View Full Version : Have you renewed your Pal?

04-18-2023, 04:44 PM
Well back in December I applied online to renew my pal and restricted. Figuring that it was up in March 3 1/2 months should be enough time to get it back before it expires. Apparently not. Even today I’m still waiting for my licences. I have called several times and get told it’s at the final step and if I don’t get it within 4-6 weeks call back. I have done this 3 times and they tell me the same thing over the phone. Just wondering if anyone has done there’s recently and could give me a possible time estimate? On another note the only useful thing they told me was if your license is going to expire within a year of the date minus - 1 day you can apply to renew. Hope that helps if anyone reading this needs to do so. While my license is temporarily expired I’m not allowed to purchase ammo or even go to the range. I was told over the phone.

04-18-2023, 04:57 PM
They have said ( to me ) they send out a email to you 6 months prior to PAL expiring , then mail a notice 3 months prior to expiring .... the lady said to me yesterday that as soon as you are in receipt of an email to apply , I’m in the same situation as you with mine expiring May 1st
I was told to expect it in June now ... and the renewal application was good at her end ... and not to remove the firearms from the house and ensure they are safely stored.
I also asked being that that application has been confirmed received and now in Process .. can I go Target shooting and Hunting .... her answer was no.
And that whoever stopped me ... Her example .. Peace Officer .. would be at his / her discretion on how to proceed
My fingers are crossed for June ...

I applied in January

04-18-2023, 05:01 PM
My renewal was processed early December as well and the website has been saying it went through and I should see it within two weeks since February. When I try to call I simply get the “we’re too busy to deal with you, try in a few days” message.

04-18-2023, 05:28 PM
I don’t know why people bother waiting, I’ve applied 2 years earlier than expiration and received a new card dated 5 years out… Know it expires next year ? Send it in now.

04-18-2023, 05:35 PM
I don’t know why people bother waiting, I’ve applied 2 years earlier than expiration and received a new card dated 5 years out… Know it expires next year ? Send it in now.

good advice right here ^^^^^^^

04-18-2023, 06:05 PM
I believe you can go to the range and hunt with an expired PAL, as long as you have a renewal in process... you just cannot purchase firearms or ammo until your new license arrives

04-18-2023, 06:32 PM
Coworker just got it last week after 8 months. Applied 6 months prior to expiration.
Don't know what you can do about it, but that's unacceptable.

04-18-2023, 06:35 PM
Mines about to expire sent it in February. Don’t they have a 6 month leniency

04-18-2023, 06:44 PM
Mine said it should be 2 weeks. But doesn’t say from when, I assume 2 weeks every time I log in.

04-18-2023, 07:14 PM
The last time I renewed my RPAL it took less than a month.

04-18-2023, 07:36 PM
I am in the same situation, I sent renewal application in early January as it was running out in mid March. They did not like the photo and asked me to send in a new photo in February, that was sent in and the firearms site still had no indication that they had received the photo so I phoned in for an update, went through the entire IVR process to get to the correct area to be told via a recording they are too busy, to call back and the **** machine hung up on me. Tried it again on Monday and got through to a human after 40 minutes on hold, they got the photo and it is all in the "final stages" which, after a number of questions on my part is that it is with the Sr. Firearms Officer in my Province to do whatever they do in the process and they could not answer my question of how I could contact that person or when they would be done with the file. I was informed that I need to keep my firearms at home under lock and key until I heard from them about my "in the final stages" renewal application.

One thing I did find out was that my new RPAL if it is finally provided will be dated to the my next birthday plus 5 years as I explained that the way it looked to me was that they were charging me for a 5 year license but only giving me a partial amount of the 5 years.

Very nice folks on the phone but the system is almost as unworkable for them as it is for us, sad state of affairs in the Canadian Bureaucracy.

Be well.../B

04-18-2023, 08:02 PM
Had a buddy who just had to wait 301 days for his restricted. They didn't even check his references.

04-18-2023, 08:24 PM
Renewed my PAL online, took picture with phone. Sent on March 14th received in the mail April 14th. Got lucky I guess?

04-18-2023, 08:28 PM
It took less than a month for mine and I have restricted. I have it flagged in my computer so I get a warning six months ahead. Think I’ll change that to 1 year just in case.

04-18-2023, 08:49 PM
I believe you can go to the range and hunt with an expired PAL, as long as you have a renewal in process... you just cannot purchase firearms or ammo until your new license arrives

That’s how I am moving forward. Not buying a new rifle and handload so life will go on. After 5 months of the renewal application in the works come end of July the sheep hunt is happening with whatever PAL is in hand. Try not to sweat the things that are beyond one’s control!

04-18-2023, 10:21 PM
I waited 9 months for my renewal. Got told in October it was in the final phase and it arrive March 9.

