View Full Version : B.C. NDP quietly consult on sweeping changes to managing public lands

01-26-2024, 08:51 PM
https://vancouversun.com/opinion/columnists/vaughn-palmer-bc-ndp-quietly-consult-sweeping-changes-managing-public-lands#:~:text=VICTORIA%20%E2%80%94%20The%20New%20D emocrats%20have,submissions%20on%20the%20governmen t%20website.

Swamp mule
01-26-2024, 09:28 PM
That explains why BC Lands has a signed policy that they will not entertain anymore land applications for crown land (ie. agriculture ag leases, lots along lakes) for private purchase amongst the general public. Even though food security comes to mind in the near future, we can foresee the limitations of a person's ability to purchase additional land.

01-26-2024, 09:46 PM
I have a buddy who is negotiating these treaties. He told me that the drive is to 'make a deal' - it doesn't matter what the deal is - it just has to give stuff to the indigenous and be signed. A LOT of stuff.

I think the Liberals know they're on their way out and want a legacy.

01-26-2024, 09:56 PM
I think the Liberals know they're on their way out and want a legacy.

This is the BC NDP's doing

01-26-2024, 10:16 PM
Socialism. There goes the BC economy. Alberta may get an influx of new residents over this. I really don't believe what is happening to this province and country. As I said before, Canadians cant stand prosperity.

01-26-2024, 10:24 PM
Socialism. There goes the BC economy. Alberta may get an influx of new residents over this. I really don't believe what is happening to this province and country. As I said before, Canadians cant stand prosperity.

SOME Canadians can’t stand prosperity. And it’s those at the top, guided by ‘experts’ that believe in the failure that is socialist ideals. Those players at the top don’t have to worry about the masses because they can and will retain power and prosperity through the evil deals they have committed the populace to.

01-26-2024, 10:44 PM
SOME Canadians can’t stand prosperity. And it’s those at the top, guided by ‘experts’ that believe in the failure that is socialist ideals. Those players at the top don’t have to worry about the masses because they can and will retain power and prosperity through the evil deals they have committed the populace to.

You are absolutely right on the money and that is why I said what I said. The populace needs to throw the bums at the top out, but they won't, because we live in a demagoguery. Before every election those at the top buy off the electorate with their own money. Here's a rebate check. Oh great we will vote for you.

01-26-2024, 10:47 PM
FN's going to own it all , just check out the UNDRIP agreement that this slimy NDP government with Horgan in charge that the quietly and under the table signed off all of BC to the FN's without any public consultation .

01-27-2024, 08:41 AM
Looking at the distribution of elected MPs in the province, almost every riding outside of the island and Vancouver was conservative in nature. Although the Liberals stood up for this UNdrip program as well. No need to buy the vote, just tell people that they are morally superior by voting NDP and that everything will workout just fine. I really hope that the BC Conservative party can make some big waves this fall. I think everyone across the province is feeling the pinch from high cost of living here and promise to cut the carbon tax. Ebby has already said he will absolutely not cut it even in the feds do because “British Colombians know that fighting climate change is important and want it” (not the exact quote but pretty much the idea).

Even people in Vancouver have got to be fed up with the policies by now- decriminalization, taxation, housing unaffordability, SOGI. Wait till the FN’s lay claim to any crown land in and around Vancouver, preventing development without pay offs or flat out denial of consent.

01-27-2024, 08:47 AM
SOME Canadians can’t stand prosperity. And it’s those at the top, guided by ‘experts’ that believe in the failure that is socialist ideals. Those players at the top don’t have to worry about the masses because they can and will retain power and prosperity through the evil deals they have committed the populace to.

Case in point, that disingenuous, two-faced piece of shit John Horgan harped on and on about the evils of coal and environmental this and that. He retired from politics and takes a bag of money to be the head of the coal lobby in the province. I have nothing against coal or the sustainability and good stewardship of the environment but the irony can’t be lost on his fans.

01-27-2024, 09:42 AM
Wait till the FN’s lay claim to any crown land in and around Vancouver, preventing development without pay offs or flat out denial of consent.

It's already here. I have another friend that does work for the parks department. It's unbelievable what they have to do to get anything done. And there's a FN sitting there watching everything in case they dig up an arrowhead.

Arctic Lake
01-27-2024, 10:20 AM
Our country is sinking ! I really would like to know how veterans of WW 2 in our country feel about what’s happening . Did they not go to war to prevent dictatorship from spreading ? It’s a shame that most of them are gone now and the few that are left are too old to realize what is going on .
Arctic Lake

01-27-2024, 11:19 AM
Our country is sinking ! I really would like to know how veterans of WW 2 in our country country feel about what’s happening . Did they not go to war to prevent dictatorship from spreading ? It’s a shame that most of them are gone now and the few that are left are too old to realize what is going on .
Arctic Lake

I agree..................

01-27-2024, 11:58 AM
https://vancouversun.com/opinion/columnists/vaughn-palmer-bc-ndp-quietly-consult-sweeping-changes-managing-public-lands#:~:text=VICTORIA%20%E2%80%94%20The%20New%20D emocrats%20have,submissions%20on%20the%20governmen t%20website.
The Americans are on the edge of a civil war because of the Federal Government's abandonment of the rule of law and their clear hatred for the American people. It is happening here as well so don't be surprised to see violence errupt in this country for exactly the same reasons. And when it does, the land will be given back.

The very idea they are doing it "quietly" shows their contempt for the people of British Columbia and the fact that they know what they are doing is not in "our" best interest.

01-27-2024, 03:17 PM
StatsCan says:

BC population is ~5,100,000.

FN is ~172,000 people in BC.

So FN is ~ 3.3% total population in this province and they want to give this 3.3% an outsized say in the control of 95% of the land? Because of their race.

When will the racism end?

I'm born and raised here on this land, just like the generations of my family before me were. Generations that fought and protected and built this once strong and free society. If it weren't for these men and the other men if this country like them we'd all be goose stepping and there would be no FN.

I'm not sure where that white privilege is... I sure never saw it... Heck, the place I grew up (Steveston) I'm a minority now... When are the regular people of this province wake the **** up. Went woke, gone broke... and now we're digging even deeper.

01-27-2024, 06:27 PM
The Americans are on the edge of a civil war because of the Federal Government's abandonment of the rule of law and their clear hatred for the American people. It is happening here as well so don't be surprised to see violence errupt in this country for exactly the same reasons. And when it does, the land will be given back.

The very idea they are doing it "quietly" shows their contempt for the people of British Columbia and the fact that they know what they are doing is not in "our" best interest.

Perhaps everyone stops paying income taxes in protest. Including businesses.

Arctic Lake
01-27-2024, 07:51 PM
It’s a sad state of affairs . You have to wonder , do the wealthy , the elites , the swamp , create turmoil and chaos to wait for the people to cry for help and then they ,the above implement draconion measures and we loose basic freedoms .
Sorry , I think I derailed this thread I’m concerned !
Arctic Lake

01-27-2024, 09:06 PM
Perhaps everyone stops paying income taxes in protest. Including businesses.
yea, like trying to get everyone to stop wearing their mask. Aint going to happen until they can't put food on the table.

