View Full Version : How safe is your stuff?

10-05-2023, 11:14 AM
I have never had anything stolen from my vehicle or camp while I'm away, but as I plan a trip soon I am still wondering how safe my .22 or 410 are in the cab of the truck when I park at the end of an isolated road and hike away into the trees for the day.

I know, somebody would have to be pretty nervy to break into a truck when the owner could be sitting just out of sight in a ground blind 80 yards away, but I guess there are some out there who would try it.

How secure do you think your stuff is when you leave it?

10-05-2023, 11:51 AM
I have never had anything stolen from my vehicle or camp while I'm away, but as I plan a trip soon I am still wondering how safe my .22 or 410 are in the cab of the truck when I park at the end of an isolated road and hike away into the trees for the day.

I know, somebody would have to be pretty nervy to break into a truck when the owner could be sitting just out of sight in a ground blind 80 yards away, but I guess there are some out there who would try it.

How secure do you think your stuff is when you leave it?

It will vary depending on the area, but I think you nailed it when you said that it would be pretty nervy for someone to try to steal or mess with your stuff when you could be sitting within line of sight.

That's how my wife and I roll. We camp where we hunt and sometimes even leave gear outside the Jeep... cooler, tarp, socket set, jump start, camp stove, etc and we've never had anyone take anything from our camp, let alone try to break in the jeep looking for rifles and such.

Only time we had something snatched was a small blind stool. My wife tucked behind the fire pit at the end of a deactivated road and when to use "natures facilities" while I went for a little walk beyond wear the road ends. The guy had just jumped back in the truck with the chair when I was coming back and I started yelling. Dudes drove off in a hurry LOL... anyway, that's different, it's not like our vehicle was near by

10-05-2023, 03:22 PM
I have a 5 gal can of gas with a few lb’s of sugar and few torn up pieces of small cork in it that I’d leave in my truck, just incase. If anything ever went missing, mechanic shops would be the first place I’d look. Luckily, I still have that full can.

10-05-2023, 03:31 PM
I had a 2point whitetail stolen from my truck after I left it to go hunting with my brother the same morning, go figure. Got it back with help from a local and RCMP but cost me 2 days work!!If you leave an animal to get help just insert a coin some where in the flesh and remember the dates and type of coin anywhere in the carcass to ID if this should happen..

10-05-2023, 03:52 PM
Note on windshield:

Hey John,

Got tired of waiting for you in the dark.
I will be in the blind already by now, so you know I can see you when you get here.
Running with the 300 mag today in case a longer opportunity appears.
Come on up / down.
Coffee is still hot...


10-05-2023, 04:16 PM
Note on windshield:

Hey John,

Got tired of waiting for you in the dark.
I will be in the blind already by now, so you know I can see you when you get here.
Running with the 300 mag today in case a longer opportunity appears.
Come on up / down.
Coffee is still hot...


That's brilliant. I love it!! Good one Nog

I might leave out the 300 mag part as to not make the intent too obvious :D

10-05-2023, 05:44 PM
Note on windshield:

Hey John,

Got tired of waiting for you in the dark.
I will be in the blind already by now, so you know I can see you when you get here.
Running with the 300 mag today in case a longer opportunity appears.
Come on up / down.
Coffee is still hot...


Hahah, nice!

Over the years, me solo, or me with the ol man never had anything stolen. But like others have said it will depend where you are located.

10-05-2023, 09:03 PM
You can't trust anyone. A friend of mine had to leave the side by side because of an emergency last year, when they came back to get it was gone. I had a bunch of cameras out and the rancher from deadman was on film loading it into his horse trailer! Bike was recovered but like wtf!?

10-05-2023, 09:15 PM
A few years ago I parked my truck in a side road near Clinton for a nature call, and when I came back to my truck my binos were gone. I saw the kid in an ATV that drove by and I also knew where he and his dad where camping. I pulled up to their camp, and the kid came out carrying his rifle. I chatted with his dad and mentioned that I saw his son hunting near where I think I may have "dropped" my binos, and to keep an eye out for them. He asked where I was camping and told him nearby, but not to worry because I would check in with them later in the day. They packed up and left within an hour. That was the last time I've ever left my truck unlocked in the bush, even for a matter of minutes.

10-06-2023, 12:02 AM
Also anyone worried about the truck itself, if you have a remote key / push button start type of rig, even if you're a few kms from the truck with the key in your pack, anyone with a couple sections of tape measure and a broomstick can unlock, start and drive your truck away easily. They make them ridiculously easy to steal now. It's just a radio signal.

Use one of the old fashioned clubs, pop out a fuel pump relay, ignition fuse and such combined with an old fashioned shock sensor alarm, kill switch, whatever. ANYTHING is better than those silly "smart" keys.

I'm a total nerd, but thieves do the same. IF I was a bad guy, I could start your truck if your key is within reasonable line of sight (a few hills and trees probably still fine) even 20km away. This hack has been known for many years now, but vehicle manufactures don't care and seem to enjoy it. Putting the key in faraday case will help too. I say "help" because if any radio signal gets out, it's no match for a directional antenna even made of tape measure and a stick.

Radio frequencies.... I can talk to people real-time clear voice from Alaska to Peurto Rico to Mexico bouncing RF off flying tin can satellites in outer space at 0.5W... manufactures keep going with the RF smart key fob thing... just baffles me, like they do it on purpose? Like they forgot it was possible for someone to receive a radio signal and transmit a signal? Just a sign of times I guess. Going backwards. Making someone money.

Pull the fuel pump relay and an ignition fuse if you have one of the smart key things and/or shock sensor

10-06-2023, 08:26 AM
You can't trust anyone. A friend of mine had to leave the side by side because of an emergency last year, when they came back to get it was gone. I had a bunch of cameras out and the rancher from deadman was on film loading it into his horse trailer! Bike was recovered but like wtf!?

