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View Full Version : Grizzly Bear Engagement Opportunity! DO IT!

08-28-2023, 06:56 PM
~150,000 Hunters in BC
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~1,000 People that have completed the engagement survey :-( I wonder if half are anti hunters????

Guys, this is our chance! We need our voice heard on this, we need people to make a few clicks and complete the engagement questionnaire.

Never going to hunt a G bear, that's great but this puts the anti hunters back, this puts your hunting privileges forward and it sets a precedent that funding for wildlife needs to be a priority, and that hunting is something that needs to be protected. Take the 4 minutes it takes and complete this form!

https://engage.gov.bc.ca/govtogether...hip-framework/ (https://engage.gov.bc.ca/govtogetherbc/engagement/grizzly-bear-stewardship-framework/)

Do it for your kids if you don't care to do it for yourself or your fellow hunter!

Arctic Lake
08-28-2023, 07:50 PM
Darksith Thanks for posting this but it’s going to take me more than 4 minutes to read the framework page , it’s 75 pages ! Did you read all of it ?
Arctic Lake

08-28-2023, 07:51 PM
Completed. Thanks Darksith

08-28-2023, 08:03 PM
Besides what I observe on here, I have contacted many hunters that I know and...Surprise! Surprise...so far only two of them have done it. All in all, like gun owners, hunters are a lazy, sorry lot, who just cannot be bothered to take the time to do this. Million and one excuses, but bottom line is complacent sloths.

To all of you who have done it...thank you.

And another thank you to Darksith for resurrecting this topic that has slid into obscurity on this site.

08-28-2023, 08:40 PM
Holy Shit it is a LOT of READING But maybe I will learn from it :wink: RJ

08-28-2023, 08:51 PM
First time I seen this. looks like I got some homework to do

08-28-2023, 09:48 PM
Darksith Thanks for posting this but it’s going to take me more than 4 minutes to read the framework page , it’s 75 pages ! Did you read all of it ?
Arctic Lake

Here is a cheat sheet. Yes I read the whole thing, several groups (WSSBC, GOABC, BCWF) have put together responses to help their membership engage even if they don't have the time to read the entire framework. Also remember a "framework" is high level, it doesn't spell out how to do it, when to do it, where to fund it from...these are some of the objections we have to it. The government is putting out a lot of "frameworks" but will they get past that to action?

More help to complete the questionnaire:
Do you feel 2-7 provides enough info...Yes
Are there any threats missing?...No
How effective is the current approach? Not so much...things to ponder. What is the government doing? Are they holding industry accountable, are they mandating seismic lines be decommissioned, or roads, are they spending money to reduce road ans rail mortality? Are they doing anything?
Guide and advise on methods...strongly agree
Provide ecosystem based approach...strongly agree
Support reconciliation...neutral or agree, they won't even contemplate any disagrees
Promote safe and respectful coexistence between bears and people...can bears be respectful? It's a hilarious question, I disagree
Information, educate and be transparent...isn't this always good? Agree
Tracking of human caused bear mortality...moderate priority
Local planning...high priority
Interjurisdictional planning...does Vancouver even deserve input? Low priority

Population inventory...extremely high priority
Trend monitoring (science based conservation)...extremely high priority
Habitat protection and restoration...extreme or high priority
Species and population stewardship...extremely high priority
Hunting....extremely high priority
Viewing...moderate priority, maybe less, so few areas this is feasible.
Are there aspects missing?...there are several first nations that want to hunt gbears. Have they been consulted? Have Hunting groups been consulted?
Overall how is this framework? Could have more specific goals for population densities, could have more.specific timeliness, do we want gbears in every corner of the province, are there places we want more or less, is anyone going to fly in and hike for 10 days to maybe see 1 bear? If not why wouldn't we want those areas open to Hunting...just some thoughts
Please note your level of support...I support it, BC being able to stand by hunters and support that activity because we have such strong healthy monitored and managed populations should be something to be proud of and stand behind not fight against. We need to put a value on all our wildlife similar to every other jurisdiction in North America and its time the government recognizes the value our diverse wildlife brings to our province. It's time to start managing to increase not managing to 0