01-27-2024, 09:11 PM
It’s a sad state of affairs . You have to wonder , do the wealthy , the elites , the swamp , create turmoil and chaos to wait for the people to cry for help and then they ,the above implement draconion measures and we loose basic freedoms .
Sorry , I think I derailed this thread I’m concerned !
Arctic Lake

01-27-2024, 10:00 PM
StatsCan says:

BC population is ~5,100,000.

FN is ~172,000 people in BC.

So FN is ~ 3.3% total population in this province and they want to give this 3.3% an outsized say in the control of 95% of the land? Because of their race.

When will the racism end?

I’m quoting this so everyone reads it again. The reality of those numbers speaks loud and clear. Are the fn entitled to some compensation for how they were treated? Probably. But not 95% of the damn province. It’s time for a reality check.

I hope everyone that reads this thread takes the time to go to the link to the govt site in the news story linked in the first post and tell them how you feel, and what you want done.

01-27-2024, 10:49 PM
That is bonkers. Where does it end?

How about we just manage our natural resources in an objective and science-based manner. This is such an imbalanced response, it is ridiculous. I sent an email.

I wish the social justice movement would focus more on wealth inequality, a vastly greater issue that presents a bleak future for young Canadians from all ethnicities and backgrounds including FNs, LGBTQ, blacks, whites, and every other group under the sun. It seems like people are just getting dumber and dumber, on both sides of the political spectrum. Feels like we are becoming too dumb collectively for democracy to make sense. Soon we will be watering our crops with Gatorade.

01-28-2024, 02:24 AM
Civil War, where do you think it comes from? Push people till they can not take it any more!

Walking Buffalo
01-28-2024, 08:09 AM
If you know your history, you will have wished that this was dealt with 150 years ago.
The BC gov and its residents have been putting this off, and off and off for future generations to deal with.
With every delay the cost becomes much greater.

So, the consensus is to put it off for the next generation to deal with?

.330 Dakota
01-28-2024, 08:11 AM
Its quite a shame. There are a lot of fantastic FN people out there and this BS will breed hate and possibly violence against them,,sad really,,divide and conquer tactics again

01-28-2024, 08:42 AM

Direct link to the “engagement”. Go there and be heard! Comments are open until March 31st.

01-28-2024, 12:15 PM
If you know your history, you will have wished that this was dealt with 150 years ago.
The BC gov and its residents have been putting this off, and off and off for future generations to deal with.
With every delay the cost becomes much greater.

So, the consensus is to put it off for the next generation to deal with?

I disagree.

There's is nothing to "deal with" other than erasure of the failed policies of division and the Indian Act.

A Canadian is a Canadian is a Canadian. That is the only way forward.

01-28-2024, 12:19 PM
I disagree.

There's is nothing to "deal with" other than erasure of the failed policies of division and the Indian Act.

A Canadian is a Canadian is a Canadian. That is the only way forward.

Thats the way I see it as well. Enough of the free ride

Walking Buffalo
01-28-2024, 01:25 PM
I disagree.

There's is nothing to "deal with" other than erasure of the failed policies of division and the Indian Act.

A Canadian is a Canadian is a Canadian. That is the only way forward.

There is a legal way to achieve your "only way forward".

Can you tell us what it is?

Otherwise, the only way forward involves consultation, negotiation and a HUGE Settlement.

Blame the founders of BC and every provincial politician from the last 150 years for not following the law they imposed upon ALL of us.

01-28-2024, 02:04 PM
I’m quoting this so everyone reads it again. The reality of those numbers speaks loud and clear. Are the fn entitled to some compensation for how they were treated? Probably. But not 95% of the damn province. It’s time for a reality check.

I hope everyone that reads this thread takes the time to go to the link to the govt site in the news story linked in the first post and tell them how you feel, and what you want done.

OK, I did a reality check and what I see is the FN stamping their feet to the beat of a tom-tom saying " we were here first, we were here first,na na na nanya!

01-30-2024, 08:30 PM
They about to make it legal for FN to have loaded guns in vehicles also

But the firearms act is being reviewed. It’s an old act that is written out of date and the officer didn’t know the law. So someone wants to put an exemption in that aboriginals are exempt from loaded gun laws. evidences was given it’s unsafe.

01-30-2024, 08:47 PM

01-31-2024, 10:48 AM
So if co-mangement becomes law in BC will that mean that FN blockades that we have seen in the past few years will then become legal?

Arctic Lake
01-31-2024, 10:52 AM
What’s this about ? Do you have a link ?
Arctic Lake
They about to make it legal for FN to have loaded guns in vehicles also

But the firearms act is being reviewed. It’s an old act that is written out of date and the officer didn’t know the law. So someone wants to put an exemption in that aboriginals are exempt from loaded gun laws. evidences was given it’s unsafe.

01-31-2024, 11:27 AM
B.C. Land Act Amendment and the Future of British ColumbiaThe government’s timeline for the consultation and the implementation of public land-use agreements is truly terrifying. The public engagement period on the required Land Act amendments ends March 31, 2024. The government intends to start drafting the amendments in February, nearly two months BEFORE the public consultation period ends. This is a sham. Clearly, the government has already made up its mind about the content of those bills and that the opinions of ordinary British Columbians don’t matter.

The amendments under consideration will profoundly affect the ability of British Columbians to steward, access, and enjoy nearly every inch of the province for recreation and business, while delivering effective veto power, disregarding the concepts of natural justice and procedural fairness.

According to an analysis by McMillan LLP, a firm specializing in indigenous law: “These amendments would go much further than the Supreme Court of Canada’s rulings based on the recognition of Aboriginal rights set out in s. 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982. While the Supreme Court has issued many decisions making clear Indigenous groups hold certain special rights, including the right to be consulted before decisions are made that could affect them, the Court has repeatedly stated that they do not have a veto over Crown land decision-making.”


01-31-2024, 11:52 AM
Iron Noggin...thanks for posting that excerpt from the BCWF bulletin, you beat me to it. That is the chunk that everyone needs to read and, as we all know, there are far too many that will never take the time to read what the BCWF had to say about it, never mind the actual NDP document they have posted on-line for people to read.

As usual the NDP are proceeding with things in a underhanded manner which, based on past experience, means that they have published information quietly so that most taxpayers in the province will have no idea of what is being done and what is at stake. Not to mention the fact that it is readily apparent by their established time lines, they have no intentions of actually listening to what the non-indigenous segment of our population has to say about it. You know, the other 96 % of the provinces population.

The direction this appears to be heading is outrageous, but at the same time not particularly surprising to me. People better get involved and let their opinions be known loud and clear.

I have had several discussions the last couple of days with people I know about this and, not surprisingly, found that not one of them knew anything about it. Even more disturbing was the fact that I could tell they were all very unlikely to do anything about it, based on the way they responded. Their tone of voice and body language told me everything I needed to know.

