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10-10-2022, 12:48 PM
Just a heads up major traffic delays..kms long line up..

high horse Hal
10-10-2022, 01:24 PM
hit the express lane


10-10-2022, 01:41 PM
Just like the cops, instead of going out and doing their job in places they are likely to catch criminals.. they look for infractions from otherwise honest folk to ruin their day.

as if any poacher is a) going to poach on a long weekend b) take a major highway home with a poached animal.. c) is 10000% going to pull a u turn as soon as they know what it is, if they were dumb enough to poach and drive down a main highway on a long weekend.

10-10-2022, 02:06 PM
That's great! I wish they were out a lot more often and in different places too.

10-10-2022, 02:49 PM
That's great! I wish they were out a lot more often and in different places too.

out more often absolutely and in places that aren’t insanely obvious would be nice as well..
has anyone ever hit a game check somewhere surprising ? Or it it always that same break stop on the highway there.

10-10-2022, 03:38 PM
Just like the cops, instead of going out and doing their job in places they are likely to catch criminals.. they look for infractions from otherwise honest folk to ruin their day.

as if any poacher is a) going to poach on a long weekend b) take a major highway home with a poached animal.. c) is 10000% going to pull a u turn as soon as they know what it is, if they were dumb enough to poach and drive down a main highway on a long weekend.

Indeed, kinda like catching people going 10 km over in a transition zone while on their way to and from work while junkies are stealing anything and everything they can find that isn’t bolted down.

10-10-2022, 04:02 PM
hit the express lane


This one made me laugh, lol!

10-10-2022, 04:03 PM
It’s as much about education and being seen as it is about ‘catching’ poachers. Poachers are almost impossible to catch. Too much ground and not enough COs. They mostly hand out warnings, based on previous year reporting on this game check, but still catch enough dumb hunters who can’t read the regs to make it a worthwhile endeavour.

10-10-2022, 04:29 PM
Just like the cops, instead of going out and doing their job in places they are likely to catch criminals.. they look for infractions from otherwise honest folk to ruin their day.

as if any poacher is a) going to poach on a long weekend b) take a major highway home with a poached animal.. c) is 10000% going to pull a u turn as soon as they know what it is, if they were dumb enough to poach and drive down a main highway on a long weekend.

Exacty my thoughts. Hand out some bullshit fines to make themselves look good and justify their jobs on the backs of the people who are least likely to be committing real crime.

We’ve been talking about this exact same thing recently with property crime and the rcmp. We pay their wages through taxation and the rcmp justifies their job by chasing me down for a speeding ticket or seatbelt fine and when I call them about property crime they tell me to call my insurance company. What service are they really providing us?

10-10-2022, 05:01 PM
They only thing they are concerned about is double time money greedy pigs like all government workers

10-10-2022, 06:26 PM
Just like the cops, instead of going out and doing their job in places they are likely to catch criminals.. they look for infractions from otherwise honest folk to ruin their day.

as if any poacher is a) going to poach on a long weekend b) take a major highway home with a poached animal.. c) is 10000% going to pull a u turn as soon as they know what it is, if they were dumb enough to poach and drive down a main highway on a long weekend.
I agree it’s a joke.

10-10-2022, 07:04 PM
Nice - moron? Love the personal insult. Typical.

10-10-2022, 08:27 PM
It’s about control moron

Thanks for your valuable contribution.

10-10-2022, 08:48 PM
A lot of them are spineless cowards. Instead of actually giving a sh!t about wildlife and banding together and stopping the onslaught that some of the indians (they are not supposed to poach outside of their reserves) commit they just sit back keep their mouths shut watch the show and collect their cheques, everybody is afraid to rock the boat these days. If they all started making arrests or went on strike or something maybe it would actually accomplish something. They "police" poachers like a joke, I could do a more effective job if I was in their position just by placing myself in the proper places at the proper times, like the night.

I guess most of the good ones got weeded out last year when they pushed the mandates on them as well.

Their should also be three times as many, but we can all be sure that they are kept weak for a reason.......

