View Full Version : November moose in 3-26

06-28-2023, 07:24 AM
Anyone have any tactics they’d care to pass on for post rut moose in the Shuswap area? I grew up there, and went with friends to hunt moose there as a kid, but things have likely changed a bunch in the past 40 years:mrgreen:

After 30 failed attempts at a draw where I always put a lot of effort in to picking my codes, and getting them in early, I decided to not give a shit and not enter this year. Then my “son” texted me his codes for this year, and without really giving it any thought, I entered at literally the last minute. I joked with him that I’d probably draw this year since I put zero effort into research etc. Well, here we are with me getting a fairly high odds draw.

I know some areas that used to hold moose, but as a “novice” moose hunter, my knowledge of post rut behaviour and likely habitat is basically zero. Thanks in advance to all you moose gurus that might offer some advice or help!

high horse Hal
06-28-2023, 07:59 AM
40 yrs? a few things have changed :) but not the needs of critters, feed and solitude being the top two
I'd be heading for the absolute newest cutblock, looking for the ones that haven't got used to the idea that their former refuge is now not so safe
Other than that maybe just use the snow cover to show fresh sign, moose have a relatively small home turf
By Nov most of the other hunters have quit but the animals are still holed up in the thick due to earlier pressures
3-26 is one of those zones where you'll run into a few Reg8 guys cross-border shopping after the seasons are closed closer to home

just some early morning ramblings over a first coffee, nice draw, good luck

06-28-2023, 11:42 AM
3-26 is one of the best moose tags to get IMO. I have been successful in killing a November moose in the past (not 3-26) and some things i have learned are as follows:
- Get out of the truck. I have yet to see a moose during hunting season from the road. Happens to people every year, just not me. Spend long periods of time hiking through snow into cut blocks and swamps / meadows. You will see a ton of sign which will let you know which cuts are being used more than others.
- Early Early morning. This is when i have seen the most moose, and in November they seem to be lying down 1.5 - 2hrs after the sun comes up.
- The cut block that doesnt have road access, but lots of moose sign - thats where i would be at first light.

For 3-26 hunting up above falkland has produced some very nice moose in the past. My buddies killed a nice one up there around 10 years ago. Issue with November is that the snow can pile up quick. Bring lots of chains and recovery equipment.
I have also seen lots of moose late season while deer hunting up by White lake, but never any bulls, only cows. But where there are cows, there should be bulls.

06-28-2023, 12:21 PM
Was deer hunting mid November for mulies just across the the shuswap from 3-26. Ran into 6 bulls while road hunting and checking new country. They will be trying to fatten up after the rut so look for places with good feed.


06-28-2023, 02:26 PM
Thanks for the great responses guys! At that time of year, is there any particular browse they would be feeding on?

06-28-2023, 04:25 PM
Waaaah you got mah draw!

Seen quite a few moose up there, some giant bulls in fact. Actually one time I was sick and heaving on the side of an FSR they're and inadvertently called in a huge bull moose that came to check me out

Will send you a PM

06-28-2023, 04:56 PM
You guys on here all rock! The amount of great info coming in by PM is a sign of how well we support each other here. Thanks so much to one and all!

06-28-2023, 05:10 PM
You got my DRAW!! Lol. I live on Bolean Lake road. I know where the moose rut in the southern portion of the MU in October. They don’t tend to stick around in November at that spot, but depends on snow. DM me in the fall of you want a hand.

06-28-2023, 10:04 PM
Thanks Scotty!

walks with deer
06-28-2023, 11:25 PM
Be prepared for icy conditions.
Chains,salt,tiger torch..ice rated tires and appropriate weight. Depending on the year safe access will be key..come along and lots of rope for your truck never mind the moose. Last year winter came on halloween and didnt not leave until may. Moose generaly live in pockets hunt the sign.

06-29-2023, 06:54 AM
I’m a winter savvy guy. 30 years in snowcats, plowing back country roads and doing snow recovery. I’ll have a winch, shovel, come alongside etc etc etc. Probably get chains as well.

