View Full Version : Electric Fence for Bear Country

02-08-2024, 07:25 AM
Hey Guys,
Planning a Goat trip in your wonderful province this September and wondering what everyone is using if anything regarding Grizzly Bear Protection in their base Camp. I know the usual don't sleep with your meat food goes into a tree cache is trees are available. Thinking of getting some sort of electric fence.
Thanks interested to hear everyone's input.

02-08-2024, 12:50 PM
Carrying a 12 v battery up a mountain can be cumbersome, I have several of those 12g shotgun trip alarms 6 to be exact, and make a perimeter around camp
with them. I USE 12 G. flairs in a couple of them if the area is moist enough that they won't start fires. There are motion detection lights with siren alarms that also could be used.

02-08-2024, 01:27 PM
I haven't looked at the 12G Trip alarms yet but I definitely will.
Thanks Base camp will be within proximity of the lake on this trip so could manage the battery especially if it's my ice fishing Lithium.

Arctic Lake
02-08-2024, 01:35 PM
PackAlarm .
Arctic Lake

02-08-2024, 02:16 PM
PackAlarm .
Arctic Lake

I use these as well. But don't think they are available anymore.

02-08-2024, 02:57 PM
yah looks like they aren't available anymore!

02-08-2024, 03:16 PM
Some places I hunt there are Grizz but not much, tons of Blackies though, I just do the basics haven't had any incidents, an ex military buddy who does solo Elk every year in the Kootenays in heavy Grizz country takes a little container of bleach in his pack opens it up when he gets back to or sets up camp for the night, opens it leaves it at his tent or bivy. Gets an Elk pretty well every year and swears by this said hes never had a problem too powerful for their noses. Wouldn't hurt trying it

02-08-2024, 03:24 PM
bears arent an issue generally speaking...its pretty rare event. Just listen to your guide

02-08-2024, 04:05 PM
Some places I hunt there are Grizz but not much, tons of Blackies though, I just do the basics haven't had any incidents, an ex military buddy who does solo Elk every year in the Kootenays in heavy Grizz country takes a little container of bleach in his pack opens it up when he gets back to or sets up camp for the night, opens it leaves it at his tent or bivy. Gets an Elk pretty well every year and swears by this said hes never had a problem too powerful for their noses. Wouldn't hurt trying it

I heard the same thing about pine sole?

02-08-2024, 08:06 PM
I heard the same thing about pine sole?

I hadn't heard of pine sol only heard it from him and he uses bleach, but I don't see why not i'm sure any harsh and or foul smelling chemical would work anything that takes you a back if he gets a whiff he will probably be like **** this lol (unless its rotting flesh)

They are now saying that a bear has the strongest nose on earth on land, imagine how strong some checmicals/odours would smell with a sniffer that strong, probably be unbearable

02-08-2024, 09:17 PM
My son and I have purchased PackAlarm. The inventor and founder has retired. We have just launched our website and are open for business. If you are interested, our website address is www.packalarm.com

02-08-2024, 10:34 PM
Are you buying something to protect your camp while you’re not there? Or something to wake you up from a dead sleep if it enters your perimeter?

I’ve never used any kind of tent alarm yet, but I’d like to get one. I had a spring black bear shred my tent a couple years ago. Luckily he came in to camp just before I went to bed and we vacated the area and went home, if not it would’ve been ugly. That said, I’ve never had mid-season bear problems. There’s always that chance of running into a sick or wounded bear who’s desperate, but I probably wouldn’t worry too much about that.

I hang my food in a tree and dangle a bell below it in hopes that if I have a bear problem than he’ll go after my food first and in theory wake me up so I have a fighting chance to deal with him.

02-08-2024, 10:38 PM
My son and I have purchased PackAlarm. The inventor and founder has retired. We have just launched our website and are open for business. If you are interested, our website address is www.packalarm.com

I've used the pack alarm for a few years now, they're great...

02-08-2024, 10:39 PM
I hadn't heard of pine sol only heard it from him and he uses bleach, but I don't see why not i'm sure any harsh and or foul smelling chemical would work anything that takes you a back if he gets a whiff he will probably be like **** this lol (unless its rotting flesh)

They are now saying that a bear has the strongest nose on earth on land, imagine how strong some checmicals/odours would smell with a sniffer that strong, probably be unbearable

I've heard bears can smell 7 times better than a bloodhound...

02-09-2024, 08:23 AM
well, I've yet to use a pack alarm/ electric fence while sheep/goat hunting up north.
If a bear wants in a electric fence won't do anything
I just keep the 300 loaded and beside me at all times.

hang your food away from your tent, don't sleep by obvious game trails.

