View Full Version : Prince George reminder

10-05-2023, 10:14 PM
Here is a reminder, Prince George area is a haven for thieves, the place is crawling with low-life waist of air junkies.
Lock everything up and keep an eye on everything. Cops just shrug and say oh well stuff happens what can ya do?
Three years ago just out of Vanderhoof an attempt to steal our toy hauler was made and two years ago in Prince George they stole our truck and cargo trailer.
The cargo trailer was recovered (empty of course) the truck was never seen again.

10-06-2023, 04:25 AM
Ahhh good ol PG!

10-06-2023, 06:58 AM
Friend of mine went through that a couple years ago, tinted windows on his rig and gave it a wash so it didn't look like he'd been in the bush. Got up in the morning to find his back window smashed. Went to the lobby to see if the cameras got it cause it was right outside the doors and there was already another hunter there asking the same thing.. Cops said there's a group that really likes hunting gear here, his grandpas lucky browning hat on the dash was the thing that made his truck the target.

10-06-2023, 07:10 AM
So where do you live? I bet your crap town is no different.

10-06-2023, 07:29 AM
are you trying to say we have crime here in Williams Lake!!!
So where do you live? I bet your crap town is no different.

10-06-2023, 07:31 AM
So where do you live? I bet your crap town is no different.

Where I live, great neighborhood, not even close to the crime in PG. Nearby Duncan, yes, lots of druggies/homeless

Over the years I've heard a few stories of these thefts, personal accounts from friends. One instance, parked hunting rig at family place, during the night while parked right next to the house the truck, camper, trailer with quad.. gone, still making payments on the quad..

I know for a fact that it happens in PG. At one time I knew a guy on the island that had connections in PG, he would bring all sorts of stuff back to the island and sell it..I still see his ads on marketplace. My boss at the time bought a brand new chainsaw from him. I advised he shouldn't buy it of course he didnt listen. He gave it to his wood tick Dad who shortly after rolled a big log on it and smashed it to bits. I laughed and laughed, Kharma sucker.

10-06-2023, 08:32 AM
So where do you live? I bet your crap town is no different.

Ok crap town was a little harsh.
But like Fozzy I live in a good part of town. A pretty close group we all look out for each other, haven't heard of any going down around here for years. But every thing is still locked and secured cameras some have gates. But to say it won't happen would be foolish and to say it won't happen some where near you is wishful thinking. A friend in PG that had a large cargo trailer stolen and it was locked to his pickup in a Kamloops hotel parking lot. Not a quick grab and run I would think. Scum are always trolling, anything anywhere, anytime.

10-06-2023, 09:14 AM
Ok crap town was a little harsh.
But like Fozzy I live in a good part of town. A pretty close group we all look out for each other, haven't heard of any going down around here for years. But every thing is still locked and secured cameras some have gates. But to say it won't happen would be foolish and to say it won't happen some where near you is wishful thinking. A friend in PG that had a large cargo trailer stolen and it was locked to his pickup in a Kamloops hotel parking lot. Not a quick grab and run I would think. Scum are always trolling, anything anywhere, anytime.

I recall one year we were camped about 4 hours off the pavement on rough roads, and over an hour from the nearest town, and two fellows showed up in an empty pickup....to pick berries, at least that was their story.

10-08-2023, 01:21 PM
Ha Ha funny thread , I moved to PG 2 years ago spent my whole life in the Lowermainland, PG has nothing to what happens down there especially if you live in Surrey/ Newton , if it’s not locked down it’s gone the next day , people up here leave thier trailers parked on the road with no lock or pin lock or wheel lock and they are left alone , try doing that in Surrey you RV won’t last the night , sure there is crime here but nothing like down there

10-08-2023, 03:48 PM
I've lived in P.G. since 1976, moved here from Saskatchewan. Only once had a problem with theives when a house was rented to some druggies down the street. I think that travelers staying overnight should rent a room on the outskirts of town away from the tent cities areas. This homeless drug situation causes 99% of the problems. Make things illegal again and then you'll at least scare them a bit and probably save some of their lives.