I asked the CO br**d at the outdoor show some questions about the possible 7B closures, she lied right to my face and acted like she had no idea what I was talking about. Your a CO and you don't know about the 7B closures...... avoidance little rat behaviour.

Iron Glove
10-10-2022, 08:53 PM
Just like the cops, instead of going out and doing their job in places they are likely to catch criminals.. they look for infractions from otherwise honest folk to ruin their day.

as if any poacher is a) going to poach on a long weekend b) take a major highway home with a poached animal.. c) is 10000% going to pull a u turn as soon as they know what it is, if they were dumb enough to poach and drive down a main highway on a long weekend.

They often have one at the Whipsaw corner on #3 outside of Princeton on the Thanksgiving Weekend, wasn't there when we went by this AM.
Usually see a few getting the full inspection when I drive by, I don't have a problem with it. A couple of questions at most, so I lose a couple of minutes of my time. If your "legal" then you've got nothing to worry about. I think you'd be surprised by the number of "poachers" that they nab there.

10-11-2022, 06:37 AM
It’s as much about education and being seen as it is about ‘catching’ poachers. Poachers are almost impossible to catch. Too much ground and not enough COs. They mostly hand out warnings, based on previous year reporting on this game check, but still catch enough dumb hunters who can’t read the regs to make it a worthwhile endeavour.

Seems to me the regs can be quite difficult to decipher for certain animals and I read code books and english is my first language...

10-11-2022, 07:00 AM
Went through it on Saturday. The officers were very friendly and professional. No issues. Even a cute biologist testing for CWD.

10-11-2022, 07:47 AM
I’m not sure why all the hatred of COs, but linked below is a perfect example of what they find at game checks. People get pissy about the residency proof every three years, but in my mind, there is enough pressure already, without people that don’t live in BC entering our LEH draws, and coming here to hunt without proper licenses.

I have only been checked once, during a waterfowl hunt organized by a client of mine. Of the 4 of us, everyone got a ticket. Me for having an unplugged shotgun (bought it that way, and never even tried putting more than 3 shells in it), and amazingly, even though the rest of my co-conspirators all claimed to have all their licenses, two were missing either their waterfowl stamp or FVSA, and our host had forgotten his wallet at home so couldn’t produce his licenses. I have no issue with enforcement efforts, although I often wish they could do more and at least make an effort to deal with native poachers.

https://www.northislandgazette.com/news/calgary-man-receives-two-year-hunting-ban-2875-fine-for-hunting-with-b-c-resident-licence-2/ (https://www.northislandgazette.com/news/calgary-man-receives-two-year-hunting-ban-2875-fine-for-hunting-with-b-c-resident-licence-2/)

10-11-2022, 08:22 AM
It is unfortunate the money collected from licences and tags does not go in to enforcement.
A CO friend worked the Cache Creek check over 50 years ago.
The stories he could tell made it necessary to conduct this type of enforcement.
I have only been through the CC check once and we were treated with respect.
Whining about "10 over the speed limit" . . . really?
What about the excessive speeds . . . 41 over the limit . . . fines, vehicle seizures and loss of driver's licence?
A FB entry a few days ago complained about the CO having the firearms owner prove their rifle was safe.
As the story goes . . . the dumb CO did not know how to open a Bolt Action rifle"! It is your responsibility to prove your weapon safe.

high horse Hal
10-11-2022, 08:22 AM
I'm not sure why the hatred either
The officers would love to do more against all poachers, but the courts decide who has to follow the rules, and Crown Council won't take on anything they are not confident in having a chance at winning

imo becoming a hunter will soon become more difficult. CORE right now is a joke, so many passing yet not understanding

10-11-2022, 08:46 AM
I wish they could catch the vans full of deer, moose and bear heading down to the lml. They caught 1 because blood was leaking out of it.
It had halves of deer in it but not both. I believe it was 2 Chinese in the cab. 4 or 5 years ago.
Our local white tail population was wiped out from over harvesting by the keepers. Used to see 24 does, now none.
I know people who deliver stuff to the res and they see 2 - 3 deer rotting on a trampoline, for a month.