11-20-2023, 06:46 AM
Well, the snows haven’t really arrived, and looks like they won’t before the end of the month. I can’t rely on snow to get the moose moving, so will be a bit more of a challenge to find them. I’ve seen more moose in the past month than in my whole life, which is great, except the bulls I saw were not in my LEH MU, other than a perfect shot on a forky a few days before they opened. Since moose opened in 3-26 I’ve seen multiple cows and calves, and a fair bit of bull tracks, but no bulls in my zone. I’m heading back in this week, so fingers crossed…(and I did buy chains, so of course the snow didn’t come:roll:)

A couple of ones that I couldn’t shoot, including one in a friends yard in Washington and one in the bag in Idaho:

https://i.postimg.cc/sXWL38x1/05-CCB3-D6-EA31-443-D-A953-39855249-C7-F3.jpg (https://postimg.cc/VrYgRKjc)

https://i.postimg.cc/bw6Wgk4Y/34-ED6-EBE-25-DB-48-F2-A8-DF-425575-F653-E9.jpg (https://postimg.cc/jD7MdwsB)

https://i.postimg.cc/xdh7DY0W/522-FB4-C6-CDC9-421-C-BAD3-5-CA6-F29-B4566.jpg (https://postimg.cc/QBgS12Kb)

11-20-2023, 08:21 AM
Good Luck ! :-)​ RJ

11-21-2023, 06:45 AM
Thanks RJ!

We found a ton of sign yesterday, mostly tracks in the snow, some fresh-ish, some clearly a day or two old. There are definitely bulls where we are hunting, but the critical daylight meet up has not happened yet.

Bullwinkle 1

Hunter 0

11-21-2023, 08:13 AM
Thanks RJ!

We found a ton of sign yesterday, mostly tracks in the snow, some fresh-ish, some clearly a day or two old. There are definitely bulls where we are hunting, but the critical daylight meet up has not happened yet.

Bullwinkle 1

Hunter 0
Blessings towards your hunt....

11-21-2023, 09:05 PM
Thanks Harry!

We tracked a decent sized bull with blood in his tracks for about 5 kms, and found a bunch of bedding sites, including a very fresh one, but no in person meetings with moose. Tomorrow is another day…

4 point
11-21-2023, 10:16 PM
They browse on red willow this time of year!

11-21-2023, 10:37 PM
Right on Redthies, assuming you didn't scare him, you'll have a good chance in that area tomorrow...cheers.

11-21-2023, 10:51 PM
It sounds like you’re in right the area and just a matter of things lining up for you so I imagine you’ll likely stick around there, but I have seen moose up in the Bolean lake area before. Here’s a pic that was floating around last year of a bull shot in 3-26 November for some motivation! Red willow is what they feed on this time of year. Back ends of cut blocks not visible from the road or meadows with red willow mixed in are where we have shot all our moose in November. Make sure to post up a pic when you catch up to him!

https://i.postimg.cc/8cRr6RN4/CFB93071-64-B6-4915-A2-EE-1-BFE264-B6-A76.jpg (https://postimg.cc/2L56pBqL)

11-22-2023, 02:03 AM
We have been on the red willow. Our plan is to leave that area alone tomorrow, and concentrate on our other spot where we’ve seen 8 moose (4 bulls and 4 cow or calf) in the past month. I don’t know if we scared the guy near Bolean out of his bed, as it was already starting to ice up, so I’m thinking 1/2 hour or so to get as crunchy as it was. Either way, we will stick to our plan. There is such an abundance of sign around it’s hard to decide what to focus on.

https://i.postimg.cc/9fRwWG0X/507192-B3-D469-400-C-98-DE-DDC74714173-F.jpg (https://postimg.cc/CZ0x7nb9)

https://i.postimg.cc/SNk9W2TV/DD0675-F5-593-F-4407-B336-80-FD66-E05-A78.jpg (https://postimg.cc/Cdrd01Vf)

https://i.postimg.cc/vBxrSJfz/EC5-C86-DF-8-FAB-4-EFE-8291-B42-F840-D7-CCD.jpg (https://postimg.cc/vgMx4SPg)

11-22-2023, 02:09 AM
Question on the pine tree above. I was under the impression that any rut type behaviour would be done with, but there were bull tracks coming in to that pine from a few directions, and the snow is only a few days old up there, so this tree was thrashed recently. We have not been calling this stint, or raking. Would either of those be a good tactic this late? Is it second estrus time?