04-19-2023, 06:43 AM
Just did my renewal and here is the best info I can give you:

First: There is no 6 month extension that people talk about. The 6 month rule allows you to apply for a new license without having to take the course again. During this 6 months, you guns CANNOT leave your safe unless your with someone that has a valid PAL/RPAL. Even then your handguns can't leave since they're registered to you. Basically your can't shoot or buy anything a PAL is required for. If you get caught, you will be treated as someone who doesn't hold a valid PAL. Guns will be confiscated and you will be treated as a criminal.

Second: License renewal:

Jan 3/2023 - I knew this was about 3 months out from my license expiring, at this time I filled out the online renewal and set it in. Credit card was charged this day.
Jan 9/ 2023 - Letter shows up in the mail saying I need to renew my license.
Jan 10-20/2023 - sometime during those dates, I check the status online and it says "the initial review has been completed and I will be contacted if I need more info"
Feb 25/2023 - I call and after being on hold for 30 minutes, I speak to a human who informs that the application is currently with the CFO. Has no further info. I inform her on April 16th my license will expire and what do I do if that happens? She tells me to leave the firearms secured safely in the safe until new license is in hand. I own handguns and this was my biggest concern. I could of given all my long guns/shotguns to my neighbour or brother in law temporarily.
Mar 6/2023 - email CFO email asking for contact number - no response
Mar 7-20/2023 - Called multiple times, never spoke to a human again
Mar 21/2023 - Email my MP, Marc Dalton - Conservative for Maple ridge/Pitt meadows - explain to him that I have done my part to help and support him but now need his help
Mar 22/2023 - Email back from Marc's staff asking for me to sign a waiver to talk to the RCMP on my behalf
Mar 23/2023 - email from Marc's staff saying "great news, you approved, expect your license in 2 weeks". I checked online and sure enough had been approved.
Apr 12/2023 - New license shows up! 4 days before old one expires.

Not going to say this will work for everyone but I suggest talking to your MP if their conservative. If they aren't, email Pierre's office.

Hope this helps,


Hunter gatherer
04-19-2023, 07:27 AM
Mine took 4 months applied 6 months before old one expired.

04-19-2023, 07:27 AM
I also got my MP involved, I've had issues with getting my PAL every 5 years except that one time when Harper was PM and there was no fee for a PAL renewal. It seems like one of the biggest holdups is with the provincial chief firearms officers so if yours is late check with them about it.

Had the same thing with a permit to accompany [a few times] where they didn't get it processed before our hunt was to commence, our local MLA managed to put a fire under them and we got it the day before we shipped out for the hunt.

04-19-2023, 07:34 AM
less than 6 weeks for mine back in January

s a
04-19-2023, 07:36 AM
Here is my experience attempting to get through. Maybe this might work for someone else. My application stalled so I made multiple attempts to call the CFO. You either wait on hold to have the call dropped, call in normal hours to hear 'our office is currently closed' or 'all our services are available online'. Finally got through to someone by going with 'press X to make a payment' option. Figures since they have staffing to take payment but not to process applications. Person at the other end was exceptional, really lucked out. This made the difference at getting my application through. Hope this helps.

Gun Dog
04-19-2023, 07:36 AM
One thing I did find out was that my new RPAL if it is finally provided will be dated to the my next birthday plus 5 years as I explained that the way it looked to me was that they were charging me for a 5 year license but only giving me a partial amount of the 5 years.
The last time I renewed it was processed after my PAL expired and the new PAL expires just under 6 years. My birthday is in July so it didn't affect hunting.

It was my bank that noticed the expiry since I use my PAL as ID whenever I can. It's on the list of approved picture ID.

04-19-2023, 10:34 AM
6 f***ing months... still waiting on renewal! >:( I've called the MP, called the Firearms centre, etc. There are no problems or flags on my file, I can assert that confidently. This govt is absolutely fkt.

04-19-2023, 11:39 AM
I received my pal 5 months after it expired, yet my new one expires 5 years from the old expiry so I paid full price yet got less than 5 years use from the card. Screwed by the government again

04-19-2023, 04:36 PM
Doesn't sound good to me. Renewed Feb 11 and it expires next month.

Looking up the license status is no help either, "...Completed initial review..." and not much else.

04-20-2023, 08:17 AM
Here is my experience attempting to get through. Maybe this might work for someone else. My application stalled so I made multiple attempts to call the CFO. You either wait on hold to have the call dropped, call in normal hours to hear 'our office is currently closed' or 'all our services are available online'. Finally got through to someone by going with 'press X to make a payment' option. Figures since they have staffing to take payment but not to process applications. Person at the other end was exceptional, really lucked out. This made the difference at getting my application through. Hope this helps.

Good trick!!

