View Full Version : New regs 2024

walks with deer
01-11-2024, 07:51 AM
What oppurtunitys will be reduced this year as another synopsis rolls out?..
How many of the changes will be science based?.

01-11-2024, 08:00 AM

01-11-2024, 08:31 AM
Is there a link to this year's proposal's? Can't find anything.

01-11-2024, 11:10 AM
To my knowledge the regs have not been published for public feedback yet.

01-11-2024, 11:26 AM
A few points I remember from the proposal, if memory serves me right.

-Region 6 moose and carobou, all leh.
-ATV restrictions, can’t remember where
-blunt mountain, billy only

there were more but can’t remember off the top of my head.

01-11-2024, 11:37 AM
A few points I remember from the proposal, if memory serves me right.

-Region 6 moose and carobou, all leh.
-ATV restrictions, can’t remember where
-blunt mountain, billy only

there were more but can’t remember off the top of my head.
Let's be cautious about ringing the alarm to soon. Those recommendations, once agreed in committee, are sent to Indigenous for review and comment, and then back to committee for final review before posting on engage BC.

01-11-2024, 01:21 PM
Let's be cautious about ringing the alarm to soon. Those recommendations, once agreed in committee, are sent to Indigenous for review and comment, and then back to committee for final review before posting on engage BC.

I think one would have to be naiive to think engage BC or public input was anything other than show. Like the criminals in ottawa that just pass bills with absolutely zero public input, the same would be with the provincial criminals they just do what they want it seems. I think legal hunting in BC is heading for a massive big time nose dive fast. Especially with TFW, and the UN having so much control over Canada.

01-11-2024, 01:23 PM
A few points I remember from the proposal, if memory serves me right.

-Region 6 moose and carobou, all leh.
-ATV restrictions, can’t remember where
-blunt mountain, billy only

there were more but can’t remember off the top of my head.

Iirc correctly a bunch of Stone Sheep going leh too? I could be wrong on that one though

01-11-2024, 01:51 PM
I think one would have to be naiive to think engage BC or public input was anything other than show. Like the criminals in ottawa that just pass bills with absolutely zero public input, the same would be with the provincial criminals they just do what they want it seems. I think legal hunting in BC is heading for a massive big time nose dive fast. Especially with TFW, and the UN having so much control over Canada.
For clarity, my point was, if hunters are sharing their assumptions of reg changes before a proposal is posted on Engage BC, nothing is for sure, until their posted. To your point, I agree, Engage BC is largely 'just' Government fulfilling the 'duty to consult'. Which means, hunters need to be involved at the regional committee level. Don't wait for Engage BC postings to reply.

01-11-2024, 01:54 PM
For clarity, my point was, if hunters are sharing their assumptions of reg changes before a proposal is posted on Engage BC, nothing is for sure, until their posted. To your point, I agree, Engage BC is largely 'just' Government fulfilling the 'duty to consult'. Which means, hunters need to be involved at the regional committee level. Don't wait for Engage BC postings to reply.

I know JT, and your right nothing is for certain yet. How do we get involved with regional committees? My voice definitely does not get heard

01-11-2024, 02:23 PM
Well, I guess being involved, engaged, informed requires a few things. Being connected to an organization that has a voice on committee, and being involved in that organization. Asking questions, providing scenarios and solutions. And where a person can, by having the good fortune to live in the area where they hunt and being directly involved in one of the many committees that are out there.
And there are a lot of committees providing opportunity to sit on. wildlife stewardship, access management, LEH Review, Regional harvest advisory committee, Provincial hunting trapping advisory team, Together for Wildlife (T4W), Regional Wildlife and Habitat Committees.....

01-11-2024, 08:48 PM
A few points I remember from the proposal, if memory serves me right.

-Region 6 moose and carobou, all leh.
-ATV restrictions, can’t remember where
-blunt mountain, billy only

there were more but can’t remember off the top of my head.

some of region 6 will not be leh for moose and will actually go back to normal GOS not even points from what I heard. Caribou 100% leh, simply bc they don't know, have no data and are only concerned about 2 small herds but rather than do actual work they will just leh it all even though most of it is restricted by limited flights by some of the aviation companies.

01-11-2024, 10:04 PM
Let's be cautious about ringing the alarm to soon. Those recommendations, once agreed in committee, are sent to Indigenous for review and comment, and then back to committee for final review before posting on engage BC.

That’s why it’s called a proposal I guess, for anyone who doesn’t know, J_T explains it here.

01-11-2024, 10:33 PM
Well, I guess being involved, engaged, informed requires a few things. Being connected to an organization that has a voice on committee, and being involved in that organization. Asking questions, providing scenarios and solutions. And where a person can, by having the good fortune to live in the area where they hunt and being directly involved in one of the many committees that are out there.
And there are a lot of committees providing opportunity to sit on. wildlife stewardship, access management, LEH Review, Regional harvest advisory committee, Provincial hunting trapping advisory team, Together for Wildlife (T4W), Regional Wildlife and Habitat Committees.....

Your involved and give a lot of your time I know this, what is the best way for me to get some phone numbers/emails? I will google some of those organizations you sent me and see about contacts as well. I heard that "Hunters for BC" was on a committee do you know if that is true?

01-12-2024, 08:48 AM
Your involved and give a lot of your time.... haha, well, you have no idea... I never intended it. I just seem to stick with something until it's conclusion. Holding Government accountable is a full time effort.

what is the best way for me to get some phone numbers/emails? I will google some of those organizations you sent me and see about contacts as well. I heard that "Hunters for BC" was on a committee do you know if that is true? I should let H4BC answer this for you. What I do know, they are not at PHTAT, they have not been at the T4W sessions, they are not represented on the R4 Hunting advisory committee. However, they are working hard, and they are a member of the BC Fish Wildlife Habitat Coalition. Which is making some good progress.

To answer your last question, it's difficult to make a difference if we are not informed. And if we are sharing hearsay it doesn't help. To start with, I try to be a member of all organizations, and i work to contribute to those organizations. My reasoning is to gain a better perspective of these/each organization, what drives them and what are their objectives. I sit on the BCWF Wildlife Committee. Gerry does an amazing job as lead on this. For myself, these various memberships are about being informed. I tend to have a difficult time keeping my opinions to myself and therefore I become more involved in various committees and as I challenged some, I learned. I do find it best when the focus is wildlife or habitat. Everyone should be able to agree on 'abundance'.

Eventually an organization needs a rep on a committee and if you believe you are a person who can work collaboratively and effectively..... raise your hand. Collaboration is the only way. Respect goes a long way.