11-22-2023, 02:16 AM
[QUOTE=ElliotMoose;2425802]It sounds like you’re in right the area and just a matter of things lining up for you so I imagine you’ll likely stick around there, but I have seen moose up in the Bolean lake area before. Here’s a pic that was floating around last year of a bull shot in 3-26 November for some motivation! Make sure to post up a pic when you catch up to him! QUOTE]

My hunting partner works with a friend of Jae. I saw that photo (skinned skull) when I won the draw, and it has been in my head ever since. As much as I’d like a good sized animal, at this point I’ll likely shoot the first one I get an opportunity on. My priority is meat, but if given my choice, I’ll take the mid size for the perfect blend of tender meat and wall hanging headgear. Whatever I get (if I get) I will definitely post a pic or two.

high horse Hal
11-22-2023, 08:46 AM
likely a dusting of fresh snow up there this morning, judging by the weather radar
hope you can take advantage, wish I could

11-22-2023, 09:44 AM
Love this post!!!

Live hunt with updates and photos even. Thanks for sharing the hunt! Best of Luck!!! Hope you get BW

11-22-2023, 02:27 PM
Enjoying the live "steamed" hunt here too! :D

11-22-2023, 08:21 PM
Well, I’ll give my “fans” :razz: what they want!

Today was an interesting one. Went back to an area that we saw lots of live, walking breathing and in person moose over the month of October. Went to our usual “hot spots” and saw lots of sign, but nobody was down at the Red Willow Diner, and while sitting and listening to all the sounds of nature, I said “man, if I were a moose I’d be hanging out on that little hill right there”.

So we walked back to the truck and drove up to the deactivated road that got us closest to my “moose bedroom”. The road had fresh (2 week to yesterday) piles of pellets literally every 5’ as we walked up. I’ve never in my life seen a road this deactivated either. Whoever was running the hoe was obviously a moose hunter. It was not an easy walk. Once at the top we cut into the mature timber and immediately found dinosaur sized leg bones, and some pretty tough walking. About 30 seconds after I said how it would be incredibly difficult to sneak up on anything in here, some jackass (me) stepped on a solid looking log, that promptly snapped and about 50 yards to our left was an eruption of noise. Sounded like a big bull, and after he ran a hundred or so yards into the thicker stuff, he started grunting. It definitely sounded like a big dominant animal. He circled about half way around us (wind was very much in our favour for once), but he never came back into the area. My hunting partner does really solid calls, and we let a few grunts go as well, so he would maybe come to see who was challenging him, but no luck.

We laid out a bit of “moose crack” attractant in the area, and at another slash we see regular activity and will check that in the morning. If there is no action, another member here got in touch with advice on where he has seen a bunch of bulls. He actually filmed a video of a violent moose fight in this area that I just watched. It’s pretty crazy. Link below if you want to watch.

Red Willow Diner:

https://i.postimg.cc/FswzHFPg/27720-B8-B-4-D07-4659-8-D43-5-AE54-D5-FEAC3.jpg (https://postimg.cc/KRrx9bhR)

https://i.postimg.cc/L5w95vV6/E234-FFC6-C8-AD-4804-A7-B6-72166-B373352.jpg (https://postimg.cc/LgkK0t7r)

Didn’t take many pics today. But the video below is great!


11-23-2023, 06:54 PM
Pretty crazy video! Thanks for sharing.