01-31-2024, 12:13 PM
British Columbians need to look into what UNDRIP is really about, pitting the majority against the First Nations while the gov’t uses the latter as the scapegoat to supersede control in the end. This stinks of Sustainable development 2030 UN Agenda and WEF policies you’re local gov’ts and municipalities have been quietly implementing for some time now. I suggest all of you who care to look into this check out OPERATION P.O.G.G. PRIMER which outlines how to battle this at you’re local level. Good luck and God Bless to all when this comes down the pipe. Say good bye to hunting,fishing, camping, and enjoying any true freedom in our great outdoors if they succeed with this.

01-31-2024, 12:13 PM
British Columbians need to look into what UNDRIP is really about, pitting the majority against the First Nations while the gov’t uses the latter as the scapegoat to supersede control in the end. This stinks of Sustainable development 2030 UN Agenda and WEF policies you’re local gov’ts and municipalities have been quietly implementing for some time now. I suggest all of you who care to look into this check out OPERATION P.O.G.G. PRIMER which outlines how to battle this at you’re local level. Good luck and God Bless to all when this comes down the pipe. Say good bye to hunting,fishing, camping, and enjoying any true freedom in our great outdoors if they succeed with this.

01-31-2024, 12:26 PM
British Columbians need to look into what UNDRIP is really about, pitting the majority against the First Nations while the gov’t uses the latter as the scapegoat to supersede control in the end. This stinks of Sustainable development 2030 UN Agenda and WEF policies you’re local gov’ts and municipalities have been quietly implementing for some time now. I suggest all of you who care to look into this check out OPERATION P.O.G.G. PRIMER which outlines how to battle this at you’re local level. Good luck and God Bless to all when this comes down the pipe. Say good bye to hunting,fishing, camping, and enjoying any true freedom in our great outdoors if they succeed with this.

Best and most accurate comment in this entire thread, period.

Thanks Brother for the heads up on operation pogg primer have not heard of this will look into it.

God Bless

01-31-2024, 12:35 PM
So if co-mangement becomes law in BC will that mean that FN blockades that we have seen in the past few years will then become legal?

Good question id like to know as well..so then, the law within the hunting regs that states that ppl are not allowed to interfere with a legal hunt would not longer apply to FNs towards the rest of us?

01-31-2024, 01:36 PM
https://www.fraserinstitute.org/blogs/bc-governments-plan-to-co-manage-public-land-with-first-nations-will-close-province-for-business?fbclid=IwAR0TaoYIrgH9ruOKL1TuXmNpHFUhoNGo zIgS4pX_sqBnOLug7ZcIeN11Dz8

01-31-2024, 01:49 PM
https://www.fraserinstitute.org/blogs/bc-governments-plan-to-co-manage-public-land-with-first-nations-will-close-province-for-business?fbclid=IwAR0TaoYIrgH9ruOKL1TuXmNpHFUhoNGo zIgS4pX_sqBnOLug7ZcIeN11Dz8

B.C. government’s plan to co-manage public land with First Nations will close province for businessB.C. government’s plan to co-manage public land with First Nations will close province for business

British Columbia has long struggled to attract investment, and keep and grow successful entrepreneurs and businesses, a critical lifeblood for any economy. This struggle has gotten progressively worse as the provincial government introduces new policies that make it increasingly difficult for businesses and entrepreneurs to thrive, ultimately imperiling living standards in the province. Now, the government is quickly and quietly moving towards co-management (alongside more than 200 First Nations) of all Crown land (i.e. public land), roughly 94 per cent of the province. This would be a death nail for investment in the province.

Between 2010 and 2019, the decade preceding COVID, B.C. attracted less private investment per worker than the national average and well behind Alberta, Saskatchewan and even Manitoba. While B.C. fared slightly better in 2021, the latest year of available data, the province’s per-worker investment remains only 62 per cent of the level in the United States.

As expected, the lack of business investment has produced lower incomes. According to a recent report comparing the median employment income of 59 large metropolitan areas in western Canada and the western United States, of the bottom 10 cities, five were in B.C. And Vancouver, the province’s commercial hub, ranked 47th at CA$37,300, far behind top-ranked Silicon Valley (CA$73,895).

In B.C., poor government policy drives a poor investment climate. Consider our business tax system, which includes the highest total tax rate on businesses in Canada. A study published by the University of Calgary found that in 2020, B.C.’s total business tax rate, including federal business taxes, was 25.6 per cent, dwarfing the national average (15.6 per cent) and the rate in neighbouring Alberta (12.1 per cent).

On the regulatory front, a 2022 survey of mining companies ranked B.C. 27th of 62 jurisdictions for mining investment attractiveness and a 2023 survey of petroleum companies ranked B.C. 15th of 17 jurisdictions for its investment attractiveness. Both surveys cited the same three risks as inhibiting investment—land claims, protected areas and environmental regulations.

Just how economically damaging are these risks? According to the B.C. government’s own economic estimates, its regulations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs), known as CleanBC, will cost the province $28 billion in lost economic activity by 2030. In other words, by the end of the decade British Columbians will be $4,600 poorer per person than they would be without these regulations.

Which brings us back to the provincial government’s plan to co-manage all Crown land with more than 200 First Nations. The government wants to “share decision-making” on all Crown land by this spring. In other words, within the next four months or so, the government hopes to introduce an entirely new regime where the government and First Nations jointly make decisions about land-use on public lands.

Make no mistake, this change will have massive consequences for B.C.

Currently, British Columbians, through their elected provincial government, are the final decision-makers about what happens on public lands. According to the government, the “Land Act is the primary article of legislation that is used by the government to convey land to the public for community, industrial and business use.” That covers everything from how the land is used for communications and electricity transmission towers, to mining, tourism, agriculture and transportation infrastructure. The Act also covers lakes, rivers and the coastline, which impacts anything on water including future hydro projects.

In essence, if the government changes the Land Act according to its co-management plan, First Nations will become joint landlords of more than 90 per cent of B.C. and own veto power over any decision British Columbians want to make for our province.

It’s hard to overstate the chill these proposed changes would have on B.C.’s investment climate, particularly given existing concerns about land claims and regulations. The province will become essentially un-investable in many industries that do business on Crown lands or water.

Clearly, the uncertainty and sheer magnitude of this proposal deserve closer scrutiny by British Columbians who should have a greater voice in these proposed changes. To say that the government is rushing and not being fully transparent with such a monumental change in legislation would be a generous understatement. The economic and fiscal implications of these changes will be profound, and the provincial government has failed to disclose any economic impacts.

At a minimum, the government should delay the implementation of these changes and allow a robust debate to occur. More fundamentally, changes of this significance ought to be decided by British Columbians through our electoral process—either an election or referendum. That’s how unprecedented and profound the move towards de facto co-ownership of all Crown lands is to the future of our great province.

Staggering!! :evil:

01-31-2024, 02:56 PM
What could possibly go wrong if this came to pass?!

