View Full Version : Hunting While HOT! Best tips

08-31-2022, 09:36 AM
Youth hunt starts tomorrow. I have two going out with me. What are some of your tips for trying to hunt in high heat?

08-31-2022, 09:43 AM
Focus on first and last light of the day.

Depends on what you're chasing, but generally, look way up or deep in the shadows when it's hot.

Consider going kiwi style for your hikes. Shorts and gaiters.

Avoid grinding hikes in the afternoon heat, if you can. I like an afternoon glassing and napping session myself.

Harvest the Land
08-31-2022, 10:16 AM
Water bladder was a game changer for me for when hunting/hiking many miles, for being able to stay well hydrated in the hot weather (don't have to keep stopping to take pack off just to get a drink of water every few minutes)

Bugle M In
08-31-2022, 10:25 AM
It’s not fun and can make for long days.
You got to get up early and hunt late for sure.
But I also took a bull in 30+ c at high noon, an elk that came in bugling.
Another bull was mid day as well and pretty warm.
It happens but rarely.
Creels on ahaded area is where game will hang in.
Mother natures natural ac unit

Weatherby Fan
08-31-2022, 10:47 AM
First and last light, if you can be up and in position an hour before daylight even better, mule deer will bed in/around drainages on the north or east side where it’s cool during the day.

You guys should do the same during the day !

08-31-2022, 10:54 AM
As mentioned above, focus on first and last light, and if the ground isn't too dry and noisy, you know they'll be bedded during the warmer parts of the day, so still-hunting success is possible..

08-31-2022, 11:16 AM
Probably not saying anything you don't know, and it shames me to say but take this from a guy that took it too seriously when I had my kids out and put them off of hunting. My suggestion is whatever you do, hot/cold weather make sure it's fun and enjoyable for the youngsters. Cruising the roads looking for ditch chickens, target practice, road hunting deer, whatever they want and whatever works for them in the heat. Let them have some input on how the hunt is executed.

Take normal preacautions to avoid heat stress injuries if you are doing allot of walking.

As for hunting in the heat, like others have said first and lastlight!!!! Ive taken a number of elk/deer in early sept when its very hot. Make sure you have the gear on hand to dress any kill as quick as possible and keep packouts at a very manageable distance.

Ive shot a couple mid day elk and deer (1 to 3 pm) on early season hot hunts but these were all in hard to get to spots that involved a pretty decent level of suck.

08-31-2022, 12:01 PM
My 11 year old and I will be heading out for the youth deer hunt. We will be bringing a football to pass around during mid day as the temperatures will be close to 30c where we are. In the heat of the day we will probably just sit beside a game trail in the shade. They still move around in the thick stuff, just not as much as when it's cold. Good luck, I hope you connect with one

08-31-2022, 12:49 PM
a daypack for putting clothing you dont want to wear... as it heats up remove clothes...as it cools put back on

walks with deer
08-31-2022, 01:01 PM
Bring a chain with to hooks..
If succeful gut and skin deer where it falls in closest shade.. as you peel hide of use 60water 40 water and wipe down meet while helper puts loads of pepper on.

This will crust quick put in cheesecloth bag seal it so no bugs can come in.. once complete must get animal below 10C as quick as possible. If travelling travel at night with good air flow.. shot many animals first week septmber normally shoot them in the evening hang over night and cut and wrapped in am. Good luck.

walks with deer
08-31-2022, 01:02 PM
Eg use chain as hanging pole.

4 point
08-31-2022, 08:19 PM
Heading out at 4:30am with 13 year ild grandson. We have a great hike in place where I have seen deer many times early in 4 point season ( after Sept.10th) maybe he can connect. If lucky, gut, skin and get out and to butcher fast. If no buck down by noon going home.

08-31-2022, 08:31 PM
I started bringing a bigger cooler and a medium sized one with a few plastic ice packs for each one. I debone game as I am cleaning it and get it in the cooler so soon as possible. Buy more ice if needed to make it home on a longer drive. Search antelope/sheep hunting and caring for the meat in early season and there is some good tips to learn. There is a recycling company called green for life, they have these extra heavy duty large bags. I have them on hand if its really warm i will put the deboned meat in game bags. Then put that into the big GFL bag and put it in a stream, lake or river with the top open for air flow. This will cool the meat before I can make it to the coolers at my truck. Plenty of water in backpacks for the kids and cold drinks in the cooler once we are back at the truck. I find its nicer hiking around with less gear due to warm weather.