04-20-2023, 09:34 AM
My PAL was set to expire January 2023, I submitted a renewal online the last week of October 2022. Received my PAL mid November 2022. Took about 3 weeks.

04-20-2023, 09:38 AM
There's no consideration on what's renewed quickly or not.
Wife and I applied same time April last year, I got mine in August, hers in December.

If yours is delayed, call your MLA

04-20-2023, 10:07 AM
Well I feel better knowing it’s not just me getting ignored. Sounds like there are many similar stories. I guess it’s just luck of the draw if they get around to you. It’s sad that all of us are trying to stay within the law but I don’t know how I’ll feel if it’s not here by hunting season. Hopefully this thread gets some attention to people needing to renew and keeps them from having an expired license.

04-20-2023, 12:30 PM
Just got mine yesterday. Took 4 weeks.

04-20-2023, 01:34 PM
Federal Liberal Firearm Discouragement Program . . . . Trudeau's approach to dis-arming the law abiding Canadian firearm owner?
Conspiracy theory ?

04-20-2023, 02:26 PM
Federal Liberal Firearm Discouragement Program . . . . Trudeau's approach to dis-arming the law abiding Canadian firearm owner?
Conspiracy theory ?

After mine took a long time, I talked to a bunch of people, the only thing different from me to them was I actually own a handgun. Didn't matter if it was a new application, renewal of PAL or RPAL. The only factor that made mine take longer than other people was I owned a handgun. One buddy had his RPAL approved in 13 days in March 2023! Sold his handguns though.

I don't think your far off...

04-21-2023, 09:29 AM
If you're renewing an RPAL, there's a kind of hack you can do to make them process it faster: apply for an ATT to move a restricted firearm to a new address or to sell/gift it. Now obviously you don't want to do anything fraudulent, but I was into my 4th or 5th month of waiting for renewal and had to move. Applied for the ATT and within 24 hours had confirmation from the CFP that my renewal was processed so that they could process the ATT.

04-21-2023, 12:47 PM
Put your MP to work. I waited over 9 months. Two emails to my MP and I had it in 3 weeks. Followed up after two weeks and I had it the next week.
the lying *******s said my CC was declined. Total bullshit. Get this outta the hands of the RCMP, they have neither the resources nor the time. Complete joke.

04-21-2023, 02:19 PM
Got mine back last week and it took less than 3 weeks, was actually amazed for once. And passport only took a month, glad I got it done prior to the strike.

04-21-2023, 07:30 PM
Mailed renewal application on March 1st, expired March 28th, new one arrived today. Maybe it’s quicker if a person has had only one spouse, no restricted license, no dust ups with the law, pay your taxes, etc. :)

Bugle M In
04-22-2023, 02:43 AM
Mine was a week from expiring.
Thought they used to mail you a reminder?
(I did move however and didn’t have mail forwarded).
Anyways, did it online.
I think I received it in 5 or 6 weeks.
This was back 3 months ago.

04-22-2023, 07:33 AM
It took me 4 months from the time it expired. Phone calls to the processing center
were never answered, it was a infuriating. I hunted with an expired PAL and was asked to produce it at camp by a CO, I gave him my expired one and told him of my travails awaiting renewal along with a expletives filled rant about the Trudeau
government’s incompetence. He just smiled,handed me back the expired PAL,and
went on his merry way after making sure everything else was copacetic.

05-10-2023, 12:50 PM
My new PAL arrived in the mail today. They processed my credit card on Dec 22, 2022. Just under 6 months for a simple online renewal��

05-10-2023, 12:53 PM
process that usually took 4 months took ten months this time.
Bullshit to say the least

Bugle M In
05-10-2023, 12:54 PM
Strange how it varies?
I only realized a week before it expired at end of January this year.
But I have my new PAL for a couple of months now.
So probably 2 month wait I think it was.

05-10-2023, 01:00 PM
Mine still states it will be 2 weeks, first started in March

05-10-2023, 01:09 PM
I filled it out on line and it took about a month. Seemed pretty straight forward.

05-10-2023, 01:10 PM
I went down to our MP office ( Mark Strahl ) talked to his comrade Davis explained what is happening in detail and filled out a Information Consent form ... they are on it.
i started off with a email yesterday to Mark ... early morning .... two hours later I received a reply ... hopefully someone gets a fire under there Azzzz !!

Bullschittt !!!!!

05-10-2023, 07:25 PM
Arrived today

Mine still states it will be 2 weeks, first started in March

05-10-2023, 10:48 PM
My son applied for renewal of his PAL in mid of Dec. 2022 and had his PAL arrived on Feb 02 2023.
I applied in mid of January 2023 and had to call few days ago to get my renewal moving forward. My PAL has expired in March. The very next day after the strike was over I was lucky to reach someone in FED office, they told me my application is waiting at BC department /office (or whatever) and they forwarded my call. The lady was very polite and told me they are behind and still working 2022 renewals, and than she processed my application and said that in 2 weeks I will get my PAL.
Only difference between me and my son is that I got couple of handguns registered , not sure if that caused the delay,
but in any case if you do not get status online updated after 2 months it is good to call.

