View Full Version : Wolves and dogs

10-02-2022, 06:53 PM
Have you guys experienced wolves after your pets?

I had two incidents this year, likely with the same pack of wolves lightly howling around my tent in the middle of the night. The first time we were sleeping in my teepee and I woke up to my golden retriever barking a couple hundred yards away. I rolled out of the tent in my underwear with my 870 and ran over calling him, which he came back right away. Shortly after that the wolves started a few light howls and then started doing that howl where they were talking to other wolves a ways away. After that I drove tent peg in the ground in the middle of my tent and tied his leash to it while we sleep.

The second time was last week. We were setup on this tiny peninsula with about 75 yards of water to the bank on one side and maybe 150 yards of water to shore on the other. I woke up in the middle of the night to this light howl on the close shoreline. I looked at the dog who’s eyes were wide open staring at me, but he didn’t move an inch so I checked on the kids and went back to sleep. Then I woke up right at first light and the wolf was doing the same thing on the other shore.

Im thinking they were trying to get him out of the tent so they could eat him. On the second trip we were following some fresh wolf track close to camp and the dog started going bananas right around the spot the wold tracks stopped. This is a dog who doesn’t bark, so I think he’s figured out they’re not his friends.

Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this.

10-02-2022, 06:59 PM
I’ll add one more thing.

After the first incident the dog was super sick and I thought he was going to die on me after that. I ended up staying up with him the rest of the night while he puked up bile and nodded in and out of consciousness. He was too sick for me to run to town. I’m the middle of the afternoon he got better. I’m not sure if it’s related or a coincidence.

10-02-2022, 08:22 PM
Wife and I were camped along the upper Englishman River.
Just the two of us and our Rottweiler bitch who had just come into season.
A large wolf walked up to our camp on the downwind side and stood there at 40+ yds.
Spooked him off, he was back later in the day. We packed up and left.

10-02-2022, 09:02 PM
Dr. Valerius Geist has written about wolf and dog interactions and how wolves often risk interbreeding with dogs when they loose their fear of humans.

10-02-2022, 10:20 PM
Just the two of us and our Rottweiler bitch who had just come into season.
A large wolf walked up to our camp on the downwind side and stood there at 40+ yds..

It shouldn’t be much of a surprise that a dog in estrus will bring all sorts of critters literally “sniffing around”.

10-02-2022, 10:42 PM
Wolves will kill dogs. I had a friend whose dog barely survived a wolf attack. Would never trust a wolf around a dog. Sounds like your dog ingested something to be that sick and can't see it having anything to do with the wolves. One thing that comes to mind if this was a campsite that was used before would be a partially smoked joint or roaches. They made my sons dog sicker than hell, can't remember if he puked but definitely in and out of consciousness. Vet told him some dogs react way worse than others.

10-03-2022, 05:35 AM
Wolves have been know to kill and eat dogs, there is a video of a wolf taking a gold lab I think it was from a yard north end of Vancouver island, when it was tied up with two other large dogs. Also one killed a dog in Metchosin last March. There is lots of cases reported, in BC alone. So would always be on the lookout for them and keep my dog close especially at night.

10-03-2022, 06:03 AM
Dr. Valerius Geist has written about wolf and dog interactions and how wolves often risk interbreeding with dogs when they loose their fear of humans.

VG a good friend of my gals family. His opinion, wolves within range of urban areas should not be there.

10-03-2022, 07:46 AM
One thing that comes to mind if this was a campsite that was used before would be a partially smoked joint or roaches. They made my sons dog sicker than hell, can't remember if he puked but definitely in and out of consciousness. Vet told him some dogs react way worse than others.

My female Weim loves to eat pot. It’s like candy to some dogs, and others have zero interest in it. My dog has eaten it multiple times (we now have to muzzle her at first if camped in a known campsite, as she will key in on any pot right away so we can clean it up), and her reactions are more subdued. She will howl, get “zoomies” and run like a lunatic, followed by peeing herself and then finally sleep. Never loss of consciousness or vomiting. I would consider mushrooms as another culprit if vomiting and loss of consciousness are there.

10-03-2022, 08:38 AM
His dog must like it also as it has happened twice now. Second time was more subdued compared to the first. They are real leery around popular campsites now.

10-03-2022, 09:49 AM
I have first hand knowledge of the fact that wolves will eat your dog. In northern Alberta I had a friend that lost several of his dogs to wolves eating them. I also had a golden retriever that was killed and eaten by wolves. He ran out in the night barking before we could get ahold of him. All we found the next day was a few pieces of skin and skull, larger bones. So not all wolf and dog interactions are under the pretext of "breeding".

10-03-2022, 01:50 PM
Didn't a pack chase a woman and her dog back to her truck trying to get the dog a few years ago; near Merritt?

I think it is more territorial than hunger/food source - kill every canine in the area;

Different than yotes going after lap dogs and such.

10-03-2022, 02:11 PM
Didn't a pack chase a woman and her dog back to her truck trying to get the dog a few years ago; near Merritt?

I think it is more territorial than hunger/food source - kill every canine in the area;

Different than yotes going after lap dogs and such.
Yup, coyotes killed all the fox in the lower mainland , sumas prairie , masqui flats used to have thousands .Any region that the wolf's move into the coyote population takes a big hit . Most of the cross breeding is probably due to human meddling .

10-04-2022, 09:53 PM
The FN people in the Cassiar district shoot every wolf they can get their sights on.

Just saying.

10-05-2022, 07:16 AM
Wolves kill wolves, so dogs are no big stretch. There’s a great documentary of wolf packs in the tundra. One pack found the den of the other pack while most of them were out hunting. They killed the cubs and the wolves guarding them. It’s pretty brutal to watch. Great documentary. White wolves of the arctic - on prime.

10-05-2022, 07:51 AM
Why was your dog loose the first time? Unless you’re dog has been around bears and wolves a lot, loose dog at night is trouble.