Anyone who has paid even the least bit of attention to projects like the LNG pipeline to Kitimat, or Site C has gotten only a taste of what the plans of the NDP could cause if they come to fruition. Constant delays, one band disagreeing with another, hereditary chiefs at odds with the elected band councils, bands changing their minds after council elections, protests and constant attempts to obstruct by "environmentalists". A veritable dog and pony show...now lets add in veto powers. No one will want to invest in this province and that is just to begin with...as tax paying residents the fall out will be hard to live with.

01-31-2024, 04:06 PM
B.C. Land Act Amendment and the Future of British ColumbiaThe government’s timeline for the consultation and the implementation of public land-use agreements is truly terrifying. The public engagement period on the required Land Act amendments ends March 31, 2024. The government intends to start drafting the amendments in February, nearly two months BEFORE the public consultation period ends. This is a sham. Clearly, the government has already made up its mind about the content of those bills and that the opinions of ordinary British Columbians don’t matter.

The amendments under consideration will profoundly affect the ability of British Columbians to steward, access, and enjoy nearly every inch of the province for recreation and business, while delivering effective veto power, disregarding the concepts of natural justice and procedural fairness.

According to an analysis by McMillan LLP, a firm specializing in indigenous law: “These amendments would go much further than the Supreme Court of Canada’s rulings based on the recognition of Aboriginal rights set out in s. 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982. While the Supreme Court has issued many decisions making clear Indigenous groups hold certain special rights, including the right to be consulted before decisions are made that could affect them, the Court has repeatedly stated that they do not have a veto over Crown land decision-making.”


Thanks for posting, indeed concerning... so I'm assuming our best course of action is to meet with/write/email our MLA's?

01-31-2024, 05:18 PM
Does anybody know what the implications for hunting/ fishing could be?

01-31-2024, 06:18 PM
I currently own property that has been barricaded by fn. get ready for that to be an ever increasing problem in terms of access. I would think that at some point in the future hunting and fishing camping will be heavily restricted.

01-31-2024, 06:26 PM
Does anybody know what the implications for hunting/ fishing could be?

You may have to pay FNs for the privilege on top of the BC govt. Just like GST on the carbon tax. OR you may just have to give up the sports or move the Alberta.

Arctic Lake
01-31-2024, 06:47 PM
Unbelievable that we are at this point ,should have been dealt with many years ago . Who would invest here in this province if FN end up having a Veto over almost everything ! Public land should be just that public land .
I wonder what this province will look like in a few years ? Everything linked to public land under scrutiny !
Arctic Lake

01-31-2024, 09:31 PM
You may have to pay FNs for the privilege on top of the BC govt. Just like GST on the carbon tax. OR you may just have to give up the sports or move the Alberta.

There are other options, just may cause bumps in ones road from time to time.

02-01-2024, 12:22 PM
We may have to accept the fact that in order to maintain these God given rights, every non FN is just going to have to work together in complete non compliance..

02-01-2024, 04:41 PM
The least I could do here. P.O.G.G. is the acronym for Peace, Order and Good Governance... pass this message on...this has already been accomplished in Creston, BC and Guelph Ontario. Call out your local “Global Mayors” and you’re city councilors. None of them work for you under the agreement they have signed with the international organizations, WEF and the UN and the WHO. Your Mayors are Global mayors and sit on boards as CEO AND CAO’s who only implement policy that furthers the unelected UN Sustainable Development Agenda.They are Corporations with no legal obligation to represent their constituents nor are they accountable. Looks like gov’t but they are far from it. BC was first to adopt UNDRIP in all of Canada.That should tell you their motives right there. This is being done already across the board. Any municipality that flies the banner of Green City Overviews, Smart City’s, 15 minute cities, Sustainable Development etc have all been compromised. OPERATION POGG is the only way to combat this at your local level. Arm yourself with the truth, and nothing can stop the people of this Province from getting it back Lawfully! The Truth is stranger than fiction at this point. Due Diligence! Have at er’!

02-01-2024, 05:04 PM
Does anybody know what the implications for hunting/ fishing could be?

If and that's a very big If " they" allow us to hunt + fish will be standing in line at the local band office to purchase our licenses .

02-01-2024, 06:41 PM
The least I could do here. P.O.G.G. is the acronym for Peace, Order and Good Governance... pass this message on...this has already been accomplished in Creston, BC and Guelph Ontario. Call out your local “Global Mayors” and you’re city councilors. None of them work for you under the agreement they have signed with the international organizations, WEF and the UN and the WHO. Your Mayors are Global mayors and sit on boards as CEO AND CAO’s who only implement policy that furthers the unelected UN Sustainable Development Agenda.They are Corporations with no legal obligation to represent their constituents nor are they accountable. Looks like gov’t but they are far from it. BC was first to adopt UNDRIP in all of Canada.That should tell you their motives right there. This is being done already across the board. Any municipality that flies the banner of Green City Overviews, Smart City’s, 15 minute cities, Sustainable Development etc have all been compromised. OPERATION POGG is the only way to combat this at your local level. Arm yourself with the truth, and nothing can stop the people of this Province from getting it back Lawfully! The Truth is stranger than fiction at this point. Due Diligence! Have at er’!

Got any links, phone numbers, emails, contacts?

How do we get ahold and get involved? I looked but hadn't found much yet

02-01-2024, 10:41 PM
Provide your input, call your MLA, go visit them, write to your local paper, make the NDP scared of passing this and losing the next election and pass it on: https://engage.gov.bc.ca/govtogetherbc/engagement/land-act-amendments/

02-01-2024, 11:39 PM
The Primer can be found here and followed up within the site found at the bottom of each page of the Flyer...these flyers can be printed out and posted anywhere and everywhere to get the word out!


Hope this helps...there is a lot of information and tutorials as well as experiences shared by those in Creston and in Guelph on YouTube about how to go about this. Be warned though.. many grass roots movements acting lawfully through BC and especially Vancouver Island have been hampered by infiltrators who dissuade and get the movements off track by any means necessary.. bad actors placed inside these groups strategically to look the part but gather information and sewer the organizers. A lot of attempts have not even been made aware to the public for this very reason.. Good luck to all!

02-01-2024, 11:52 PM
Your MLA has been bought and paid for and legally is in no way accountable or liable to his/her constituents. Highly suggest you check out this flyer breaking down “The Who is who in your local gov’ts.
The MLA of the North Island, Rachel Blaney is married to Darren Blaney, Chief of the Homalco First Nation’s band based out of Campbell River that have laid claim, on paper of course to a huge swath of land from the north island into the interior of the mainland. How is this not a conflict of Interest? In no way are we afforded the luxury of seeking resolve from this woman Mrs Blaney when she is quite literally in bed with those who are being given these powers, and funding from our tax dollars. The corruption runs deeper than most would dream to care about, but it’s a hard truth we must come to realize if we want some real change moving forward as a Province. Hope this helps, God Bless and Take Care!

02-02-2024, 08:22 AM
You may have to pay FNs for the privilege on top of the BC govt. OR you may just have to give up the sports or move the Alberta.

