View Full Version : unusally hot and dry weather

10-19-2022, 12:47 PM
How has the unusually hot and dry weather in BC affected your hunting efforts so far this year?

10-19-2022, 01:58 PM
Haven't seen all that much this year in comparison to others...weird year for sure

10-19-2022, 02:06 PM
Seen more hunters and garbage in the bush than usual. Please take out everything you bring in. Not much for bucks sightings so far.

10-19-2022, 02:32 PM
Using a lot less propane in the camper :)

Still getting game though, but getting animals cleaned and cooled properly is more of a challenge.

10-19-2022, 02:54 PM
How has the unusually hot and dry weather in BC affected your hunting efforts so far this year?

Yep. Too damn hot on the Island to even consider hunting IMO.
Breaking heat records daily now.
Going to have to have a cooler running full bore before you even set out.
Passed a couple already that were bye-catch to other activities.

I'll be waiting for cooler weather before I get anywhere near serious.


Bugle M In
10-19-2022, 03:43 PM
I don’t ever remember this.
What worries me more now is, are we going to have another Abby 2.0 somewhere due to huge downpours that don’t end.
Ting and yang my friends.
How’s everyone’s perimeter drains doing!!????

10-19-2022, 03:49 PM
I'm building the Arc.........and lining up the animals 2x2:lol:
Did clean the eaves last weekend.....bring it on, we need it.

I don’t ever remember this.
What worries me more now is, are we going to have another Abby 2.0 somewhere due to huge downpours that don’t end.
Ting and yang my friends.
How’s everyone’s perimeter drains doing!!????

Bugle M In
10-19-2022, 03:54 PM
We do need the rain but I will miss this!
But there sure were lots if folks with flooded basements last year.
And they didn’t all live anywhere near Abby!
Hwy 1 could be out of commission forever if we have that again!!!!

10-19-2022, 04:38 PM
I'm done. There was record-setting heat where I was hunting October 5, but still, at daybreak the next morning, a buck came walking into my sights.

10-19-2022, 04:58 PM
I don’t ever remember this.
What worries me more now is, are we going to have another Abby 2.0 somewhere due to huge downpours that don’t end.
Ting and yang my friends.
How’s everyone’s perimeter drains doing!!????
I just did my perimeter drainage this year because of the rains last November. Should be good now…..but I’ll rest easy when I see proof that it’s good.

10-19-2022, 05:48 PM
Very tough where I have been, managed to finally get a young Buck for the freezer yesterday. Had to work unusually hard.

For region 2 and 8, they are saying this weekend the cold weather and rain/snow(up high) arrives.

Needless to say I am looking very forward too it.

The Blacktails I have been camming all spring and summer have literally vanished since last month, i'm convinced it has to be a water issue. They normally live there all year and rut there so I really hope they come back up when the rain comes.

10-19-2022, 09:02 PM
This is an odd thread to start now considering the forecast is for temps to drop Friday by 2/3rds. Back to normal patterns now it seems?

I have a dog on its first full season of hunting, so we have been 100% focused on upland thus far, so my season has been great. My first day for deer is Saturday so it’s perfect.

10-19-2022, 09:56 PM
We got our 2 moose on or shared LEH hunt, the only two bulls we saw. Animal sightings were definitely down and they seemed to be only out at first and last light.

Hugh Mann
10-19-2022, 10:56 PM
Numbers are way, way down. Since September 10th, I have seen.

4-5 small bears/sow with cubs, 4 mule deer bucks no bigger than a 3x2, 6-7 mule does, 3 whitetail does out of season, and dozens and dozens of grouse. This is me hunting pretty much every weekend, and I hunted October 8-17.

Where I hunt, there’s usually water everywhere, creeks and ponds. This year, almost no water anywhere.

Bugle M In
10-19-2022, 11:07 PM
I'm done. There was record-setting heat where I was hunting October 5, but still, at daybreak the next morning, a buck came walking into my sights.

10-20-2022, 11:02 AM
Been seeing less game than normal and it's more of a challenge to still-hunt, that's for sure with the dry Temps....should change this weekend though...

And is it just me or are ppl seeing less deer in clearcuts? Even ones where animals normally feel secure as they're away from pressure I'm not seeing any, as I think the forage is fried from the warm Sept/Oct - normally rains would rejuvenate the growth in these feeding areas..

10-20-2022, 11:56 AM
Been seeing less game than normal and it's more of a challenge to still-hunt, that's for sure with the dry Temps....should change this weekend though...

And is it just me or are ppl seeing less deer in clearcuts? Even ones where animals normally feel secure as they're away from pressure I'm not seeing any, as I think the forage is fried from the warm Sept/Oct - normally rains would rejuvenate the growth in these feeding areas..

I have noticed the same thing with normally productive cut blocks. The usually lush greenery has been turned into something like corn flakes in a lot of areas:shock:.

10-20-2022, 12:28 PM
We got our 2 moose on or shared LEH hunt, the only two bulls we saw. Animal sightings were definitely down and they seemed to be only out at first and last light.

Hey way to go man congrats on your success

10-20-2022, 01:25 PM
I have noticed the same thing with normally productive cut blocks. The usually lush greenery has been turned into something like corn flakes in a lot of areas:shock:.

Yup, the fireweed especially...

10-20-2022, 03:27 PM
I've definetly noticed a big difference. I have cameras rolling in my spots all year and I glass my spots all summer to locate deer in cuts. Normally these spots have lots of deer almost year round but in August this year they really started to go dead. Especially in spots I've hunted for a few years now it's been a big drop off. In 18 blacktail hunts so far I've seen 9 deer. Most of those were on the only drizzly or foggy cool days in the season. Tough hunting conditions. Hopefully the change in weather give things a boost.

Ponderosa Pine
10-20-2022, 09:32 PM
It has certainly been harder for me to find large game with this warm weather.
Many alpine creeks are bone dry.
More Grouse than I've seen in many years.

10-20-2022, 10:13 PM
Super hot, way fewer animals seen than last year. Hunting really came down to sunset and sunrise hours.
that being said, got lucky with elk so not all bad.

10-21-2022, 11:32 AM
Alpine mule deer hunt has been more challenging, especially in early season. Sustained warm weather has also changed alpine hunt in early October, fewer bucks in the usual places, they seem to hide more below tree line. Hardly any water up high and no green food left. Got an alpine buck in early October in the mid-day heat. Saw him bedding at 8:30AM, waited until the sun hit him at 1:30PM when he had to move.