Iron Glove
10-11-2022, 09:59 AM
I'm not sure why the hatred either
The officers would love to do more against all poachers, but the courts decide who has to follow the rules, and Crown Council won't take on anything they are not confident in having a chance at winning

imo becoming a hunter will soon become more difficult. CORE right now is a joke, so many passing yet not understanding

Was up at the cabin for the Long Weekend, a good Family Friend has decided that he likes guns and wants to get into hunting. He went on line and signed up for a one day course in the Fraser Valley that will get him his PAL and Hunting Liscence. One day. Way back when, my Pal and RPal Course was Fri Night and all day Sat and Sunday. Core was 6 nights, 4 hours each night. A cabin neighbour mentioned a number of years ago that he had friends who showed up at their CORE course, signed a completed exam and walked out. :evil:

10-11-2022, 10:26 AM
"A FB entry a few days ago complained about the CO having the firearms owner prove their rifle was safe."

Sounds like a bullshit story.

The last C.O. that checked me too mine of from behind the seat looked at it and “Oh – Husqvarna. Nice rifle.”
Sounds like bullshit to me.

10-11-2022, 10:27 AM
Was up at the cabin for the Long Weekend, a good Family Friend has decided that he likes guns and wants to get into hunting. He went on line and signed up for a one day course in the Fraser Valley that will get him his PAL and Hunting Liscence. One day. Way back when, my Pal and RPal Course was Fri Night and all day Sat and Sunday. Core was 6 nights, 4 hours each night. A cabin neighbour mentioned a number of years ago that he had friends who showed up at their CORE course, signed a completed exam and walked out. :evil:

This is a problem.
Too many new hunters are out there with very limited experience.
The CORE coarse needs a re-write with emphasis placed on education….CORE should not be a tool used to merely produce statistical membership numbers for one organization.

10-11-2022, 11:46 AM
We had a turbo otter with one rcmp officer and two CO’s land on the lake we were at over 100miles from dease and check our tags, they had a quick visit, a look around camp and we’re off to the next one. Nice fellas, definitely didn’t expect to see them out there. It was a fluke we were even in camp but if we weren’t I’m guessing they would have had a look around anyway. We didn’t have any game hanging so I’m not sure what caught their eye.

Iron Glove
10-11-2022, 12:36 PM
This is a problem.
Too many new hunters are out there with very limited experience.
The CORE coarse needs a re-write with emphasis placed on education….CORE should not be a tool used to merely produce statistical membership numbers for one organization.

Agreed, he will only be hunting with me, Son and Son in Law so he'll get some good "schooling." I did say to him "If you get that all done in one day I really don't know how safe I'll feel in the woods with you." Then I laughed.

10-11-2022, 04:12 PM
out more often absolutely and in places that aren’t insanely obvious would be nice as well..
has anyone ever hit a game check somewhere surprising ? Or it it always that same break stop on the highway there.

They helicoptered in to one of my fly in camps. Got a warning for not having my pal on me. yeeesh!

10-11-2022, 04:38 PM
They helicoptered in to one of my fly in camps. Got a warning for not having my pal on me. yeeesh!

I was moose hunting in 5-15 up at the end of a dead-end road up above Matthews River. Coming downhill there was a BC Government helicopter in a tiny log landing just big enough for it to land. They had apprehended a woman and her daughter hunting moose with no hunting licences or tags or firearms licences on them. All that stuff was left with husband/dad back in camp in his briefcase. They got charged with everything in the book; No PAL, no hunting licences, no tags, etc. They called camp on the radio and "Dad" showed up and proceeded to tear a strip of the Conservaion Officer. You want to know what she said?

"Sir, unless you want a free ride in handcuffs to Quesnel in the helicoper, you go get right back in your truck and wait until I finish processing these violations."

Opinionated Ol Phart
10-11-2022, 04:48 PM
Go complain to the Crown Counsel office and the Justice Department in Ottawa.... Its NOT, I repeat NOT the Co's that you should be bitching about.

10-11-2022, 05:26 PM
Go complain to the Crown Counsel office and the Justice Department in Ottawa.... Its NOT, I repeat NOT the Co's that you should be bitching about.

