View Full Version : Thinking of hunting Klappan River (6-20) by boat, where to launch?

07-03-2022, 07:21 AM
Hi all, relatively new to the forums here but have been extremely thankful for all the thoughtful and informative posters.

I'm planning a hunt with my dad and brother this season, and the idea is to use my river boat to access the non-LEH areas on the Klappan River (6-20). I'm curious to know if anyone has boated the Klappan before, and where the best place to launch would be. Looking on satellite imagery, one would think a launch would be possible in the vicinity of the bridge crossing the Klappan (Ealue Lake road) but I'm not certain if there's a launch there. I'm guessing if there isn't one then the launch would have to be the Highway 37 crossing of the Stikine. Any information would be very much appreciated!

07-03-2022, 12:21 PM
When we spring grizzly hunted the Klappan I cant recall seeing a launch but it was super high water, over the road in spots, kept washing out the road....Havent been back since because of all the blockades and threats of native problems to your camp while you re gone. What kind of boat do you have?

Wild Images
07-03-2022, 01:03 PM
Buddies had the windows smashed out of their trucks at Stikine bridge launch

07-03-2022, 03:18 PM
Wouldn’t recommend leaving your worst enemies vehicle at the Stikine Launch or anywhere near the highway north of the Bruce Jack turn off.

07-04-2022, 06:28 AM
When we spring grizzly hunted the Klappan I cant recall seeing a launch but it was super high water, over the road in spots, kept washing out the road....Havent been back since because of all the blockades and threats of native problems to your camp while you re gone.

Well that's disheartening... I had thought these problems were more or less solved when I was looking stuff up because an injunction on blockading the Ealue Lake road went through 2 years ago. What in the world are hunters doing these days up in this area then? I have a hard time believing everyone just avoids the area altogether....

What kind of boat do you have?

It's an 18ft Westcoaster Bayrunner with an 80hp jet and a 140L tank, similar to this https://cdn.dealerspike.com/imglib/v1/800x600/imglib/Assets/Inventory/13/A5/13A5F7E0-F918-41C8-95ED-CD75E8E75A7A.jpg

07-04-2022, 06:30 AM
Buddies had the windows smashed out of their trucks at Stikine bridge launch

When was this?

07-04-2022, 06:56 AM
When was this?

Two yrs ago. I wouldn't feel comfortable leaving my vehicle for an extended period of time either....
I am not sure what went on last year as I was away....but the situation hasn't really changed much either except COVID and road barricades were the norm in 2020.

Wild Images
07-04-2022, 07:44 AM
Two falls ago

07-04-2022, 07:57 AM
Buddies had the windows smashed out of their trucks at Stikine bridge launch

Got lucky this year after having flights cancelled and had to hike in for sheep, we parked on the side of the highway for 7 days up in that country. The very best feeling in the world was rounding the corner and putting the binoculars on the vehicle to see it without broken windows and still un-touched. Thought about it every day though, not a great feeling!

07-04-2022, 08:27 AM
We have parked near the Jade road landing 4 out of the last 5 years and had no problems? Always was on our minds though also.

07-04-2022, 08:54 AM
We have parked near the Jade road landing 4 out of the last 5 years and had no problems? Always was on our minds though also.

What road/river is this exactly?

07-04-2022, 09:18 AM
What road/river is this exactly?

Tanzilla river just before Dease lake.

06-25-2024, 10:41 PM
Hey I drew a caribou tag for 620 b does anyone know how washed the Klappan river FSR is?Could I get a sibe by side through the wash outs?
And if I can get in there where are all the caribou in that area ah ah this was my second choice on LEH