View Full Version : Fishing, Hunting & Canoeing the Graham River To Halfway River

08-23-2022, 09:54 PM

Looking to do some fishing and hunting with the family on the Graham river near Crying Girl rec site, and depending on the condition of the river, canoe down to the Halfway River confluence. Does anyone have any reports on the Graham river conditions from the last few years? Is it possible? Any wild log jams or unpassable regions? Or is it relatively smooth?
We've never canoed that river so any insight would be very helpful!

Cheers and thanks!

08-25-2022, 07:21 PM
She is really low this year, can walk across it in a few places, which is rare.

The drift is doable, but with the river conditions this year, you might be dragging the canoe more than paddling.....

Of course, if we get some rain, it can change. I have not drifted it, but have flown it and there is was very little in the way of log jams etc. Some rocky stretches you will have to be aware of and you will have to make your camp spots.

PM me if you have any questions.