08-28-2023, 09:51 PM
I completed it but honestly I think even if we all completed it, it would do sweet F all. There's so much BS in the Grizzly Bear Stewardship Framework, all the FN stuff is idiotic, as if the average FN person has some sort of special knowledge regarding GB, their habitat or anything else for that matter. I also found that the GBSF is very inaccurate in terms of their estimations of GB numbers. It shows areas where they say GB are extirpated and there are GB there. Also the numbers of GB per 1000/sq km is so wildly inaccurate.

Whatever decisions are made will be made regardless of what the public has to say.

08-28-2023, 10:08 PM
I completed it but honestly I think even if we all completed it, it would do sweet F all. There's so much BS in the Grizzly Bear Stewardship Framework, all the FN stuff is idiotic, as if the average FN person has some sort of special knowledge regarding GB, their habitat or anything else for that matter. I also found that the GBSF is very inaccurate in terms of their estimations of GB numbers. It shows areas where they say GB are extirpated and there are GB there. Also the numbers of GB per 1000/sq km is so wildly inaccurate.

Whatever decisions are made will be made regardless of what the public has to say.

I understand the pessimism, and yes there are a ton of issues. First and foremost they need funding and to complete population surveys...kinda seems like a trend in the management practices across all the BC Species no? Their data is simply best guesses, and there source of data admittedly is from the last year of legal hunting...go figure!

But there are lawsuits happening, there are very upset FN groups that are pushing hard to get this reinstated, and then there are hunters. We sit back and do nothing then are shocked when something doesn't go our way. Its pretty standard in all area's. The majority don't put in the effort and a small minority do most of the heavy lifting...but we can break that cycle by simply engaging. Its so easy, I appreciate you doing it, Im not a blind optimist that thinks if we all do it its a gimmie, but I am a realist, and if we don't do it...well...nothing will change

08-28-2023, 10:14 PM
I completed it but honestly I think even if we all completed it, it would do sweet F all. There's so much BS in the Grizzly Bear Stewardship Framework, all the FN stuff is idiotic, as if the average FN person has some sort of special knowledge regarding GB, their habitat or anything else for that matter. I also found that the GBSF is very inaccurate in terms of their estimations of GB numbers. It shows areas where they say GB are extirpated and there are GB there. Also the numbers of GB per 1000/sq km is so wildly inaccurate.

Whatever decisions are made will be made regardless of what the public has to say.

This is how I see it ^^^ it sounded to me when I read it they were thinking of transplanting more bears to the areas where they think they will stay stagnant at low populations, Nahatlatch, Stein Valley, North Cascades, may have been more read it weeks ago. So increasing Grizzly populations in areas that hold little.

I really don't like to fill these out as I think they are completely useless and there are plans brewing for society that the people running society have and they don't involve the commoners say, I also don't like having my name and personal information tied to government or other surveys. But i'll fill this one out, it means a lot to some of you I can see, and obviously I want the Grizzly hunt back. But I don't think it will be brought back, if it some how is it won't be like anything we've known in the past I don't believe, but who knows.

I think a lot of guys don't fill these out not because their lazy, but because of the disdain and skepticism. Don't want to entertain BS.

08-28-2023, 11:59 PM
Skepticism is easy when it comes to the government. When more like minded people contribute to a cause, however futile it may seem, there is a record of it. It might not be specific, but the overall trend might be tracked and later pointed to and questioned. The hope being that those in power, if in the wrong, will be shown to be so be the burden of evidence laid at their feet. His current provincial gov has been embarrassed multiple times on multiple issues. The record doesn’t disappear and they will be held to account at some point when the people speak. I encourage everyone to fill this out and if you are struggling to get through this very biased questionnaire, refer back to the multiple frameworks our various dedicated wildlife groups have laid out.