08-31-2022, 09:01 PM
I started bringing a bigger cooler and a medium sized one with a few plastic ice packs for each one. I debone game as I am cleaning it and get it in the cooler so soon as possible. Buy more ice if needed to make it home on a longer drive. Search antelope/sheep hunting and caring for the meat in early season and there is some good tips to learn. There is a recycling company called green for life, they have these extra heavy duty large bags. I have them on hand if its really warm i will put the deboned meat in game bags. Then put that into the big GFL bag and put it in a stream, lake or river with the top open for air flow. This will cool the meat before I can make it to the coolers at my truck. Plenty of water in backpacks for the kids and cold drinks in the cooler once we are back at the truck. I find its nicer hiking around with less gear due to warm weather.

I too have used your method with game meat, coolers and ice packs: works very well..

08-31-2022, 10:19 PM
Ice ice baby. You’re already smart enough to take care of yourself and your kids, remember to take care of your target too.

08-31-2022, 11:02 PM
When hot, we always try to set up a hunting camp near water- preferably running water!

Always carry fruit & extra water during the considerably shorter hikes.

When the game is shot cool it in water after dressing & before hanging.
If need to stay a bit longer immerse the game in water again.

Get to a butcher ASAP.

09-01-2022, 06:50 AM
Might sound funny but when we hunted early season like you are mentioning we always took our utility trailer and went to the local hockey rink if open
and filled it with ice and that would last the entire weekend great to lay the deer on top of.

09-01-2022, 07:03 AM
make it a point to jump in a river, stream or lake. so refreshing, kids will love it and its like a double shot espresso

walks with deer
09-01-2022, 10:35 PM
Might sound funny but when we hunted early season like you are mentioning we always took our utility trailer and went to the local hockey rink if open
and filled it with ice and that would last the entire weekend great to lay the deer on top of.
This is a great idea lay your meat in the top layer of ice scraped up after some rough sport... hmm wonder ow much,spit,snot,blood,sweat and pathogens is on that deer from the dirty ice... ughhhhh

walks with deer
09-01-2022, 10:44 PM
Dont forget the bile,urine,vomit,ear wax,other peoples hair.. add chemicals from line painting and zamboni leaks oil,antifreeze,trani fluid ect.

Wow make me a vodka soda with thay crap and marinate my meat in it.....

09-02-2022, 10:52 AM
2 large zippered pillow cases and go gutless and boneless method. Hide and bone are the 2 biggest hindrances to cooling meat fast and excess moisture is a great way to start the rotting process.
Water is full of its own organisms and streams this time of year are generally low and not super cold anyway.

Last sheep I shot was 8 days from hitting the ground to laying on the cutting board and never lost a pound of meat. Off the carcass, into a pillowcase single layer and layed in the shade on criss cross sticks, flipping twice a day to remove moisture from the bottom. Literally brushed off a half inch of blow fly eggs on more than one occasion, but not a single maggot ever touched the meat.

09-02-2022, 11:01 AM
Plastic bags or plastic tubs are also speed rotters. They have their place for backpacks or car trunks, but only for short duration, especially if the meat is still shedding heat. Once cooled/dried on the outside a bit it's a little more forgiving, especially with the top open.

Early season is a non issue, if you're willing to break away from cold season meat handling traditions.

09-02-2022, 11:06 AM
Might sound funny but when we hunted early season like you are mentioning we always took our utility trailer and went to the local hockey rink if open
and filled it with ice and that would last the entire weekend great to lay the deer on top of.
The thought of eating meat off that dirty ice is enough to make me gag. And if you're laying an unskinned animal on it, your really not benefitting from the cold anyway.

09-02-2022, 11:17 AM
Well. We've seen 3 does in 2 days in areas I typically see 20. Crazy hot. Hope others are having more success.

walks with deer
09-03-2022, 10:31 AM
Lots of bucks lots of chance for the young ones

walks with deer
09-03-2022, 10:33 AM
Well. We've seen 3 does in 2 days in areas I typically see 20. Crazy hot. Hope others are having more success.

Its getting quite dry out there and muggy. Find water sources deer will not be far.

09-03-2022, 09:36 PM
Yesterday was yucky where I'm at. Could barely drag my ass around with the combination of heat, humdity and smoke. Thought the heck, if I stick something no way I'm up for the task let alone rushing to get it cool.

Today was way better. Was able to hike into some spots and do some actual hunting. Turned up nothing but had a great time doing it! :)