11-23-2023, 07:11 PM
We went to the video spot today so I could seek revenge for the fallen moose, but there was nobody around. Some great country up here, with so much sign, but the lack of snow and big moonlight is making things extremely challenging. Nothing up and moving in daylight today other than a single 2 pt buck.

https://i.postimg.cc/6q7PVNNX/12-B66-B87-E647-411-B-930-A-D1628-CA22685.jpg (https://postimg.cc/WqvSjC3W)

https://i.postimg.cc/1t7TN32B/36234-ADA-663-D-4364-82-AD-4-C8077-DB5-FA6.jpg (https://postimg.cc/CBDJ3SFn)

https://i.postimg.cc/0NxhT37Y/B8-EF460-D-8-A00-478-A-A415-17-AB2-CDC2-DC3.jpg (https://postimg.cc/RWsPfgsh)

https://i.postimg.cc/V6kp6CG5/F8-E47365-32-F1-4566-9-F04-A587-CF727777.jpg (https://postimg.cc/Mcgd3v88)

11-23-2023, 09:30 PM
That video is crazy…..did they contact the CO’s and try to get a free moose?

11-24-2023, 09:51 AM
Unbelievable video and the luck to be right there.

11-24-2023, 11:31 AM
Unreal Video!

Thanks for sharing! https://www.tnof.ca/styles/default/xenforo/smilies/Pozitive.gif

And yeah, I'd be calling that in and asking to keep the fallen one!


11-25-2023, 10:22 AM
I would 100% be calling as well. I went past the spot where it happened and there is definitely no carcass there (video was taken just a few weeks ago) so I’m presuming someone got the meat.

Yesterday I was back at it, and found a few more bedding areas, but nobody home. I did find a huge 5 pt mule deer shed that I’m guessing was last years by the color and mouse nibbles. There is (was?) a heck of a deer roaming the area. I put a lot of miles on the boots again, and had called it for the day as I had to hit pause and deal with some family and work stuff this weekend, and when walking back to the truck I hear a grunt from the trees below the road I’m walking out on. I grunt back. Then he grunts back. Game on! He was in a triangle of woods between two switch-backs, and I knew I wouldn’t catch him going into the trees, so I walked as quickly and quietly (damn frozen hoar frosty ground) as I could to try and intercept him on the lower piece of road, but as I got around the corner I heard him already across and in the next trees below the road. There was no way to follow him in there and get any kind of a shot, so I chalked it up to another tease and hit the road. I stopped in at one of my old whitetail spots on the way home, looking for a consolation prize, but nothing going on there. Friends from the coast were in their whitetail camp just down the road, so I stopped in for a beer around the fire before the rest of the drive home.

I’ll see if I can get back over to 3 before the clock runs out, but I have a ton of stuff to do before winter takes hold here, so might just be local whitetail until the end now. If that’s how it plays out, so be it. Between the moon, lack of snow and being a complete moose novice, I think we did ok. I learned a ton about moose hunting, and will be able to put that to good use in the future. And after 10 years of putting in for draws, to finally get one at least proves they actually do draw for hunts!

I got a ton of info posted and PM’d to me from members here, and I thank you all for the help! I think my expectations were a bit higher than they should have been based on the number of people saying this should be an “easy” tag to cut. The late snow and full moon Oct 28 and again Nov 25 made both my trips in poor daylight hunting times. The animals were still spread out and hunkered in. I of course had family obligations right through the middle of the month when the new moon was, and possibly the best chance at seeing them up in the daytime. Such is life;)

For now, my hula girl and I are riding into the sunset…
https://i.postimg.cc/zGXzQpdB/8-DECC736-FFC7-4-AA6-8-F13-D0776024-B92-B.jpg (https://postimg.cc/CzXpBCpT)

11-29-2023, 10:06 PM
Well, the 11th hour consolation prize showed up tonight with 20 mins of shooting light left. I hunted whitetail a few days at home and figured I could get out this afternoon, but was waiting on a shipment from FedEx to arrive at my warehouse in the USA, and they finally called at 2:00 to say they were 30 mins out. Crap. Whip home, unload truck of all hunting gear, and then race to the border to meet the truck. Slightly frantic, I see the replacement of a critical component is damaged in shipping again. Dang. Oh well that tomorrows problem. Sign, shove in a sea can, and book it back to BC with my Tillamook cheddar!