05-11-2023, 03:26 PM
Renewed non restricted online. 3 weeks for the online status to say approved, card is on its way.

05-12-2023, 09:55 PM
Davis emailed me today from the MP office ... after his inquiry , the Provincial Chief Firearms Officer approved my application today.
It will be mailed out shortly he said.
Thank you “HappyJack” for the tip .... : )

05-14-2023, 08:19 AM
7 GAWD DAM MONTHS!! Just advised it's now at the printers, will have it in 2 - 3 weeks... Making it closer to 8 months.

Use your time wisely and act accordingly. I also got my MP involved in looking into it. Sad when we almost have to do the same thing. Fed Gov (aka Lib) so fkt up.

05-14-2023, 12:06 PM
Good to hear Ltbullken , did you have the restricted as well.
This is my 5th renewal going by my last digits .0004 previous ones were anywhere to a month to 2 months.
I have no idea as to why it’s so sporadic on renewing.
Anyways I was thoroughly impressed how it was looked after and if there’s some out there waiting, see your MP
Had I not done this who knows how long I’d would have been waiting.

05-15-2023, 07:10 AM
Davis emailed me today from the MP office ... after his inquiry , the Provincial Chief Firearms Officer approved my application today.
It will be mailed out shortly he said.
Thank you “HappyJack” for the tip .... : )

Glad it helped!!

05-15-2023, 07:55 AM
Good to hear Ltbullken , did you have the restricted as well.
This is my 5th renewal going by my last digits .0004 previous ones were anywhere to a month to 2 months.
I have no idea as to why it’s so sporadic on renewing.
Anyways I was thoroughly impressed how it was looked after and if there’s some out there waiting, see your MP
Had I not done this who knows how long I’d would have been waiting.

Yes, it is an RPAL. Guess the Libs got me red flagged just because of that.

05-18-2023, 06:47 AM
I just signed as reference for two first time PAL applications. The clock starts today…

05-18-2023, 07:29 AM
Yes, it is an RPAL. Guess the Libs got me red flagged just because of that.

Been following the thread. My wife just put in for her RPAL renewal a few days ago. Did it online, as we have a couple of times now. It has always been relatively quick to get the new one. I guess we will see how it goes. Won't be long and I will have to go through the renewal process as well.

05-19-2023, 11:45 AM
My wife's renewal was done online in December (payment accepted Dec. 19) Expired in March. I called this week- done federally and in
BC CFO hands. Called BC CFO and they said the would approve it and she should receive it in 4 weeks.

05-19-2023, 12:17 PM
Mine expires in July. I applied in January (6 months before). Just received it this week; 4 months.

Iron Glove
05-26-2023, 01:16 PM
Son just called for a chat - he sent his PAL renewal in @ 6 months ago, it was expiring in 4 months.
He called a number of times, no concerns they said, no issues raised.
Today he called again, it's expired by now, and is told "You have some conditions on your PAL", they were never questioned before, never brought up.
When he originally got his PAL, about 20 years ago, he was on Ativan to help with anxiety, subsequent renewals never questioned until now.
He hasn't used ANY drugs other than a very rare Advil since he got the PAL.
So now it's being "reviewed", oh well.
Was hoping to get out for Spring Bear, has a buddy who is new to hunting so might ask him if he's interested in a bear hunt which would allow Son to carry a rifle as he'd be with a PAL holder.

06-02-2023, 05:38 PM
I renewed it and it took a month to come. Just opened it... RPAL

06-02-2023, 08:56 PM
I renewed it and it took a month to come. Just opened it... RPAL

eatram , you should go out and buy a lottery ticket Lol

06-03-2023, 11:25 AM
eatram , you should go out and buy a lottery ticket Lol

Actually, I just checked the date stamps; applied May 14, they mailed it May 29!!!

06-03-2023, 11:54 AM

Just applied - one year out from it expiring...

Letcha know as it goes...


06-05-2023, 05:51 PM
Submitted my online renewal May 16, received it today. Simple and easy.

06-05-2023, 07:40 PM
I applied for my lisence last month which is 1.2 years away from expiry. Received the lisence last week. My wife and I have never had issues renewing our pal. Restricted/non restricted.

06-06-2023, 10:16 PM
Well I called in again same sad story of it’s awaiting final process try again in 4-6 weeks… almost 7 months now. I do have restricted and own 2 pistols so maybe that’s it? Never been married/divorced never a charge against me. No prescriptions. For those you have RPal and got a quick return, are you currently owning a restricted firearm?

