View Full Version : Any information on 2022 region 4 rut report this year?

09-17-2022, 07:41 AM
Do the bulls have the cows all gathered up yet?

any good calling response?

lots of bulls still wondering around solo?

any information helps, I am heading out next week and to say I am excited is a major understatement haha!

09-17-2022, 08:54 AM
Heading out next week too, can’t wait!

09-17-2022, 10:59 AM
The 1st to the 11th I couldn’t buy a bugle. Never heard an elk sound. Was seeing elk, was within a couple hundred yards of bulls, I’d call, they wouldn’t even lift their heads. Heard my first bugle on the evening of the 11th, and it’s been lit ever since. Bulls are fired up! Had a couple awesome screaming matches, throwing out challenge bugles as gnarly as I could. One bull almost ran over my hunting partner when I cut his bugle off with a stiff challenge and this morning I went back and forth screaming into the tube as hard as I could with a bull, non stop, all within 50 yards. Turned out to both be 5 points.

I have seen a few bulls with cows, but they don’t seem to be right herded up yet. Still lots of bulls up high in thick, steep dirty areas hanging out by themselves screaming there heads off. Any time now the heard bulls will be cow’d up. The bull I was on this morning was not interested in cow calls at all, as soon as I bugled, he was fired right up. Good luck out there!

09-17-2022, 11:27 AM
Elk were starting to Bugle on the 8th the day I killed mine I assume they kept bugling at least in the early morning and late evening.

09-18-2022, 08:48 AM
I'm sure the level of activity depends on different areas.
After the bulls rub off around Aug 15 - 25, they move toward the cows. They keep their eye on them, they socialize with them. They were bugling hard from Aug 27th and separating cows away from larger cow/calf group. A bit of a lull around Sept 7-9th. But very active prior to that.
Something to think about.... if they aren't responding, change your approach.

Case in point, on Sept 2nd, my son and I hiked into this upper valley that I've always liked. We hunted hard, cow called, bugled, but no response. It was evening and around 7PM, I didn't think there was much activity in the area, so I was working with my son on bugling. I bugled for about 30 minutes using a variety of calls and talking to my son. I handed him the bugle. His first bugle he choked and muffed the call. I explained again how to call, he let out a weak bugle and BAM a great bull roared back from about 200 yards. Full bugle, chuckling etc. We played that bull for another hour, until dark as he kept slowly moving and coming closer. If a fisherman isn't catching fish on the lure he started with, he'll change it until he gets a hit.

Of all the bulls we had in close during the BOS this year, when they went quiet as we were in close, it was the 'loud' cow call that got them bugling again. Don't underestimate the loud cow call. For years, that has been a go to for me.

09-18-2022, 06:31 PM
I dont think the bulls around here are Canadian bulls. They dont seem to understand me this year. Think maybe they are French bulls!!!!!!

09-18-2022, 06:56 PM
I heard the rut might have been canceled this year due to lack of interest.

09-19-2022, 08:20 AM
Spent 10 days in the Kootenays recently. Tail end of the BOS was scratchy to get much chatter going. Pulled a bull out of his bed at 4pm on the 10th. Called him in 3 separate occasions over an hour and a half, the last one being fatal. Bulls have been much more receptive to calls the past few days. Theres always a lull at the beginning of September before things really start to get going right around now.

I've definitely changed my calling tendencies over the past 10-15 years and dozens of call-ins. Very little cow calling now aside from while we're on the move through the timber. Unless a bull is consistently answering those calls, they don't come out of the pouch much.