Alberta is looking mighty good these days…

02-02-2024, 10:03 AM
Your MLA has been bought and paid for and legally is in no way accountable or liable to his/her constituents. Highly suggest you check out this flyer breaking down “The Who is who in your local gov’ts.
https://www.shelaw.ca/wp-content/upl...tion-Flyer.pdf (https://www.shelaw.ca/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/POGG-Problem-Solution-Flyer.pdf)
The MLA of the North Island, Rachel Blaney is married to Darren Blaney, Chief of the Homalco First Nation’s band based out of Campbell River that have laid claim, on paper of course to a huge swath of land from the north island into the interior of the mainland. How is this not a conflict of Interest? In no way are we afforded the luxury of seeking resolve from this woman Mrs Blaney when she is quite literally in bed with those who are being given these powers, and funding from our tax dollars. The corruption runs deeper than most would dream to care about, but it’s a hard truth we must come to realize if we want some real change moving forward as a Province. Hope this helps, God Bless and Take Care!

02-02-2024, 11:48 AM
The least I could do here. P.O.G.G. is the acronym for Peace, Order and Good Governance... pass this message on...this has already been accomplished in Creston, BC and Guelph Ontario. Call out your local “Global Mayors” and you’re city councilors. None of them work for you under the agreement they have signed with the international organizations, WEF and the UN and the WHO. Your Mayors are Global mayors and sit on boards as CEO AND CAO’s who only implement policy that furthers the unelected UN Sustainable Development Agenda.They are Corporations with no legal obligation to represent their constituents nor are they accountable. Looks like gov’t but they are far from it. BC was first to adopt UNDRIP in all of Canada.That should tell you their motives right there. This is being done already across the board. Any municipality that flies the banner of Green City Overviews, Smart City’s, 15 minute cities, Sustainable Development etc have all been compromised. OPERATION POGG is the only way to combat this at your local level. Arm yourself with the truth, and nothing can stop the people of this Province from getting it back Lawfully! The Truth is stranger than fiction at this point. Due Diligence! Have at er’!

Well said, and very true...

02-02-2024, 11:54 AM
I just reviewed my taxes for 2023. I don't think I can afford to live in BC for much longer.

02-02-2024, 05:52 PM
Stop paying them outright! Make a statement, send a message! You, We, quite literally fund a criminal corrupt government at this point in time when we pay our taxes, also called aiding and abetting a criminal act and are in fact complicit in a crime when you break down the brass tax of this thing. The statement everyone can make right now, is to not pay another single tax dollar come tax time and watch the script flip. Unfortunately they get us at every turn through GST and PST, carbon tax etc...but if they do no longer represent you, the ol’ adage, James Otis was most famously associated with the phrase, "taxation without representation is tyranny."In the course of the Revolutionary era (1750–1783)

02-03-2024, 07:01 AM
Stop paying them outright! Make a statement, send a message! You, We, quite literally fund a criminal corrupt government at this point in time when we pay our taxes, also called aiding and abetting a criminal act and are in fact complicit in a crime when you break down the brass tax of this thing. The statement everyone can make right now, is to not pay another single tax dollar come tax time and watch the script flip. Unfortunately they get us at every turn through GST and PST, carbon tax etc...but if they do no longer represent you, the ol’ adage, James Otis was most famously associated with the phrase, "taxation without representation is tyranny."In the course of the Revolutionary era (1750–1783)

How do you not pay income tax when your employer takes it off your paycheque? Not everyone owns their own business

02-03-2024, 09:02 AM
How do you not pay income tax when your employer takes it off your paycheque? Not everyone owns their own business

The only way is to quit working and live off the land or the system, and you'll still end up paying taxes. Taxes and death are the two things unavoidable in this world.

02-03-2024, 09:33 AM
Well there is an election coming up? Most I speak with hate the NDP especially the premier? Tired of stupid tactics? Vote them out

Cub Driver
02-03-2024, 10:03 AM
Interesting twist.


02-03-2024, 12:18 PM
Believe it or not, you can actually ask your employer to NOT Deduct taxes and let them know that you would be quite happy “dealing with it” yourself. Your employer cannot refuse this request. It is you’re Earnings at the end of the day. Your labour, your energy. You have every right to make this request and if employers make a stink simply use the phrase “ with all due respect, I do not consent, therefore I request you do not take these tax reductions off, and I will “file” them myself Please and thank you. Direct, yet respectful! And Impress this issue regardless of how many times they pfff’ you off hoping you’ll forget about it. Most comply, and don’t want to be an inconvenience, lol!
We have handed over all authority unwillingly and unknowingly in the name of comfort and convenience when it comes to our finances and why we are never given true informed consent on any of these issues, and this is one way to take back control of your earnings! Benefits are a scam. Take a serious look into what most are giving their entire work lives to see how they are treated and what they are given to live out the rest of their days when retired. It’s completely backwards and is practically welfare for most and again, complete dependence on gov’t. People need to become independent from these crooks we call gov’t by any means possible or they will always dote the carrot on the stick and keep most exactly where they want them.
Down and Out, waiting for that handout!

02-03-2024, 12:26 PM
Interesting twist.


Interesting view from the BC Conservatives - coming from the ex Minister of Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation:

John Rustad: BC must stop the NDPs assault on land rights and repeal UNDRIPVANDERHOOF, BC: “This is British Columbia and Canada — we are all Canadians. Our shared Crown Land belongs to us all. Conservatives do not support the Eby NDP’s sweeping changes to BC's Land Act. It is an assault on your private property rights and our shared rights to use Crown Land. Conservatives will defend your rights to outdoor recreation — and your water access, as well as BC’s mining, forestry, agriculture sectors and every other land use right British Columbians currently enjoy.

“As BC’s Minister of Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation, I signed over 435 agreements with BC’s First Nations — more than any other leader in modern Canadian history. Together, alongside many of BC’s First Nations leaders, I was proud to create tens of thousands of good-paying jobs for everyday Union and non-Union workers. Through this economic reconciliation, we saw First Nations communities rise up from impoverished conditions and truly begin to thrive.

“To achieve true reconciliation, BC must first be brave enough to come forward and address the issue of returning land to First Nations, who do not currently have sufficient property rights needed to secure prosperity. We must also repeal the United Nations Declaration of Rights of Indigenous Peoples, which was established for conditions in other countries — not Canada.

“It is clear that this cannot mean returning all traditional lands; returning lands needs to be based on economic reconciliation, which is not about transferring potential from one group to another — but rather adding potential for all British Columbians. Issues like suicide, poverty, addiction, and poor rates of education completion have all declined significantly wherever economic reconciliation has occurred.

“This is the right path for Indigenous and non-Indigenous British Columbians. It is also the right path for BC and Canada. It will bring predictability and unleash enormous investment into BC — creating great jobs for everyday, hardworking people and improving the quality of life for everyone.

“This is the goal of the Conservative Party of BC — fighting to achieve a better life for all British Columbians, and especially everyday workers. Enough of the politics of division. Let’s get on with realizing BC’s full potential.”


