View Full Version : Semi Seasoned- LEH elk

08-30-2023, 08:03 PM
Hello all, I am coming up to your beautiful province in a weeks time to chase elk, mule deer, and wolf. Bull River area as far as i know. Was curious about any and all input in that area. Feel free to p.m. me, it is guided, but I have been twice in the states once in wyoming near yellowstone in grizzly country and once in Utah. Was succesful both hunts with a bow. What kind of elevation are we talking up there? Lots of bears? How about elk? And big ones? 320-330"+? also curious about the deer. Thank you for any info, if your tight lipped I totally understand that as well! Have a great hunting season guys stay safe out there!

08-30-2023, 08:17 PM
who your hunting with might help, on letting you know what might be expected.

Walking Buffalo
08-30-2023, 08:20 PM
Do you seriously not know?
I can't imagine not having these answers before booking a hunt with an outfitter.

I hope you have a fun hunt, and don't leave disappointed.
If you become disappointed with the hunt, recognize who to blame.

08-30-2023, 08:39 PM
Hello all, I am coming up to your beautiful province in a weeks time to chase elk, mule deer, and wolf. Bull River area as far as i know. Was curious about any and all input in that area. Feel free to p.m. me, it is guided, but I have been twice in the states once in wyoming near yellowstone in grizzly country and once in Utah. Was succesful both hunts with a bow. What kind of elevation are we talking up there? Lots of bears? How about elk? And big ones? 320-330"+? also curious about the deer. Thank you for any info, if your tight lipped I totally understand that as well! Have a great hunting season guys stay safe out there!

Hey, welcome to the site!

Beautiful country there and as LBM mentioned, knowing which guiding outfit you are going with would help. Silent Mountain? Shadow Mountain? I believe those are the ones who's territory is in the Bull River area

montec assassin
08-30-2023, 08:43 PM
I have no info on the area but wanted to say welcome and good luck with your hunting trip. Sounds like it will be a great time.

08-30-2023, 09:28 PM
Don't know where you're hunting but best of luck to you and enjoy your trip.

08-31-2023, 07:44 AM
we will be hunting in MU 4-22 I believe, I will send an update after the hunt, starting to get really excited!

Mikey Rafiki
08-31-2023, 08:23 AM
Plenty of grizzlies to be encountered. Elevation will depend on where the guide takes you. Elk could be in the river bottom or in the alpine with the goats. Zone is huge.

08-31-2023, 08:30 AM
I wouldn't expect the numbers of elk or mule deer you would see in Wyoming or Utah, nor the quality of heads. You can expect to see some grizzlies. GD

08-31-2023, 10:34 AM
4-22. West border includes the Rocky Mountain trench, anywhere east from the trench, terrain gets steep & gnarly toute de suite ;),

09-17-2023, 08:01 PM
Hey all, got back from our hunt in canada yesterday. 22 hours and 1,400 miles later we where home. What a week we had up there in the bull river area. Started off the first 3 days with the 10 of us hunters seeing 10 total elk in three days, and no sightings of shooters. Did see a ton of billy goats. After the 7 day hunt was all done the 10 of us had only 1 elk to show for it. We were hiking roughly 5 to 10 miles a day per guide group, with little to nothing to show for it. Wow what a tough area to hunt and the weather definitely did not help any at all. Unbelievably beautiful country up there though but damn is it thick in spots. I won't list the outfitters name on here because I have nothing bad to say about them and how they ran their operation. Guides we awesome, cook even better, and the camp was nice, just seemed like there were no elk there. Totally different from where I have hunted them in the states. Saw 1 grizzly personally, one hunter got charged twice but bear ran off when he got to 10 feet both times. All in all a great week of hunting those damn elusive elk you guys chase up there! Hope you all have a great season stay safe and shoot straight!

09-19-2023, 07:34 PM
Glad you enjoyed your time up north. I find this time of year is hard hunting. Leaves are on the trees and the temps are a crap shoot. 27 deg here a couple days ago then high winds. Nothing seemed to want to move. It was cooler today and I seen 2 bull elk on trailers heading to the butcher. Also seen about a 40" bull moose with a cow crossing the road ahead of me. Weather has a lot to do with hunting success imo