View Full Version : Complacency in the bush

07-02-2023, 10:51 AM
Just a reminder to all the seasoned hunters here. Slow down and don’t get complacent.

on the way into the bush this morning I saw a Bach group of bull elk and a cow moose near where I park to access one of my cameras.

feeling excited to get up the ridge I was going faster then normal cutting through a moose flat swamp area. I stepped in a hole concealed by swamp grass and went head first into a 4’ trench. I only remember falling then waking up in 12” of water. I think I broke my fall with my rifle to the face and broke my nose , bruised my wrist bone badly , and strained my shoulder (no tears I don’t think).

this could of ended way worse for me. After 1000s of km hiked through all sorts of mountains and terrain I never thought I’d endure such an injury in flat land.

please slow down and smell the roses. This morning went from checking cameras and deciding where to set my treestand for archery moose and elk , to hoping my shoulder is ok by august 25.

be safe a good luck out there this season fellow hunters.

07-02-2023, 01:50 PM
Just a reminder to all the seasoned hunters here. Slow down and don’t get complacent.

on the way into the bush this morning I saw a Bach group of bull elk and a cow moose near where I park to access one of my cameras.

feeling excited to get up the ridge I was going faster then normal cutting through a moose flat swamp area. I stepped in a hole concealed by swamp grass and went head first into a 4’ trench. I only remember falling then waking up in 12” of water. I think I broke my fall with my rifle to the face and broke my nose , bruised my wrist bone badly , and strained my shoulder (no tears I don’t think).

this could of ended way worse for me. After 1000s of km hiked through all sorts of mountains and terrain I never thought I’d endure such an injury in flat land.

please slow down and smell the roses. This morning went from checking cameras and deciding where to set my treestand for archery moose and elk , to hoping my shoulder is ok by august 25.

be safe a good luck out there this season fellow hunters.

Ooof, so glad you're okay (considering) Hazardous scenario with the water there.

07-02-2023, 02:39 PM
Ouch! The most likely candidate is the one that thinks it can't happen to them. 50 years ago I was probably that guy, me and a couple of guns can prove it. Scar on the wrist and kneecap, broken stock and dint in the end of a barrel. I'm getting better; I hope? The one that still gets me is crossing a new-ish clear-cut, ya step on the end of a stick the other end flips up and catches the other foot, ankle, boot, leg in mid swing. Bad enough for a young guy but old and packing a canoe, Tim Conway got nothing on me judging by the laughs behind me.

07-02-2023, 03:30 PM
Yikes that’s scary. We definitely get a wake up call once in awhile. Winter 2021 I was out for the day snowshoeing and hunting Lynx. I was snowshoeing along a small lake not far from shore following coyote tracks into a channel. Not even thinking I was heading into a channel.
The ice all of sudden started sinking under me and all I could do was try and stay upright as I sank in slow motion. Luckily I hit bottom with water between belly button and chest, but the ice and snow around me was shoulder level. I had a day pack on, rifle and 38” snowshoes strapped to my feet. Everything kept caving in around me as I tried squirming my way out and struggling to not trip over my snowshoes. Finally was able to push on ice with my feet and slither up enough on my back to get hold of some alders and haul myself out. The next step would have been trying to get my snowshoes off before my hands froze up. It took some concentration just to remain calm and think it through. Such an eye opener. That water could have easily been neck deep and I’d have been toast.
Thanks for posting.

high horse Hal
07-02-2023, 03:44 PM
reality checks, its can get real fast

Slipped on the felt packs to go out and get a pot of water. no need to lace them up ass its only a dozen yards or so
At the top of the creek bank, one boot lace decided to hitch up with a lacing hook on the other boot, and not travel forward like its supposed to
It was only a couple feet down to the water for the boots but a heck of a lot further for the brain pan from the top of 6ft dummy
$#It made for good entertainment for the others in camp though, wet, scratched, fat lip, limping, but still brought the water

The Mendls always always get the lacing loops buried deep into the top cuff where they can't hook on anything, now the camp shoes get the same

07-02-2023, 04:41 PM
Wild story’s! …nice to hear some others , shit happens fast! Nice to read some stories and re evaluate how we can safely go about our passions.

makes you realize how fragile us humans can be.

After letting the shock phase out and doing a self assessment I wanted to at least check my camera. Made it up only to find a bear had its way with it , area was pounded with moose and elk though. Then to top it off I land locked myself in the swamp for about a hour before finding my way out. One F of a morning.

07-02-2023, 05:39 PM
Hey buddy good you are ok, shit happens. Do you always travel with a inreach or other device. Rolled my quad once, going 5 miles an hr in tall grass couldn't see the dug out, was a slow motion roll over but still landed hard on my hip. Apparently I am 6ft tall and bullet proof :)

walks with deer
07-02-2023, 05:41 PM
Wild story’s! …nice to hear some others , shit happens fast! Nice to read some stories and re evaluate how we can safely go about our passions.

makes you realize how fragile us humans can be.

After letting the shock phase out and doing a self assessment I wanted to at least check my camera. Made it up only to find a bear had its way with it , area was pounded with moose and elk though. Then to top it off I land locked myself in the swamp for about a hour before finding my way out. One F of a morning.

Sound like you need someone yo help you out in archery season. Just to keep you safe.

07-02-2023, 06:32 PM
Ditto on the reality checks lol

couple years ago after a buddy and I successfully harvested a bear, we decided I’d go back with his pack on my chest mine on my back and my gun across it… I was headed back for the truck the “short” way that had a creek crossing, he was going towards the nearest road to be picked up with the bear meat..

got to the creek and she was raging.. 3 feet across maybe ? Poked a few sticks and it was at least a waist deep.. decided I wasn’t wading across and figured I’d walk along it and see if there’s a tree or something to cross.

come around a corner and see a big old tree up stream, walking the bank towards it get almost there and a good 6 feet away from the bank collapsed and all fell in.. me going with it…

couple bobs up and down in the water which was frigid… took a moment to get my breath.. thankfully both packs were “water resistant” so they held their air, giving me temporary boyancy.. floated to the next bend, grabbed the alders and struggled to drag my soaked ass out… laid there for a bit until the cold set in… then made the rest of the several km hike back to the truck..

needless to say that could have went very differently… new found respect for seasonal creeks after that day !

07-02-2023, 08:11 PM
Yes I purchased a inreach in 2018 I mostly hunt alone. Great item to have, I pulled it out while I was feeling faint.

WWD, you bet maybe next year come up for an elk / moose hunt. Just started a new job , long hours and weekend warrior style this season. I’m lucky to live in some great area to hunt.

07-02-2023, 08:32 PM
I got the inreach after my wife almost died in a ATV crash Canada day 2018. Next Canada long weekend I think I will stock up on beer and ribeyes and stay home. Not a lucky weekend for us

07-03-2023, 12:48 AM
Best thread of the year
thank you all for sharing your experiences or lessons, which would save lives

walks with deer
07-03-2023, 01:10 AM
Yes I purchased a inreach in 2018 I mostly hunt alone. Great item to have, I pulled it out while I was feeling faint.

WWD, you bet maybe next year come up for an elk / moose hunt. Just started a new job , long hours and weekend warrior style this season. I’m lucky to live in some great area to hunt.

Stay safe out there i recently got hurt really bad aswell its scary .. i am sure you will find some tasty animals.