06-07-2023, 06:18 AM
Well I called in again same sad story of it’s awaiting final process try again in 4-6 weeks… almost 7 months now. I do have restricted and own 2 pistols so maybe that’s it? Never been married/divorced never a charge against me. No prescriptions. For those you have RPal and got a quick return, are you currently owning a restricted firearm?

Own two pistols myself, made renewal tough in my opinion. As a last resort, I contacted my MP who is conservative. In a span of 36 hours, his office replied to me, gave them permission to speak to the RCMP on my behalf, and I was approved. This would be your best approach. If your MP isn't conservative, I would contact PP office.

06-07-2023, 06:38 AM
I have a few handguns , back in the day when it was called a “ FAC “ I strongly recommend you see your local Conservative MP
mine was totally awesome and promptly looked after it , I emailed first with a follow up in person meeting ( signed a consent form ) and two days later later he said it was in the works after his inquiry.

06-14-2023, 06:08 PM
Well after almost u months it came in the mail. There was no hold ups or anything I had to resend. Just a pathetic wait time for poor excuse of a system. Of well done with for a couple more years and hopefully people can pull up this thread and they send there’s in with plenty time left on there licence

06-30-2023, 02:48 PM
Regular PAL - non restricted
Applied May 29 - renewed license in my hand June 30 even after resending a new picture in.

06-30-2023, 03:35 PM
Rpal. Applied beginning of Mar, exp beginning of June. Had to phone a couple of times, "waiting for BC chief firearms office to approve" every time... Finally talked to the right person. They found my renewal and I recieved the new rpal in the middle of June. If you don't call and bug them, it appears that the renewals get ignored....

06-30-2023, 04:10 PM
Did mine online in March this spring and received it end of April.

07-01-2023, 06:47 AM
If you don't call and bug them, it appears that the renewals get ignored....

You are 100% correct. If you don’t see your new PAL in 6 weeks, get on the phone!

After a couple of months I phoned. Lady said “let me check”, and came back on and said it was all green lights, but she pushed it past the typical bureaucratic log jam and I had it in two weeks. Non restricted. My son had to do the same thing for his, but it took him about 20 calls to get a person on the phone. My call went to a human first try.

07-01-2023, 11:55 PM
Had to renew mine after a fraudster used my info to try and rip somebody off (I had initiated an online transaction with him but stopped when it was clear he was ripping me off). Processing for 4 months so far, no indication whatsoever what the timeline will be.

Weatherby Fan
07-03-2023, 09:10 PM
My payment went through on June 21st and my PAL was here Friday June 30th, less than a month from the time I mailed it to receiving the new one.

10-03-2023, 01:56 PM
My renewal took a couple of weeks.

combine pilot
10-03-2023, 05:40 PM
Sent my renewal in last October (2022)because it expired in April (2023) and got the new one the last week September (2023).

10-03-2023, 09:42 PM
I had a thread about this last year. Mine took around 6 months. It came two or three weeks after I got my local MP involved. Another poster suggested getting them involved, that is solid advice if it is taking unduly long. I sent my renewal in late April while my license was set to expire in late July. I thought I had plenty of time. I only got my license renewed for early November, just in time for peak rut.

I believe you can go to the range and hunt with an expired PAL, as long as you have a renewal in process Unfortunately not. I asked this directly to a number of different people at the firearms offices. There is an amnesty which means they won’t charge you and seize your firearms. But in order to hunt you must hunt within arms reach of another valid license holder and have a single gun between the two of you. Basically just like you are a newbie and have no PAL.

10-05-2023, 11:13 PM
Applied mid June, still waiting.

02-08-2024, 09:41 PM
Applied to renew my RPAL on January 21st. Received it in the mail today, Feb 8th. Pretty good turnaround time if you ask me.

02-08-2024, 11:14 PM
Did mine in January. 17 days.

02-09-2024, 06:04 AM
Did snail mail in Jan. 3 weeks turn around.

Iron Glove
02-09-2024, 07:52 AM
@ November 2022, Son sent in all his Info and such for his March 2023 PAL renewal.
He started following up on it early 2023, "No problems, it's being processed."
Then it was "You have some "notes" on your file about depression and being on Ativan, we're following up on that."
Son told them he hasn't been on Ativan for over 10 years, no issues.
He has no "infractions", nothing. Not even a parking ticket. :mrgreen:
March 2023 renewal date passed, no renewal, called every month, "it's in process."
Repeated calls, "It's been referred to the BC Office".
He called me @ a month ago, it arrived in the mail. Renewal date is almost 6 years, not usual 5.
So, for hunting season(s) he took a fellow hunter along to "supervise" him. Was successful in his deer and bear hunting, but what a PITA. :twisted:
Mine renews the end of this year, maybe I'll send my renewal in soon. :-(

03-31-2024, 09:23 AM
I applied 2 months ago online and checked the mail today. I received a letter saying my pic wasn’t good enough so now I gotta get a passport photo done and send it into them. Hopefully I’ll get it back by may!! My bear trip is the week before may long. Soo pumped!