I WILL NOT complain about the CO's. They are for the most part good people. However, there are bad apples in every bunch. IF you have a run-in with a bad apple, you think twice before engaging one again. That is all I was saying. Respect I will give to those in authority; even if he admits to me that he remembers seeing my PAL when he stopped me 14 days prior on the highway on our way up.........

10-11-2022, 05:37 PM
Yep, the problem isn't with the CO's who are only doing their jobs.
The problems are due to dumb or lazy 'hunters' that don't follow established regulations.
Let's do better.

10-11-2022, 05:38 PM
I was moose hunting in 5-15 up at the end of a dead-end road up above Matthews River. Coming downhill there was a BC Government helicopter in a tiny log landing just big enough for it to land. They had apprehended a woman and her daughter hunting moose with no hunting licences or tags or firearms licences on them. All that stuff was left with husband/dad back in camp in his briefcase. They got charged with everything in the book; No PAL, no hunting licences, no tags, etc. They called camp on the radio and "Dad" showed up and proceeded to tear a strip of the Conservaion Officer. You want to know what she said?

"Sir, unless you want a free ride in handcuffs to Quesnel in the helicoper, you go get right back in your truck and wait until I finish processing these violations."

Now if the hothead would have talked politely to the CO and shown her all the required paperwork the women in question may have only received written warnings.

10-12-2022, 07:19 AM
Now if the hothead would have talked politely to the CO and shown her all the required paperwork the women in question may have only received written warnings.

Getting mad gets you nowhere fast. Not COs, think I’ve only seen a CO 4 times in 55ish years, but lots with DOT and RCMP. I’ve turnaround some bad attitude or unknowledgeable employees of the government bye keep it light and civil.

digger dogger
10-12-2022, 08:42 AM
I was checked in Iskut, 5yrs ago, the co had a bad attitude right outta the gate.
I gave him back his unwarranted shit attitude.
He made us unload the whole truck, when he seen how much meat we had, from one animal he said, “holy shit u got everything” I said everything but the cheeks. He laughed checked out our tags then helped us load the meat and we loaded the rest of our gear, off we went.

10-12-2022, 09:10 AM
Yep, the problem isn't with the CO's who are only doing their jobs.
The problems are due to dumb or lazy 'hunters' that don't follow established regulations.
Let's do better.

^^^^^^^^ Nailed it 100% ^^^^^^^^^^^^

10-12-2022, 09:25 AM
I'm happy to see CO's out doing checks, but I can certainly understand why some have such a negative attitude towards them....it only takes one bad CO to change your perspective

in my experiences they are either professional and friendly, decent folks....or they treat you like a murder suspect right out of the gate, and those types are generally dickheads....there is no middle ground with CO's, it is what it is, I hunt legally so I don't worry about anything, but I still laugh at the shitty CO's too and no profession is immune from criticism

I encountered a game check in pine pass in southbound lanes, i was heading north but they picked a good location, there was no major traffic backup that i saw

10-13-2022, 08:50 AM
I used to worry about having some “sleep aid” onboard, but Jack-@$$ boy in Ottawa made that legal, so I’m no longer worried about my one hunting buddy packing. (He is very responsible, and doesn’t “sleep” while hunting). Knowing you are 100% legal is the way to not worrying about a dick head CO. If you’ve got nothing to hide, you can just ignore their stupidity.

10-13-2022, 10:09 AM
Here is an article from a game check in Boston bar last year:
https://www.kelownanow.com/watercooler/news/news/Provincial/BCCOS_road_check_on_Hwy_1_produces_21_tickets_28_w arnings_and_multiple_animals_seized/

Interesting people traveling with loaded guns on the highway…

250 sav
10-13-2022, 10:28 AM
Remember going through the full time game check at Cache Creek when I was a kid/young teen. Was where the Chevron/A&W is. CO's were always showing the youth the reefer with confiscated animals. Were a lot of pea brains that couldn't tell game apart. There were 2 black horses tagged as cow moose and a mule tagged as mule deer. Always went over gun safety when checking firearms. Had a Remington 1100 that jammed solid and I couldn't get the shells out of the magazine so I took the barrel off to transport home. Explained why the shells were in the magazine and barrel was off and CO said ok. Never saw any excess attitude. Been hunting 43 years and worked in the bush for 21 years only ever been checked by a CO 8 times. 1 was an absolute ass but the rest were ok. Would like to see them in the bush more.