08-29-2023, 03:56 AM
Done despite being skeptical about the outcome! Thx

08-29-2023, 06:27 AM
All a guy needs to do is look at Washington state. Hunters didn’t show up, they sat on the sidelines and didn’t engage in anything. Now look where that got them. Doesn’t matter how skeptical you are and how much you doubt it’s going to make a difference, make your voice heard every chance you get, or we’ll be the next place to lose hunting entirely. It’s already happening little by little, because nobody ever shows up.

Arctic Lake
08-29-2023, 08:54 AM
Darksith Thanks for the cheat sheet ! I will read it and fill out the form !
Arctic Lake
Here is a cheat sheet. Yes I read the whole thing, several groups (WSSBC, GOABC, BCWF) have put together responses to help their membership engage even if they don't have the time to read the entire framework. Also remember a "framework" is high level, it doesn't spell out how to do it, when to do it, where to fund it from...these are some of the objections we have to it. The government is putting out a lot of "frameworks" but will they get past that to action?

More help to complete the questionnaire:
Do you feel 2-7 provides enough info...Yes
Are there any threats missing?...No
How effective is the current approach? Not so much...things to ponder. What is the government doing? Are they holding industry accountable, are they mandating seismic lines be decommissioned, or roads, are they spending money to reduce road ans rail mortality? Are they doing anything?
Guide and advise on methods...strongly agree
Provide ecosystem based approach...strongly agree
Support reconciliation...neutral or agree, they won't even contemplate any disagrees
Promote safe and respectful coexistence between bears and people...can bears be respectful? It's a hilarious question, I disagree
Information, educate and be transparent...isn't this always good? Agree
Tracking of human caused bear mortality...moderate priority
Local planning...high priority
Interjurisdictional planning...does Vancouver even deserve input? Low priority

Population inventory...extremely high priority
Trend monitoring (science based conservation)...extremely high priority
Habitat protection and restoration...extreme or high priority
Species and population stewardship...extremely high priority
Hunting....extremely high priority
Viewing...moderate priority, maybe less, so few areas this is feasible.
Are there aspects missing?...there are several first nations that want to hunt gbears. Have they been consulted? Have Hunting groups been consulted?
Overall how is this framework? Could have more specific goals for population densities, could have more.specific timeliness, do we want gbears in every corner of the province, are there places we want more or less, is anyone going to fly in and hike for 10 days to maybe see 1 bear? If not why wouldn't we want those areas open to Hunting...just some thoughts
Please note your level of support...I support it, BC being able to stand by hunters and support that activity because we have such strong healthy monitored and managed populations should be something to be proud of and stand behind not fight against. We need to put a value on all our wildlife similar to every other jurisdiction in North America and its time the government recognizes the value our diverse wildlife brings to our province. It's time to start managing to increase not managing to 0

08-29-2023, 11:00 AM
Darksith Thanks for the cheat sheet ! I will read it and fill out the form !
Arctic Lake

Read through the Wild Sheep Societies Cheat Sheet as well if you care too. Its pretty similar, our letter to the Minister also is a quick read that sums up a stance I feel all hunters and conservationists can get behind. Was posted above but here's the link again. A quick review of my personal, and the 2 documents from WSSBC will give you a pretty good idea of what this framework consists of.


Harvest the Land
08-29-2023, 11:38 AM
Great work to keep this topic on top of our minds Darksith. I have shared this news with every hunter (and sympathetic non hunter) I know and wrote the 8th down on my calendar when you initially brought it up a couple weeks ago and will absolutely make sure to add my input by the 7th.

Thanks for taking the time to do what you're doing

08-29-2023, 07:49 PM
Done 10 days ago, lots of words small screen just getting over the headache but done!

Stew Pot
08-29-2023, 09:31 PM
Thanks for summarizing it all. Completed as well.

