View Full Version : Fish for sale Craigslist

08-02-2022, 05:10 PM
Sure a lot of fresh salmon for sale on Craigslist considering there are no commercial openings locally.

Sockeye up river and coho and springs in West Van that look sport-caught.

08-02-2022, 09:07 PM
My bet is you get an address to go to and it's probably this house or one just up by the dock. https://www.google.ca/maps/@49.1739064,-122.5718276,3a,75.9y,16.32h,91.02t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sOOqJWOd2F-sX-KaHeGhvQQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en

08-03-2022, 08:04 AM
How are the prices? If there weren't people buying there wouldn't be a market for it.

08-03-2022, 09:00 AM
$20 ungutted in hope...$25 gutted. Meet him at the flying J or so the ad says..

Its sad there is such a double standard when it comes to enforcement.

08-03-2022, 10:36 AM
Just curious, is it a legal problem being in possesion of a bunch of these sockeye? Or is that overlooked as well?

08-03-2022, 10:44 AM
Flag the ad in Craigslist, screen shot it and send it to the CO's and DFO.

08-03-2022, 11:15 AM
Just curious, is it a legal problem being in possesion of a bunch of these sockeye? Or is that overlooked as well?

A buddy of mine was stopped by a C.O. between Bella Coola and Williams Lake with a cooler containing salmon he had been gifted by relatives. He was charged with numerous offences such as not having a fishing licence, exceededing a possession limit and something else I can't remember. Lost the fish and had to pay a hefty fine.

With no open season for recreational or commercial fishing of sockeye I would imagine that you could be charged with possession of a species during a closed season for one thing.

Iron Glove
08-03-2022, 12:16 PM
$20 ungutted in hope...$25 gutted. Meet him at the flying J or so the ad says..

Its sad there is such a double standard when it comes to enforcement.

Hmm, prices dropping rapidly - was offered some 2 weeks ago in Hope fileted for $40.
I declined to support the questionable ( I'm being polite ) "harvest" of them.
For the first time in most folks memories there are sockeye behind our home in the COQ River.

08-03-2022, 12:23 PM
Keepers of the land maybe.

08-03-2022, 12:54 PM
Looks like shopping cart capilano coho are on sale again $15 lol..more keepers of the land, if you ve never seen this you should go take a look, its hilarious, the indians take shopping carts and ather debris and make fish traps in the shallows and then just net em up..


08-03-2022, 01:26 PM
Looks like shopping cart capilano coho are on sale again $15 lol..more keepers of the land, if you ve never seen this you should go take a look, its hilarious, the indians take shopping carts and ather debris and make fish traps in the shallows and then just net em up..


As per FlyingHigh's suggestion, I made a screen shot of this ad and emailed it to the COS people. The way the DFO is dealing with the steelhead debacle causes me to think sending it their way would be a waste of time.

08-03-2022, 01:59 PM
Beating a dead horse here

08-03-2022, 02:42 PM
Case of beer per fish is really what they are asking for.. The DFO don't do anything and its F'N sad!

08-03-2022, 02:50 PM
Case of beer per fish is really what they are asking for.. The DFO don't do anything and its F'N sad!

Correct THUS the purchasers should stop then the sellers would have no reason to fish. But that won't happen. I recall a fellow I knew bitching that "Fraser river chicken" were $15. Bitched for weeks, still payed for poached fish!

08-03-2022, 08:45 PM
Flag the ad in Craigslist, screen shot it and send it to the CO's and DFO.

Yup, if it's a First Nations member they're only allowed to harvest them for their and their families sustenance, not allowed to sell or barter..

08-03-2022, 10:49 PM
Yup, if it's a First Nations member they're only allowed to harvest them for their and their families sustenance, not allowed to sell or barter..

I believe there was a court case some years back where the FN's argued that "traditionally" they would trade fish to other communities and thus should be allowed to sell them. Guess how the judge ruled.

digger dogger
08-04-2022, 05:50 AM
I believe there was a court case some years back where the FN's argued that "traditionally" they would trade fish to other communities and thus should be allowed to sell them. Guess how the judge ruled.