I had a rancher looking over my parked atv but I was sitting about 100 yards away watching him. He couldn't see me obviously and I could clearly hear him tell his wife 'they could tow it away' all while looking all around....he didn't try, one very lucky fellow.

10-06-2023, 08:45 AM
I leave my dog in the truck, 150 lbs mastiff cross that doesn’t like strangers.
He seems to have a sixth sense and if he doesn’t like you then i probably won’t like you either.
I remember when you never had to even think about someone stealing your stuff while out camping, hunting or fishing.

10-06-2023, 09:29 AM
Note on windshield:

Hey John,

Got tired of waiting for you in the dark.
I will be in the blind already by now, so you know I can see you when you get here.
Running with the 300 mag today in case a longer opportunity appears.
Come on up / down.
Coffee is still hot...

You're assuming the targeted lowlife can read, not always the case. Being that said lowlife is knowingly stealing from someone they know has a firearm. You won't be dealing with honour roll standouts. LOL

10-06-2023, 10:04 AM
Never worry about anything. But.... I do live in the Kootenay and there is a definite respect that is given and assumed.

For residents, if you drive up a road and someone is parked, you TURN AROUND and go somewhere else. residents know this. If you meet someone going in, you discuss where you can both go, which isn't going to be a nuisance to the other. There are lots of places to hunt. Hunting with Respect.

I set up camp, full out and leave it for days. I don't have a key or a lock on camp. I put trust in others. I hope for respect.

I hang stands, and don't use a lock, I put up trail cams, and sometimes I lose the card inside, but most of the time, my gear is left alone. And I appreciate that, and extend the same respect to the next person doing the same.

10-06-2023, 10:15 AM
I always worried when we went boating at Allouette. Cars are broken into a lot there. I used to tape a note to both side windows that said you might want to really think about breaking into this car. A .22 is not a loud rifle. At the bottom of the note was a .22 bullet taped to it. Car was never broken into. If the cops had anything to say. The bullets could not be fired as the powder was removed.

10-06-2023, 09:51 PM
I had a rancher looking over my parked atv but I was sitting about 100 yards away watching him. He couldn't see me obviously and I could clearly hear him tell his wife 'they could tow it away' all while looking all around....he didn't try, one very lucky fellow.

I guess the newer gen has changed? You never touch anybodys stuff no matter what it is. As hunters we all have guns even when it isn't the season. Think a bit before you put your paws on it....may not end well.

10-07-2023, 08:13 AM
I guess the newer gen has changed? You never touch anybodys stuff no matter what it is. As hunters we all have guns even when it isn't the season. Think a bit before you put your paws on it....may not end well.

Actually he was an older fellow, at least retirement age. The ones that ripped us off in Kitimat and at Fraser Lk were most likely the younger generation after our refreshment supplies. Coolers, camp cooking totes, box of beer, boat batteries that sort of thing.

10-07-2023, 11:37 AM
I could clearly hear him tell his wife 'they could tow it away' all while looking all around....he didn't try, one very lucky fellow.

Sounds like you WERE lucky! If he’d towed it away, you would have had to walk…

10-09-2023, 09:56 AM
Sounds like you WERE lucky! If he’d towed it away, you would have had to walk…

I'm pretty sure the minute he tried to hook up to it he would have gotten a big surprise. And he would have been the one walking.

10-10-2023, 09:01 PM
Awesome idea

10-17-2023, 10:12 AM
Usually draw a circle with crosshairs (scope) and yardage to a outcropping of rocks or some other vantage point , in the dust on a window easily seen by anyone passing by.
haven’t had a problem yet. Knock on wood.

10-17-2023, 11:20 AM
I had a camp run over by a hi-lift 4x4 up near Pemberton, they drove over the tent and then backed up again over it and drove off without even getting out.
Another time near Guillam Lake in '77 I had our camp stolen, light, camp stove, cooler full of food, and tarp we slept under. Luckily the booze was in the truck LOL

10-17-2023, 11:30 AM
After the fiasco in Vanderhoof and Prince George recently I have taken to setting camp alarms and booby traps. Contaminated gas jerry cans, 12 gauge trip alarms, motion lights, and loud screaming alarms.
Just have to be very careful when one has to go to the loo at two in the morning! LOL

10-24-2023, 11:46 AM
Warning to all our hunting community: last Saturday Oct 21, at 5:43 am I heard tiny metal sounds by my trailer. Went out to check but nobody was to be seen. About mid-morning I went to get a tool from my truck & noticed the hitch ball was missing.
Conclusion: thief had stolen the hitch ball to set up theft of the trailer when I later have to go town to buy a new ball hitch. Fortunately my 2 buds stayed behind to guard the camp while I bought a new hitch ball in Merritt, came back 2 hours later, installed it with a locked pin & moved out of that camp to a more secluded one.
Coincidentally 2 days earlier 1 motorcyclist & 3 ATV riders terrorized our camp in broad daylight while we were sitting around the fire, just across from Hook Lake in MU 8-6 despite clear signs showing we were camped there. They finally got the hint to leave when we waved them off! But what rebellious behaviour! Must've been young, stupid rednecks raised by wolves for parents!
Conclusion: choose a secluded cul-de-sac camp, lock up EVERY thing you own, set up motion alarms/lights/cameras, banger trip wires, & invite grumpy old Grandpa to guard the camp.

My 2 bits,

10-24-2023, 01:42 PM
I just leave the dog in the truck and haven't had any issues. Often park it unlocked with the windows down.


10-24-2023, 02:15 PM
Lots of tough talk on the interweb.