I get home, grab my gear and boots on and hammer it for the “spot”. My neighbor and I saw a couple of bucks running there last night, but they hopped the fence that runs along the border and vanished into the USA. He’s already up there, a bit higher up the mountain, and I text him that I’m at the lower fence line. Then I hear a shot, and my phone buzzes. I read his message that says “I’ll try to scare something down to you”, and I’m thinking “well, that’s one way to do it”, but I said “I was hoping you got something”. A couple of minutes later, he says he did get something, but it ran. Of course it did. Right at last light. Up I go and we start tracking. It took about 45 mins, but I found it after finding and losing the small blood trail multiple times. Lung shot from very close range led to lots of internal bleeding, but not much blood coming out of the wound. Just a nice body sized 3x2 with a small rack. Should be good eats!

https://i.postimg.cc/9FtQgtjJ/91667731-F310-4557-B36-A-612-B8-FA66-DFD.jpg (https://postimg.cc/mtk4t9kH)

11-29-2023, 10:30 PM
Buddy that Bull was not f**king around!!! Can anyone tell if the one that lost the battle was the one walking down the road or the one that came out of the timber?

And congrats on your Buck Redthies, are those ticks crawling out of his belly and a**? A Buck I got this year was right covered in them worst I had ever seen was unreal

11-30-2023, 07:48 AM
I think the bull that died was the one walking down the road, but not 100% sure. I doubt even the guy who filmed it is sure.

I did meet a super nice older native guy who was hunting moose for the Squilax band elders, and he couldn’t find a moose either (with 50+ years of experience in that area) so I don’t feel too bad about not getting one. We chatted for about 1/2 hour and he shared some good info.

Not ticks. They are just seed pods from one of the plants in the area. We didn’t see any ticks on this one while gutting it, but man, was it ever wooly, and had a thick layer of fat. My neighbor is going to skin it today, so I’ll ask if he finds ticks. Some hares we shot in the spring were covered in ticks. Like 15+ per bunny. I’m not as grossed out as I used to be with ticks. Just pick ‘em off and squish.

11-30-2023, 08:06 AM
Great on tracking your buddy's deer, tough look on no Moose. Thanks for the live story!

11-30-2023, 10:30 AM
Great on tracking your buddy's deer, tough look on no Moose. Thanks for the live story!

We agreed the last time we hunted to split meat 50-50 if we only got one between us, and my freezer is low so I had a motivating factor beyond being a good friend;)

I’m glad people have enjoyed my contribution this season. I have enjoyed a lot of other peoples stories too, so it’s nice to be able to add to the entertainment.

11-30-2023, 04:27 PM
Ya definitely don't feel bad about not getting a moose, and congrats on the buck!

11-30-2023, 06:15 PM
I think the bull that died was the one walking down the road, but not 100% sure. I doubt even the guy who filmed it is sure.

I did meet a super nice older native guy who was hunting moose for the Squilax band elders, and he couldn’t find a moose either (with 50+ years of experience in that area) so I don’t feel too bad about not getting one. We chatted for about 1/2 hour and he shared some good info.

Not ticks. They are just seed pods from one of the plants in the area. We didn’t see any ticks on this one while gutting it, but man, was it ever wooly, and had a thick layer of fat. My neighbor is going to skin it today, so I’ll ask if he finds ticks. Some hares we shot in the spring were covered in ticks. Like 15+ per bunny. I’m not as grossed out as I used to be with ticks. Just pick ‘em off and squish.

I think so too.

Way she goes sometimes buddy, don't matter how skilled of a hunter you are, how hard you work, how good of a shot you are with your weapon, some hunts and seasons for some animals don't turn out. I never feel bad about not getting something unless I f**k up lol like miss a big buck.

