View Full Version : Best days for October Elk

09-26-2023, 10:56 PM
I can probably make it up for one more weekend of Elk hunting until it closes on the 20th.

Which dates would you go if you had time off, when do you find the most action in Oct?

09-27-2023, 04:56 AM
No expert but just after thanksgiving up here a second rut kicks in, I know people with luck that week. Also in 7a the season closes on October 9, I think you can put 2 and 2 together. Good luck man. Day 4 for me this week. Almost had one on Monday, they’re getting tough to call unless you’re right on them. Cowed up and seemingly quiet , only vocals I’ve heard is a chuckle with only exhale sounds.

09-27-2023, 09:15 AM
I've seen mature bulls with cows right into mid November. Trail cam pics over the years show cruising bulls up to Halloween

09-27-2023, 09:16 AM
Right around Thanks Giving the bulls are cruising and its the second rut or so.

09-27-2023, 12:15 PM
I’m getting out again for a few days right after thanksgiving. You never know unless you get out there!

09-27-2023, 05:41 PM
No expert but just after thanksgiving up here a second rut kicks in, I know people with luck that week. Also in 7a the season closes on October 9, I think you can put 2 and 2 together. Good luck man. Day 4 for me this week. Almost had one on Monday, they’re getting tough to call unless you’re right on them. Cowed up and seemingly quiet , only vocals I’ve heard is a chuckle with only exhale sounds.

You too! On the 17th I called one in and had my crosshairs on his vitals. He had 3 broken tines on his only visible to me side of rack. After a standoff waiting for him to turn his head and him being a 7 on that side then moving just behind cover as I was literally about to pull the trigger. Stalked to him and were calling back and forth, then 40-50 yards away wind switched and bye bye. So close, almost had my first Elk

09-27-2023, 05:43 PM
I’m getting out again for a few days right after thanksgiving. You never know unless you get out there!

For sure, if I wasn't so broke I would be up every weekend until the 20th but just can not afford to this year

09-27-2023, 05:45 PM
For sure, if I wasn't so broke I would be up every weekend until the 20th but just can not afford to this year

Move buddy, and get a better job in a town that has elk near it!

09-27-2023, 05:46 PM
Right around Thanks Giving the bulls are cruising and its the second rut or so.

I've seen mature bulls with cows right into mid November. Trail cam pics over the years show cruising bulls up to Halloween

Think i'm going to go thanksgiving weekend or the weekend just after

09-27-2023, 05:50 PM
Good luck, I called in a big 6pt September 3. Had him broadside at 80 yards. (Bow) got him to come in but at 50y same story. Wind changed.

also had one come in silent yesterday chuckling with his breath only, I was walking a cut line and I figured he made me and snuck off.

Hoping to connect before work starts again on Monday

09-27-2023, 05:54 PM
This is a Bull last year (dates are correct), I had him on cam in Spring and Summer last year. Then he vanishes and shows up days after the season closes. Noticed some sh*t on his antlers looks like he is still rubbing and raking then, but alone (maybe cruising?). Both this and last year this particular area when the rut comes on only small Bulls on my cams but the cows are there every year with new calves. I left 3 cams there too see who else comes by and will take 2 down in Oct.

Not betting on seeing him but any 6 will do for my first one. Got lots of spots now after all the running around I did this season.


09-27-2023, 05:59 PM
Move buddy, and get a better job in a town that has elk near it!

I am forsure, in the new year I am getting out of here. The Elk hunting here is tough too only heard one chuckle last year in two whole weeks of hunting, this year only the Bull I called in and another very quiet 2 chuckle at last light a ways away after me calling in an area for an hour.

See and hear about all the action some places have, I want to hunt areas like that. There are monsters where I go though, but hardly any answering or bugling I even hiked for hours at night and bugle into huge areas several times with nothing.

An absolute brute tank got smoked 2 days after I called mine in, up and over basically a little valley floor and 1 mountain away roughly 6k. I would post a pic but I don't personally know them and I got sent the pic by a friend but its huge

Bugle M In
09-29-2023, 08:46 PM
It’s the best day when it’s in your crosshairs!
could be the last day of the season.

10-15-2023, 08:13 AM
Poking around doing some scouting for WT yesterday. Heard a bull bugle about 50 times. Bulls are still easily call-able at this time IMO, although season is closed in some areas

10-15-2023, 09:37 AM
That is a hell of a nice bull. He must live in a hiddy hole that no one hunts, or is nocturnal. I find even in a year of weak calling that the elk do still call, its just on low volume so it can only be heard within a few hundred meters.

Here is an October elk hunting story of a bull that would not come to any calls. Oct 20 iirc, last day of elk season when I lived in the EK.


10-15-2023, 10:27 AM
This is a Bull last year (dates are correct), I had him on cam in Spring and Summer last year. Then he vanishes and shows up days after the season closes. Noticed some sh*t on his antlers looks like he is still rubbing and raking then, but alone (maybe cruising?). Both this and last year this particular area when the rut comes on only small Bulls on my cams but the cows are there every year with new calves. I left 3 cams there too see who else comes by and will take 2 down in Oct.

Not betting on seeing him but any 6 will do for my first one. Got lots of spots now after all the running around I did this season.


Nice conditions to track that guy down, or reverse track to where he came from.