08-30-2023, 03:43 AM
Submitted feedback

Thanks for the summary Darksith.

08-30-2023, 10:32 AM
B.C. mulls return of grizzly hunting in controversial reportB.C. is considering a plan to reinstate grizzly hunting seven years after public outcry pushed the province to ban the controversial sport.

Grizzly hunting was banned in 2017 following intense opposition from conservation groups. The new report takes aim at that decision, stating the ban was not made for conservation purposes but instead reflected “many British Columbians’ ethical or moral opposition towards grizzly bear hunting.”

B.C. has one of the highest concentrations of grizzlies across North America, with an estimated population of 15,000.


08-30-2023, 11:35 AM
I just completed it. If you click submit at the very end, it sends you a pdf version of your Grizzly tag for 2023! I'm so happy! But you must complete the form in it's entirety and with the cheat sheet above. If it's not exactly as shown above, you only get a "share" window.

Now where should I go to get a big one?!

Arctic Lake
08-30-2023, 11:42 AM
Thank You !
Arctic Lake
Read through the Wild Sheep Societies Cheat Sheet as well if you care too. Its pretty similar, our letter to the Minister also is a quick read that sums up a stance I feel all hunters and conservationists can get behind. Was posted above but here's the link again. A quick review of my personal, and the 2 documents from WSSBC will give you a pretty good idea of what this framework consists of.


Arctic Lake
08-30-2023, 12:22 PM
Arctic Lake

08-30-2023, 12:42 PM
Will the grizzly hunt still be a trophy hunt? The issue of packing out the meat was not addressed in the questioner. I passed on filling it out.

Harvest the Land
08-30-2023, 12:55 PM
Will the grizzly hunt still be a trophy hunt? The issue of packing out the meat was not addressed in the questioner. I passed on filling it out.

Maybe the "issue" of packing out meat is not an issue because grizz hunt enthusiasts will gladly pack the meat out if it means we can hunt them again. Also, nothing goes to waste in nature so it was a non issue for many who realize this irrefutable reality

08-30-2023, 01:27 PM
Maybe the "issue" of packing out meat is not an issue because grizz hunt enthusiasts will gladly pack the meat out if it means we can hunt them again. Also, nothing goes to waste in nature so it was a non issue for many who realize this irrefutable reality

with all due respect I would disagree with you re: " Irrefutable reality" Grizzly bears are not the domain of hunters solely they are shared with non hunters and in fact those with anti hunting views despite whether one agrees or not. They have and are entitled to an opinion. The world and majority of the population in canada is against hunting bears strictly for trophy hunts. As Ive stated before Alaska is beginning to feel the heat and are looking at scenerios re packing the meet out. What you do with the meat when you get homfe is entirely up to you. Personally im in favor of meat being packed out.

Harvest the Land
08-30-2023, 01:58 PM
with all due respect I would disagree with you re: " Irrefutable reality" Grizzly bears are not the domain of hunters solely they are shared with non hunters and in fact those with anti hunting views despite whether one agrees or not. They have and are entitled to an opinion. The world and majority of the population in canada is against hunting bears strictly for trophy hunts. As Ive stated before Alaska is beginning to feel the heat and are looking at scenerios re packing the meet out. What you do with the meat when you get homfe is entirely up to you. Personally im in favor of meat being packed out.

So you dont believe that nothing goes to waste in nature?

08-30-2023, 03:32 PM
Will the grizzly hunt still be a trophy hunt? The issue of packing out the meat was not addressed in the questioner. I passed on filling it out.

you passed on filling it out bc of an issue not addressed? This isn't asking whether or not we should hunt g bears, but we are using this opportunity to express that the hunt should be allowed and it should be an indicator of a strong healthy g bear population in areas that have hunting. This is a high level document that needs engagement from us hunters, it shows that we care about conservation, it shows that there are advantages to what we do and it opens the door to the hunt being reopened or it could close the door forever!

