View Full Version : List of hunts available under hunter host program for Canadian non residents

Wild one
11-29-2023, 11:11 AM
Ok long time since I have posted here because I don’t live in B.C. anymore

I have been hosting family to hunt with me in Alberta over the last few years and thinking of heading to B.C. to hunt with them. I know there is a list showing species and MU’s that will be approved for hunter host program but can’t find it online. My brother is too simple so I can’t rely on him to find it either

Anyone here knows where I can find the list of species/MUs that I could hunt under the host program?

11-29-2023, 12:33 PM
You'd want to check this in the spring before planning as I'm sure there are bound to be changes....that being said its here:

Regional Hunting Restrictions - Pages - Natural Resource Online Services (gov.bc.ca) (https://portal.nrs.gov.bc.ca/web/client/-/regional-hunting-restrictio-1)

Wild one
11-29-2023, 12:47 PM
You'd want to check this in the spring before planning as I'm sure there are bound to be changes....that being said its here:

Regional Hunting Restrictions - Pages - Natural Resource Online Services (gov.bc.ca) (https://portal.nrs.gov.bc.ca/web/client/-/regional-hunting-restrictio-1)

For sure as long as you guys have the NDP I expect this to be changing all the time but it at least gives me an idea on possible options


11-29-2023, 12:57 PM
Should be noted that although some species are marked as eligible, they (in reality) will never be granted.


11-29-2023, 01:03 PM
What Nog said. I've applied for a few permits to accompany ( as a bc resident hunter) to host immediate family. Only one I have been granted was a reg 1 black bear. Was denied on gos goat and elk.

Wild one
11-29-2023, 01:28 PM
Every time I talk to family or research trying to do something with them in B.C. I am reminded why I moved. Both fishing and hunting seem to be going to crap more every year out there

pretty sad really

11-29-2023, 01:52 PM
Damn I did not realize how restricted it would be to go back and hunt! Lots of great hunting in Alberta anyway

11-29-2023, 01:55 PM
Can you apply before you have to pay a fee?

Wild one
11-29-2023, 02:13 PM
Damn I did not realize how restricted it would be to go back and hunt! Lots of great hunting in Alberta anyway

No complaints on my hunting experience here in Alberta but would be nice to be able to do a decent hunt in B.C. with those I have hosted out here

Might have to settle for a hosted grouse hunt lol

11-29-2023, 02:13 PM
Seems so easy in Alberta, I just got back from hunting there and all my uncle had to do was go to a government services office and pay for the host license or whatever. Easy peasy.

Wild one
11-29-2023, 02:22 PM
Seems so easy in Alberta, I just got back from hunting there and all my uncle had to do was go to a government services office and pay for the host license or whatever. Easy peasy.

yup walk in and buy a host’s license at any retailer and good to hunt anything on general season. One I don’t agree with is non residents can apply for our draws with a host

starting to wonder why Alberta should keep it so simple when everywhere else is cutting back on options for out of province hunters

11-29-2023, 03:06 PM
My experience so far is better elk , moose, and whitetail hunting. But I agree it would be nice to do a few decent hunts on the BC side. I thought it would be easy to do, I guess I was wrong

high horse Hal
11-29-2023, 08:15 PM
Wide open, easy and totally free....to accompany on a BC hunt
just can't be the trigger man

Wild one
11-29-2023, 08:52 PM
Wide open, easy and totally free....to accompany on a BC hunt
just can't be the trigger man

Yeah no thanks and I bet those I host from B.C. would love it if I told them they can just come watch me hunt from now on lol

I seen a lot of B.C. when I lived there I am not looking for a hiking trip. I would go fishing instead if that was the case

11-29-2023, 10:16 PM
It’s a bit more complicated and you need to get your ducks in a row a few months in advance. They want to know what unit you are hunting and you have to stick to that and there is a maximum on amount of days. I believe a non res can hunt general moose, elk , mulie, white tail, and caribou ( probably not for long for bou). No host needed for BC turkey, and its general. In Alberta turkey is something like a 10 year wait….. eat shit, yawn.
No none residents can put in BC draws. Alberta is the last place that I know of in Canada that allows non resident to put in for limited tags. I don’t know how long this will continue, I have mixed feelings about this as I host BC folk every year on moose and moose is only draw in Alberta. I am sure the OP knows most of this but this is a post for everyone that is wondering about such things. It’s a shared, limited resource.

Wild one
11-30-2023, 05:42 AM
It’s a bit more complicated and you need to get your ducks in a row a few months in advance. They want to know what unit you are hunting and you have to stick to that and there is a maximum on amount of days. I believe a non res can hunt general moose, elk , mulie, white tail, and caribou ( probably not for long for bou). No host needed for BC turkey, and its general. In Alberta turkey is something like a 10 year wait….. eat shit, yawn.
No none residents can put in BC draws. Alberta is the last place that I know of in Canada that allows non resident to put in for limited tags. I don’t know how long this will continue, I have mixed feelings about this as I host BC folk every year on moose and moose is only draw in Alberta. I am sure the OP knows most of this but this is a post for everyone that is wondering about such things. It’s a shared, limited resource.

check out the link provided B.C. has become really restrictive on what can be hunted even for the species listed

If I was a bird guy turkey’s would be a great option in B.C. as priority in Alberta turkey draw is way higher than 10years even

I don’t think Alberta should continue with nonresidents in draw pool especially with all other provinces restricting out of province hunters more and more every year.

Moose can be hunted with archery general season in some parts of Alberta and there is low odds draws if a guy looks around too

Looking at the list provided in the link B.C. is putting an end to moose hunting under the host program too

11-30-2023, 09:45 AM
What about grouse, if I have someone from another province with me while I am hunting Mule deer, is there a legal way can that person shoot grouse.

Wild one
11-30-2023, 09:53 AM
What about grouse, if I have someone from another province with me while I am hunting Mule deer, is there a legal way can that person shoot grouse.

they just need to buy a non resident license they don’t even need a host for birds/small game

of course check the regs yourself

11-30-2023, 08:37 PM
Non res hunters have to apply for leh whitetail in Sask.

11-30-2023, 08:48 PM
Non res hunters have to apply for leh whitetail in Sask.

That’s right, I forgot. They wanted to control the number of hunters so it’s leh for a wt buck in Sask if you’re a nonresident.

11-30-2023, 08:53 PM
Should have taken advantage of that when my sister lived in Regina

Wild one
11-30-2023, 09:23 PM
Non res hunters have to apply for leh whitetail in Sask.

yup with priority given to direct family of residents

12-01-2023, 09:58 AM
Your best bet to try and get any of the PTA permits is to apply on Jan 1st, thats when it opens for application, even though they do not have the info out for what will be available at that time. I brought this up directly with the ministry and bio's here and just get a glazed over eyes look back from them. They honestly do not care if the data is out first before you apply. So in theory you could apply for a species that they then decide to give out no tags for and that all there is to it. Your money is gone and you applied for tags that dont exist. Again this didn't seem to reach the top floor with the ministry folks as to why this is done this way, why are people able to apply before they know what is available, this was met with more glazed over eyes. I really think they have no f'ing clue what they are doing most days.