View Full Version : SPOT device

11-27-2007, 06:48 PM
Check out this new gadget: www.findmespot.com (http://www.findmespot.com) - If they work as well as they claim I'm going to get one. The agency I work for is currently testing a few of the units and I'll post on here as to how they work.

The price is right at around $150 per unit and about $60 a year for basic coverage. The premise of the device is that you carry it around with you in your pack and you can use it to "check in" with somebody that is at home/office to let them know that you are OK. You can also hit a button that calls for "help" to a limited amount of people that are predetermined on a list. The SPOT system then email/text messages the folks on your list a message that includes your co-ordinates and a link to the SPOT website where you can view your friends location on Google Earth.

There is also an "911" button which contacts the PEP ECC with your location and gets SAR headed in you direction - the good thing is that thanks to this device they will be armed with your co-ordinates which will dramatically increase the chances of an expedient rescue.

A great device for checking in with friends/family while on a hunt and a great way to call for help if you ditch your vehicle or just need a hand hauling an animal out of the bush. The system is sattelite based and works on the Globalstar systen, but on a "simplex" system that is seperate from the one the Sat phones use.....and if it works, it is less than a tenth of the cost!


Mr. Dean
11-28-2007, 02:05 AM
Kinda like a Lo-Jack for hunters.

I'm interested. I hunt mainly solo and I do get into some stupid places that take a bit to get back out. Sometimes I don't make it back to camp and it would be nice to be able to let others know I'm OK.

It also would be grand when fishing offshore.

11-28-2007, 05:19 PM
Yup - I hear ya there. If it works, I'm buying one for personal use. At that price the added "insurance" is worth it.

11-28-2007, 08:00 PM
Sounds like what I need.. I too get into the stupidest places, alone...


11-28-2007, 08:20 PM
That looks pretty good. I would definitely be interested in finding out how good they are. Actually they kind of remind me of those things that used to be on t.v. for seniors, "Help I've fallen and I can't get up." :smile:

11-28-2007, 08:30 PM
Good Post!

11-28-2007, 08:38 PM
Wow(Right click, add to favorites) I need one...

11-28-2007, 11:12 PM
Really cool, was thinking about the ELT, but this looks much better.

11-29-2007, 11:53 AM
Saw them at Pacific Marine Expo in Seattle and wrote this for a magazine:

OCENS, suppliers of satellite data launched its SPOT satellite personal tracker GPS at the show. Listed at $169.95, the unit is activated with an annual service fee of $99.95 per year. The Spot tracker is a simple one way device that has three choices; it sends a request for non emergency help with the user's exact location, an “I’m okay” message to a selected recipient, or a 911 emergency call that transmits the users GPS position to emergency responders.
Spot uses the GPS satellite network to acquire its coordinates, and then sends its location with a link to Google Maps™ and a pre-programmed message via a commercial satellite network so contacts can track the exact location and track of the user.

As an added promotional feature, for an extra $7.95, spot is offering an “extraction” feature that offers an emergency evacuation from whatever trouble spot the user is in; anywhere in the world through a connection with the GEOS satellite system.

11-29-2007, 01:01 PM
Looks good

However, is there a provision to protect against false alarms ?

What if you've accidentally tripped it, and just when you're putting the crosshairs on a nervous Mulie, the rescue chopper arrives overhead ?:???:

11-29-2007, 07:07 PM
Good question? I believe that the $7.95 fee covers insurance for "accidental" activations, but I don't know what the device has in place as far as a saftety goes to avoid those accidental activations. I'll make sure to look into that and report back.

11-29-2007, 07:14 PM
Apparently these use the globalstar satellite network. Anyone who uses sat phones knows that globalstar's constellation has been rapidly degrading and service is extremely poor and unreliable. I'd look into this aspect of this before you go and buy one.

12-02-2007, 09:20 PM
Yes they do use the globalstar network, but they use a different aspect of it (the part that hasn't burned up in space). The globalstar sat phones work on a "duplex" network with signals going to the satellite from earth and from the satellite to the phone. That antenna system proved to be unreliable and many of the antennas burnt up or failed. The SPOT network is a one way, or "simplex" system that uses a different type of network to communicate. Of course I am skeptical, and I'll have to see it work well before making a purchase but thanks for the word of warning.