I think you are correct.
It was a trading thing.
They were trading a fish for a purple piece of paper with the #10 on them.
I actually think it’s legal for Indians to sell fish now. “I think”
At the price of food, a lot of people will buy Indian fish this year.

08-04-2022, 07:06 AM
Well, they could always be paid to NOT sell fish for cash. They pay drug addicts disability amounts so they steal a little less to feed their habits so why not? People that have enough income to finance their lifestyle are far less likely to participate in illegal activity.

08-04-2022, 07:12 AM
Well, they could always be paid to NOT sell fish for cash. They pay drug addicts disability amounts so they steal a little less to feed their habits so why not? People that have enough income to finance their lifestyle are far less likely to participate in illegal activity.

or they can get a regular job?
theres no win in this, will just keep happening unless people stop buying them.

08-04-2022, 12:21 PM
If you're buying them from fn, then you are part of the problem.
Just curious, is it a legal problem being in possesion of a bunch of these sockeye? Or is that overlooked as well?

08-04-2022, 12:43 PM
Call the news or local propaganda outlet.

I'm sure they will air it lol

08-04-2022, 01:09 PM
I believe there was a court case some years back where the FN's argued that "traditionally" they would trade fish to other communities and thus should be allowed to sell them. Guess how the judge ruled.

Crazy...years ago I saw FNs selling fish and I called RAPP about it, and a CO called me to inquire about it and told me exactly what I mentioned earlier.. maybe the rules have since changed..

08-04-2022, 02:52 PM
or they can get a regular job?
theres no win in this, will just keep happening unless people stop buying them.

It's not that easy for everybody to 'just get a regular job' especially if your education level isn't up to par or you have a criminal record.

08-04-2022, 03:24 PM
Drifting a net in the fraser, catching 100 fish and selling them for $20 cash each every day is a better job than I got...thats the equivalant to $2870 before taxes..

08-05-2022, 12:17 AM
Drifting a net in the fraser, catching 100 fish and selling them for $20 cash each every day is a better job than I got...thats the equivalant to $2870 before taxes..

Come on everyone knows they don't pay taxes

08-05-2022, 06:35 AM
It's funny how they can sell it but your not allowed to buy it

08-05-2022, 07:26 AM
It's not that easy for everybody to 'just get a regular job' especially if your education level isn't up to par or you have a criminal record.

Sitting by a river drinking beer waiting for your gill net to fill is hard work, JMHO though :(

08-05-2022, 08:35 AM
Come on everyone knows they don't pay taxes

There is a huge underground tax free economy in this country, one big reason they want to put in a digital currency.

08-05-2022, 10:51 AM
There is a huge underground tax free economy in this country, one big reason they want to put in a digital currency.

Really where?

There can't be a underground tax free economy when every purchase has tax on it

08-05-2022, 03:44 PM
Really where?

There can't be a underground tax free economy when every purchase has tax on it

Drugs, prostitution, unreported contractor income, bribes, money laundering to name a few. A lot of money changes hands without any taxes being applied. Have you ever watched the border guards on tv? People are always sneaking cash into the country, or out of the country.

08-07-2022, 10:07 AM
It's not that easy for everybody to 'just get a regular job' especially if your education level isn't up to par or you have a criminal record.

It is easy, there is tons of jobs out there that require no education and most don't do criminal background checks. No excuse these days for the lazy useless people that don't contribute to society!!

08-07-2022, 04:36 PM
It is easy, there is tons of jobs out there that require no education and most don't do criminal background checks. No excuse these days for the lazy useless people that don't contribute to society!!

You really have no idea, go ahead take a couple hundred of those losers and try to find someone stupid enough to hire them.

08-07-2022, 04:53 PM
yup, pretty good gig all right.

08-07-2022, 08:01 PM
I just cant imagine these fish would pass health canada standards, the poor conditions, un-gutted fish!? how long un-gutted, gross, people buy this fish off the back of a truck, gross

08-07-2022, 08:28 PM
You really have no idea, go ahead take a couple hundred of those losers and try to find someone stupid enough to hire them.

They can work even if they are stupid losers. There's jobs out there for everyone! If they don't want to try then cut the welfare off! Pay enough ****ing tax as it is supporting these low lifes.