View Full Version : 2023 Turkey

03-10-2023, 01:41 PM
I guess I’ll get the ball rolling on this one. Is it just me or is anybody starting to get the itch for these birds.

Got a wedding on opening day that I have to attend, hoping to head out the next day to get after some birds.

Hopefully get lucky this year in region 8.

03-15-2023, 10:47 PM
My northern side of the property in late fall. Same thing going on this morning on the east side.

https://i.postimg.cc/FHJjXd5j/C855-B89-C-D0-B4-4-B8-C-A419-2-C835-F9025-ED.jpg (https://postimg.cc/RW43c00F)

03-15-2023, 11:43 PM
Hoping to get out a few times as well! Wish there was a population closer to Kamloops!

high horse Hal
03-16-2023, 11:21 AM


BC wants to capture and send 100's of birds a year to Alberta
Locations listed must have booming populations

.....but no one seems to care that opportunities are not increased for BC hunters............FFS

03-17-2023, 05:38 PM


BC wants to capture and send 100's of birds a year to Alberta
Locations listed must have booming populations

.....but no one seems to care that opportunities are not increased for BC hunters............FFS

They had traps set in some places last month and took out a fair number of birds, use to see turkeys every day havent seen
one for weeks.

03-17-2023, 07:36 PM
I know they were taking them from Kimberley last year. Everyone in town seemed to be fed up with being chased around by them haha.

high horse Hal
03-19-2023, 08:39 AM
They had traps set in some places last month and took out a fair number of birds, use to see turkeys every day havent seen
one for weeks.
If they handled sheep like this, there would be riots in the streets ..........well, maybe a protest sign or two :|

03-27-2023, 11:56 AM
A nice string of warm weather coming up will have that snow line climbing up the mountain and new green growth following.

Little under 3 weeks for the opener. Not super excited for opening day to land on a weekend but we'll be out there away from the masses.

03-27-2023, 02:16 PM
17 turkeys in my driveway yesterday morning , 14 whitetail deer this morning.

04-02-2023, 12:57 PM
Less than 2 weeks away.

Slow start to spring but maybe some of the Kootenay guys can give an update on green-up over there.

04-02-2023, 01:32 PM
Planning a few days out after the big birds myself. I wish there were more flocks closer to Kamloops as well. There's a season in a few region 8 WMU's up toward Vernon/Armstrong. Anyone care to share any info of what bird numbers might be like in those areas? I know that the numbers get better the further south you go in the province, would like to find some a little closer to home. Not asking for anyone's sweet spots, just a bit of a heads up for scouting trips.

04-03-2023, 07:13 AM
Hey DJK! West Kootenay boy turned Kamloops local here - I did take a tour through 8-26 last weekend where there is a GOS for Turkey in April, didn't see any but found some places to go back scouting for upland birds closer to the Fall. Would love to connect and compare notes if you're looking for turkey north of Vernon, I don't think they are up this far yet!

04-03-2023, 10:10 AM
In the Vernon area, I heard there was a small flock in the Commonage area. Could go up there with a turkey call and see if any answer your call.

04-03-2023, 10:41 AM
West Kootenay is greening up nice, still hit snow not too high up the road once you leave the valley bottoms. Are there birds around Grand Forks/Rock Creek/Beaverdell over in the eastern reaches of Region 8?

04-03-2023, 08:07 PM
Quick evening hike and scout, and south slopes are pretty much snow free from what I was seeing.. Luckily found a patch of snow that had a track in it though so that was exciting. Flushed a few grouse, shit myself each time. Ma and pa enjoyed the new sights and sounds as well.

04-03-2023, 08:35 PM
West Kootenay is greening up nice, still hit snow not too high up the road once you leave the valley bottoms. Are there birds around Grand Forks/Rock Creek/Beaverdell over in the eastern reaches of Region 8?
I’ve read rock creek has turkeys, no personal experience. Closest I seen was near Greenwood, this past Christmas period actually, maybe they werent ‘wild’. They were pretty close to the highway and on private property and was curious if they have spread in numbers that way. (Maybe someone else can confirm how they are doing west of grand forks?) grand forks has them, but nothing like I’ve seen east of the Paulson. Castlegar, slocan they are like cows in fields. Couldn’t believe it when I started exploring those areas recently.

04-04-2023, 07:59 AM
The problem with the areas around Vernon is access to crown land. There is a good number of birds up on the commonage but need permission to get to them for the most part. Unfortunately no season just to east in Lumby / Cherryville where there is birds in decent numbers and lots of crown land. Towards Salmon Arm I have seen birds while driving hwy 1 but haven't spent any time hunting them. I just go east to Reg 4 an hour away and take my pick of south facing slopes.

04-17-2023, 11:05 PM
Anyone connected yet?

There are definitely wild birds in Rock Cr area. North side above the dump is an area to look at. Steep south facing slope there. I get shock gobbles when doing a crow call on my front porch. Love it!

04-18-2023, 09:48 AM
took a stroll out on opening day and no gobblers sounding off. Ran into a few hens wandering and a flock with 2 toms but couldn't call them off. Surprised there was no talking by the Tom's. This was West Kootenay's

04-18-2023, 11:03 AM
There are a few Big Tom's down.
The cold has made for a bit slower start.
Great fun and good eating

high horse Hal
04-18-2023, 02:04 PM
........ I just go east to Reg 4 an hour away and take my pick of south facing slopes.
Do you cross Arrow Lake? ;)

04-18-2023, 08:59 PM
Birds were very chatty opening weekend.

We went 3/3 with all of them coming midday after a close call at fly down. Know of a few R8 longbeards that got dumped as well.