10-13-2022, 02:26 PM
I have a hunting buddy who is a lawyer and well-read and should know better, but he is in the habit of breasting out grouse and packing them in brown sugar and salt so they keep (he claims). I've told him numerous times that he is breaking the law, but he just shrugs it off.

10-13-2022, 02:52 PM
Was up at the cabin for the Long Weekend, a good Family Friend has decided that he likes guns and wants to get into hunting. He went on line and signed up for a one day course in the Fraser Valley that will get him his PAL and Hunting Liscence. One day. Way back when, my Pal and RPal Course was Fri Night and all day Sat and Sunday. Core was 6 nights, 4 hours each night. A cabin neighbour mentioned a number of years ago that he had friends who showed up at their CORE course, signed a completed exam and walked out. :evil:

Can you find a link to this one day course he signed up for?

10-13-2022, 04:17 PM
I did my pal in one 8 hr day and core in another 8hr day...my kids challenged the core, the test took about an hour each..

10-13-2022, 04:38 PM
I did my pal in one 8 hr day and core in another 8hr day...my kids challenged the core, the test took about an hour each..

Yeah when I was a kid and did my core 18 years ago at the mission rod and gun club it was 1 day

Iron Glove
10-13-2022, 04:41 PM
Can you find a link to this one day course he signed up for?

I'll see if I can, he's a friend of our kids, I'll check with them.

coast 1
10-13-2022, 10:18 PM
When i did my core it was three hours a night two nights a week for three months then one day at the range and three days over night in the bush

10-13-2022, 10:27 PM
When i did my core it was three hours a night two nights a week for three months then one day at the range and three days over night in the bush

That is a crazy difference from mine, was that back in the day?

Weatherby Fan
10-13-2022, 10:40 PM
When i did my core it was three hours a night two nights a week for three months then one day at the range and three days over night in the bush

When I took CORE it was 5 days a week for two weeks 6-9:30, then Sat/Sun at the range, we had a CO come in for a night as well.
you were like a trained professional when they were done with you !
Only choice you had to make was do you want to join the military or go hunting ;)

10-14-2022, 04:54 AM
I did my core course in 95 and it was 2hrs twice a week for three weeks. My son did his course in 2014 and it was one day.

digger dogger
10-14-2022, 05:41 AM
I got my core in junior high school in the 80’s.
Back when Canadian schools were world class leaders in education.
Could you imagine having a core program in schools today. (Oh the horror)
A life skill thats actually a life skill!!!

10-14-2022, 08:50 AM
I got my core in junior high school in the 80’s.
Back when Canadian schools were world class leaders in education.
Could you imagine having a core program in schools today. (Oh the horror)
A life skill thats actually a life skill!!!

Hahah yep pretty sad state we're in, and now the kids have got sogi instead of CORE

10-14-2022, 10:25 AM
I was grandfathered my B.C. hunter number at 17 when they were introduced in 1970 because I'd bought a hunting licence the year before.

10-14-2022, 10:51 AM
In Williams Lake in the late 80's it was an accredited course in school.
I think my son took it twice as the instructor was a prince of a guy.

coast 1
10-15-2022, 01:53 AM
That is a crazy difference from mine, was that back in the day?
Around 1973

high horse Hal
10-15-2022, 10:24 AM
Hahah yep pretty sad state we're in, and now the kids have got sogi instead of COREHad to look that one up
its a disease

10-15-2022, 11:06 AM
I got my core in junior high school in the 80’s.
Back when Canadian schools were world class leaders in education.
Could you imagine having a core program in schools today. (Oh the horror)
A life skill thats actually a life skill!!!

Yup did mine in ‘79 as a full semester course. It included outdoor hiking trip with packs, tenting and survival skills as well as range trips. It was like a right of passage. Only thing I read back then was the annual S.I.R..

