View Full Version : wolf vs moose activity.

10-30-2023, 02:27 PM
Hey Gang,

hope your seasons are going well with successful hunts and good memories. I have a question for the hive mind on wolves effects on moose activity. I had a trail camera placed in my favourite moose spot and I put a blue salt lick out mid august to see if anything wanted to take a peak, well, 4000 photos of moose later (thats no a joke, 4232 photos from august 10 to october 3) I have verified that there are moose in my favourite spot, only checked it twice because its not close to home. Saying that, there were moose there every day, all day for the entire duration until october 3, after that until the 27th when I picked it up there was not a single photo, batteries were good, memory good but I was confused. A day later with a freshs now we were on wolf tracks withing 30 minutes and a pack of about 10 was howling away.

What do you think the effect of wolves moving in has on moose? there was a ton of activity with photos of 3 bulls at a time and cows all over until it magically stopped one day. It was still in the moose rut and the weather had not changed. Did the moose move out of the area? did they just sit tight and not move in fear of wolves? HAVE THE WOLVES EATEN 20 MOOSE????

Im still going to call the area for spike forks becuase there are many other factors at play wih the recent full moon and clear nights, the recent cold and moose widning down in the rut but thought id see what the experience of everyone else might have to add to the story.

10-30-2023, 03:39 PM
I have no idea if wolves chased them out of there, but my experience from following moose out of season is they stay in one spot and eat until there’s nothing left and then move a short distance and keep eating. I would guess that wolves are always hanging out wherever the food is.