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10-18-2023, 08:45 AM
People tend to skip past the stickied posts at the top, so Im just hitting this one last time! It has been extended probably because it was a one sided reply. So many people in so many organizations have been working hard to get people to engage in this! Hunters this is your chance to support sustainable, science based management strategies! If we roll over on this we will loose more and more and we all know it! ACT NOW!
Complete it on behalf of your kids, your wife, your dad, your alter ego! Just like I tell my wife, lets not do it once, lets do it often!

Trafalgar II
10-19-2023, 07:57 PM
New hunter here. Are you able to provide a brief summary in layman’s terms what you/the hunting community hope to gain by participating in this? I don’t have a lot of time to do all the necessary reading at this time but would like to play my part as it seems important.
My guess is it has something to do with our long term hunting rights and voice in conservation.

thanks in advance

10-20-2023, 10:49 AM
New hunter here. Are you able to provide a brief summary in layman’s terms what you/the hunting community hope to gain by participating in this? I don’t have a lot of time to do all the necessary reading at this time but would like to play my part as it seems important.
My guess is it has something to do with our long term hunting rights and voice in conservation.

thanks in advance
Essentially what is happening is there are a bunch of FN groups in the north that are opposed to the banning of G bear hunting. They are actively hunting them and they understand that predator control is a vital part of the puzzle to healthy balanced wildlife populations. They want the licensed hunt reintroduced and they are lobbying for it. The GOABC has also filed a lawsuit with the government. Also we are predators, we harvest wild animals to feed our families, we are in direct competition with predators for that meat so why wouldn't we want to keep their numbers in check. Another point is that a hunt represents a very healthy stable population, so really it is a badge of honour that we have that population and we manage it to the point where we can hunt it. It always comes back to scientifically managed wildlife management, the hunt was cancelled for political reasons not because of science. Also there are areas we don't want G bears, there are areas we want more G bears and there are areas that have too many G bears or enough G bears. The north is littered with them and they are causing big problems. You also see things like mortality rates via rail and vehicles go way up which is probably not ideal either. What we hope to gain is science taking control and the hunt being reintroduced in areas that make sense. Click the link, read the letter to the minister, read the cheat sheet and fill out the survey. Stand together with your fellow hunters because one day you will hope they stand with you and I can say I will, I hope everyone else can say the same thing too.

Trafalgar II
10-20-2023, 09:04 PM
Thank you for the summary. I will follow the link and continue reading further!