Please tell me what is a trophy hunt in regards to conservation? The only thing that really should matter is the science behind sustainable or not in regards to a hunters harvest. You may have ethics where if the meat isn't removed (and then what tossed out? Fed to a dog? Eaten by a human?) you won't support it...well guess what, an anti hunter has ethics that no animal should be hunted, a vegan has ethics that no animal should be harmed...do we agree with those ethics? Do we support hunting or not! The science doesn't care what we do with an animal after we pull the trigger, the science just cares whether removing that animal will have a positive, negative or no effect on the population of that species. Don't let your ethical stance get in the way of supporting hunting, thats what got us here in the first place, thats what got the spring black bear hunt banned in Washington state, thats what will get hunting banned period. Then your ethics won't mean a damn thing.

We have been pushing hard and will continue to push for science based conservation practices. We must stop emotions from people so out of touch with nature and conservation dictating decisions that affect ecosystems. I don't like this so lets cancel it, but the down side of that decision could and does impact so many things...like the mountain caribou as a perfect example. Raincoast has already been on record saying let them go, the bears are more important than protecting an endangered species. This shows how foolish their stance is and how narrow sighted it is. Humans have impacted so much of the landscape, the various ecosystems that we have to manage everything or get out completely...man I could go on and on about this. Too much tunnel vision, we need to stop and let science make sound decisions and we need funding to acquire actual data so science can make the right decision...

It blows me away that we continue to lose things, target sport rifles, hand guns, g bear hunt, black bear spring hunt and yet some people still don't get the fact that if we don't unite and work together we will lose it all. Whats next for us? Cougar hunt goes away, black bear hunt (already gone on Haida Gwaii), soon it will be your hunting rifle and then it will be hunting completely...

08-30-2023, 03:44 PM
you passed on filling it out bc of an issue not addressed? This isn't asking whether or not we should hunt g bears, but we are using this opportunity to express that the hunt should be allowed and it should be an indicator of a strong healthy g bear population in areas that have hunting. This is a high level document that needs engagement from us hunters, it shows that we care about conservation, it shows that there are advantages to what we do and it opens the door to the hunt being reopened or it could close the door forever!

Please tell me what is a trophy hunt in regards to conservation? The only thing that really should matter is the science behind sustainable or not in regards to a hunters harvest. You may have ethics where if the meat isn't removed (and then what tossed out? Fed to a dog? Eaten by a human?) you won't support it...well guess what, an anti hunter has ethics that no animal should be hunted, a vegan has ethics that no animal should be harmed...do we agree with those ethics? Do we support hunting or not! The science doesn't care what we do with an animal after we pull the trigger, the science just cares whether removing that animal will have a positive, negative or no effect on the population of that animal. Don't let your ethical stance get in the way of supporting hunting, thats what got us here in the first place, thats what got the spring black bear hunt banned in Washington state, thats what will get hunting banned period. Then your ethics won't mean a damn thing.

We have been pushing hard and will continue to push for science based conservation practices. We must stop emotions from people so out of touch with nature and conservation dictating decisions that affect ecosystems. I don't like this so lets cancel it, but the down side of that decision could and does impact so many things...like the mountain caribou as a perfect example. Raincoast has already been on record saying let them go, the bears are more important than protecting an endangered species. This shows how foolish their stance is and how narrow sighted it is.

It blows me away that we continue to lose things, target sport rifles, hand guns, g bear hunt, black bear spring hunt and yet some people still don't get the fact that if we don't unite and work together we will lose it all. Whats next for us? Cougar hunt goes away, black bear hunt (already gone on Haida Gwaii), soon it will be your hunting rifle and then it will be hunting completely...

