View Full Version : Intro to Sheep/Goat hunting

07-21-2022, 03:08 PM
I’m hoping to get into sheep and goat hunting in the near future. Living in the Methloops makes it more challenging for me to get up north to scout and I don’t really know anyone that lives in for/sheep country. My question for anyone out there is, where does one start to look for places to hunt? Are there sheep/goat hunt data the province publishes? How does a guy figure out if the place is fly in only access or can park and hike. I’m hoping to plan a hunt for 2023 and would like to get onto the e-scouting but there a lot of ground out there to look at the may not currently or traditionally hold animals and without having boots on the ground it makes it a slight bit tougher. Although I’d be interested in gps coordinates, (joking obviously) I’d never ask for something like that. My buddy and I are complete rookies, but are just looking to get pointed in the right direction as far as the scouting, location part goes. Are there locations that a guy can park and hike in for thin horn sheep in particular or is it all fly-in? How does one find a pilot that does pack ins? The hunting part seems to be the least daunting part about this whole venture. I don’t have any delusions of being successful right out of the gate but it sure would be nice to not be the guys trying to catch halibut I’m Alberta if you catch my drift. Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you all.


07-21-2022, 04:12 PM
Use the Advanced Search feature on here, recognizing the date of some of the posts, and also recognizing that many guys aren't going to give away their favourite/secret spots. There are HBC members who are very happy to help and get you pointed in the right direction. I would suggest a Private Message to SRupp.

Pour over FatMaps, Google Earth. Start looking at locations of lakes and figure out if they can be flown into, and if so, from where. There are places to hike into but the general knowledge on those seems to be harder to discern.

07-21-2022, 04:56 PM
There are a few threads here that list several sheep spots (thinhorns, etc) that if you tried you probably wouldnt hit them all in a lifetime.

Google Stone sheep hunting locations and you'll see a thread from 2010 show up with a lot of stuff on it.

Good starting point to get an idea of areas, and then just have to dig deeper into every research tool you can find online, books, maps, etc.

07-21-2022, 07:20 PM
I'm for fort st john and have been getting quite heavy into the goat and sheep hunting as it not to far from my back door step. I got a leh for 7 31 mnt goat this year and with the scouting iv done shouldn't have any issues getting a nice billy in the first few days.....I don't mind teaching new guys as iv had others help me. I'm more into goat hunting but rams are also good fun and ill definitely been going for a ram after my goat I'm also always looking for others to goat hunt with finding people willing to go into goat country is rare.

07-21-2022, 07:44 PM
Might be worthwhile looking for backpacking trails (some parks are open to hunting) that might get you into an area where you can bushwhack up Higher. If you look at a synopsis and find an area with open tags than there’s a good chance there’s animals there. The hard part is figuring out what roads are open or washed out/impassable from a map. From moose hunting, I’ve had some good success using backroads Mapbook to get into hunting areas. Make a plan, a backup plan and maybe a third plan just in case you can’t access what you want. And I would recommend going early in the season so you don’t encounter any shitty weather.

If you go with the attitude that you’re exploring than you’ll have a good time no matter what. If you have the idea of success on your first trip than you won’t have a good time. Personally I just enjoy getting out and camping away from everything and that’s a big enough prize for me, meat is a bonus.

07-21-2022, 09:54 PM
There are a few threads here that list several sheep spots (thinhorns, etc) that if you tried you probably wouldnt hit them all in a lifetime.

Google Stone sheep hunting locations and you'll see a thread from 2010 show up with a lot of stuff on it.

Good starting point to get an idea of areas, and then just have to dig deeper into every research tool you can find online, books, maps, etc.

This is amazing. Thanks for the heads up. Will start scouring the maps


07-21-2022, 10:53 PM
Looks like we’re neighbours! Drop by my place on the weekend and let’s go for a hike in the hills behind my house and talk sheep and goats. Great to see guys eager to get into mountain hunting starting from ground zero. More important than honey holes and being all pimped out with $15k of top end gear is the desire to explore some beautiful country, comradeship, putting in a solid effort, and coming home feeling rejuvenated and wanting to do it all over again. The meat, cape and horns are a nice bonus if it’s meant to be! 😉

Wild Images
07-22-2022, 10:32 AM
Looks like we’re neighbours! Drop by my place on the weekend and let’s go for a hike in the hills behind my house and talk sheep and goats. Great to see guys eager to get into mountain hunting starting from ground zero. More important than honey holes and being all pimped out with $15k of top end gear is the desire to explore some beautiful country, comradeship, putting in a solid effort, and coming home feeling rejuvenated and wanting to do it all over again. The meat, cape and horns are a nice bonus if it’s meant to be! 

You might want to take Marvin up on this !
theres a wealth of knowledge at your doorstep

07-22-2022, 10:43 AM
You might want to take Marvin up on this !
theres a wealth of knowledge at your doorstep

x2. I'm an experienced (enough) sheep hunter and Marvin is up there with guys I'd like to go for a hike and chat sheep/goats with sometime! Great guy and resource.

07-22-2022, 07:58 PM
Marvin, don't give him my spot.

07-22-2022, 09:13 PM
Marvin, don't give him my spot.
We’re heading out at 6 am tomorrow. . . good thing I saw this now! Your spot is safe ��

08-02-2022, 11:36 PM
When you’re planning your hunts and e-scouting, are there any particular features one would look for on Google earth? Are there sheep in most of the drainages in the northern Rockies? I’ve read through the Stones Sheep locations thread from 2010. Lots of locations. Looking at Google earth there are practically thousands of drainages. Is it reliable to mark places that you can see “trails” criss crossing open slopes?

08-03-2022, 07:47 PM
In terms of goat hunting, I've found... if it's hot out... glass glass glass. Goats tend to be beaded high up in the dirt in the breeze.

If it's fair to shitty out... hunt hunt hunt. They'll be moving around.