View Full Version : Deer calls and Binoculars???

12-08-2007, 09:35 PM
Hello all,

I'm new here and this is my first post. I'm also a first time hunter this year, so don't let my username throw you.8-) I bagged a whitetail so I'm glad I didn't get skunked my first year out.

I'm looking for a good deer call. In particular, I've been thinking about Primos "Hardwood grunter" and also their "Rubberneck" grunter. I've also checked out Knight & Hale's "Translator" call. Are any of these any good or are there better ones out there? Has anyone had good success with any of these?

Secondly, I'm also looking for a set of field glasses. I looked through a pair of Bushnell's "PermaFocus" binoculars the other day and was impressed. For farther away looking I will probally invest in a good spotting scope, so I thought these PermaFocus ones would be good for closer range stuff. Any comments about these binoculars?

12-08-2007, 10:22 PM
Welcome to the site.
I use a Primos grunt tube that includes a doe bleat if you inhale through the call. It has worked good for me and cuts down the number of calls in my pack. Its called the power buck and doe.
As for the binos, I haven't tried that pair but in most hunting situations your binos are you best tool so if you are going to splurge try and get a good pair, as in "don't buy them at Crappy Tire". What kind of hunting are you hoping to start with? What kind of terrain?

12-08-2007, 10:53 PM
Just my opinion, you can take it or leave it, but it's how I see it.
Regarding the call - I really don't think it's too important which one you buy, but asking here may give you an idea which way to lean. I feel that it is far more important to learn how and when to use it properly that matters. That said, you can get cds and info from those that make them as to how and when to use one.
Regarding the binos - Get the ones that most please you for the price you can afford. I assume that you are still young and have pretty good eyesight as well, so your choices will be many and it will probably boil down to how much you are willing to spend. As time goes on changes will certainly occur and when that time comes you then may want to upgrade. Keep in mind to watch out for gimmicks or claims that sound too good to be true.
I hope this advice helps a bit in your decisions.

115 or bust
12-09-2007, 12:24 AM
Bino's are your most important investment for hunting don't cheap out on them I've had bushnells and they are the fisher price of hunting binoculars. Nikon monarchs are the best bang for your buck for a decent pair of well priced glasses. If you wanna take the next step up it sounds like the Cabelas Euro's are going to be the next big thing. never cheap out on your glass it will cost you tons of deer over the years.

12-09-2007, 12:39 AM
If you have a London Drug store in your area, and if the staff is as good as the staff I have dealt with and the array of binos is decent, that is a good place to go shopping for info and hardware. They deal with the 'birder' crowd, who may out-weigh the hunter in some areas.

12-09-2007, 08:38 AM
Binos ...Most any will do ...depends on what you wanna spend ....I reccomend Alpen ... best bang fer yer buck IMHO

wt deer calls .... as a rookie IMHO you have two choices ... a Primos Can .... Or an Extiguisher ...fawn doe buck in one ... I used to Have ... my Buddy Stole it cause there aint any WT around here (actually I gave it to him....) Best WT call you will ever get ... comes with instructional Vid CD for your computer ... awesome ...teaches ya how to call, Tick and cluck like a buck tending his does ...If you never heard a deer cluck or tick ... then ya'll gotta get closer and hunt during the rut ....

12-09-2007, 01:28 PM
If you have a London Drug store in your area, and if the staff is as good as the staff I have dealt with and the array of binos is decent, that is a good place to go shopping for info and hardware. They deal with the 'birder' crowd, who may out-weigh the hunter in some areas.
Yes, I live close to Vernon. I didn't realize they carried glasses.

I assume that you are still young and have pretty good eyesight as well, so your choices will be many and it will probably boil down to how much you are willing to spend. As time goes on changes will certainly occur and when that time comes you then may want to upgrade. Keep in mind to watch out for gimmicks or claims that sound too good to be true.
I hope this advice helps a bit in your decisions.
Thanks! I'm actually in my mid 30's and I have to wear eye glasses to drive, but my prescripition hasn't changed much since my teens.

Welcome to the site.
What kind of hunting are you hoping to start with? What kind of terrain?
I hunt both WT and MD. I have access to private farmland (fields, etc..), I hunt the higher up cut blocks and some lightly wooded terrain where visibility is limited to around 50 yards at best.