It’s very frustrating that we cannot get hunter engagement on issues that mean something. This is essentially hunters vs anti’s. We are all hunters, we should be able to stand together for a common cause. To keep opportunities that we have or want back, as long as they are sustainable. Instead it’s always a pissing match, bickering back and forth between each other, which is what the anti’s are hoping for and they continue to get it. If this was a thread about a 6.5 creedmoor being enough to kill an elk, almost every member on this forum would be engaged in the conversation.
Who cares if you agree with trophy hunting or not, if it’s not your thing, don’t do it. Let’s as a group worry about getting the hunt back first and foremost. Why engage if it’s not something your into? I don’t hunt whitetail, but if whitetail hunting was under attack in your area of BC, you bet your ass I’d still be making sure my voice was heard, because as hunters, it’s what needs to be done and what should be done. Big picture, common cause.

Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to do the survey and thank you to the guys that provided a “cheat sheet” to make it as simple as possible. Those of you who don’t take the time to make yourself heard, I really hope you don’t start b******g if we continue to lose.

08-30-2023, 05:22 PM
It’s very frustrating that we cannot get hunter engagement on issues that mean something. This is essentially hunters vs anti’s. We are all hunters, we should be able to stand together for a common cause. To keep opportunities that we have or want back, as long as they are sustainable. Instead it’s always a pissing match, bickering back and forth between each other, which is what the anti’s are hoping for and they continue to get it. If this was a thread about a 6.5 creedmoor being enough to kill an elk, almost every member on this forum would be engaged in the conversation.
Who cares if you agree with trophy hunting or not, if it’s not your thing, don’t do it. Let’s as a group worry about getting the hunt back first and foremost. Why engage if it’s not something your into? I don’t hunt whitetail, but if whitetail hunting was under attack in your area of BC, you bet your ass I’d still be making sure my voice was heard, because as hunters, it’s what needs to be done and what should be done. Big picture, common cause.

Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to do the survey and thank you to the guys that provided a “cheat sheet” to make it as simple as possible. Those of you who don’t take the time to make yourself heard, I really hope you don’t start b******g if we continue to lose.

You seem to think that anyone that has an opinion that differs from you is anti hunting vegan. Thats not accurate. there are many people that are not hunters, who are not against hunting but feel strongly about hunters taking the cape and skull and leaving the meat. On that position i agree. To be clear im not a anti hunter. I simply dont want to be associated with a position of bringing the hunt back for trophy hunting its a bad optic in my opinion. i'm sure you will get plenty of favorable questionnaires filled out. \i think a position of the" meat left in the woods is not going to waste" will simply backfire you need to engage the non hunters to ever have a chance of the hunt coming back and i think that starts with an understanding that the meat will be packed out. Your point of "who cares if you agree with trophy hunting or not, if its not your thing don't do it" I dont shoot and leave the meat behind its defiantly not my thing and im not in favor of it hence my position. \\i am not against grizzly hunting just being realistic

08-30-2023, 05:34 PM
You seem to think that anyone that has an opinion that differs from you is anti hunting vegan. Thats not accurate. there are many people that are not hunters, who are not against hunting but feel strongly about hunters taking the cape and skull and leaving the meat. On that position i agree. To be clear im not a anti hunter. I simply dont want to be associated with a position of bringing the hunt back for trophy hunting its a bad optic in my opinion. i'm sure you will get plenty of favorable questionnaires filled out. \i think a position of the" meat left in the woods is not going to waste" will simply backfire you need to engage the non hunters to ever have a chance of the hunt coming back and i think that starts with an understanding that the meat will be packed out. Your point of "who cares if you agree with trophy hunting or not, if its not your thing don't do it" I dont shoot and leave the meat behind its defiantly not my thing and im not in favor of it hence my position. \\i am not against grizzly hunting just being realistic

I am not opposed to taking the meat at all. If that is a condition to getting the hunt back, so be it, I’d be fine with that. Funny how you don’t hear much complaining from the “anti’s” in Idaho, since they dropped the requirement to bring out black bear meat. They probably know that’s a fight they won’t win, whereas BC? Easy. I did not mean for that to make you sound like an anti, not my intention at all. We all have our own views, opinions and how we do things. I just want to see everyone put those aside and stand up, be heard for hunters everywhere, whether you pursue certain animals or not. I highly doubt the government is going to be asking about “keeping the meat” in a survey where they are just trying to figure out how much of an appetite the public has for a hunt in general. Let’s just worry about getting opportunity back, we’ll work out the details after.