02-03-2024, 12:29 PM
Your vote no longer counts, some could argue it never did. If voting made a difference it would be illegal. Illusion of choice is all we have in this country. These people running the show in the province, such as Eby are unelected. Quite literally a defacto gov’t at this present time masquerading as gov’t. They have sold the people of this province out to the UN and WEF and are committing treason and fraud upon the people under The Sustainable a development agenda. Your vote gives them your consent for them to carry out the treason. Truly think about this. If you do not speak up, you acquiesce! Implied consent!the entire thing we think works is based on fraud and is corrupt to the core. This has always been the case, their problem now is the corruption is so rampant they can no longer contain it, and here we are watching the truth bubble up through every crack that’s been painted over for decades! Enjoy the show!

02-03-2024, 05:33 PM
The fat lady has sung..and it is very distruptive.

02-03-2024, 10:26 PM
Interesting view from the BC Conservatives - coming from the ex Minister of Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation:

John Rustad: BC must stop the NDPs assault on land rights and repeal UNDRIPVANDERHOOF, BC: “This is British Columbia and Canada — we are all Canadians. Our shared Crown Land belongs to us all. Conservatives do not support the Eby NDP’s sweeping changes to BC's Land Act. It is an assault on your private property rights and our shared rights to use Crown Land. Conservatives will defend your rights to outdoor recreation — and your water access, as well as BC’s mining, forestry, agriculture sectors and every other land use right British Columbians currently enjoy.

“As BC’s Minister of Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation, I signed over 435 agreements with BC’s First Nations — more than any other leader in modern Canadian history. Together, alongside many of BC’s First Nations leaders, I was proud to create tens of thousands of good-paying jobs for everyday Union and non-Union workers. Through this economic reconciliation, we saw First Nations communities rise up from impoverished conditions and truly begin to thrive.

“To achieve true reconciliation, BC must first be brave enough to come forward and address the issue of returning land to First Nations, who do not currently have sufficient property rights needed to secure prosperity. We must also repeal the United Nations Declaration of Rights of Indigenous Peoples, which was established for conditions in other countries — not Canada.

“It is clear that this cannot mean returning all traditional lands; returning lands needs to be based on economic reconciliation, which is not about transferring potential from one group to another — but rather adding potential for all British Columbians. Issues like suicide, poverty, addiction, and poor rates of education completion have all declined significantly wherever economic reconciliation has occurred.

“This is the right path for Indigenous and non-Indigenous British Columbians. It is also the right path for BC and Canada. It will bring predictability and unleash enormous investment into BC — creating great jobs for everyday, hardworking people and improving the quality of life for everyone.

“This is the goal of the Conservative Party of BC — fighting to achieve a better life for all British Columbians, and especially everyday workers. Enough of the politics of division. Let’s get on with realizing BC’s full potential.”


They seem like the best party to vote for, but can they realistically defeat the NDP?

02-03-2024, 10:46 PM
Your vote no longer counts, some could argue it never did.

Question. Do you hunt? Why are you here? You have 9 posts and every one of them is political. This is a HUNTING forum. Not a political shit disturber forum. Yes,we discuss governments roll in regulating things pertinent to hunting, but you seem to just want to spew political rhetoric. I dare you to post a single constructive thing about our pastime!

02-03-2024, 11:10 PM
Question. Do you hunt? Why are you here? You have 9 posts and every one of them is political. This is a HUNTING forum. Not a political shit disturber forum. Yes,we discuss governments roll in regulating things pertinent to hunting, but you seem to just want to spew political rhetoric. I dare you to post a single constructive thing about our pastime!

What he is talking about and suggesting is extremely valuable, it is extremely valuable because without it you will have no legal hunting, lands to hunt on (or even property or your own house in the end), or even guns sooner rather than later if the perpetrators of these schemes get what they are after. A lot of people will take offence because they are to scared to face reality and need heros (politicians/voting) and thinking of the alternative is to uncomfortable. He is staying on track with the content of this thread, let him be.

Stone Sheep Steve
02-04-2024, 04:49 AM
Without hunting there will be no need for firearms.

Just stand back and look at the direction everything is going. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out what’s going on.


02-04-2024, 09:05 AM
What he is talking about and suggesting is extremely valuable, it is extremely valuable because without it you will have no legal hunting, lands to hunt on (or even property or your own house in the end), or even guns sooner rather than later if the perpetrators of these schemes get what they are after. A lot of people will take offence because they are to scared to face reality and need heros (politicians/voting) and thinking of the alternative is to uncomfortable. He is staying on track with the content of this thread, let him be.

He can still answer my question.

02-04-2024, 11:23 AM
They seem like the best party to vote for, but can they realistically defeat the NDP?

I don't rightly know at this point.
But in reality, they appear to be the only realistic choice...

Arctic Lake
02-04-2024, 12:32 PM
Let me know where and when the first peaceful protest / information rally is on this , I will try and attend .Every outdoor enthusiast in all disciplines should be there !
Arctic Lake

02-04-2024, 06:16 PM
Lol, brother, this isn’t political! These are local issues brought on by bad actors trying to play politics. This is our future, our kids and grandchildren’s future. The land we love and he place we want to call home. Unfortunately This is the meat and potatoes of whats going to end up being your last hunting or fishing trip coming down the pipe if hunters in this province don’t know why and what! Yes I hunt. If you do not know the complete truth of the matter at hand, you only have one eye open to this thing. Everything I mentioned relates to how you look at this thing. If the NDP get away with this, say goodbye to any lands you hunt on you take for granted. I challenge your dare, and I DARE YOU to prove me wrong. Don’t like what you hear? Big surprise!! Others seemed to be thankful for the heads up...The truth usually tastes like a shit sandwich these days doesn’t it. Puts a bad taste in your mouth, and hard to swallow! By your comment it looks like you may not be able to stomach it. You like hunting? understand what I posted, look into it, don’t just cast it aside and you can continue to hunt for years to come. Ignorance is our only enemy! Knowledge is power! Take responsibility! And guess what, now you can’t say you didn’t know! Good luck and All the Best to you! Your Welcome!

02-04-2024, 06:19 PM
Your words are appreciated! The world needs more men like you!

02-04-2024, 06:27 PM
Bingo! You will be deemed a criminal overnight when asked to hand in your guns since there is no more hunting and you don’t comply with the order! Problem, Reaction, Solution! This equation is used to perfection that explains just about everything facing Canadians these days brought on by gov’t, local, Provincial and Federal!

02-05-2024, 08:20 AM
Lol, brother, this isn’t political! These are local issues brought on by bad actors trying to play politics. This is our future, our kids and grandchildren’s future. The land we love and he place we want to call home. Unfortunately This is the meat and potatoes of whats going to end up being your last hunting or fishing trip coming down the pipe if hunters in this province don’t know why and what! Yes I hunt. If you do not know the complete truth of the matter at hand, you only have one eye open to this thing. Everything I mentioned relates to how you look at this thing. If the NDP get away with this, say goodbye to any lands you hunt on you take for granted. I challenge your dare, and I DARE YOU to prove me wrong. Don’t like what you hear? Big surprise!! Others seemed to be thankful for the heads up...The truth usually tastes like a shit sandwich these days doesn’t it. Puts a bad taste in your mouth, and hard to swallow! By your comment it looks like you may not be able to stomach it. You like hunting? understand what I posted, look into it, don’t just cast it aside and you can continue to hunt for years to come. Ignorance is our only enemy! Knowledge is power! Take responsibility! And guess what, now you can’t say you didn’t know! Good luck and All the Best to you! Your Welcome!