10-08-2023, 07:29 PM
lol willies pond cesspool....getting worse daily

40 years here...sheeesh

10-08-2023, 07:30 PM
P.G. was the first place in BC that I stayed at in May, 1965 right after finishing high school in Ontario.
Was on my way to Pine Pass area for a surveying job.
PG was then a super town & the people were really friendly. Stayed in PG for a while over the years & always enjoyed it.
My regular hunting partner since '67 lives there so we visited him & his family many times & NEVER HAD ANY PROBLEMS.

10-08-2023, 10:05 PM
The first incident three years ago happened west of Vanderhoof at the first truck weigh station. The second theft happened west of PG heading towards Vanderhoof at a well-lit motel, and the truck and trailer were parked near the front where the office had a clear view of the parking lot, (inside job?)
Cops said the scumbags like to target what looks like hunting Riggs, which happens constantly.

10-09-2023, 09:50 AM
Make things illegal again and then you'll at least scare them a bit and probably save some of their lives.

You’re dreaming bud. These people are addicts. They don’t care if their drug of choice is illegal. At least the cops might be able to focus on crimes that actually matter a bit more now, instead of clogging the courts with minor possession charges.

10-09-2023, 09:53 AM
Ha Ha funny thread , I moved to PG 2 years ago spent my whole life in the Lowermainland, PG has nothing to what happens down there especially if you live in Surrey/ Newton , if it’s not locked down it’s gone the next day , people up here leave thier trailers parked on the road with no lock or pin lock or wheel lock and they are left alone , try doing that in Surrey you RV won’t last the night , sure there is crime here but nothing like down there

Depends on your area I guess. We lived in South Surrey for 8 years. Lots of places being sold to developers and torn down. Homeless people would occasionally move in, but a tractor load of blackberry brambles in front of the doors soon got them to leave. I actually went on vacation for two weeks once, and left the door to my shop wide open (dumbass), and one of my staff found it that way on about day 10. Not a single tool was out of place…

But do I miss living there? Not for a second.

10-09-2023, 10:01 AM
P.G. was the first place in BC that I stayed at in May, 1965 right after finishing high school in Ontario.
Was on my way to Pine Pass area for a surveying job.
PG was then a super town & the people were really friendly. Stayed in PG for a while over the years & always enjoyed it.
My regular hunting partner since '67 lives there so we visited him & his family many times & NEVER HAD ANY PROBLEMS.

You were very fortunate. We move to PG in 1965 and the place is now a cesspool of drug addicts and thieves, especially the downtown core. Don't ever leave anything of value unattended or it's stolen from your yard or vehicle. In some of the outlying areas it's not so bad but it's spreading from the downtown into College Heights and up the Hart.

10-09-2023, 08:09 PM
The first incident three years ago happened west of Vanderhoof at the first truck weigh station. The second theft happened west of PG heading towards Vanderhoof at a well-lit motel, and the truck and trailer were parked near the front where the office had a clear view of the parking lot, (inside job?)
Cops said the scumbags like to target what looks like hunting Riggs, which happens constantly.
Yet you are still coming up, shooting my God Dummed moose? Sucker for punishment or what? Stay home in your safe little towns, where ever that may be, maybe I'll finally get a god Dummed LEH in my own phuckin town!? Just joking, or am I? Hmmmm? #moosinlivesinPGandlovesmytown

10-10-2023, 04:59 AM
I love prince George , it’s a great place with good people. Unfortunately the homeless problem has become horrible in the last 5 years. Yes there’s high theft. Like other places with any significant population. Would I ever stay in a hotel in PG on my way through with hunting gear? Never. You guys will be much safer south of Williams lake. Stay down there for sure.

10-10-2023, 08:53 AM
I am glad we avoid PG when we head to my wife's grandparents place. Saves time and likely money.

10-10-2023, 05:16 PM
Ya I go up to YOUR PLACE after the moose. If all you mainlanders stayed home and didn't come to the island looking to horn in on our LEH for elk I wouldn't have to go to your lowlife scumbag-filled area to hunt. I am a sucker for punishment, maybe I keep going back up there so I can dole some out!!!