08-30-2023, 05:40 PM
Just completed it, hopefully my comments even get read and if they are listened to and considered. I took my time and wrote pretty good well thought out comments. Will be interesting to see where this goes, or if it goes anywhere at all in either direction.

Harvest the Land
09-08-2023, 07:01 PM
They must be receiving a lot of feedback from folks asking for more time to submit feedback because today was the deadline but looks like they've extended it for another month.

Engagement is open until October 6 at 4 pm

Harvest the Land
10-04-2023, 09:44 AM
Friendly reminder folks. Support your hunting heritage and get your comments by Friday (yes that includes all the anti predator hunting folks like LBM too). Need all hands on deck

10-04-2023, 06:32 PM
There is a cheat sheet from howl for wildlife to follow!

10-04-2023, 07:31 PM
There is a cheat sheet from howl for wildlife to follow!

10-04-2023, 07:45 PM
It was on the Global News at 6 this evening. Slanted terribly by what they presented as a poll, which was a totally self serving anti-grizzly hunt group poll of 1000 people. Not surprisingly they claimed over 80% of British Columbians want the grizzly hunt permanently banned. Most annoying. The news item also had Chad Day on it saying that grizzly should be hunted and it should be based on science and traditional knowledge/info, etc.

10-04-2023, 08:06 PM
Friendly reminder folks. Support your hunting heritage and get your comments by Friday (yes that includes all the anti predator hunting folks like LBM too). Need all hands on deck
your post keep showing you no nothing about people you no nothing about wildlife and you wonder why people give up on hunting groups and organizations, its because of people like you that yap but no nothing and do
more damage then good. You should stick to your covid threads.

Harvest the Land
10-04-2023, 08:13 PM
your post keep showing you no nothing about people you no nothing about wildlife and you wonder why people give up on hunting groups and organizations, its because of people like you that yap but no nothing and do
more damage then good. You should stick to your covid threads.

Did you complete the questionnaire? And what does it mean to "no nothing"?

10-07-2023, 01:57 PM
Did you complete the questionnaire? And what does it mean to "no nothing"?

not that it matters most likely new about it and done before you ever heard about it, means exactly that you no nothing, just like to yap.

10-11-2023, 02:41 PM
The input has been EXTENDED until Oct 31 for the grizzly bear feedback survey.
Get your say in!!


Stone Sheep Steve
10-12-2023, 07:42 AM
I’m guessing that the antis asked for more time so they could gather more support.

Trust this current BC government as far as you can throw them.


10-18-2023, 08:43 AM
There is still time! They have extended this again!!!! They are extending it either because they are only getting 1 sided opinions or they aren't getting enough feedback! Either way everyone should do this! Here's the link again in case you jumped to the last page!


10-28-2023, 10:38 AM
No Plan to Reopen BC Grizzly Bear Hunt, Says Minister


10-28-2023, 10:41 AM
No Plan to Reopen BC Grizzly Bear Hunt, Says Minister


these quotes obtained from the link above pretty much sum it up.

“There was never an intent within those consultations to contemplate reopening up the hunt,” Cullen said. “I know people were concerned about that, but this was a consultation effort better to engage with people that are interested from all sides.”
He stressed that out of respect for the process he doesn’t want to prejudge the result. “We’ll let the consultations run their course and we’ll see what comes out of it in terms of what people are hearing.”

“Closing the hunt was one of the best wildlife decisions the B.C. government has made, and reopening it to licensed hunters would be one of its worst,” the letter said, “and one that will be as hugely offensive to the general public, as to the undersigned organizations and individuals.”