04-19-2023, 07:47 AM
I took the kiddo out for opening morning and we didn't hear a single gobble. Different than past years when one was torn on which gobbler to go after. She did call in a hen to 15 yrds and ran into some Tom's on private, but unable to call them away from all the hens. Region 4

04-20-2023, 08:32 AM
We were in the WK and found the birds still in large flocks (30+ in a couple cases). Definitely a late spring but still quite vocal from the groups we were into. They were fairly chatty off the roost then things went quiet for a couple hours. Once late morning rolled around, we were able to get some long beards fired up and separated from the main flock. All 3 were shot after 12:00.

04-20-2023, 09:49 PM
My son and I had a great opening weekend, good thing because that’s all the time we had to hunt! After backing out on a bird that we realized another hunter was set up on at first light (and subsequently shot) the youngster made good on a run and gun opportunity about 30 mins later.

Then on day 2 I had a couple gobblers sound off in the dark a couple hundred metres from where I’d silently slipped in to. After a repositioning from my first setup, their curiosity got the best of them and in they came. I had mine down about 6:30 am. These 2 only gobbled 4 times between the 2 of them the entire time - and not once after fly down.
2 different birds I had worked midday on the opener were far more vocal but would not commit.

Charles Hughes
04-22-2023, 03:31 PM
New to hunting, been out a couple times this year on public land looking for turkeys and I've gotten relatively close to a few gobblers. Anybody here know anybody with some private land in the Kootenays that I might be able to take a bird on?

04-22-2023, 09:30 PM
New to hunting, been out a couple times this year on public land looking for turkeys and I've gotten relatively close to a few gobblers. Anybody here know anybody with some private land in the Kootenays that I might be able to take a bird on?

I would suggest you just keep at it on public ground if you are locating birds. Take what you’ve learned and adjust your approach. Even when you play everything “right” often times the birds don’t cooperate. Private land birds aren’t any easier to hunt in my experience.
There are countless turkey hunting videos on YouTube, podcasts etc all full of advice. Time spent in the field watching and listening to the birds in person is the best way to learn.

05-01-2023, 09:37 AM
Originally had plans to head to the EK for the final weekend of the season, but things changed. Thinking about heading to the WK instead (Grandforks area). I’ve never hunted over there before and was wondering if anyone would care to offer up some insight about public land around those parts. Are there lots of birds out that way or does a guy have to go further east towards trail area? I’m hoping to slip away with my young fella for a couple days. I tend to use iHunter with the public/private land layers. Thanks in advance.

05-01-2023, 03:38 PM
Got out this morning. Got to a spot a few minutes before sunrise. As we are setting up and settling in, a gobble teased us off the distance. Alright we are in the area! Then it was quiet for a bit. Did some calling and tried not to call too much. Started getting some gobbles a bit closer but they weren’t closing the distance after about an hour plus some. Move towards the bird(s) a couple hundred yards and are now set up on a bench that drops away from us. Couple calls and a gobble comes back. Changed tactics and stayed quiet for a bit and gobbles got closer. Then poof, gone. Silent. Nothing. Try to wait it out but knowing that Turkey was well within a 100 yards got the best of me. Crept up about 30 yards to peer into the forested gulley, nothing moving, watch it for a bit and nothing. Beautiful day though in 8-15! Crept around for a bit but didn’t hear or see any birds. Back at it tomorrow morning! I have no idea if my tactics are gonna pay off but it’s a blast. Thought I might see bear sign as well but didn’t come across any in this pocket of land. Good luck to those still chasing these birds!

05-11-2023, 11:13 PM

My first Turkey, Region 8 bird earlier this month. Going to look for region 4 birds this weekend. Got hooked on them already.

05-11-2023, 11:23 PM

My Region 8 bird earlier this month. Going for my region 4 bird this weekend

You are only allowed 1 bird in spring. BTW nice gobbler.

05-11-2023, 11:30 PM
Not the case Krico. Correct me I am wrong but Turkey limits are regional so you tan take one in region 8 and 1 in region 4.

05-11-2023, 11:32 PM
Regional of 1 each region. No provincial bag limit is listed in the regs.

walks with deer
05-12-2023, 06:20 AM
You are only allowed 1 bird in spring. BTW nice gobbler.

Yup you are wrong!!!@@!@@ it ok instead of Krico we will call you Kreepo..lol

05-13-2023, 06:55 AM
Not the case Krico. Correct me I am wrong but Turkey limits are regional so you tan take one in region 8 and 1 in region 4.

Regional of 1 each region. No provincial bag limit is listed in the regs.

Yup you are wrong!!!@@!@@ it ok instead of Krico we will call you Kreepo..lol

No, I am correct. The regional season bag limits listed are aggregate. 1 in spring, either 1 or 2 in fall depending on region (other than R1 with NBL).

This has been discussed on the site in past, is explained in multiple publications (including BC Outdoors magazine multiple times over the years) and confirmed with conservation officer service.

05-13-2023, 03:36 PM
One clarification. My inquiry went from the CO service to Victoria and was subsequently answered in writing by the Fish and Wildlife Regulations officer Kelly Smith who I believe still holds that seat.

If anyone has it in writing from the authorities that we can take 1 each from region 4 and 8 in spring I’d love to see it. And I will happily change my position, because I’d love to have opportunity at more turkey hunting!

05-21-2023, 06:26 PM

My Region 8 bird earlier this month. Going for my region 4 bird this weekend

Beautiful tom, well done.

05-21-2023, 06:48 PM
Anyone do turkey on the Island the south end has no closed season. Next visit I’ll be packing.