10-15-2022, 11:25 AM
^^^one thing I remember clearly from the course back in the day was to avoid publicly displaying your kills when travelling back down the highway to the coast and through populated areas to avoid offending the non-hunters. The message at the time was that doing so would only lead to unwanted negative publicity for the hunting community. Well years later and here we are and the internet sure proved that right.

10-15-2022, 01:20 PM
Reading thru these posts and reflecting back that the CORE coarse was in fact a “real” coarse that taught us on conservation, the outdoors and wildlife I can only question how much the recent shit shows we are seeing such as last years illegal ram harvest and the excessive number of illegal 5 point bull elk being killed this year can be attributed to the lack of knowledge “newbie” hunters have when they’re turned loose as “full on” hunters after an 8 hour briefing.
More like a membership drive than a credible teaching program.

10-15-2022, 05:17 PM
As a new hunter, I was surprised at how short, and easy, passing the core was. I think it was 3 nights for maybe 2-3 hours each night. May have been less. A little overwhelming after the fact to be able to just go into the bush with tags and be able to start shooting. That has been the most daunting part, is really taking the time to make sure everything is by the book. I wouldn’t have minded spending more time in a class room with more real world scenarios rather than a brief explanation of terms and definitions.
have only dealt with a couple CO’s and they were pretty easing gong guys. Not much negative to say on about them in general, seems like they are under manned. You’ll always get a few power tripping, just like in any profession really

10-15-2022, 06:07 PM
Had to look that one up
its a disease

Really sick stuff man, from my understanding they are introducing it in pre school nows. Even Christian schools are compromised, seems like homeschooling and getting them out to a lot of social events is the only way

10-15-2022, 06:18 PM
^^^one thing I remember clearly from the course back in the day was to avoid publicly displaying your kills when travelling back down the highway to the coast and through populated areas to avoid offending the non-hunters. The message at the time was that doing so would only lead to unwanted negative publicity for the hunting community. Well years later and here we are and the internet sure proved that right.

Man that is an awesome picture of that Grizz feeding, what is he eating looks like a Sheep or a Mulie?

10-15-2022, 06:21 PM
Around 1973

Thats cool actual time in the bush on the course! last I heard there is a chapter in the newest edition of the core manual dedicated to following undrip and mending to the will of the "keepers of the land", and another chapter about how you should be ashamed of hunting? Haven't seen it myself but what a joke if it is

10-19-2022, 05:08 AM
Reading thru these posts and reflecting back that the CORE coarse was in fact a “real” coarse that taught us on conservation, the outdoors and wildlife I can only question how much the recent shit shows we are seeing such as last years illegal ram harvest and the excessive number of illegal 5 point bull elk being killed this year can be attributed to the lack of knowledge “newbie” hunters have when they’re turned loose as “full on” hunters after an 8 hour briefing.
More like a membership drive than a credible teaching program.
I agree they seem to just push people through now. Some of the new course takers I have talked to say there told everyone passes unless they point a gun at the instructor during the gun id section.
As for the illegal 5 point elk another can be added to the growing number from this weekend and its not all new hunters doing it many have hunted for years, the illegal harvest number on elk
would be way higher if they had to be inspected (which they should be) for many make it to homes that are not legal.

10-19-2022, 09:09 AM
Had to look that one up

I had to look it up too. I was unaware that there is now a special term (cisgender) for people who don’t feel the need to identify as something other than what they appear to be. In “the good old days”, they had a term for it too… “Normal”.

It is an “interesting” world. Makes me almost happy I don’t have kids to be honest.

10-19-2022, 10:02 AM
^^^one thing I remember clearly from the course back in the day was to avoid publicly displaying your kills when travelling back down the highway to the coast and through populated areas to avoid offending the non-hunters. The message at the time was that doing so would only lead to unwanted negative publicity for the hunting community. Well years later and here we are and the internet sure proved that right.

Don't you find it funny how the LGBiQx2non binary crowd did the exact opposite and gained more acceptance? And they teach young hunters to hide in the closet like they are ashamed of what they do to put food on the table. Maybe if we hung rainbow flags off our antlers things would swing the other way?