Yeah bout all ya can do with them little bas*tards, good to burn em on a stick or leaf or somethin make sure they are dead. Wouldnt want lyme disease or be allergic to red meat from a bite though i'll tell ya that

11-30-2023, 07:46 PM
I just had a part in a shared Nov. draw just to the east in 8-26. I can say for certainty that I walked a circle around a large moose on two different occasions passing within a couple hundred yards of it, and I can also say that there was a good sized bull in the area. I’d figured that out early on from the tracks and destroyed pine trees and debarked aspens. And if there was any doubt, a co-worker (not part of the draw) drove in one of the old roads and saw a cow/calf pair and the bull I was looking for.

We crossed paths 8 minutes later, and try as I might to go off that fresh news, never saw anything but more tracks. 16 solid days of trying, and 4 moose sightings for me in total, one being a cow/calf pair, and one was just a glimpse of the uphill end of a swamp donkey fleeing downhill.

It was enough to make me breathe a sigh of relief as darkness closed in today just before my workday ended. It’s over.

11-30-2023, 08:48 PM
Wow, I just watched the video. That’s nuts!

11-30-2023, 09:10 PM
Wow, I just watched the video. That’s nuts!

It is. And I shared the sense of relief when I drove out of my LEH MU. There was a fair bit of self imposed pressure to cut the tag after waiting 8 years to draw ANYTHING. The disappointment has already faded, and getting a buck last night takes pressure off too. I need to make up for two weeks of time spent getting fit in the woods. My neck is actually out from having a rifle slung for so long!

11-30-2023, 09:26 PM
Congrats on the buck. And good perspective. That said, I’m going to hold on to most of my disappointment for a while yet, it’s been building up for a few seasons now and I’d had really high hopes for this one once we won our draw.:-| ;-)

Arctic Lake
11-30-2023, 09:50 PM
Redthies . Thanks for the detailed story felt like I was right there with you ! Tough luck with no moose ,but you tried hard and that counts ! Congrats on the deer some meat for the winter . That video ,what are the chances of witnessing something like that , not very likely ! The videographer should buy a lotto ticket .
Arctic Lake

11-30-2023, 10:09 PM
Thanks AL! And congrats on your success! Where was your moose draw?

11-30-2023, 10:30 PM
[QUOTE=TheObserver;2426793]Buddy that Bull was not f**king around!!! Can anyone tell if the one that lost the battle was the one walking down the road or the one that came out of the timber?

I watched that “ HELL OF A FIGHT “ a couple times and I believe the More BLACKER moose that charged out of the Bush was the WINNER 🥇 RJ

Thanks for the Stories Better LUCK next time ! RJ

12-01-2023, 08:33 AM
Well, I’ll give my “fans” :razz: what they want!

Today was an interesting one. Went back to an area that we saw lots of live, walking breathing and in person moose over the month of October. Went to our usual “hot spots” and saw lots of sign, but nobody was down at the Red Willow Diner, and while sitting and listening to all the sounds of nature, I said “man, if I were a moose I’d be hanging out on that little hill right there”.

So we walked back to the truck and drove up to the deactivated road that got us closest to my “moose bedroom”. The road had fresh (2 week to yesterday) piles of pellets literally every 5’ as we walked up. I’ve never in my life seen a road this deactivated either. Whoever was running the hoe was obviously a moose hunter. It was not an easy walk. Once at the top we cut into the mature timber and immediately found dinosaur sized leg bones, and some pretty tough walking. About 30 seconds after I said how it would be incredibly difficult to sneak up on anything in here, some jackass (me) stepped on a solid looking log, that promptly snapped and about 50 yards to our left was an eruption of noise. Sounded like a big bull, and after he ran a hundred or so yards into the thicker stuff, he started grunting. It definitely sounded like a big dominant animal. He circled about half way around us (wind was very much in our favour for once), but he never came back into the area. My hunting partner does really solid calls, and we let a few grunts go as well, so he would maybe come to see who was challenging him, but no luck.

