View Full Version : Conservation, Thompson Steelhead Style

11-02-2022, 11:24 AM
I know some don't like Hooton's approach to trying to generate change... But I do.

Thanks Bob for your efforts.

Conservation, Thompson Steelhead Style

We’re deep enough into the annual returns of Interior Fraser Steelhead (IFS) to be able to go out on a limb and say a few things about the commitment of three levels of government (federal, provincial and indigenous) to conservation of the most iconic steelhead in British Columbia, if not the entire range of the animal. We’re past the point of anyone even recognizing, much less caring about the other stocks (Chilcotin, Bridge, Seton, Stein and Nahatlatch) that make up that group of steelhead so the only game in town is the Thompson. Let’s examine where we’re at in the conservation arena as of Halloween, 2022. Start with recent history. (The red line represents 938 spawners, the science supported minimum requirement.)


There is a lot of content which follows, culminating in this assessment:

Conservation is a meaningless term of convenience, consistently trumped by the politics of reconciliation and business opportunity. Steelhead, IFS or otherwise, do not warrant recognition.

I absolutely concur...


11-02-2022, 12:00 PM
Please post a link to the article. I put this kind of stuff (that I agree with) up on other social media platforms. Folks that I know will BS all day long about water management, electric cars, indigenous 'issues', and all kinds of other things. But, where the rubber meets the road - they don't care - or are perhaps just ignorant.

This is good stuff IMHO.

11-02-2022, 12:24 PM
Apologies Folks!

Thought I had put the link to the article in when I first posted.

Damn SomeTimers...

So, here you go: https://steelheadvoices.com/?p=3314

Worth the read IMO...


11-02-2022, 12:41 PM
Thank you!!

Bugle M In
11-02-2022, 03:29 PM
Does anyone know off hand when they count the steelhead on the C/V run?
Was it 68 wild steelhead that they counted last year correct.
Its disgusting, insane, and don’t know what else to say.
I am just dumbfounded how far to the left society has gone in voting in the the politicians they do.

11-08-2022, 12:32 PM
It's truly sad, I just drove down from Kamloops to the lower mainland, and at a time of the year that in years gone by the banks of the Thompson would have been lined with Steelheaders. People camping, filling up the local motels, spending money. What I really think is that the DFO and are provincial government don't see a dollar value in a fish like Steelhead. And it's easier to let them go to wayside than manage them properly. It's no different than what the DFO did years ago having commercial Chum fishery in the 70's and 80's in Oct. in one year they wiped out half the Thompson R. Steelhead run just so the commercial boys could get their UIC stamps, it cost them more in fuel than what they got for the fish. It was known as the UIC fishery. It's truly sad and disgusting!

high horse Hal
11-09-2022, 11:26 AM
Is the Reconciliation crap going to be the death of BC as we knew it?
Seems too convenient

Thanks for the post Nog

Bugle M In
11-09-2022, 01:49 PM
Yup, money spent in the wrong arena, as always.
And yes, will be the death of bc

11-14-2022, 12:30 PM
and that chum fishery was for ROE, export by the way..

11-14-2022, 12:35 PM
THis. Export to Asia for the record.

and that chum fishery was for ROE, export by the way..

Bugle M In
11-14-2022, 01:42 PM
I agree fully.
Honestly, if I was chum fishing, I would most likely be targeting for the roe as well to use in other salmon stocks for bobber fishing.
I just don’t bother.
Not the biggest fan of canned salmon (mostly because I don’t have to).

11-15-2022, 03:00 PM
For conservation efforts the federal and provincial governments seem to be useless in protecting species at risk.


From the story above this species of lamprey is only found on Vancouver Island. A conservation group on Vancouver Island looks to have raised the funds needed to protect the species from going extinct. Where is Turdo when you need him, he is either traipsing across the world trying to sell his tired old spiel, or body surfing in Tofino. Nuff said.