10-19-2022, 11:02 AM
I’m lucky that I identify as a cute young First Nations girl. It allows me a lot of leeway with the white devils at the game checks.

10-19-2022, 05:57 PM
In the good old days, they had a term for it too... "Normal".

Lol yeah people are pretty confused and f***ed up these days thats forsure especially the youth

10-19-2022, 07:16 PM
Yup. There is such a thing as too much information. People need to get off the effing social media (contradiction alert!) and live a normal life, not the one the “influencer” says they should!

10-19-2022, 10:15 PM
There’s no way they are still there, if so get your buddy with the biggest man Boobs to roll through with make up and a smile.. after that call your lawyer

high horse Hal
10-20-2022, 10:10 AM
Conservation Officer Service (https://www.facebook.com/ConservationOfficerService?__cft__[0]=AZU5aTbPpVJM9rIyMJPmlTMsMmfx7c_jykxiD6WFO7-yUCLLe1N82-YzIfVddqkDBYABOp6WNTG6k0lBfTp-Wwx4cgtTub9o-y725ILHgW0mMyRr-Db7ehaGeaW_lE9YxDRSjImrpQ1pEJTUKQpEoQQ294QY3g1-JPT_Pg33-rOXoBKTewyE3tw5dC1rkHzLp_4&__tn__=-UC%2CP-R)
Conservation Officers inspected more than 1,400 hunters and anglers and issued more than 200 enforcement actions during a massive, multi-agency road check spanning three days in Cache Creek.
Two dozen CO’s worked alongside our law enforcement partners - the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) and RCMP - as well as wildlife health biologists from the Ministry of Forests over the Thanksgiving long weekend.

For two days, the Hwy. 97 road check ran non-stop overnight, with the project spanning 56 hours in total.
During that time, more than 1,400 firearms were inspected and more than 2,200 fish and game were checked, including:
o 241 moose,
o 157 deer,
o 1, 239 upland birds, and
o 530 fish (including 140 trout).
Enforcement actions included 48 provincial violation tickets, 29 federal contravention tickets and 125 written warnings for a range of offences: with common infractions including a lack of evidence of sex or species.

Cache Creek as a road check location has some history with the COS – it was the site of a former Game Checking Station in 1946. To address a significant increase in resident and non-resident hunters, especially in the Kamloops, Cariboo and Lillooet area, the Cache Creek Game Checking Station was set up under the command of Game Warden W. “Slim” Cameron.
In addition to enforcing game regulations, its goal was to collect data on fish and game harvested in those regions. In its first year of operation, 64 convictions for game violations were obtained from checks at the station, which initially consisted of only a tent on the side of the highway.
The COS would like to thank all hunters, anglers and motorists for their co-operation and patience during the inspections. The COS appreciates that the majority of hunters and anglers are following our resource laws that protect wildlife and fisheries for future generations. Thank you.

Arctic Lake
10-20-2022, 10:25 AM
I think the game check is a good thing it should be there more often ! Hand out some heavy penalties for those who are intentionally violating the laws .
It’s not right though that some of the Stewards of the Land do whatever they wish and are not held accountable !
We are told that we live in a Canada that treats all of its citizens equally . Not the case ! Division !
Arctic Lake

10-20-2022, 11:59 AM
The amazing thing to me is the 241 moose going through there in 2.5 days! That’s a lot of success for hunters!

high horse Hal
10-21-2022, 09:08 AM
Amazed here too
now curious what a normal year produces, remember normal......with reg 7 open to ALL
as usual its what is not reported that brings the ???s
Like where are all the elk?

10-21-2022, 09:30 AM
The amazing thing to me is the 241 moose going through there in 2.5 days! That’s a lot of success for hunters!
It’ll be interesting the region they came from and get ready for more of the north getting shut down if the majority of those moose came from there.

10-22-2022, 08:09 AM
It’ll be interesting the region they came from and get ready for more of the north getting shut down if the majority of those moose came from there.