03-31-2024, 09:49 AM
I applied at the beginning of december to renew still not received my new one yet. Thank god mine didn't expire till august. But last week I did phone them and I got the extension number to the BC office. I called them and they Approved it on the phone so I should get it in a week. Or two

30-30 Backpacker
03-31-2024, 10:33 AM
I applied 2 months ago online and checked the mail today. I received a letter saying my pic wasn’t good enough so now I gotta get a passport photo done and send it into them. Hopefully I’ll get it back by may!! My bear trip is the week before may long. Soo pumped!

Applied in oct ‘23,just received it last week.
Had the incorrect photo letter as well in jan,they r very picky about the pic,ended up getting it done at LondonDrugs,they have a Rpal pic template.(my original head was too small..lol)

03-31-2024, 01:35 PM
I applied online in January and had it in my hand in two weeks flat. Found it easy and fast!

03-31-2024, 02:43 PM
I seem to remember sending them a digital photo last time I renewed. What's with folks having to go get a 'passport' photo at the drug store??

03-31-2024, 04:08 PM
^^^^^I was wondering the same thing.

30-30 Backpacker
03-31-2024, 04:44 PM
I seem to remember sending them a digital photo last time I renewed. What's with folks having to go get a 'passport' photo at the drug store??

Not sure,maybe with the new style they r more picky (the small ‘hologram’ in the bottom corner with the miniature pic of yourself)
Thought my digital head was normal size ��

03-31-2024, 10:27 PM
Mine is set to expire mid April.
I decided to apply in January. I called same day to ask about sending proof of my range membership. CFO picked up right away and told me to call back in two weeks to confirm receipt of the application and to get the application number.
I called back 10 days later and they confirmed receipt of the application and approval of the photo. The gave me the file number for the application to put in the subject line as well as the email address to send my proof of range membership. Sent it off and had my new PAL a week or so later.
I was also worried about the long wait times I had heard about for renewals but it was done lickity split.

30-30 Backpacker
03-31-2024, 11:31 PM
Got my first ‘paper FAC’ in 1989…quick interview with a VanPD detective…done.I believe they had no expiry date back then.
What a novel idea…a lifetime firearms license for law abiding citizens��

04-01-2024, 04:53 AM
From opening my 1st ever reminder, this will be my 5th PAL. I had the new one in hand 12 days. All done from my phone. If only the next election was so swift!

04-07-2024, 01:24 PM
I seem to remember sending them a digital photo last time I renewed. What's with folks having to go get a 'passport' photo at the drug store??

I believe it is if your photo is rejected that they ask you to get a professional pal/passport photo taken and mail it in. I know a few people who have had to do this over the last year or two.

Seems they are a little more picky than they used to be. Things like slight shadows, reflection, head doesn't take up correct percentage of picture, a few strands of long hair out of frame, etc.

I am not sure why they insist on snail mailing the passport photo rather than emailing a digital copy of it (most passport places will provide you with a digital copy) but it might be an option. Nobody I know cared to ask if emailing was an option, so maybe it is. Perhaps someone on here knows if you can email the passport photo if the initial one was rejected. I imagine this would save them time having to scan it.

I sent in my renewal a week ago. Mine expires in September. If the photo gets rejected and they ask me to mail a passport photo, I will ask if I can just email the digital version. Here's hoping it is accepted though :)

I have a question for all though. The online renewal did not ask me about proof of range membership, which is apparently required in BC for RPAL. Where do we submit that? Do we send via email? If so, where do we send to? I forget what I did last time LOL

Edit: I "think" I might have answered my own question. Searching the "Sent" folder, I see that I emailed them the proof of membership. I sent it to cfp-pcaf@rcmp-grc.gc.ca with reference to my renewal and provided my license number. I will just do that again. Glad I stumbled across this thread (especially the post from ekul246) It jogged my memory.

04-07-2024, 03:20 PM
The online renewal did not ask me about proof of range membership, which is apparently required in BC for RPAL. Where do we submit that

i just renewed my rpal and they never asked for range membership this time i apply to renew in oct.2023 and just received in march and this is my 6th time for renewal

04-07-2024, 04:41 PM
The online renewal did not ask me about proof of range membership, which is apparently required in BC for RPAL. Where do we submit that

i just renewed my rpal and they never asked for range membership this time i apply to renew in oct.2023 and just received in march and this is my 6th time for renewal

Looking at my email history, I emailed it to them cfp-pcaf@rcmp-grc.gc.ca in reference to the renewal (and provided my license number)

I believe this is not so much for the RPAL itself, but the LTATT attached to it. From what I read though, some who do not take this step end up getting delayed as the renewal goes on pause for a snail mail letter to be sent asking for it.