I never said you were wrong, or that I didn’t believe you, or that I disagreed with what you were saying. Or that I’m not VERY politically active in my community. I just asked if you were actually a hunter as well as a motivational speaker! I am very happy that I don’t have kids, or grandkids because this province and country are so screwed up right now it’s beyond most peoples comprehension. The link posted earlier to the BCCP was great to see. We NEED to get the Conservative Party elected across the entire country to set things back to where they make sense. When any small group gets special treatment (good or bad) based on their race, that’s racism. Giving the whole place away to the First Migrants is fundamentally wrong. I do believe they are entitled to some form of compensation for the horrible things done to them in the 1800s and early 1900s, but they are immigrants here, just like the rest of us. If we are basing rights on “who was here first”, my first ancestor born in Canada was here as of June 30 1777. So I should get more shit than someone who arrived on July 1st of 1777. Ridiculous? You bet. But that’s the game they are playing…

02-05-2024, 12:06 PM
If you think the Conservatives will bring about radical change to what Canadians are experiencing now you got another thing coming. Do you remember how desperate we were for change at the end of Harpers term after selling us out under the FIPA Agreement? Do you remember how non existent, quiet and docile the conservatives were when the mandates, lockdowns and complete authoritarianism came about when the convoy was in Ottawa. They are singing a song, playing a tune, knowing that we are desperate to hear something hopeful that anything sounds good compared to what the turd and the Libs/ndp give us right now. Pierre’s silence on the biggest issue to rock this country since I can remember regarding the measures taken by gov’t with Covid should be enough to tell you something is amiss. Don’t listen to what they say, watch what they do. Pierre and the conservative’s are still under harper’s thumb and support every globalist agenda out their right now. Harper chairs the IDU, should probably look into what that acronym is...we are being played by both sides, it’s the good cop bad cop routine and if you think we have a choice when we are stuck with the 2 party system that implements the same ideologies regardless of who is in power what are we left with?? The Uni-party! Not very democratic now is it when both sides of the aisle have been bought and paid for... this is one of the hardest truths that that people will have the hardest time understanding. No one is coming to save you. It starts with each and everyone of us. Until we stop passing the buck waiting for the next savior in gov’t we will continue being bent over again and again!

02-05-2024, 12:25 PM
If you think the Conservatives will bring about radical change to what Canadians are experiencing now you got another thing coming. Do you remember how desperate we were for change at the end of Harpers term after selling us out under the FIPA Agreement? Do you remember how non existent, quiet and docile the conservatives were when the mandates, lockdowns and complete authoritarianism came about when the convoy was in Ottawa. They are singing a song, playing a tune, knowing that we are desperate to hear something hopeful that anything sounds good compared to what the turd and the Libs/ndp give us right now. Pierre’s silence on the biggest issue to rock this country since I can remember regarding the measures taken by gov’t with Covid should be enough to tell you something is amiss. Don’t listen to what they say, watch what they do. Pierre and the conservative’s are still under harper’s thumb and support every globalist agenda out their right now. Harper chairs the IDU, should probably look into what that acronym is...we are being played by both sides, it’s the good cop bad cop routine and if you think we have a choice when we are stuck with the 2 party system that implements the same ideologies regardless of who is in power what are we left with?? The Uni-party! Not very democratic now is it when both sides of the aisle have been bought and paid for... this is one of the hardest truths that that people will have the hardest time understanding. No one is coming to save you. It starts with each and everyone of us. Until we stop passing the buck waiting for the next savior in gov’t we will continue being bent over again and again!

I have been saying this since shortly after I joined this site, though your probably much better at articulating it than I and are more knowledgeable. It seems to fall on deaf ears or people attack. I think most members here haven't quite reached the point yet and haven't accepted it is all uniparty, from top to bottom every province. There are literally zero saviors in this equation here in man. I think a lot of people can not grasp another way than which they know (the voting scam).

Remember who signed Canada onto undrip as well, the conservative party/harper. They are all shills. The sooner the men of this country realize this the better and we can move forward with things that actually bring real change. We outnumber them millions to tens, if that.

02-05-2024, 12:31 PM
Without hunting there will be no need for firearms.

Just stand back and look at the direction everything is going. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out what’s going on.


Nope, we will still need firearms if for self preservation.

02-05-2024, 12:37 PM
I never said you were wrong, or that I didn’t believe you, or that I disagreed with what you were saying. Or that I’m not VERY politically active in my community. I just asked if you were actually a hunter as well as a motivational speaker! I am very happy that I don’t have kids, or grandkids because this province and country are so screwed up right now it’s beyond most peoples comprehension. The link posted earlier to the BCCP was great to see. We NEED to get the Conservative Party elected across the entire country to set things back to where they make sense. When any small group gets special treatment (good or bad) based on their race, that’s racism. Giving the whole place away to the First Migrants is fundamentally wrong. I do believe they are entitled to some form of compensation for the horrible things done to them in the 1800s and early 1900s, but they are immigrants here, just like the rest of us. If we are basing rights on “who was here first”, my first ancestor born in Canada was here as of June 30 1777. So I should get more shit than someone who arrived on July 1st of 1777. Ridiculous? You bet. But that’s the game they are playing…

If your father gave you a cookie and gave nothing to your siblings who is playing the game? Place the blame where it belongs.

02-05-2024, 01:14 PM
I have been saying this since shortly after I joined this site, though your probably much better at articulating it than I and are more knowledgeable. It seems to fall on deaf ears or people attack. I think most members here haven't quite reached the point yet and haven't accepted it is all uniparty, from top to bottom every province. There are literally zero saviors in this equation here in man. I think a lot of people can not grasp another way than which they know (the voting scam).

Remember who signed Canada onto undrip as well, the conservative party/harper. They are all shills. The sooner the men of this country realize this the better and we can move forward with things that actually bring real change. We outnumber them millions to tens, if that.
you are incorrect the nap signed it in as it has not been accepted at the federal level , also unrip came in in 2020

02-05-2024, 01:33 PM
you are incorrect the nap signed it in as it has not been accepted at the federal level , also unrip came in in 2020

Nap? You mean ndp? They signed BC onto it, I was not talking about provincially I was talking federally.

"The government of Stephen Harper adopted it in 2010 with the proviso that it was a statement of aspirations but not legally binding" he was the shill in "power" to start the introduction. My fault for using the word signed onto.

02-05-2024, 07:03 PM
I wonder what the outcry would be like if hunters in BC were given the same power over land use decisions?

