway the political gods. Politicians and bureaucrats like having something finite to base decisions on. Not that I’m holding out much hope but at least there is more ammunition to further the cause.

Sadly, Wildlife is at the absolute bottom of the list of government priorities.

That’s right….’we think’ vs ‘we know’.

The biggest problem is that the people who control the govt(the controllers of the mega-corporations) don’t want us to be able to feed ourselves. That’s as obvious as the noses on our faces.

If you don’t think the above is true, look at Bill 36 that was passed last winter in the legislature.
We (you) now have medical communism in B.C.
Healthcare workers are now ‘officially’ muzzled.


03-25-2024, 07:31 PM
It was not anecdotal. The Grizzly data wasn't either.

03-26-2024, 03:16 AM
The biggest problem is that the people who control the govt(the controllers of the mega-corporations) don’t want us to be able to feed ourselves. That’s as obvious as the noses on our faces.


Poor management --> "justified enforced LEH/closures" doing the same with the fishing

They are even trying to ban certain herbs and natural health products.... quite clear at this point. Less people on the landscape is another one you will hear a lot which a lot of these man made burns and land act amendments and undrip will be playing big roles in, Eat ze bugs

Stone Sheep Steve
03-26-2024, 11:56 AM
This is a message from a friend who spent a decade as Regional President on the BCWF.

[ “It all changed for me when one of the local managers in the MOE took me aside and told me… “all the stuff the Fed says…. It all makes a sense and we agree with you…… but when I bring things up higher to the next level in Victoria…. It all gets denied full stop. They have their own agenda.”

That moment I changed forever]

No wonder nothing changes….and, sadly, it doesn’t seem to matter what party is leading the province.


03-26-2024, 01:16 PM
This is a message from a friend who spent a decade as Regional President on the BCWF.

[ “It all changed for me when one of the local managers in the MOE took me aside and told me… “all the stuff the Fed says…. It all makes a sense and we agree with you…… but when I bring things up higher to the next level in Victoria…. It all gets denied full stop. They have their own agenda.”

That moment I changed forever]

No wonder nothing changes….and, sadly, it doesn’t seem to matter what party is leading the province.


Right on the money Steve, if healthcare, enforcement, economy, and education are sold bought out and paid for one would have to be extremely naive to not consider that all politics in this country are completely controlled. All a show to keep the plebs from rebelling like we used to in times past when things got too out of hand, they go about it in a different fashion currently and right now they feel we have and can do to much its gone to far if you will time to take back, keep em comfortable, dumb stupid weak and dependent. Multiculturalism (which never has and never will work) and division probably being the biggest factor, at least when they used to push back the people would be one against the scum.