Quite a few coming out of Region 5, saw the list at the meat cutters when dropping off my deer. Also seeing a few from 7A, Bowron River outfitters has been posting up quite a few pics.

Opinionated Ol Phart
10-26-2022, 07:11 PM
More of the COs harassing poor hunters ! :shock: https://bc.ctvnews.ca/b-c-man-fined-banned-from-hunting-after-illegally-killed-deer-found-in-garbage-bag-1.6125191?fbclid=IwAR1CGGxJ3yp7ynpAjXqBi2MOyVXlPNl oUm3UyytOS29Xpynl6K7DHagJUj8

Opinionated Ol Phart
10-26-2022, 07:13 PM
The fine is wayyyy to light. 5 yrs minimum should have been sentenced....

10-26-2022, 09:48 PM
Harassing poor hunters???
Good on them for their harassment, to bad the judge didn't do as good a job as the CO's did.

10-26-2022, 10:11 PM
More of the COs harassing poor hunters ! :shock: https://bc.ctvnews.ca/b-c-man-fined-banned-from-hunting-after-illegally-killed-deer-found-in-garbage-bag-1.6125191?fbclid=IwAR1CGGxJ3yp7ynpAjXqBi2MOyVXlPNl oUm3UyytOS29Xpynl6K7DHagJUj8

The JUDGE was way more lenient then i would have being ! :mad: RJ

Gun Dog
10-27-2022, 07:28 AM
The JUDGE was way more lenient then i would have being ! :mad: RJIt wasn't a judge; it was an agreement with Crown Council. If it was one year ban from the date of the offense (June) then it was nothing. He had loaded guns too but I guess that's ok.

high horse Hal
10-27-2022, 08:31 AM
June incident, deer in a garbage bag, in back seat of the vehicle,
sounds traditional

10-27-2022, 08:43 AM
Surprised to see how many of the posts here were upset that the COs put up a game check.
Hats off to them. There should be way more.
Look at all the violations, if your upset with it, you must have something to hide.
I personally wish there were more COs out there, checking on us. Laying the law down on the violators, the unlawful poachers so to speak, those not following the law, be it our game laws or Firearm related violations.

I say a Big Thanks to the COs, do it more! But for goodness sake hammer the violators, not just dink charged ...... Go for it!

I sure wish this Government would value our wildlife and especially put a Hurt on repeat violators.

10-27-2022, 08:47 AM
It wasn't a judge; it was an agreement with Crown Council. If it was one year ban from the date of the offense (June) then it was nothing. He had loaded guns too but I guess that's ok.

Crown Council would have to have the OK from a judge I would think �� any how same Gang of do gooders and way to SOFT sentencing in my opinion . :frown: RJ

10-27-2022, 09:55 AM
surprised to see how many of the posts here were upset that the cos put up a game check.
Hats off to them. There should be way more.
Look at all the violations, if your upset with it, you must have something to hide.
I personally wish there were more cos out there, checking on us. Laying the law down on the violators, the unlawful poachers so to speak, those not following the law, be it our game laws or firearm related violations.

I say a big thanks to the cos, do it more! But for goodness sake hammer the violators, not just dink charged ...... Go for it!

I sure wish this government would value our wildlife and especially put a hurt on repeat violators.


Opinionated Ol Phart
10-27-2022, 09:58 AM
Oh come on now MM.... dont know sarcasm when you see it ??? And still another one--- https://www.trailtimes.ca/news/night-hunting-west-of-williams-lake-leads-to-3-arrests-seizure-of-5-bucks-guns-and-truck/ .

Bugle M In
10-27-2022, 11:11 AM
I remember a game check up there all the time when I was a kid.

10-27-2022, 11:56 AM
Systemic Racism (AKA Institutional racism),is the very definition of our game laws;

Institutional racism is distinguished from the explicit attitudes or racial bias of individuals by the existence of systematic policies or laws and practices that provide differential access to goods, services and opportunities of society by race.

Enough said! :(

11-18-2022, 11:12 AM
Are natives really just waved on through? I was looking at the regs and it says off of their traditional territory they need to follow the season and bag limits but with no license.