Soo, while I renewed mine online a week ago and only just remembered the "proof or range membership" hoop, I will just pre-emptively email the range membership to cfp-pcaf@rcmp-grc.gc.ca

Anyway, if they renewed yours without it (maybe this is no longer required?) and your LTATT is still valid, I wouldn't worry about submitting it.

04-07-2024, 04:51 PM
Mine wasn't set to expire until May of this year, but I did the renewal online at Xmas and got it in 10 days

04-07-2024, 05:25 PM
Mine wasn't set to expire until May of this year, but I did the renewal online at Xmas and got it in 10 days

That's impressive considering they have to review/approve, print the license and mail it from back east. I put mine in last week and the status just says "Initial review is complete and we will contact if more information is needed" (which is what I expect at this stage)

If it comes within a month or two that seems reasonable to me. Takes 3-4 weeks when I renew my drivers license to get it in the mail.

I think the only major delay I ever had was when one of their license printers was broken so there was quite a bit of backlog and they were triaging the squeaky wheel. I called told them "it's gonna expire on my birthday and I have a tripped planned. I really want to be able to hunt on my birthday weekend" or something. If i recall she called up the CFO and got it approved right there over the phone and said I'd have it in a week or two (and I did)

I've had nothing but good experience whenever I call them. I understand stuff can happen, so I figure 6 months in advance is a good time to renew, even though most likely it will only a few weeks or maybe a couple months.

04-07-2024, 07:53 PM
That's impressive considering they have to review/approve, print the license and mail it from back east. I put mine in last week and the status just says "Initial review is complete and we will contact if more information is needed" (which is what I expect at this stage)

If it comes within a month or two that seems reasonable to me. Takes 3-4 weeks when I renew my drivers license to get it in the mail.

I think the only major delay I ever had was when one of their license printers was broken so there was quite a bit of backlog and they were triaging the squeaky wheel. I called told them "it's gonna expire on my birthday and I have a tripped planned. I really want to be able to hunt on my birthday weekend" or something. If i recall she called up the CFO and got it approved right there over the phone and said I'd have it in a week or two (and I did)

I've had nothing but good experience whenever I call them. I understand stuff can happen, so I figure 6 months in advance is a good time to renew, even though most likely it will only a few weeks or maybe a couple months.

I was stunned. With all the horror stories I've been reading lately I was worried that my old one would expire before the new one came. I should also add that it was about 10 "business" days. Sent Dec 23rd, came in the mail Jan 9.

04-07-2024, 08:13 PM
From opening my 1st ever reminder, this will be my 5th PAL. I had the new one in hand 12 days. All done from my phone. If only the next election was so swift!

Renewed # 7 last year if my math is right.

04-08-2024, 12:20 PM
Just recently renewed my PAL. Mailed it out beginning of Mar and received it last week. Wasn't expecting it so quick.

04-09-2024, 05:56 AM
renewed mine mid dec.
phoned in march when mine expired and was told they are 6-9 months behind!!!!
was told to phone mid april to see how thing are going.
my last PAL from 5 years ago took a total of 18 days to get back to me.

04-09-2024, 08:33 AM
Just received my yesterday After Sending in the renewal online in the beginning of december

4 point
04-10-2024, 03:58 PM
Mailed my renewal in this past Sunday. Be interesting to see when the new one arrives!

04-11-2024, 10:35 AM
I just checked the status of my renewal (submitted online a week and a half ago) and it says the license has been issued and I should receive it within within 2 weeks. I think this is the fastest turn-around for me, though I think the only lengthy delay I ever had was when one of their license printers was out of commission.

A co-worker of mine actually applied for his initial license and received it in 45 days. Seems like everything is running smoothly.

04-12-2024, 11:15 AM
I applied online on Jan 10 and this is what it says when I checked the status on their site today.

"We have completed the initial review of your firearms licence application. If additional information is required, you will be contacted. Please check the status again at a later date."

Arctic Lake
04-12-2024, 12:04 PM
I mailed mine in before Christmas 2023 . Still waiting , have talked to them 3 times ” Oh I see you have all the appropriate paperwork and it’s before the Firearms officer waiting for approval “ Geeeezzzzz ! C’mon Man !
Arctic Lake

04-12-2024, 02:03 PM
Arctic Lake ...... go visit your local MP ... I did that and things happened very quick on getting it

Arctic Lake
04-12-2024, 03:02 PM
I was thinking of doing just that, and he’s a Conservative ,and I know he’s a firearm supporter . Thanks for the reply Ferenc !
Arctic Lake ...... go visit your local MP ... I did that and things happened very quick on getting it

04-18-2024, 12:21 PM
Was with my so

04-18-2024, 12:44 PM
I applied online on Jan 10 and this is what it says when I checked the status on their site today.

