View Full Version : One more kick at the can for first Elk season

10-14-2022, 11:10 AM
Going to head up one more time until the 20th for last kick at the can for my first Elk. After that me and the old man are going to hunt for Whitey's for a week (work on strike for 7 weeks now and going strong so making the most of it).

I have been told October can actually be really good and that not all has been lost by a long shot.

If anyone can chime in about October Elk hunting i'm all ears.

Also something I have been wondering, in your experience are Elk more of on a clock yearly when they start to migrate or do they wait until the deep snow pushes them, in general?

Hope everyone's season is going well and getting out there and having fun!

10-14-2022, 11:20 AM
Good luck man! I’m off work until the 20th as well so was thinking of heading out possibly to region 8. If you happen to need help with a pack out or anything feel free to PM me and I’ll gladly help if I’m somewhat close. Other than that I’m a still a newbie so I don’t have any advice to offer haha.