02-06-2024, 07:38 AM
I wonder what the outcry would be like if hunters in BC were given the same power over land use decisions?

That would be funny, the leaf suckers would have a fit.

02-06-2024, 02:40 PM
If your father gave you a cookie and gave nothing to your siblings who is playing the game? Place the blame where it belongs.

What are you trying to say? I am placing the blame right where it belongs. Government.

02-09-2024, 08:00 PM
Pretty sad that most of us are more concerned about tires or fuel prices than this ENORMOUS topic. Do you guys not get this? Did you used to like hunting and fishing?
Your new tires or the cost of fuel to get to your old hunting grounds won't matter in a few months. Like ffs!

02-09-2024, 08:28 PM
Pretty sad that most of us are more concerned about tires or fuel prices than this ENORMOUS topic. Do you guys not get this? Did you used to like hunting and fishing?
Your new tires or the cost of fuel to get to your old hunting grounds won't matter in a few months. Like ffs!

Collectively and cohesively, we have to all not comply...

02-09-2024, 08:58 PM
Pretty sad that most of us are more concerned about tires or fuel prices than this ENORMOUS topic. Do you guys not get this? Did you used to like hunting and fishing?
Your new tires or the cost of fuel to get to your old hunting grounds won't matter in a few months. Like ffs!

Yeah it's pretty f**ked up isn't it. When you read some of the comments in this thread you get a picture of how a lot of guys have no clue how these criminals operate.

02-09-2024, 09:05 PM
Collectively and cohesively, we have to all not comply...

Pretty much the only way! Besides getting rid of your global mayors like sanandra suggested, but I couldn't see to many dedicating time to that unfortunately, most probably haven't even read into the solution I bet probably just scrolled on past. That might only work at local levels which is outstanding, but if people don't do anything and there is no massive non compliance, a lot of guys are going to have a hard time getting to their remote spots, let a lone pulling game out.

Better be healthy and in outstanding shape, and young. If your not young hopefully youve taken care of yourself because its going to get a lot harder for you to hunt certain spots, and impossible for some areas i'd imagine.

And like what has already been said, if anyone thinks voting or any party will fix this.... lol.

02-10-2024, 09:43 AM
Went to local mla Trevor halford’s office Wednesday specifically for this issue

”this is the hill we will die on” is his direct quote

said to google ‘pender harbour docks ‘ for reference

also wrote to “engagebc” - government feedback/ comments site for this and all gov issues

it’s very little, yet something

prrtty sure we need a peaceful protest (s) to get it out in the public eye

And emphasize it IS a veto and it affects ALL recreational land users (mtn bikers, campers, shroom pickers, hikers, fishermen (and fisherladies) as we as us degenerate hunters….)

Please make an effort


Arctic Lake
02-10-2024, 10:15 AM
I have mentioned the peaceful protest in my prior post . Time to spread the word amongst all outdoor users no matter the discipline . I’m sort of glad FN got to shut down Joffre Lake last year as that got the attention of hikers . So let’s remember that as we don’t want that happening again !
Arctic Lake

Went to local mla Trevor halford’s office Wednesday specifically for this issue

”this is the hill we will die on” is his direct quote

said to google ‘pender harbour docks ‘ for reference

also wrote to “engagebc” - government feedback/ comments site for this and all gov issues

it’s very little, yet something

prrtty sure we need a peaceful protest (s) to get it out in the public eye

And emphasize it IS a veto and it affects ALL recreational land users (mtn bikers, campers, shroom pickers, hikers, fishermen (and fisherladies) as we as us degenerate hunters….)

Please make an effort


02-10-2024, 11:27 AM
this just in...........michael campbell (ex of cknw's money talks) has a weekly podcast

google mikes money talks podcast to find it (duh)

today, he had a lawyer, well versed on this issue, on at about the 8 minute mark

well worth a listen

(his podcasts are free)

02-10-2024, 08:25 PM
Remember people, this is not being done under the Law nor is it Constitutional. It is a Declaration of the United Nations, Gov’t and First Nations think and feel they have the power to implement in order to do what, abide by what the UN says! Last time I checked, no one elected the UN to oversee how we live our lives. I do not Consent! I will not comply! Do you! Time to let it be known!

02-11-2024, 07:22 PM
Remember people, this is not being done under the Law nor is it Constitutional. It is a Declaration of the United Nations, Gov’t and First Nations think and feel they have the power to implement in order to do what, abide by what the UN says! Last time I checked, no one elected the UN to oversee how we live our lives. I do not Consent! I will not comply! Do you! Time to let it be known!

This is what i'm talking about ^^^^

F**K these evil scumbags!!! The UN is bs and none of this undrip scam is even legally binding, not that I would give two sh!+s if it was.

You do NOT consent and you do NOT comply guys, simple as that not legally binding. For those of you who have balls your work is cut out for you, for those that have a hard time with confrontation and standing up for yourself or loved ones..... now you will have great opportunity to learn how. Growth as a man is a great thing!

02-11-2024, 08:04 PM
They have started to implement this type of thing already with a “relationship agreement” (that transfers massive amounts of wealth and power for nothing in return and is very hard to actually find) that they signed with the Sechelt first nations. There has been a massive cover-up of how pissed off all the residents in one particular area have been about a dock management plan that drastically affected them. no input at all was considered from residents. Names of communities are being changed without the approval of the people who actually live there, it’s turned into a massive shit show, and no one is paying any attention to it, because it doesn’t fit the media purview

02-11-2024, 08:38 PM
Remember this thread when you go to the polls later this year. Vote for the socialists again, and you will rue the day.

02-11-2024, 09:03 PM
THEY have NO public input because THEY have NO public office... It’s VACANT... & controlled by the UN Public/Private Partnership

Might want to give this a solid long look over and send it to anyone you know in that area to get a grip on why things are the way they are in Sechelt and are operating in your local town as well! Guelph, ON is the example given as the lady who created this flyer was fighting her own battle against the same people we find ourselves at odds with.

https://www.shelaw.ca/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/POGG-Problem-Solution-Flyer.pdf (https://www.shelaw.ca/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/POGG-Problem-Solution-Flyer.pdf)

02-11-2024, 09:19 PM
Remember this post in response to yours, Your vote gives these scum bags regardless of party your 100% Complete Consent to bend you over backwards and ask you if you want some more the next time an election pops up. Let’s remember something, EBY WAS NEVER ELECTED! He is a de-facto premier which gives him not a single ounce of LAWFUL JURISDICTION over you or anyone else in this Province and is operating under Colorable Law. Suggest anyone who is curious google this term. If there was ever an “US” against “THEM” moment, this is it brother! There is no ‘voting’ your way out of this one, kicking the can or passing the buck. Only Complete non compliance is all that will suffice with this one. Remember this quote, “ when Injustice becomes Law, Rebellion becomes duty.” I’d say they really haven’t given us much of a choice with this one now have they?

COLORABLE Definition & Legal Meaning

Definition & Citations:

That which has or gives color. That which is In appearance only, and not in reality, what it purports to be.