"We have completed the initial review of your firearms licence application. If additional information is required, you will be contacted. Please check the status again at a later date."

If you want any more in depth information than that give them a call. I sent my application in mid February. My PAL expires the end of May. I wanted to stay ahead of the curve in case I screwed up my photo (cell phone pic) or anything else. I called yesterday and the girl was able to tell me the federal part of it was OK'd, photo was good, and everything had been forwarded to the province. So, now it is in the hands of the provincial CFO awaiting final approval or whatever. Girl said give it another 2 weeks and if I haven't heard anything by then give them another call. She was very pleasant and helpful, the call put my mind at ease regarding any major delay. One gets a little nervous hearing all the horror stories about delays.

04-18-2024, 01:05 PM
Just got mine. It took a bit more than 3 weeks which is crazy.

04-18-2024, 09:59 PM
Got mine in the mail today. Just under 4 weeks.

Iron Glove
04-19-2024, 06:53 AM
Just curious if anyone has experienced longer "delays" if they have an RPAL rather than a PAL?
Was told by some that "extra checks" are done on us evil restricted "weapon" owners ????

04-20-2024, 06:18 AM
When my RPAL expired in Jan 2023 there was a huge delay, I applied for the renewal in early Nov 2022 and didnt hear anything, nothing updating on their site other than they had my application. I ended up finding the number and extensions to call through on this site and ironically it was authorized the minute I called in, over 2 months after it had expired *face palm* I swear they are just dragging their heels to try to discourage everyone from renewing their licenses

04-20-2024, 02:02 PM
Just curious if anyone has experienced longer "delays" if they have an RPAL rather than a PAL?
Was told by some that "extra checks" are done on us evil restricted "weapon" owners ????

Site said my license was issued about 1.5 - 2 weeks after I submitted it online. They do want to see a copy of a range membership if you have RPAL (for the LTATT) so if you don't pre-emptively email that in there can be delays.

I still haven't received mine in the mail, but I think it says to give it a couple weeks. Once it is "Issued" it still needs to be printed and mailed.

Anyway good turn around for this evil restricted "weapon" owner LOL

Iron Glove
04-20-2024, 07:03 PM
Site said my license was issued about 1.5 - 2 weeks after I submitted it online. They do want to see a copy of a range membership if you have RPAL (for the LTATT) so if you don't pre-emptively email that in there can be delays.

I still haven't received mine in the mail, but I think it says to give it a couple weeks. Once it is "Issued" it still needs to be printed and mailed.

Anyway good turn around for this evil restricted "weapon" owner LOL

Yup, was aware that the Club Membership should be sent in with the rest of the stuff, just got the Club renewal a few weeks ago so guess I'll get started on my December RPAL renewal, just in case. After seeing our Son's PAL ( not RPAL ) take over a year ya' just never know.

04-20-2024, 08:34 PM
Got my RPAL back in 17 days after applying. Wasn’t asked, and didn’t send in any info about various club membership etc. Not a problem at all…. Very smooth sailing….

04-22-2024, 03:47 PM
Just got mine in the mail... so maybe approx 1 month since the time I applied for the renewal.

Was interesting to see they have a new design. Apparently that happened starting January 2023, but was news to me when I opened it

04-23-2024, 09:11 PM
Site said my license was issued about 1.5 - 2 weeks after I submitted it online. They do want to see a copy of a range membership if you have RPAL (for the LTATT) so if you don't pre-emptively email that in there can be delays.

I still haven't received mine in the mail, but I think it says to give it a couple weeks. Once it is "Issued" it still needs to be printed and mailed.

Anyway good turn around for this evil restricted "weapon" owner LOL

No delay's with RPAL for me. Approx 4 weeks from application and no requirement to send a copy of range membership.

Arctic Lake
04-24-2024, 04:38 PM
Still waiting mailed in before Christmas 2023 . Hmmm.Will call them once again tomorrow
Arctic Lake

04-24-2024, 05:15 PM
Still waiting mailed in before Christmas 2023 . Hmmm.Will call them once again tomorrow
Arctic Lake

Arctic Lake...I just went through this today after applying first week of January. Tell them you want to speak to the BC CFO and get them to transfer you. I did it and after speaking to the BC office I was told my PAL renewal was approved and I should get it in the mail in the next week or two.

04-27-2024, 05:44 PM
I renewed online. Got in the mail in about 2 weeks.