We laid out a bit of “moose crack” attractant in the area, and at another slash we see regular activity and will check that in the morning. If there is no action, another member here got in touch with advice on where he has seen a bunch of bulls. He actually filmed a video of a violent moose fight in this area that I just watched. It’s pretty crazy. Link below if you want to watch.

Red Willow Diner:

https://i.postimg.cc/FswzHFPg/27720-B8-B-4-D07-4659-8-D43-5-AE54-D5-FEAC3.jpg (https://postimg.cc/KRrx9bhR)

https://i.postimg.cc/L5w95vV6/E234-FFC6-C8-AD-4804-A7-B6-72166-B373352.jpg (https://postimg.cc/LgkK0t7r)

Didn’t take many pics today. But the video below is great!

I just had a few more minutes to catch up on this thread...that's some beauty looking moose habitat you found there, too bad about the log breaking but that's hunting....man that's a crazy video...

Arctic Lake
12-01-2023, 09:48 AM
Thank You ! It was in 7-25
Arctic Lake
Thanks AL! And congrats on your success! Where was your moose draw?

high horse Hal
12-01-2023, 11:36 AM
Congrats on the buck. And good perspective. That said, I’m going to hold on to most of my disappointment for a while yet, it’s been building up for a few seasons now and I’d had really high hopes for this one once we won our draw.:-| ;-)Close to home too, no? sux when the so-called easy ones don't pay off
I'd give my left nut for that 8-26 draw someday

12-01-2023, 12:26 PM
Close to home too, no? sux when the so-called easy ones don't pay off
I'd give my left nut for that 8-26 draw someday

You bet, home turf.

12-01-2023, 12:45 PM
You bet, home turf.

Pretty well my home turf as well. For moose LEH I partner up with a couple Van Isle buddies for the 6-1 group draw. 2018 we were successful & harvested a nice young bull. Last year we also got the draw but were skunked. All we saw was the back end of a cow on trail cam. No luck for the draw this year but my buddies went up there anyway for GOS. Also the one friend had mistakenly put in for the archery draw & won lol. I opted out not wanting to deal with the long drive. My misfortune as they got a beauty bull during the small GOS window. That's how she goes....

I've spotted a few in the more local MU's over the years. Generally outside hunting season & mature bulls vs the spikers that are legal during open season around here. Sitting in a tree stand waiting for a deer just before moose opened some years ago a cow, calf & spiker ventured by & stopped to feed at the edge of the lake. After observing for a while I decided to see how close I could get & went for a walk. It was time to call it a day anyway & the hike thru the woods in the snow would take a while. Got within less than 20 yds of the cow before heading into the bush to get back.




12-01-2023, 01:05 PM
Here's a shaky clip of a cow in the same lake as the previous post during the summer. I was fishing with my canoe & was pretty close. She saw me but wasn't too spooked & swam slowly to shore. Notice she looks back toward the creek & then high tails it. I swung my phone to see what she may be looking at but nothing. Magnificent animal, amazing how quickly they can move when they need to.


12-01-2023, 09:45 PM
I just had a few more minutes to catch up on this thread...that's some beauty looking moose habitat you found there, too bad about the log breaking but that's hunting....man that's a crazy video...

Yup, I don’t seem to have any problems finding habitat and sign for what I’m hunting. I just don’t have the luck in them being home when I drop by!

12-02-2023, 10:47 AM
Yup, I don’t seem to have any problems finding habitat and sign for what I’m hunting. I just don’t have the luck in them being home when I drop by!

I had the same experience, tons of habitat, tons of fresh sign, over and over. Though I’m pretty darn sure that they were home a few times I went to visit, they just stayed in the house and wouldn’t come to the door! :lol:

The area I was hunting also had very unpredictable breeze, it was constantly changing, so that didn’t help me.

I did see one decent bull in September, different zone, and of course he wasn’t too worried about me then.

12-02-2023, 06:23 PM
Thanks for the story - was great fun to be taken along on your hunt. Glad you got your "consolation" prize and got some meat in the freezer.