View Full Version : 6-21A Stone Sheep Draw Success!

06-13-2023, 12:32 PM
Hi All Hunting BC,

First post here so please tell me exactly how and where to hunt and in what camo pattern ...jk

I have been applying for the LEH and have never drawn.. until this year! Edziza stone sheep tag in my pocket! Very excited!

New to sheep hunting so have been watching every stone sheep video on Youtube every night until the wife yells at me. We booked flights and are doing our best to work on the cardio aspect, heading out for season opener Aug 1st. My hunting buddy and I both have tags and are experienced back country hunters but looking for information on the area from anyone who has been.

Please don't tell me exactly where the biggest sheep are... Hoping for some practical advice from experienced sheep hunters as well as anyone who is familiar with the area at any capacity.

Obviously this is a pretty one sided ask for a newbie, understandable, so in return for some positive feedback I would be willing to share my adventure (pics and riveting story) on here once we return!

Happy Hunting!

06-13-2023, 03:08 PM
Where do you plan on flying into? I flew into Nuttlude lake last Aug for a goat hunt. Awesome country up there for sure.

06-13-2023, 05:51 PM
Planning to fly into Mowdade and head south into the spectrum range but obviously with no experience it’s pure speculation, pun intended.

how was your hunt? See any rams? Would you hunt that area again?

06-13-2023, 07:27 PM
Congrats on your draw .
The old saying in Stone's Sheep hunting is the year you start hunting them is the same year that the ram you will harvest will be born .
Best of luck , enjoy every moment of your hunt .

Stone Sheep Steve
06-14-2023, 03:15 AM
Was in there over a decade ago. Fewest game animals we have ever seen on a hunt. Wolf tracks on every ridge.
Now, I’m sure there are still good rams (and there were some good rams taken the year we were in there) but it’s not what it used to be.

We found a food drop barrel from some hikers on a large snow patch that had a phone number so I called the guy up after we got home(the lid blew off and the food scattered everywhere so we put it back together). The guy had been in there a decade earlier and they saw tons of game(caribou, sheep and goats) but that trip they only saw wolves.

Gorgeous country so if you go in with the mindset to just enjoy the spectacular scenery then your trip will be a success.
Oh, and the county is a lot bigger than it looks on Google Earth. Some places that we’ve hunted over the years the country is smaller than is looks and is easy to cover ground but this place is quite the opposite. The distances are vast.

Best of luck!


06-14-2023, 06:17 AM
Bring lots of sun screen!! We got burnt to a crisp!

06-14-2023, 08:46 PM
SR80 what time of year did you fly in? See any sheep?

06-15-2023, 05:52 AM
This was back in 2014..aug 1st. Didnt see any sheep, lots of goats. We flew into the south end of that park.

06-15-2023, 08:00 AM
Some practical advice: Give yourself plenty of time to glass and cover the country (12-15 days). Be nimble and move your camp as you go. Treat it like it’s your last hunt. You may only get one chance at a ram so be patient and strategic. Have the mindset that as a sheep hunter you’re in this for the long haul. Have fun and savour the pristine beauty that will surround you.

high horse Hal
06-15-2023, 08:55 AM
with two tags to boot ! hope you still have some luck left
A friend hunted there 3 times before getting his ram, but the year he did connect he was done in 4 days
judging by the pics it is a pretty unique landscape in spots

06-16-2023, 05:46 AM
The trip itself into this area is amazing and worth it alone, putting eyes on sheep would just be an added bonus.

06-16-2023, 11:55 AM
Planning to fly into Mowdade and head south into the spectrum range but obviously with no experience it’s pure speculation, pun intended.

how was your hunt? See any rams? Would you hunt that area again?

Nice, I hear there is a trail that is in pretty rough shape, there is a few videos on people hiking it on youtube if you wanted to get an idea of it. just look up "hiking Mt Edziza park", "Mowdade lake trail" and stuff like that. there are videos that cover near the whole thing.

I made base camp in the park but hiked out of it to do the hunting. I flew into Nuttlude lake and then hiked west out of the park. i watched lots of goats on the side you will be on. saw probably 24 or 25 over the 5 days we were at the lake. (the other 5 were up hunting away from the lake)

we didnt see any sheep though.

ill post a link to my goat hunt there, any pics you see mountians across the lake in are pics of Edziza

honestly it was my first fly in hunt and I loved it, I would defiantly hunt the area again. as of right now im even torn on if I should put it for Spatzisi or back into the park of Edziza for my big hunt in 2024. I don't feel like spending 10 nights there was enough, its an amazing place. although on the my last night there I had the feeling I spend enough time there and got to experience it, now that feel had faded and I feel like I should go back.