10-10-2023, 08:18 PM
Ya I go up to YOUR PLACE after the moose. If all you mainlanders stayed home and didn't come to the island looking to horn in on our LEH for elk I wouldn't have to go to your lowlife scumbag-filled area to hunt. I am a sucker for punishment, maybe I keep going back up there so I can dole some out!!!
Island elk LEH, you bump your head?? They don't Phuckin exist! I'll stay in my little sess pool, and hunt, and listen to the islanders bitch that they gotta leave their little green paradise and slum for a few hours up north! I'd actually rather you drive right through , to be honest, don't need your whiny, NDP/Greeen party dollars up here! Don't need your patronage!! I'll certainly repay the favour!! moosin

10-10-2023, 08:42 PM
Uh oh…. Mooses are hitting the rut early!:lol:

10-10-2023, 09:32 PM
I would just as soon zip right on past your scumbag-infested shithole, it's just the central spot that is the perfect distance from the island and we figure that hunters drop enough dimes in the area to keep ya going. Tourists drop mega bucks in PG.

10-11-2023, 09:34 AM
Yeah PG crime is booming. The trailers, trucks and quads thefts are mostly from three or four organized groups of heavy drug users from PG itself and some dirtbags from V-hoof who drive in and scope things out in Beaverley and around the Bon Voyage area.

The downtown area is a cesspool of drug addicted petty criminals who love it there as they get all the support services needed to get fed and warm. I never go into town anymore. If I was a store owner there I'd close up shop and move to College Heights, it's still kinda okay there...

10-11-2023, 10:12 AM
Bon Voyage Motel is where the theft of the truck and trailer happened, I had forgotten the name.

10-11-2023, 11:01 AM
There's shit spots all over the place, I know the lower mainland has lots of shit holes, if its not locked then it's gone! I actually like PG, but these shit rats are all over, thought they would freeze up there???

10-11-2023, 11:05 AM
There's shit spots all over the place, I know the lower mainland has lots of shit holes, if its not locked then it's gone! I actually like PG, but these shit rats are all over, thought they would freeze up there???
For sure !
My uncle had his brand new 5th wheel stolen in Surrey right off Scott Rd.

10-11-2023, 11:47 AM
There's shit spots all over the place, I know the lower mainland has lots of shit holes, if its not locked then it's gone! I actually like PG, but these shit rats are all over, thought they would freeze up there???

This is what I was saying to my buddy yesterday, wtf is up with all these bums living in super frigid winter condition areas, weird. Think they would head for greener pastures the lower wasteland, at least they can just get free rain gear and put that on.

10-11-2023, 09:56 PM
You all do know that kelowna is the crime capital of Canada right. Leave stinky PG alone :mrgreen:

10-11-2023, 10:38 PM
You all do know that kelowna is the crime capital of Canada right. Leave stinky PG alone :mrgreen:

I have friends that live there. One calls it “Kelownafornia”. I say yeah, like maybe Barstow! :)

I just call it Hellowna. But I grew up there, so I can legitimately call it down.

10-12-2023, 04:52 AM
I’ve left PG for greener pastures, a motel got new ownership during my duration of living there, turned my whole neighborhood into theft / zombie infested. But would move back in a heart beat, that being said I would only move back if I lived out of town. I love it there, love the area, always will.

10-12-2023, 06:25 AM
Kelowna all so called, lower west Vancouver
Anything not up the hill in Prince George is Skunk Hauler or Pigs Gorge.

10-12-2023, 07:33 AM
Time for a whole bunch of the skum bags to leave the earth and go somewhere else :shock:

10-31-2023, 04:10 PM
These days anywhere in close proximity of the lowlife population is at risk of getting your shit stolen. If you think PG is worse or better than any other bigger town in BC these days than you don't get out much. Blows my mind that anybody leaves anything in their truck that's valuable in any town. I live in PG and don't have to lock my truck door where I live but I wouldn't leave a looney visible in my vehicle in any city's downtown in BC

11-08-2023, 08:27 AM
It must be A$$hats from the lower mainland trying to become real ÈmenÈ!

11-08-2023, 11:01 AM
One of the contributors to the problem is when Greyhound shut down. When they were around people who had served their time at the Remand Center were given a one way ticket out to town. Now they just drop them off downtown. They have no where to else to go and their old criminal buddies pull them back into a life of crime and drugs.