02-09-2024, 08:48 AM
Thanks for all the great Comments we aren't going with a guide I will be hunter hosted with my BC Hunting partner and have done several back country trips, the fence would be for our basecamp while we are out on a Spike camp. I will definitely check it out "264mag (https://www.huntingbc.ca/forum/member.php?21110-264mag)"

02-10-2024, 12:38 PM
Solar powered motion light, under a kg. Or something similar. Nice in any camp.


02-11-2024, 11:07 AM
A friend of mine drops moth balls around his camp and the base of his meat pole.
I have had bears black and griz come into camp at night and while we were away hunting, not fun.

Arctic Lake
02-11-2024, 11:42 AM
A bloodhounds sense of smell is 300 times greater than a humans . A bears is 7 times greater than a bloodhound or 2100 times .
Arctic Lake

02-11-2024, 02:23 PM
I've been using a UDap portable electric fence for quite a few years. They absolutely do work. They work around your camp and they work around your meat pole or cache. They are the much preferred method for protection against the big bears in Alaska for a reason.

Arctic Lake
02-11-2024, 02:49 PM
Hopefully it would get this fella to go the other way !
Arctic Lake
I've been using a UDap portable electric fence for quite a few years. They absolutely do work. They work around your camp and they work around your meat pole or cache. They are the much preferred method for protection against the big bears in Alaska for a reason.

02-11-2024, 04:12 PM
Hopefully it would get this fella to go the other way !
Arctic Lake
That’s a big bear. The thing I noticed is he’s still cautious walking up to the bait. The camera flash startles him two times. He’s definitely king of the jungle, but he probably got that way by being cautious. I guess the theory of bears not being nocturnal is blown to shit.

02-13-2024, 10:30 AM
I'd check on a bee keeping forum. Those guys will have a pretty good idea what works for bears.

02-13-2024, 10:38 AM
Up around gang ranch empire valley area all the bee boxes had an electric fence around them..

02-13-2024, 11:01 AM
Up around gang ranch empire valley area all the bee boxes had an electric fence around them..

Same as here at home but I don't know what they are using but whatever it is it seems to work. I know my electric fencer don't keep the bears out but does keep the cows in.

.330 Dakota
02-13-2024, 03:49 PM
Those electric fences work great, check YouTube,,theres experiments theyve done with wild grizzlies,,they dont like it at all

02-19-2024, 09:14 AM
Great stuff here, how heavy are they, how long to they last on a charge, how do they react to cold and or wet conditions?

high horse Hal
02-19-2024, 10:43 AM
portable fencers that runs on D cell batteries are available and solar powered too. the trick is to run 2- or 3-wire fence with both +positive and -negative so contact is insured
Relaying on the -neg ground coming through foot contact can be a problem

A cheap noise maker can be made with a $5 personal safety alarm and a long string, a cheap fly reel spooled up with flyline backing works good

02-28-2024, 03:08 PM
We thought our fence wasnt working and the ground was too dry as we could touch it with no shock...we took our boots off and tried it in socks lol...wammo! It was working.

02-29-2024, 12:26 PM
I'll weigh in as a bee keeper:

Electric fence works great for bears as long as they are trained to it. Normally, you want to smear the wire with peanut butter or drape bacon over it to encourage the bear to deliberately touch the wire - then it knows that that is the source of the shock. I'm unsure if this would be a great idea while out hunting though...

If you just hang up a few wires and the bear blunders into it though, it's as likely to run through it as run away and then end up in camp, likely pissed.

My electric fence did fail last year due to dry ground and the bears (sow and cubs) did get through in the night. After cleaning up, I hung a pack alarm up around the outside of the electric fence thinking at least it would wake me up so I could respond one way or another. Bears came back 3 times in 3 nights, set the alarm off every time and were nowhere to be found by the time I got outside.

03-04-2024, 09:34 AM
I'll weigh in as a bee keeper:

Electric fence works great for bears as long as they are trained to it. Normally, you want to smear the wire with peanut butter or drape bacon over it to encourage the bear to deliberately touch the wire - then it knows that that is the source of the shock. I'm unsure if this would be a great idea while out hunting though...

If you just hang up a few wires and the bear blunders into it though, it's as likely to run through it as run away and then end up in camp, likely pissed.

My electric fence did fail last year due to dry ground and the bears (sow and cubs) did get through in the night. After cleaning up, I hung a pack alarm up around the outside of the electric fence thinking at least it would wake me up so I could respond one way or another. Bears came back 3 times in 3 nights, set the alarm off every time and were nowhere to be found by the time I got outside.

Great to hear the pack alarm worked we picked one up for our Goat trip cant wait to hit the hills!!

06-06-2024, 12:30 PM
Tie a string around your camp and dangle your empty beer cans on it.

06-06-2024, 07:05 PM
I've spent many nights in a tent in Grizzly country and never had a problem but I guess it only takes one time with the wrong bear to change that.

If you keep a clean camp you probably won't have any troubles.