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View Full Version : First Ever Moose Draw!!..HELP!?!?!?

07-04-2023, 01:09 AM
So the stars have aligned and I somehow managed or was lucky enough to draw a moose tag for any bull region 5-02 first two weeks of October!! While I have hunted the area around moffat lake before for mule deer, and have been successful in taking a few bucks and have seen moose in the area, I’m really at a loss in the way of strategy for ensuring I end up being successful in the cancellation of this tag lol!!! Yes I know there are no guarantees when it comes to hunting so I am open to any and all suggestions/hints to pull this off this fall!!!

07-04-2023, 07:16 AM
Sounds like you know the area and have seen moose there before, so just show up a couple days before the opening and do some scouting to find out where your moose is hanging around and then spend the rest of the trip targeting him. Hunt the water, moose love water.

07-04-2023, 07:52 AM
Zone A B C or D?

Wild Images
07-04-2023, 08:02 AM
Perfect timing to call
I would suggest practicing around the house
when the wife is super annoyed your ready to go !!

07-04-2023, 08:33 AM
Yep. great time for calling. I'd be covering lots of ground and glassing. If you see a bull far off, get set up and call him. Congrats on a great tag

07-04-2023, 02:24 PM
Call, i'd be there on the first doing Bull grunts and raking.

07-04-2023, 03:09 PM
hmmm congrads on the draw.....PERFECT TIMING prime rut..
have some suggestions to help..
feel free to send pm with ph number...

07-04-2023, 03:51 PM
hmmm congrads on the draw.....PERFECT TIMING prime rut..
have some suggestions to help..
feel free to send pm with ph number...

Follow this up. Steven has great suggestions.

07-04-2023, 04:07 PM
I won’t be far away on the Alberta side with my bow , calling and raking. The outfitters in AB seem to call them in during this Time. Though I had a tough time in reg 7 last year sept 16-30 calling. But there was 28 degree heat.

07-04-2023, 05:41 PM
So the stars have aligned and I somehow managed or was lucky enough to draw a moose tag for any bull region 5-02 first two weeks of October!! While I have hunted the area around moffat lake before for mule deer, and have been successful in taking a few bucks and have seen moose in the area, I’m really at a loss in the way of strategy for ensuring I end up being successful in the cancellation of this tag lol!!! Yes I know there are no guarantees when it comes to hunting so I am open to any and all suggestions/hints to pull this off this fall!!!

... congratulations ... been waiting for a moose tag for 15 years in Ontario ... sure hope it comes before I die of old age

07-04-2023, 06:10 PM
Search YouTube for videos on moose calling. Watch them intently, make strange noises in your house and scare your neighbors until you've got the technique down. Search old threads on this sight for info on how to set up for calling and what calls to use and how often.

07-04-2023, 07:22 PM
hmmm prime rut..mating

IF you only get laid once a year...you WILL be there..

numerous suggestions on how to up your chances...why what when how..


07-05-2023, 01:13 AM
Good suggestions so far thanks!..sounds like calling one in is the ticket…draw is in Zone B…some PM’s have been sent.

07-05-2023, 08:08 AM
Oooooh nice tag. I've hunted enough of zone b around Spout and Murphy lakes. There is a guide that works those areas as well stationed on where mile 108-horsefly rd meets spout lk rd.

If you are on that side of the area send me a pm. Some honey holes for sure.

07-05-2023, 03:03 PM
hhmmmmmm most areas hold moose throughout the entire zone..there are some better than others...
remember during your draw..prime rut ...bulls start travelling looking for receptive cows...and dont stop untill they are literally worn out...weary in well doing.
a few objects needed to help you be successful in your calling efforts.

07-05-2023, 03:07 PM
As many have said that is the prime time to hunt moose. I have found the last few years that October in the Cariboo can be pretty dry and hot at times. Use google earth to find some hidden swamps and bodies of water in the area you wish to hunt. Some place with a good vantage point nearby is ideal. If you can get up scouting and check these areas for sign before the hunt that’s a bonus and will only help your odds.

During your hunt, once you find a place with moose rut activity (rubs, wallows) find your vantage point and cow call. A loud and proud cow calling sequence every half hour to fourty minutes. I would only switch to a bull call or raking if you have a bull coming in and he hangs up just inside the tree line or stops responding. If you call some place one evening and don’t have any responses but there is sign in the area, be sure to hit it again in the morning as a bull might be coming in to your calls from afar but might not make it by the time you pull out for the night. There is moose in the area, just have to do your part and you have a great chance at being successful!

Something else to think about - as I mentioned it can still be hot at that time. Do your research on game coolers in the area so you have a few options if you get something down and it heats up to 20+ during the day. Bringing your own cooking unit is another option.

Good luck and be sure to post your adventure!


07-06-2023, 08:26 AM
99 mile grocery has a cooler for hanging meat at 100 mile house. Or they did do this a few years ago. Just have to get there during butcher hours, up to 4:30 I think it was. I paid $20 a day for out moose.

Yea, google is your friend when finding areas. Even if the swampy stuff is a bit back, or cuts on both sides of the road. Set up near the road and call, they will be crossing there. Lots of this stuff in that area.